Costa de Almeria 20 - 26 October 2022 Issue 1946

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A GROUP of eight friends aged between 43 and 61 from Santopetar and Taber no are running in a triathlon on November 21.

The triathlon’s one‐mile (1.6 kilometres) swim, a 20‐mile (32.1 kilometres) bike ride and a run of five miles, 385 yards (8.4 kilometres) are the equivalent of a marathon and Sarah Streeter intends to complete all three sections. Her com panions will be carrying out separate elements.

“Have you always been a sportswoman?” the Euro Weekly News asked Sarah.

“Not really,” she replied. “I played netball and tennis, but only took up running in my 40s and 50s after I re tired.”

The group have accepted the gruelling challenge to raise money for Prostate Cancer UK, the Brain Tu mour Charity and the British Heart Foundation in the UK, as well as the Cardi ology department at Huer

cal‐Overa hospital.

The charities were chosen for reasons close to their hearts, the Euro Weekly News discovered after talk ing to Sarah.

A retired consultant On cologist in the UK, she cared for and treated patients with prostate cancer and brain tu mours, she told us.

“My father passed away 10 years ago with prostate cancer, having had the dis ease for over a decade,” Sarah explained.

“We are raising funds for the Brain Tumour Charity in memory of a young patient of mine, Shaun Lafford, who died in his early 30s.”

The eight friends ‐ six are English, one Scottish and one Australian ‐ are also helping the British Heart Foundation by holding the triathlon on what would be the birthday of Sarah’s father‐in‐law, who died from heart failure near ly five years ago.

• GRATISIssue No. 1946 20 - 26 October 2022 COSTA DE ALMERIA • EUROWEEKLYNEWS.COM
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TEAM EFFORT: Six of the eight triathlon friends with Sarah Streeter (second right). Photo credit: Sarah Streeter

Actors wanted

CALLING all budding actors, one production company is looking for aspiring thespians to take part in a new series being filmed in Alme ria.

Carlos Luna’s new series, ‘El Romancero’ will be filmed between November and December this year between the hours of 10.00am and 9.00pm and follows a list of productions that have chosen the province of Almeria for its set.

The city has become a reference point for film shoots both nationally and internationally. The contrasting landscapes, light, climate and even the monuments make the province an ideal location for filming on location.

‘Son de Casting’ production company is now on the lookout for men and women from six to 80 years old, of all nationalities and physiog nomies. Any budding actors wanting to apply

from Front page

New series being filmed in Almeria.

can do so on:

The new production will be supported by Filming Almeria which is an office run by Alme ria Provincial Council, which aims to promote Almeria as a location for filming. Its mission is to assist the province’s town councils in promot ing their municipalities as locations for film sets or other audio‐visual recordings.

Thank you funds

“A few of our friends have been treated at the Huercal‐Overa’s Cardiol ogy department over the past 12 months, so rais ing money for them is a ‘thank you’ for all their help and care,” Sarah


“We will be collecting donations for the hospital from local businesses, and supporters with col lection tins will be outside the municipal sports cen tre in Huercal‐Overa on

the day of the triathlon, starting at 9am.”

To donate to Brain Tu mour Charity, Prostate Cancer UK and The British Heart Foundation please go to Sarah Streeter’s Just Giving page.

EWN 20 - 26 October 20222 NEWS


Empty nests

ANDALUCIA’S Wildlife Moni toring programme estimated that the collapse of the water system which dried out Las Salinas salt beds last May pre vented 109 pairs of birds be longing to eight species from nesting as usual. Salt extrac tion concessionary Union Salinera is carrying out exten sive repairs to prevent a repe tition.

Turre SPAD

ARTURO GRIMA CERVANTES was named a special adviser to Javier Aureliano Garcia, presi dent of the Diputacion provin cial council. Grima, who be longs to the Partido Popular, is considered one of Levante’s most veteran politicians and is currently an opposition coun cillor at Turre Town Hall as well as former mayor.

Repair tragedy

A MOJACAR man died while mending a car near the Som brerico beach on Friday Octo ber 14. According to the 112 Emergency Services, he was trapped beneath the vehicle although Guardia Civil sources later confirmed that this was not a work­related accident as the man was repairing his own car.


ALMERIA Province’s average birth rate of 1.5 children for every woman is one of Spain’s highest. Nevertheless, for the first time since exhaustive records were kept, the province has a negative natu ral increase, with the number of deaths now outweighing births, announced Andalucia’s Institute of Statistics and Car tography.

Class war

JOSE LUIS SANCHEZ TERUEL, a socialist MP who represents Almeria in the regional parlia ment, pointed out that the province still has prefab class rooms in 27 state schools from six municipalities. The Junta’s 2023 Budget could easily cover building new schools or extending existing centres, Sanchez Teruel insist ed.

Football fundraiser

A VETERANS football tournament made its de but on October 12, with the first edition of the An dalusi Cup, played at the Campohermoso and Villa de Nijar pitches.

The event’s takings were donated to the fam ilies of local children, Manuel and Paula, aged four and 13 respectively, who are battling sepa rate, but serious, ail ments.

Their treatment is harsh and costly, and the

area’s veteran footballers decided to help both fam ilies as much as possible

Friendly neighbours

AN annual get together of the Neighbourhood Coexistence took place on Saturday October 15, in Plaza de Toros with the mayor of Almeria, Maria del Mar Vazquez enjoying the celebration.

The mayor confirmed she wanted to support the neigh bours on their important day. She said: “The selfless in volvement of the neighbours to improve its neighbour hood, a historic part of Almeria, every day, and vindicate the city council’s needs to build a better city.”

The day started with a paella in which more than 100 people participated. Then, to liven up the afternoon, the magician Gonzalo performed a show which both children and adults were able to enjoy.

Live music came from the group ‘Los Ruina’ and a raffle of gifts put the icing on the cake of an intense day in which fun and a good atmosphere were the main protagonists.

Breast Cancer History

AS the world marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month with fundraising activities and events to raise awareness and prevent breast cancer, we take a look at the history of the month.

The iconic breast cancer pink ribbon was created in 1991 at the Race for the Cure in New York when the Susan Komen Foundation handed out pink rib bons to competitors.

Then, a campaign by Estée Lauder in 1992 hand ed out 1.5 million pink ribbons accompanied by a card on breast self­exams from its beauty coun ters.

They explained the colour choice, “For women who experience cancer as predominantly a loss of womanhood, what better colour to pin on than pink ­ girlie, pretty, healthy pink?”

Breast cancer was detected as long ago as 1600 BC. Now, scientists encourage preventative action including living a healthy lifestyle to reduce risks of breast cancer. Survivor, Emma, now advocates for healthy lifestyles, saying “people should have the information they need so they can make an in formed choice for themselves.”

with a fundraising event. This was sponsored by the Voz de Almeria news

paper, Cadena SER radio, Los 40 and Cadena Dial radio.

Eight teams took part in the tournament whose winner, UD Roquetas, now enters the Andalusi Cup’s final phase which will be held on December 8 in Antequera (Malaga).

The matches were at tended by 900 people, raising a total of €6,000 through entrance tickets and raffles on the day of the tournament, as well as collections made previ ously by the players.

Book lovers wanted

Fashionistas and flamenco

A FANFARE of fashion made a spectacular debut on the catwalk in the Plaza de la Cat edral in Almeria on Saturday, October 15. ‘Cabalgando Entre Costuras’ stole the show mixing together fashion, flamenco and equestrian art.

The mayor, Maria del Mar Vazquez, con firmed: “It is an im pressive, unique cat walk that has come to our city for the first time.” She added “The mixture of fashion, horses and art in a unique environment such as this Plaza de la Catedral has been to the liking of Alme ria residents and visi tors.”

BOOK worms and cine ma buffs are in for a treat as Carboneras launch the ‘Carboneras Literary Au tumn’, designed with au diences of all ages in mind and with themes that are particularly at tractive.

The Municipal Library and a commission of vol unteers have worked tirelessly organising this event for the second con secutive year.

During the months of October, November and December, there will be a programme of 13 activi ties to bring the love of reading closer to the public of all ages, with special attention to the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of Lawrence of Arabia.

The mayor of Carbon eras, Jose Luis Amerigo Fernandez, attended the

start of the activities on Friday, October 14 and thanked the volunteer committee for making the programme possible.

For more information about the literary program go to http://www.ayunta

The Euro

This event is part of the Almeria Centre Tourism and Commer cial Dynamisation Plan that the city council has been hold ing throughout the year to fill the city centre with life, shows and events every weekend.

publishes more content both online at

and in its papers than any other

English news publication in Spain.

Even better, our news online and in print is FREE and we promise to always keep it that way.

Linda Hall
EWN20 - 26 October 2022 3NEWS
Weekly News
ANDALUSI CUP: Takings will help families of four-year-old Manuel (pictured) and Paula. Photo credit: Nijar town hall Literary autumn Image: Carboneras City Council A mixture of fashion, horses and art. Image: Almeria City Council

Excuses excuses

GREENPEACE accused Car boneras Town Hall of drag ging its feet over declaring El Algarrobico a protected non‐development sector.

The environmentalist group have now urged An dalucia’s Upper Court of Jus tice (TSJA) to refuse Carbon era’s request to extend the deadline for reclassifying the land occupied by the illegal hotel. Construction began in 2003 but was halted in 2005 and Carboneras now main tains that it cannot imple ment the reclassification as there is no municipal archi tect. A statement from the environmentalists pointed out that Carboneras pro duced a similar excuse in

2018 when, despite pledging to carry out the ‘numerous sentences’ linked to El Algar robico, the local government explained that reclassification was impractical owing to the absence of the town clerk.

“This is not an isolated case of disobedience, as the town

hall has systematically avoid ed complying with any ruling related to El Algarrobico,” Greenpeace declared.

The latest sentence or dered an official review of the developers’ building licence, but the town hall has not yet started this.

Rumours scotched

THE government’s sub‐delegate to Almeria, Jose Maria Martin, dismissed rumours of an immigrants’ reception centre in Carboneras.

“No‐one is building an Immigrants’ Tempo rary Stay Centre, nor a temporary custody cen tre, nor anything that resembles one,” Jose Maria Martin declared.

Neither was it true, Martin added, that there were plans to convert a parking area into a re ception centre for immigrants who arrived along the section of coast between San Jose and Garrucha.

“The only Immigrants’ Temporary Stay Cen tre in Almeria is located in Almeria port,” Mar tin continued.

“Here, immigrants without documents are attended for the minimum period of time that the National Police need to identify them, after which they are either repatriated or transferred to a Holding Centre for Foreign ers,” he said.

Martin went on to explain that improve ments are being carried out at the Guardia Civil post in Carboneras to facilitate their services to the public, plus a shaded parking area and washroom.

So far this year, 305 ‘patera’ boats have brought in a total of 2,948 irregular immigrants, compared with 5,125 during the same period in 2021.

Tourist apartment success

Betty Henderson

A NEW tourist apartment complex got the seal of ap proval from the mayor of Roquetas, Gabriel Amat, dur ing a site visit on October 14.

The Mundo HO Tourist Apart ments in Aguadulce opened to the public on July 14.

The apartments are built with high quality materials and offer excellent facilities and spectacular views as far as Cabo de Gato. The beach front 11‐storey building boasts 66 apartments.

Amat made the visit with

the Vice President of the Council and Department for Tourism, Fernando Giménez as well as Pedro Olivencia, CEO of Mundo HO.

Amat congratulated the businessmen for boosting job opportunities and strengthen ing tourist attractions in the town, highlighting the excel lent summer occupancy rates which were some of the best in Andalucia. Money from the tourism industry sustains the town’s social services, includ ing the hospital.

Giménez finished by saying

“if the ‘Costa de Almeria’ is a favourite destination for the millions of people who visit us every year, it is due to the ex cellence of the industry pro fessionals who provide unfor gettable experiences.”

Tastes of Almeria

THE Provincial Council and ‘Sabores Almería’ have conquered the In ternational Food Fair (SIAL Paris) which ran from Saturday, October 15, until Wednesday, Oc tober 19, with the quali ty, diversity and flavour of its range of gourmet products.

The exhibitor from Almeria was the centre of attention, thanks to the presence of the tomato plants and the exhibitor furniture that exhibits ‘the healthiest, tastiest and highest qual ity gourmet proposal’ that is offered through out the fair. ‘

For over 50 years, SIAL Paris has been welcom ing a melting pot of in dustry players to the cap ital to share their savoir‐faire and create recipes of the future.

EWN 20 - 26 October 2022 NEWS4
EL ALGARROBICO: Greenpeace is still calling for its demolition. Photo credit: Greenpeace España

Almeria is booming

AFTER the halfway point of the year in terms of export figures for fruit and vegetables from Almeria, every thing points to the fact that, if this trend continues, 2022 will close with the best records, a local source confirmed on Thursday, Octo ber 13.

According to the data provided by Exten da, in the first seven months of the year, the Almeria Province once again achieved a milestone, with sales worth €2,347 million

which is its best figure since comparable records existed in 1995. This figure repre sents an increase of 15 per cent com pared to the period from January to July 2021.

Almeria is cemented as the Andalucian leader in shipments abroad in the sec tor, with more than half of region al sales (51 per cent) and one out of every €5 of national sales (22.1 per cent).

These figures surpass communities such as Murcia (€1,922m) or Catalonia (€599m).

National rhythmic gymnastics

THE Blas Infante Pavilion in Vera hosted the third edi tion of the National Rhyth mic Gymnastics Tourna ment on Saturday, October 15, an event which re turned to the town after two years without being able to be held due to the health situation.

Almost 40 clubs with 500

gymnasts from all over Spain took part in the tour nament, with the CD Gim nasia Ritmica de Vera act ing as host.

The competition was held in the categories of ab solute ensembles, ensem bles and individual Base Cup in Base, Cup and Pre‐Cup of Andalucia in ensem

Your Belgian estate agent at the coast!

bles and Promises of An dalucia in ensembles.

The first rotation will take place at 9.00am, the second at midday and the third at 4.45pm, with a trophy and medal ceremony for the first three classified in each of the categories participat ing in each of these rota tions.

EWN 20 - 26 October 2022 NEWS6

Fireball tracked

AN impressive fireball crossing southern Spain was tracked by the Calar Alto Observatory (CAHA) in the early hours of Wednesday October 12.

The ‘spectacular object’ was registered by the ob servatory’s exterior Project SMART cameras as well as others in the provinces of Toledo, Granada and Sevilla.

According to a preliminary analysis carried out by Jose Maria Madiedo, a lecturer from Andalucia’s As trophysics Institute and a principal Project SMART researcher, the fireball was an asteroid rock that entered the earth’s atmosphere at an estimated 69,000 kilometres per hour.

The fireball first appeared at an altitude of 81 kilometres above north­east Cordoba and was seen moving east over southern Albacete to Murcia Province where its height had fallen to 32 kilome tres by the time it exploded.

Owing to the high humidity at the time, some of the Calar Alto cameras were misted over, hence the hazy quality of the photos taken. Nevertheless, these were in any case “impressive”, explained the Observatory’s web page.

CUEVAS DEL ALMANZORA Town Hall is hoping to reach more than 160,000 tourists through a new digital cam paign for Almeria’s best­kept secret ‘el secreto mejor guardado de Almeria’.

The councillor for Culture and Tourism, Maria Isabel Ponce, presented the new website and promotional video of the Marques de los Velez Castle as part of the pro motional campaign to attract visitors this autumn tourist season. The new website www.castillo.cuevasdelal has all the infor mation you may need about the Castillo del Marques de los Velez including opening hours, cultural spaces, history and online ticket purchase.

The digital campaign was activated on Thursday, Octo ber 13, on social media net

Animal sanctuary

ON Sunday October 16, the town council of Níjar accepted the project for the implementation of a zoosani tary centre for accommodation, cus tody, training and transfer of animals in a rustic farm known as ‘La Huertecil la de Curro’.

The centre, which is seeking to quali fy as a public utility and social interest, is located in the Cabo de Gata­Nijar Natural Park as “This area is consid ered environmentally compatible,” the promoter of the project con firmed.

This animal health centre will carry out a service for the collection, trans

fer, lodging, custody and transfer of abandoned, lost or wandering pet ani mals, mainly of different canine breeds.

Its promoter considered it necessary to locate the activity away from urban areas, both for the recreation of ani mals and to comply with regulations regarding noise so neighbours are not disturbed.

“In addition, it will be necessary to have a large area to carry out the ac tivity, since training tasks will also be carried out that require large spaces to run and develop their skills” confirmed the promoter of the project.

Best kept secret

works with the aim of reach ing potential visitors from neighbouring provinces such as Murcia, Granada and Jaen, as well as the entire province of Almeria.

According to the councillor,

the new image for the cam paign is “one of the prison drawings found in the Torre del Homenaje, a tower that was opened for visits for the first time after its restoration in May.”

EWN20 - 26 October 2022 7NEWS
The best kept secret. Image: Cuevas del Almanzora Town Hall

THE mayor of Huercal‐Overa, Domingo Fernandez, con firmed the Huercal‐Overa Municipal Hiking Programme 2022/2023 which celebrates its 20th anniversary in this edition.

The programme aims to enjoy nature and sports with seven routes in which to dis cover magnificent natural en vironments.

The first route will take place on November 20 and will run along the Rambla de Gergal (Sierra de Filabres). The total route is 13.5 kilome

Take a hike

tres with a low‐medium diffi culty and a maximum drop of 50 metres.

The next route will be on December 18 through the Sierra Pena Rubia Lorca. The total route is 14 kilometres and has a maximum drop of 490 metres.

The remainder of the routes will take place during the early part of 2023 and the programme will close with a

special seventh route to com memorate the anniversary which will take place in the spring to a destination that is currently a surprise.

Departures for all routes will be made from the Munic ipal Cinema at 8.00am. Regis trations can be made the week in which the route itself is held through the website www.deportes.huercal‐

Virgin of Mojacar

THE Guardia Civil held its traditional Mass in honour of the Virgin of Mo jacar on Wednesday October 12 which coincided with Spain’s National Day.

As in previous years, the celebra tion was held in the Parish Church of San Joaquin, officiated by the Parish Priest, D Jose María Parra and attend ed by civil and military authorities of the region.

One of the most emotional mo ments of the celebration was the pre

sentation of a crown to the statue of the Virgen del Pilar by two members of the Guardia Civil representing all their colleagues in recognition and homage to those fallen in the line of duty.

After the mass, a cocktail was of fered at the Garrucha Cultural Centre for the attendees and their families.

The members of the Guardia Civil then went on to enjoy a brotherhood meal on the beach of Mojacar.

EWN 20 - 26 October 2022 NEWS8

‘Narco-bank’ dismantled

Over €300 million has been laundered.

EUROPOL confirmed on Fri day October 14 that with the support of Eurojust, the Spanish National Police and Tax Agency they have dis mantled an organised crime group believed to be run ning Europe’s biggest ‘narco‐bank’.

Composed mainly of Syri an nationals, the criminal network provided financial services to criminal organi sations linked to drug traf ficking in more than 20 countries.

Active since 2020, this criminal gang is believed to have laundered over €300 million per year.

Over 200 law enforce ment officers raided a total of 21 locations in the Span ish provinces of Malaga and

Toledo, resulting in 32 ar rests and the seizure of al most €3 million of criminal assets.

The sum of €428 205 in cash, 19 cryptocurrency ac counts worth €1.5 million, 11 luxury vehicles, 70 kilos of hashish, 1.2 tonnes of marihuana and a plantation with 995 marihuana plants were seized.

Organised crime groups could make payments, re ceive funds and even have their proceeds laundered by this internationally struc tured financial network.

The criminals ran their money laundering activities from a local restaurant where their customers would come to deposit or collect bulk cash.

Healthy school meals

THE Spanish government is launching a new healthy eating initiative, tasked with improving healthy eating in schools, including boosting the fruit and vegetable con tent of school meals to 45 per cent from 2023. The project which was an nounced on Monday Oc tober 10 also aims to im prove nutrition education in schools. The govern ment initiative includes reducing the amount of fried food served in schools and increase or ganic food consumption by 5 per cent in schools. The project also has an education focus, dedicat ing resources to helping students learn about the origins of their food to in crease healthy and well‐informed diet and well‐being choices.

The British School of Barcelona has created its own education pro gramme to coincide with the government scheme and ‘Global Be Well Day’. Teachers promoted sus tainable nutritional values to children through practi cal activities which hope to change attitudes to wards healthy eating.

Classes, workshops and assemblies with Saned or ganisation also revealed the environmental im pact of food choices and involved interactive activi ties on subjects such as ‘food miles’, incorporat ing a range of school sub jects to engage as many children as possible and create a comprehensive response.

EWN 20 - 26 October 2022 NEWS10
Betty Henderson Narek87/

A NUMBER of Ukraini ans, mainly women with children, managed to drive out of the country and find sanctuary across Europe following the Russian invasion.

Those who arrived in Spain after often gru elling journeys were welcomed with open arms, but are suddenly

Ukrainian refugee plea

facing an unexpected and expensive problem.

Under Spanish law, once they have re mained in Spain for six months, they are re quired to change the

registration on their car to a Spanish one at con siderable expense or face a potentially signifi cant fine if stopped by the police.

One person caught in

this situation, Margaryta Pugachova has launched a petition on explaining the problem and points out that she and many other refugees want to return

Iberdrola’s volunteers

MORE than 7,000 people joined the International Volun teer Week with Iberdrola. Iber drola’s volunteers have thrown themselves into the more than 90 initiatives that have been developed throughout the week in the different countries where the company is based. More than 7,000 volunteers wanted to participate, 40 per cent more than last year, from Spain to the United States, Mexico, Brazil, the United King dom, Portugal, Greece, Italy, Germany, France, Belgium, Japan and Australia. Under the slogan ‘Together we build the world we want’, from October 1 to October 9, solidarity pro jects related to environmental

care, the inclusion of vulnera ble groups and social assis tance were carried out. In Spain, native species were planted in the municipality of Solosancho in the province of Avila. There, more than 100 Iberdrola volunteers, together with 60 members of the AMAS Foundation and the Ande Foundation, collaborated in the planting of 800 native trees. The trees were planted in one of the municipalities affected by the Navalacruz fire in 2021, which devastated nearly 22,000 hectares. The chairman of Iberdrola himself, Ignacio Galan, travelled to share the reforestation day with the vol unteers.

to their homeland when the war is over but will then be forced to change the number plate back again when they return at further expense.

Money is not easy to

come by and Margaryta is pleading with the Spanish authorities to follow the lead of Ger many and Poland to al low Ukrainians to con tinue to drive their cars without changing the registration until the war is over and it is safe for them to return home.

Film festival aid

THE Ministry of Culture and Sport has granted aid of €1.3 million for the organisation of film festivals and competitions in Spain.

Aid has been granted to 64 organisations pro moting film festivals and events that will devote special attention to the programming and dis semination of Spanish, EU and Latin American cinema, as well as special attention to animated films, documentaries and short films.

Thanks to the funds, the grants cover the digi tisation and sustainability costs of the beneficia ry festivals. These grants are the first call for ap plications made by the Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts (ICAA) with new assessment criteria, such as the con tribution of festivals and competitions to sus tainability, the promotion of effective equality of women in the sector, the attraction and training of new audiences and the inclusion of people with disabilities.

EWN 20 - 26 October 2022 NEWS12

New product launch

GOOGLE CLOUD has launched Dual Run, a new product built on top of unique technology developed by Banco San tander. Banco Santander is working with Google Cloud to help other companies across multiple industries simplify their transition from legacy mainframe sys tems to the cloud, Santander confirmed on Thursday October 13.

The Dual Run technology, which will be made available to customers exclu sively by Google Cloud, has proven ap plication in the highly­regulated finan cial services industry, and Santander has

CORPORATE and house hold debt fell slightly in the second quarter of 2022 year­on­year by 0.7 per cent.

More significantly as a percentage of gross do mestic product (GDP), debt fell to 132.2 per cent.

Household debt in creased by €5.7 billion, but fell in terms of GDP to 56.5 per cent of GDP in the second quarter of 2022 which was standing

begun utilising Dual Run to bring data and workloads onto Google Cloud’s trusted infrastructure.

Santander will also take advantage of Google’s deep knowledge and tech abili ties in the use of Cloud and software to accelerate its digital transformation.

In the next few months, Google Cloud will host a series of customer events to showcase their Dual Run service with the help of software developers and en gineers from Santander who have been involved in the bank’s unique technolo gy.

Falling debt

at 61.5 per cent a year earlier.

Households’ gross fi nancial wealth increased by 0.7 per cent in the last year, declining in terms of GDP to 210 per cent of GDP, down from 228.9 per cent a year earlier.

The Financial Accounts of the Spanish Economy, published mid October,

show that the consoli dated debt of firms and corporations reached €1,679 billion in the sec ond quarter of 2022. This figure is 0.7 per cent lower than the fig ure of €1,691 billion a year earlier and 4.2 per cent higher than at the end of 2019 before the pandemic began.

EWN20 - 26 October 2022 13NEWS

Transplant breakthrough

THE impossible has been achieved in Spain where doctors performed an intestine transplant on a child taken from a donor in cardiac arrest.

A report by a national news outlet on Wednesday, October 12 said the operation is a world first with the transplant of in testines not deemed possible due to the risk of infection.

The chief of paediatric transplantation at the Hospital of La Paz, Madrid, said: “The transplant of the intestine is unachievable: they said it couldn’t be done due to the high bacterial load.

“It is more susceptible to ischemia, lack of oxygen.”

After three years of work in preparing for such a transplant along came Emma. Her small intestine was shorter than normal,

which means that she can’t take in enough food. That meant intravenous feeding.

Emma who received the transplanted or gan is, according to her father a happy girl and is already learning to crawl.

After two months postoperatively, doc tors said: “Her quality of life is excellent,” having shown curiosity in everything that is around her in the hospital.

EWN20 - 26 October 2022 15NEWS
An organ transplant first. Image Dan Race /

Transatlantic schedule

LONDON Gatwick Airport an nounced there will be 51 flights a week to the USA dur ing the peak booking period for Thanksgiving and Christ mas holidays.

Passengers travelling to the USA from Gatwick Airport can

now choose from 51 flights per week to popular destina tions including New York, Or lando, Boston and Tampa.

The increased transatlantic schedule comes as JetBlue added a second daily flight to New York from October 31

just in time for the peak book ing period ahead of the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season.

This means London Gatwick passengers will now have even more choice when heading stateside, whether to enjoy New York’s world‐fa mous Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, sample the Black Friday sales, the city’s multi tude of Christmas markets or legendary Rockefeller Centre ice rink or treat the family to a once‐in‐a‐lifetime festive trip to Disney World in Orlando.

Last month, Gatwick an nounced Delta Air Lines would be returning to the air port next April, with daily flights to New York JFK.

Brain drain

THE loss of EU research funding has sparked a brain drain as top scien tists begin to leave the UK rather than lose ac cess to valuable research grants.

According to a news outlet on Thursday Octo ber 13, more than 20 top scientists have made the decision to relocate from the UK over the uncer tainty of continued fund ing.

UK scientists lost access to EU research grants due to Brexit, grants that the UK government said it would match when the

time came. However, with many of these grants now nearing the end of their funding peri od, scientists relying on funding for their research are being forced to make a choice.

Negotiations to contin ue UK access to the fund have stalled over impass es over Northern Ireland and other Brexit‐related disagreements.

The scientific and engi neering community are saying that it could result in a brain drain with the first signs that it has al ready started.

£10bn Redevelopment

SITUATED on the banks of the River Thames, the redeveloped Battersea Power Station was for mally opened on Friday, October 14 to mixed re

views, following a £10 bil lion refit.

Once among the largest power stations in Europe, the station became a world icon after featuring on the Pink Floyd album Animals. Decommissioned in 1983 after more than 50 years, the sprawling site was left to decay for decades.

As a protected site, de velopment of the building was restricted to retain the original façade.

Bought by a consortium of Malaysian investors in

2012, the site has been re developed complete with shops, bars, restaurants, apartments, office space and includes a riverside park and underground railway station. Among those who will be taking space is Apple, whose new London headquarters will be included in the fa cility.

One of the main attrac tions will be the glass lift that will take visitors to the top of the chimney for panoramic views of the London skyline.

EWN 20 - 26 October 2022 NEWS16
Will now be more accessible.
Image: London Gatwick Airport

A real discovery

QUEEN fans will be ex cited to hear that the band are to reissue ‘The Miracle’ album which will include a lost Freddie Mercury recording.

The announcement on Thursday, October 13 by the band con firmed that the song, Face it Alone, which was originally recorded in 1988 to go on the ‘The Miracle’ album, released in 1989, but did not make the cut and ultimately was for gotten, will now fea ture on a reissue along with some studio recordings of the band in discussions.

Guitarist Brian May said: “I’m happy that our team were able to find this track.

“After all these years, it’s great to hear all four of us... working in the studio on a great song idea which never quite got completed... until now.”

Drummer Roger Tay lor said: “It’s wonder ful, a real discovery. It’s a very passionate piece.”

Queen continue to tour along with Ameri can Idol star Adam Lambert on vocals. They have, however, not recorded or re leased any new tracks since the death of Fred die Mercury in 1991.

Get Boris back

A PETITION calling on Boris Johnson to be brought back as Prime Minister has been signed by more than 10,000 Conservative Party members and supporters in just two days, reported a press outlet on Monday October 17.

Members of the party have vented their frustration as Ms Truss’ government is spiralling out of control. In a par ticularly humiliating development her tax and domestic policy agenda was u­turned by Jeremy Hunt, the man she brought in to save the government.

Mr Hunt demolished almost all the tax cuts in the mini Budget which got her elected over the summer. Now MPs are claiming that the new Chancellor who was only ap pointed on Friday is the ‘de facto Prime Minister’.

Party members have responded to the Conservative Post petition with demands that Mr Johnson is begged to come back. Boris Johnson is currently on a tour of the USA while his successor Liz Truss is fighting for her political life.

Diamond dismay

AFTER centuries of debate between India and the UK over the rightful ownership of one of the world’s largest and most controversial gems, the Kohinoor diamond is back at the centre of attention.

It has been suggested that Camilla, The Queen’s Con sort is expected to wear the diamond, during King Charles III coronation at Westminster Abbey on May 6 next year.

However, it was reported on October 13 by a national news outlet that there are serious political sensitivities and it is yet to be confirmed as to whether the diamond will be a part of the coronation ceremonies.

Missiles for Ukraine

THE UK will donate hun dreds of cutting­edge air de fence missiles to Ukraine which can help protect against Russian missile strikes, UK Defence Secre tary Ben Wallace an nounced on Thursday, Octo ber 13.

“The AMRAAM rockets, which will be provided in the coming weeks for use with the NASAMS air de fence systems pledged by

the US, are the first donated by the UK which are capable of shooting down cruise missiles,” the UK govern ment said.

“The rockets will help to protect Ukraine’s critical na tional infrastructure,” with the announcement coming days after Russian missiles struck civilian targets in cities across Ukraine.”

It added: “Hundreds of additional air defence mis

siles, of other types than previously provided, will al so be donated as part of the package, along with hun dreds of additional aerial drones.”

The UK government con tinued: “The UK will also give £10 million to NATO’s Comprehensive Assistance Package for Ukraine.

The donation adds to sim ilar pledges by the US and Germany among others.

EWN 20 - 26 October 2022 NEWS18
QUEEN: Are about to reissue ‘The Miracle’ album. Credit spatuletail/


The ultimate Mick Hucknall tribute

WELSHMAN Mick Bas sett looks and sings like Mick Hucknall and is just waiting to get back to Spain with his Red Mick tribute.

The former boy so prano, like many of his Welsh counterparts, was born to sing and several years ago after selling shares that he had earned whilst working for Tesco, he purchased his own PA system.

The band he played with supported other Welsh bands Catato nia and Super Furry Animals at concerts but as there wasn’t enough work, he went solo and be came a singer at But lins before returning to Wales to think about his future.

“The fact that I looked so much like Mick Hucknall prompted me to take on the alter ego of ‘Red Mick’ and I started to perfect the voice which was diffi cult as his tone and range is so very distinc tive, but reviews sug gest that I have pitched the voice absolutely correctly,” he told Euro Weekly News.

He had a great deal of success with gigs around the UK either with a band or as a solo act which meant that he was soon booked for cruise ships and later found himself playing at El Oceano in La Cala de Mijas, where he met up with Martyn Wood of Big M Promotions who booked him for eight dates across the Costa del Sol in early 2020.

Looking back, Mick said “It went really well and we were talking

Simply the best.

about another possibly longer tour when the pandemic really hit and that was the end of my musical career for quite a while.

“I had to work to live and took a job in a meat factory and then became a driver deliv ering vital medicines during lockdown and now I’m back singing, although a number of pubs and other venues simply went out of business but I’m still working mainly solo and finding gigs.”

His repertoire in cludes all of Simply Red’s top numbers in cluding, If You Don’t Know Me by Now, Star, Fairground, Money’s too Tight (to Mention) and the autobiographi cal Holding Back the

Years which was in spired by the upheaval following Hucknall’s mother leaving the family when he was just three.

Red Mick hasn’t met Simply Red Mick as yet but did get to play at Billy’s Pub run by the son of the lady who used to look after him when his father was at work as a barber and apparently his act went down very well.

Now that the Costa del Sol is seeing such a resurrection with tourists flocking in, de spite Brexit and with Simply Red drawing large crowds and great reviews whenever they play here, Red Mick hopes that next year will see him performing in Spain again.

EWN20 - 26 October 2022 19FEATURE
GREAT REVIEWS: Red Mick is the star of the show. Credit: Red Mick Facebook

The Nutcracker by Kyiv Ballet

KYIV BALLET will perform an exclusive ‘Nutcracker’ Christmas show in Alme ria. The prestigious ballet is due to perform on De cember 3 in the Auditorio Municipal Maesto Padillo in a special edition show which will raise funds for UNICEF’s work in Ukraine.

Kyiv Ballet will perform a beautiful interpretation of Tchaikovsky’s classical Christmas piece which dates back to 1892.

Kyiv Ballet is a purely traditional ballet that aims to honour ballet traditions and display the essence of the classical ballet in their work. The ballet aims for

each performance to be “a feast for the senses due to the sobriety of the chore ographies, the virtuosity of its soloists and the extrav agance and grandeur of its sets and costumes, all of them exclusively designed by the best masters of the Kyiv workshops.”

The ballet has complet ed several world tours performing many classical titles as well as original choreographies.

The sum of €1.50 from every ticket sold will be donated to UNICEF in their emergency response work in Ukraine. Tickets are available from €26 online.

ALMERIA Council launched the sixth edition of Almeria Craft Beer Festival on Friday October 14. The three­day event is set to take place over the weekend October 21­23 with food, live music and the best produce around made from hops and barley.

Events will kick off on Friday October 21 in Plaza Vieja. There will be around 12 craft beer companies attending to

Art from Artefacto

THE Artefacto collective are showing their art work at Mojacar’s municipal art centre La Fuente until October 31.

The newly­formed group has 11 members, but they welcome new artists of all nationalities and have re cently received several requests to join.

Artefacto was created not only to organise and hold art exhibitions but to hold cultural and social workshops throughout the year, together with many other activities, but always linked to collaboration with charities.

For the current exhibition, Artefac to is collaborating with the Vera and District Lions who will receive part of the proceeds.

This local Lions International group

ARTEFACTO GROUP: The artists at the opening of their collective show.

was founded in 2012 and raises funds for charitable institutions and individ uals in need who live in the Levante area.

There is free entry to the exhibition between 10am and 2pm, Wednesday to Sunday but a prior appointment is needed for other days and times.

Craft Beer Festival

showcase their wares and sell products as well as food trucks, food market stalls and live music by artists including Frecuencia Modulada and DJ Fixi.

The event is organised by Almeria City Council with the collaboration of the lo cal government and ‘Sabores Almeria’,

and is rapidly becoming a crucial event on the city’s cultural calendar.

The festival opening hours will be from 1pm until 12am on Friday and Sat urday and from 12pm until 6pm on Sun day, so there is plenty of time to sample craft beer and socialise!

Guitar concerts

LOCALS in Almeria will be treated to a special series of guitar performances on Fridays throughout October. Perfor mances for ‘Guitarra en estado puro’ are taking place on October 21 and 28 and are free to the public! There is a varied line­up of genres, including fla menco, rock, jazz and blues.

The first performance will be by Pa co Rivas, a flamenco guitarist and vet eran performer at ‘Guitarra en estado puro’. Rivas began his prestigious mu sical education aged just nine and is al so trained in the jazz genre.

The second performance will be by Sant Campillo, an international rock artist who has recorded albums in the USA, France, Canada and Spain. He is also known for his influence on the Spanish blues rock genre.

The third performer is Mercedes Lu ján, a flamenco artist who has also spoken about the visibility of female artists.

The guitar virtuosos will be offering masterclasses in style and technique at their performances. It is a truly un missable event for guitar lovers.

Free tickets are available from the ticket office at the Teatro Apolo or on line from www.almeriaculturaen but have a €0.50 booking fee.

Linda Hall
EWN 20 - 26 October 2022 SOCIAL SCENE20
Betty Henderson Photo credit: Mojacar town hall

Advertising Feature




Inflation fight

CREATED to fight the cost-of-living crisis, new Danish discount supermarket Basalt is opening 10 stores which will only sell basic products such as pasta and toilet paper whilst replacing fresh milk with long-life in order to cut down the need for fridges and use of electricity.


Mistaken identity


National Service

A SURVEY by the Uutissuomalainen newspaper group found that 35 per cent of those responding were in favour of introducing military conscription for women although nearly half were against. Currently all males are required to spend up to one year in some form of national service.


Side stepping


New regulations governing the manda tory issue of Spanish driver’s licence for British citizens is an issue that’s causing concern for some of our English expatri ate customers.

Our Legal Assistance service will keep you fully updated on all the latest news and provide details on driving schools closest to your home, where you can pre pare for the exam in English, consult the registration fees and raise any questions you may have.

In this article we’ll explain the regula tions and procedures that you’ll have to follow, and the possible sanctions for non-compliance. If you need more infor mation or you’d like to speak to our Legal Assistance team, please call 919 180 022 and we’ll be happy to assist and advise you.


As of December 31, 2020, the UK ceased to belong to the Euro pean Union, and regula

tions that allowed driving in Spain, with a British driving licence, ceased to be appli cable.

UK issued driving licences were only au thorised to drive in Spain until April 30, 2022, and are now not valid. All existing agreements on highway regulations that protect the Member States of the Euro pean Union have ceased to be valid and applicable. However, those British drivers who do not have their main residence in Spain and travel for periods of less than six months (tourist type), may continue to drive in Spain, during that period, with their original permit.


Residents with a British driving licence, had until December 31, 2020 to swap and redeem theirs for a Spanish licence. Con sequently, they must now obtain a new Spanish driving licence from scratch, sub mitting to the requirements and tests es tablished in Spain for obtaining said li cence.

Call their English-speaking cus tomer service staff on 952 147 834 or get a competitive quote now at

SIMILAR to the UK’s Long Lost Family, Spoorloos, a Dutch TV programme traces and reunites family members but it has now admitted that in at least two of the shows, the wrong person was identified and now the programme makers are investigating a further 12 suspect cases.


Cat scam

CAT lovers in Belgium were so worried about the chance of their four-legged friends catching Covid-19 that they spent an average of €3,000 per animal to purchase what turned out to be a banned drug which didn’t work and now six people have been arrested.


War damage

GERMAN taxpayers could be in for a financial shock if a Polish government claim for €1.3 trillion in war reparations is recognised although the German government has rejected the claim relying on the fact that in 1953 the Soviet Union persuaded the communist Polish government to drop all claims.


Ulterior motive

A YEAR after President Macron said Algeria had “hatred towards France” things have changed and after his peacekeeping visit earlier this year, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne said her recent trip had nothing to do with a need for vital liquid gas, just a chance to cement friendship.


Too good

A REVIEW by financial magazine Kapital has concluded that Erling Haaland who has taken the UK Premier League by storm (and actually has a humorous petition calling for him to be banned from playing for Manchester City) is likely to become Norway’s first Krone billionaire.

FOR some time, those behind Riverdance have been supporting and advertising with the CLRG which arranges Irish Dancing competitions, but it has now announced that until allegations of judges fixing competitions are completed it will have to suspend all advertising with the organisation.


Winter fashion

ITALIAN athletes taking part in the 2026 Winter Olympics in Milan and Cortina d'Ampezzo will be competing in outfits designed by Giorgio Armani for his EA7 line operated under the Emporio Armani brand name thanks to a deal with the Italian Winter Sports Federation (FISI).


Airport fees

HOLIDAYMAKERS can expect their trip to Portugal to become more expensive from February 2023 as the airport authority Aeroportos de Portugal is pushing to increase landing and take off fees by around 15 per cent, although this is currently being fought by airlines.


Custom bikes

RALEIGH, the British bicycle brand, is supporting Alans BMX and the charity Bikes4Ukraine by creating two custom Raleigh Burner Bikes in Ukraine colours which are being auctioned on eBay to raise funds for the charity so refugees can be supplied with bikes.


Nobel Prize

THE 2022 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Swedish scientist 67-year-old Svante Paabo, for his years of study to discover how to extract DNA from the bones of Neanderthals to compare similarities with Homo Sapiens who became the dominant human species.

EWN 20 - 26 October 2022 EUROPEAN PRESS22
SPANISH DRIVING LICENCE: Now mandatory if you live in Spain permanently.

PC decline FINANCE


Crypto tax

TRYING to control the in creasing investment in cryp tocurrency, the 2023 Por tuguese budget includes a proposal to implement a 28 per cent tax on profits if cryp tocurrencies are sold within 12 months of acquisition and this will be the first step in a crack­down.

Mortgage freeze

A REPORT by a Spanish newspaper suggests that the recently created Caixabank is in the process of discussing with other Spanish commer cial banks the possibility of freezing variable interest rates on mortgages for one year in a bid to try to cushion the finances of homeowners.

Bad news

ACCORDING to Pierre­Olivier Gourinchas, Chief Economist at the International Mone tary Fund, the euro area will continue to stall in the com ing year with the energy cri sis caused by the war contin uing to take a heavy toll, reducing growth to 0.5 per cent in 2023

More workers

EVEN though pay levels con tinue to fall in many indus tries, unemployment in the UK has dropped to its lowest level in 50 years with a total of 29.7 million employees on registered payrolls at the end of September, an increase of 69,000 in a month.

Numbers up

SPANISH airport manage ment group AENA has an nounced that by the end of September it had handled 98 per cent of the number of passengers than it forecast for the year, showing the re silience of the Spanish tourism industry following the travel difficulties caused by the pandemic.

STAT OF WEEK €135 billion

is the value of Spain’s tourism gross domestic product in 2022 according to a forecast by industry association Exceltur which is 88 per cent of pre-pandemic levels.

Economy is stressed

WHAT goes up must come down is a maxim which is proving true in the world of personal computer (PC) sales worldwide according to a report by Gartner Inc.

With the boom in home work ing during the pandemic, PC sales (including Apple products) under standably shot up but according to this latest report, in the third quar ter of 2022 worldwide sales of 68 million units was down 19.2 per cent over the 2021 quarter.

This is the largest market decline since Gartner began tracking the PC market in the mid­1990s and the fourth consecutive quarter of year­on­year decline which has not been helped by problems with supply chain disruptions.

McColl sale

ATTRIBUTED to former Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson, the phrase “a week is a long time in politics” cannot be more appropriate than the week which saw the sacking of UK Chancel lor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng and a reversal of most of his policies.

After the Chancellor blamed the problems with the September 23 mi ni­budget on the death of the queen, Business Secretary Jacob Rees­Mogg told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that it is possible that the problems were caused not by the Treasury but by the Bank of England for not raising

interest rates in line with the USA.

The new Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has acted swiftly in order to try to re store confidence in the British econo my and on Monday October 17, de molished almost every plan put into place by Kwarteng which had not al ready gone through parliament.

The basic rate of income tax will re main at 20p indefinitely instead of be ing reduced to 19p as he considers it wrong to borrow in order to fund such a reduction and this will only be changed when he believes that the government can afford to do so.

The cap on energy bills is now only guaranteed until April next year and will then be reviewed rather than keep it in place for two years as previ ously promised.

The announced cuts to stamp duty and National Insurance will however be kept in the hopes that these will help to stimulate the housing market and the economy.

All in all, the promises that Liz Truss made when campaigning against Rishi Sunak have effectively been dec imated and this cannot help her credi bility one iota.

More energy security plan

SPAIN has approved the More Energy Security Plan (+SE) to strengthen the pro tection of consumers against the rise in prices caused by the war in Ukraine.

The initiative also seeks to reduce gas consumption, improve energy autonomy, increase the competitive ness of the economy and increase energy exports.

Minister for the Ecologi cal Transition and the De mographic Challenge, Tere sa Ribera, confirmed on Tuesday October 11 that it is a plan that will continue to be updated, given the uncertainty of the evolution of the war and its conse quences, and a monthly re

port will be published which will monitor the effi ciency and savings in elec tricity and gas from the dif ferent measures.

The Plan contains 73 en ergy security measures grouped around six major objectives: savings and effi ciency; transformation of

the energy system; exten sion of protection to con sumers, especially the vul nerable; fiscal measures; transformation of the in dustry thanks to renewable energies or hydrogen, and cooperation with the rest of the European countries.

To guarantee and im

prove the protection of the population, the granting of the electric social bonus and the thermal social bonus will be expanded, in creasing the volume of the protected population.

The energy bills of 1.6 million households with community boilers will also be reduced with a view to next winter and families will have fiscal support to implement renewable air conditioning systems, cost allocators in centralised heating will be encouraged and smart natural gas me ters will be installed.

A further billion euros will be made available in or der to implement all of the plans.

THE Competition and Markets Au thority (CMA) has announced its initial findings after investigating the Morrisons reported £190 mil lion purchase of stores owned by McColl’s Retail Group plc.

It has now confirmed in princi ple that it doesn’t believe that the deal would harm the vast majority of shoppers or other businesses, but it raised competition concerns in 35 areas.

Morrisons has now offered to dispose of 28 of McColl’s stores to a purchaser or purchasers to be approved by CMA and assuming that an acceptable deal can be put in place then the CMA expects to approve the amended sale.

Lashing out

THE mayor of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, a respected member of the Partido Popular, has accused the government of Pedro Sánchez as being akin to Argentina’s “Peronist government.”

She told the Madrid Assembly that the plans to impose a tempo rary additional tax on Spain’s rich est residents is an attack on free dom as “here in Spain people want to be free.”

In her opinion, this is a form of ‘fiscal popularism’ which will harm the economy and see an increase in unemployment and she said that she would investigate appeal ing to the Courts to negate the ‘sol idarity law in Madrid.’

FINANCE to read more FINANCE scan this QR Code • 20 - 26 October 202226
INITIATIVE: Minister Teresa Ribera announced the plan. Credit: HM Treasury flickr POLICY REVERSAL: The new Chancellor quickly spoke with Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England. Credit: La Moncloa flickr

3I Group 1.090,50 1.109,00 1.078,50 305,83K

Abrdn 142,65 143,00 137,95 1,72M

Admiral Group 1.950,0 1.949,0 1.911,5 51,17K

Anglo American 2.669,5 2.722,0 2.652,0 357,69K

Antofagasta 1.083,50 1.104,50 1.074,00 168,77K

Ashtead Group 4.285,0 4.309,0 4.170,0 129,91K

Associated British Foods 1.321,0 1.322,5 1.292,0 878,33K

AstraZeneca 9.930,0 9.945,0 9.800,0 478,06K

Auto Trader Group Plc 534,40 536,60 523,60 520,38K

Aveva 3.150,0 3.176,0 3.150,0 4,77K

Aviva 401,20 401,70 394,80 6,88M

B&M European Value Retail SA316,70 317,80 308,10 1,24M

BAE Systems 829,60 831,20 815,60 2,99M

Barclays 145,50 148,88 143,64 19,26M

Barratt Developments 352,68 355,40 346,45 344,29K

Berkeley 3.401,0 3.416,0 3.341,0 116,31K

BHP Group Ltd 2.236,50 2.250,50 2.211,00 139,98K

BP 463,05 465,50 460,24 5,45M

British American Tobacco 3.298,0 3.320,5 3.284,5 825,93K

British Land Company 335,90 341,70 326,90 1,09M

BT Group 122,40 123,10 121,15 3,28M

Bunzl 2.731,0 2.734,0 2.688,0 95,65K

Burberry Group 1.850,0 1.880,0 1.799,5 422,29K

Carnival 558,2 572,8 545,4 388,33K

Centrica 72,97 72,97 70,30 680,22K

Coca Cola HBC AG 1.992,8 1.998,0 1.965,0 1,99M

Compass 1.820,00 1.821,50 1.799,00 41,46K

CRH 2.886,0 2.938,0 2.843,0 173,16K

Croda Intl 6.464,8 6.560,0 6.357,4 8,29K

DCC 4.721,0 4.745,0 4.663,0 22,94K

Diageo 3.677,0 3.682,0 3.638,5 383,27K

DS Smith 268,00 273,52 266,31 338,13K

EasyJet 308,00 308,30 294,55 982,77K

Experian 2.674,0 2.681,0 2.610,0 168,22K

Ferguson 9.606,0 9.686,0 9.496,0 68,79K

Flutter Entertainment 10.485,0 10.505,0 10.305,0 632,11K

Fresnillo 728,00 739,00 721,60 270,56K

Glencore 491,55 500,30 489,40 8,19M

GSK plc 1.348,60 1.354,60 1.335,40 1,99M

Halma 2.085,0 2.096,0 2.030,0 243,59K

Hargreaves Lansdown 826,80 835,40 813,20 282,73K

Hikma Pharma 1.287,50 1.300,50 1.264,50 134,76K

HSBC 461,85 464,25 456,25 15,28M

IAG 110,42 112,30 108,42 7,44M

Imperial Brands 2.010,00 2.026,00 2.009,00 512,17K


Intermediate Capital 992,19 1.019,50 971,00 245,56K

Intertek 3.674,0 3.698,0 3.626,0 122,14K

ITV 63,00 63,67 61,64 1,73M

J Sainsbury 180,77 182,60 178,15 1,84M

Johnson Matthey 1.843,7 1.859,0 1.816,0 75,04K

Land Securities 511,80 519,20 500,40 554,19K

Legal & General 223,79 225,55 219,12 2,26M

Lloyds Banking 43,24 43,61 42,42 30,51M

London Stock Exchange 7.348,0 7.384,0 7.236,0 94,07K

Melrose Industries 103,05 103,90 100,50 3,51M

Mondi 1.392,50 1.417,50 1.372,50 576,88K

National Grid 884,12 885,40 872,40 1,61M

NatWest Group 231,00 238,24 229,71 3,70M

Next 4.835,0 4.838,0 4.670,0 204,52K

Norilskiy Nikel ADR 9,10 9,10 9,10 0

Ocado 484,20 484,20 439,00 1,77M

Persimmon 1.235,5 1.242,0 1.206,0 476,68K

Phoenix 531,71 537,60 527,20 1,52M

Prudential 892,20 912,80 884,80 1,19M

Reckitt Benckiser 5.882,0 5.910,0 5.786,0 762,14K

Relx 2.202,00 2.209,00 2.167,00 1,78M

Rentokil 502,20 503,40 491,90 1,72M

Rightmove 478,00 478,60 460,80 2,28M

Rio Tinto PLC 4.899,0 4.964,0 4.877,0 396,66K

Rolls-Royce Holdings 71,50 71,88 69,94 8,34M Rosneft DRC 0,20 0,20 0,20 0

Sage 695,00 695,80 681,00 613,48K

Samsung Electronics DRC 981,00 981,80 971,20 9,92K

Schroders 373,8 376,1 368,2 639,96K Scottish Mortgage 744,21 748,60 729,40 1,17M

Segro 740,80 740,80 718,60 943,60K

Severn Trent 2.343,0 2.349,0 2.262,0 246,00K Shell 2.295,0 2.322,0 2.288,5 4,24M Smith & Nephew 998,80 1.007,50 992,60 2,33M

Smiths Group 1.528,50 1.544,50 1.512,00 160,20K

Spirax-Sarco Engineering 10.640,0 10.670,0 10.415,0 67,05K SSE 1.495,00 1.499,50 1.467,00 1,81M St. James’s Place 980,40 982,60 968,60 276,82K

Standard Chartered 549,00 557,80 543,80 1,06M Taylor Wimpey 89,50 90,04 87,22 6,99M

Tesco 205,20 207,00 203,00 4,51M Tui 116,90 119,45 114,70 946,65K

Unilever 3.902,0 3.917,5 3.857,0 702,42K United Utilities 865,15 869,80 839,20 690,95K

Vodafone Group PLC 100,24 101,52 99,54 12,86M Whitbread 2.514,0 2.521,0 2.457,0 166,73K WPP 748,78 757,60 738,80 929,51K


3M 114,26 114,83 4,77M

American Express 141,55 142,55 130,65 4,59M

Amgen 251,66 252,37 242,84 3,29M

Apple 142,99 143,59 134,37 112,74M

Boeing 132,40 134,70 124,17 7,72M

Caterpillar 183,14 184,95 172,71 3,73M

Chevron 165,28 165,99 156,35 10,19M

Cisco 40,61 40,80 38,60 26,19M

Coca-Cola 55,87 56,08 54,26 16,20M

Dow 45,92 46,50 42,91 8,26M

Goldman Sachs 307,07 308,76 287,75 2,69M

Home Depot 282,83 284,83 268,73 3,88M

Honeywell 177,55 178,39 169,22 3,22M

IBM 121,79 122,15 115,54 5,84M

Intel 26,42 26,83 24,59 62,26M

J&J 165,15 165,99 160,75 6,46M

JPMorgan 109,37 109,90 101,76 22,15M

McDonald’s 246,75 249,30 234,46 5,01M

Merck&Co 92,49 92,72 89,27 9,37M

Microsoft 234,24 236,10 219,13 42,39M

Nike 89,56 89,81 86,05 9,23M

Procter&Gamble 126,31 126,75 122,92 6,90M Salesforce Inc 145,44 146,34 137,59 6,54M

The Travelers 165,51 166,55 155,72 1,95M

UnitedHealth 509,91 513,47 487,74 3,99M

Verizon 36,40 36,59 35,04 33,11M

Visa A 184,66 185,37 174,60 8,36M

Walgreens Boots 33,65 34,01 31,77 21,39M

Walmart 132,28 132,94 128,37 6,83M Walt Disney 96,64 96,97 90,71 10,94M

Most Advanced

Nutex Health +72.40% 42.58M

Fednat Holding Co +56.48% 40.97M

Digital Brands Group +44.93% 21.99M

Digital World Acquisition Wnt +42.57% 1.28M

Laser Photonics Unt +40.96% 45.18M

American Virtual Cloud +35.82% 16.21M

Epiphany Technology Acquisition +30.00% 23.47K

Ambow Education +28.48% 255.84K

Service Properties +27.31% 8.66M

Oblong +26.53% 5.15M

Digital World Acquisition +23.79% 5.58K

Most Declined

Relmada Therapeutics -79.57% 19.47M

Insu Acquisition -58.59% 3.75K

Otonomy Inc -53.46% 13.43M

Hippo Holdings -45.90% 185.18K

mCloud Technologies -35.90% 684.79K

9F -33.86% 906.61K

Happiness Biotech -23.64% 335.64K

Maiden Holdings -22.01% 4.05K

Pintec Tech -21.62% 2.79M

iPower -19.80% 108.75K

Adamis Pharmaceuticals Corporation -18.98% 4.93M

Informa 558,00 558,40 549,80
InterContinental 4.450,0 4.474,0 4.382,0 447,44K º º C C OMPANY OMPANY P P RICE RICE((P P)) C C HANGE HANGE((P P)) % C% C HG HG . N N ET ET V V OL OL COMPANY CHANGE NET / % VOLUME US dollar (USD) ........................................0.9739 Japan yen (JPY) 143.83 Switzerland franc (CHF) 0.9761 Denmark kroner (DKK) 7.4375 Norway kroner (NOK) 10.316 MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR MONEY WITH US See our advert on previous page 0.86605 1.15493 LONDON - FTSE 100 C LOSING P RICES O CTOBER 17 Units per € COMPANY PRICE CHANGE OLUME(M) NASDAQ C LOSING P RICES O CTOBER 17 M - MILLION DOLLARS THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER • Tel: +34 950 478 914 EWN 20 - 26 October 2022 FINANCE, BUSINESS & LEGAL28



Bond sale delay

FOLLOWING a report from the Financial Times on Tues day, October 18 stating that the UK government planned to delay the sale of some of its bonds through its quanti tative easing (QE) stimulus programme, a spokesper son for the central bank was quick to deny the allega tions.

J&J Q3 results

JOHNSON & JOHNSON re ported sales growth of 1.9 per cent to $23.8 billion (€24.2 billion) with opera tional growth of 8.1 per cent and adjusted operational growth of 8.2 per cent. The company also reported earnings per share (EPS) of $1.68 (€1.71) increasing 22.6 per cent and adjusted EPS of $2.55 (€2.60) decreasing by 1.9 per cent.

Horse gambling

NORWAY’S Ministry of Agriculture and Food pro posed regulations on the distribution of profits from gambling on horses on Tuesday, October 18. The proposed regulation states profits from gambling on horses must go to organisa tions that promote eques trian sports, horse keeping and Norwegian horse breeding.

Eradicating polio

THE Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation pledged on Sun day, October 16 to invest a further $1.2 billion (€1.22 bil lion) in worldwide efforts to eradicate polio.

“Polio eradication is within reach. But as far as we have come, the disease remains a threat,” Bill Gates said after announcing the pledge at a summit in Berlin.

A spokesperson for the Foundation said: “Despite historic progress, interrup tions in routine immunisa tion, vaccine misinforma tion, political unrest, and the tragic floods in Pakistan in 2022 have underscored the urgent need to finish the job against polio.”

Royal Mail job cuts

ROYAL MAIL plans to axe up to 6,000 roles, according to reports on Friday, October 14.

The company blamed delays in improving productivity and falling parcel volumes were to blame for the loss of £219 mil lion (€251 million) for the first half of this financial year.

Roughly £70m (€80m) of the loss was directly attributable to three days of industrial action, the company said, after 115,000 employees went on strike over pay and conditions.

The Communication Workers Union (CWU) said it would seek an urgent meeting with Royal Mail to discuss the planned re ductions.

A statement issued by the union said that it wanted to put forward an alternative business plan saying that “gross misman

agement” was to blame for the issues.

CWU General Secretary Dave Ward said: “The announcement

is the result of gross misman agement and a failed business agenda of ending daily deliver ies, a wholesale levelling­down

El Corte Inglés donation

of the terms, pay and conditions of postal workers, and turning Royal Mail into a gig economy style parcel courier.

“What the company should be doing is abandoning its assetstripping strategy and building the future based on utilising the competitive edge it already has in its deliveries to 32 million ad dresses across the country.

“The CWU is calling for an ur gent meeting with the board and will put forward an alterna tive business plan at that meet ing.

“This announcement is hold ing postal workers to ransom for taking legal industrial action against a business approach that is not in the interests of work ers, customers or the future of Royal Mail. This is no way to build a company.”

Huge Jet2 order

JET2 announced on Tuesday, October 18 that “to meet the future anticipated growth of its Leisure Travel business and to refresh its existing aircraft fleet, the company has entered into an agreement with Airbus to purchase 35 new firm­ordered Airbus A320 neo aircraft with the ability for this to ex tend to up to 71 aircraft.”

“The firm­ordered aircraft deliveries stretch over three years until 2031 and at base price represent a total value of approx imately $3.9 billion (€4 billion), with a total transaction value for up to 71 aircraft of ap proximately $8.0 billion (€8.1 billion),” though the company negotiated significant discounts from the base price, it said.

“This order, in addition to the A321 neo aircraft orders announced in 2021, means Jet2 now has a total of 98 firm­ordered air craft, which could eventually extend to up to 146 aircraft,” it concluded.

Anglian Water fined

EL CORTE INGLÉS donated €72,000 to UNICEF Spain thanks to the funds obtained from the ‘Solidarity Toys’ cam paign, carried out both in El Corte Inglés stores and on its website over the past year.

This was the 12th consecu tive campaign, which has been very well received by the public every year, the company said on Monday, Oc tober 17.

El Corte Inglés’ ‘Solidarity Toys’ campaign consisted of a large selection of toys, which were reduced in price by up

to 70 per cent.

Twenty per cent of the sales obtained were donated to UNICEF Spain as part of a col laboration agreement be tween the two.

El Corte Inglés is reportedly the first Spanish retailer to in corporate the Children’s Rights and Business Principles into its corporate policies.

“These Principles provide a general framework for under standing and addressing the impact of the business world on the well­being of chil dren,” the company said.

The €72,000 donated by El Corte Inglés will make it pos sible to bring water, food, vi tamins and vaccines to the most vulnerable children, provide hygiene and sanita tion services and promote ac cess to education for children and adolescents.

The company said it “sup ports the organisation’s work on behalf of children to en sure that the rights of chil dren and adolescents around the world are fulfilled and to improve their living condi tions.”

ANGLIAN WATER has been fined £350,000 (€402,000) after a pumped sewer burst for the sixth time in several years, the UK government announced on Tuesday, October 18.

Anglian Water appeared at Cambridge Magistrates Court on October 12. It was charged with causing poisonous, noxious, or polluting matter to enter inland freshwaters without an environmental permit. This is con trary to regulations 12(1)(b) and 38(1)(a) of the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016.

In sentencing, District Judge Ken Sheraton found that there had been “no effective sur veys” of the pipe in question. He went on to say that had there been surveys, the two air valves would have been noticed.

EWN 20 - 26 October 2022 FINANCE30
ROYAL MAIL: Blame strikes for recent loss of revenue. Credit:
CHARITABLE DONATION: El Corte Inglés make it possible to bring water and food to vulnerable children. Image:
El Corte Inglés Press Centre

I WAS terribly saddened by the an nouncement of the death of vocal ist Loretta Lyn. This delightful, hit producing country singing icon re cently passed over at the grand old age of 90 and will be sorely missed by her family and masses of adoring fans. I actually met Loretta on a number of occasions and found her to be a great character and ex tremely interesting companion.

We first met in 1968 when I had been invited over to America to ap pear at the Grand old Oprey in Nashville. The week I was there I al so attended the presentation of the Country Music Association awards which were scooped by Johnny Cash for his classic recording of Fol som Prison Blues among others.

My own appearance at that ter rific venue, which has now become a country music shrine, was a little earlier in that week; after I finished the act I made my way to a small bistro type restaurant situated at the rear of the building. Many of the artists would go after the show and enjoy the pure country repasts

A great character

that were on offer. After 10 min utes or so I was approached by Mervyn Conn, the English impre sario who produced the Wembley Country Music festival and was ac tually considered in in the UK as ‘Mr Country Music. “Hey Leapy” he said, “there’s someone over here who would like to meet you.”

I peered through the gloom to where he had been sitting. To my surprise I spied none other than Johnny Cash, sitting with his (then pregnant) wife June Carter and a number of others. Naturally I was delighted to meet up and joined them at the table where I was in troduced all around to the guests, one of which turned out to be Loretta Lyn.

Little Arrows was actually racing up the American country charts and they all seemed to like it. What fol lowed was a great session of drinks (Jack Daniels I seem to remember!) and jokes, which lasted far into the night. I got on very well with Loret ta and she told me she was coming over to do the Wembley festival which I had also been booked for. When the show took place she

duly arrived and, after managing a short lunch, I invited her and her fe male companion to a party I threw in my lovely new Ascot home (them were the days!) She stayed until very late and although it would have been nice to meet up again, our schedules unfortunately could n’t make it happen. Shortly after this terrific and extremely success ful interlude, my life changed some what drastically, (it’s in the book!) and we never saw each other again.

Loretta Lyn, a wonderful lady, a great talent, and a pure ‘Country Coalminer’s Daughter’. Sadly missed. Thanks for all your corre spondence. Not able to always re ply, but certainly read them all. Keep ‘em coming. And always.

Keep the Faith. Love Leapy. Mon. Wed and Fri.1pm till 4.

EWN 20 - 26 October 2022 FEATURE32
For more from our columnists please scan this QR Code

Why always to me?


WE ask ourselves all the time:

Why is it happening to me?

Why me?

Why always to me?

But only when something negative hap pens.

Why don’t we ask ‘why’ when something positive happens to us?

Do you also ask:

Why am I so successful in life?

Why am I so healthy?

Why am I so well loved?

Think about it.

People have the tendency to always look for someone to blame. Always when some thing negative happens. But never when something positive happens.


Because something negative is often con nected to a punishment, then we always look for someone to blame. Unfortunately, we don’t learn from our mistakes because in our thoughts it’s always someone else’s fault. In stead of asking ourselves the question:

Why do I always attract such situations?

Why do I always react the same way?

WHY ME?: A question we always ask.

Analyse when something negative hap pens which emotions are generated.

Analyse when something positive happens which kind of emotions arise.

Look into your past; childhood, similar situ ations and then understand the WHY.

Whether positive or negative.

Everything that happens to you is part of your inner programming. And if you always think the same, you always get the same re sults.

Who was always to blame, the father, the mother?

Were people always punishing you, even for small things?

Who or what made you feel like you are not good enough?

Were you compared to others?

My advice:

Write down what’s going wrong and what you can do to change this situation.

Love, Betina ­ 0034­699 327 363

EWN 20 - 26 October 2022 HEALTH & BEAUTY34

What rather than when

WHETHER you’re trying to lose some weight or just maintain a healthy lifestyle, the times of the day we eat at can af fect our health. Here we consult ed some advice from dieti cians to learn how to achieve health goals by planning meal times.

Firstly, consistency is key. Planning to eat regular, small meals can help metabolisms and increase fat burn ing potential.

Control morning caffeine intake. Experts recommend drinking coffee mid­morning, rather than just after wak ing up. Drinking coffee im mediately in the morning pre vents our bodies from waking up naturally and can make our energy levels crash early on.

Try ‘intelligent nutrition’. Try consuming more calories earlier in the day to improve di gestion and boost your metabolism. Plan bal anced and substantial meals that will leave you feeling full after eating. This reduces the likelihood of snacking, which doesn’t effective ly target hunger and often adds empty calo ries.

Recent studies have shown the ‘eat late,

gain weight’ theory to largely be a myth, which is good news for people following later Spanish meal times! Researchers place more impor tance on what you eat, rather than when you eat. However, do avoid eating right before bed because this can cause indigestion and inter rupted sleep.

EWN20 - 26 October 2022HEALTH & BEAUTY 35
What we eat and when we eat can affect our general health.
Photo credit: Tanya Joy /

The daftest research studies I’ve heard yet!


DISTURBED sleep can lead to demen tia! This is according to the latest re search that a single night of disturbed sleep increases levels of a brain pro tein linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

But perhaps it’s drink ing too much coffee that causes us to sleep badly, and reportedly increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s? But worry not as, according to an other study, drinking coffee might prevent de mentia and even help us ‘live longer’!

Let’s look forward to the next bit of research showing that the two balance each other out. So, we end up living as long as we would have lived if we’d rarely drunk coffee and always got our

eight hours. But wait! Didn’t I read somewhere eight hours is too much... or not enough?

Well, let’s end where we began: on a low note. According to yet another survey, a fifth of people believe toadin­the­hole has REAL toads in it and a half that bangers and mash is a madeup dish. And if you think that’s bad enough, don’t even get them started on spot ted dick...

PS. Am writing this at the starry Cheltenham Literature Festival where I’m hoping to meet fellow crime writ ers: watch this space!

Nora Johnson’s criti cally acclaimed psycho logical crime thrillers (www.nora­johnson. net) all available online including eBooks (€0.99; £0.99), Apple Books, audiobooks, pa perbacks at Amazon etc. Profits to Cudeca cancer charity.

Last year’s prices

NEATER HEATER, in com mon with most oth er retailers, are having to deal with the soar ing costs of manufacturing and delivery. However, they have decided to hold the prices down on all the mod els advertised on their 2021­2022 cata logue. This price freeze will continue throughout October and until November 14 allowing customers, both new and ex isting, to purchase at last year’s prices.

With the cost of utilities rising all over the world it is essential that customers choose a heater that uses electricity effi ciently, effectively and therefore, more economically than its rivals.

Neater Heaters rely on Scandinavian design to provide stylish and cost effective convector heating that would grace any

Prices have been held down on all models advertised.

style of living space. Whether you are looking for a heater to simply turn on and off manually, or prefer a heater that can be controlled via either bluetooth or wifi from an app on your phone, Neater Heater has the model for you. They are also pleased to announce a new range of Neo ‘Compact’ wi­fi heaters that take up less wall space, but have the same heat output, than the standard Neo models.

Check the Neater Heater website for information about all the models in stock, and your purchasing options.



BUY LOCAL: By shopping locally, independent businesses can help support the local community.
EWN 20 - 26 October 2022 GO LOCAL/FEATURE36
NoraJohnson’sopinionsareherownandarenotnecessarilyrepresentativeofthoseofthepublishers,advertisersorsponsors. Noraistheauthorofpopularpsychological suspenseandcrimethrillersandafreelancejournalist. Nora’s latest thriller.
Advertising Feature NEATER HEATER DISTRIBUTORS: ALMERIA ANTAS: Lifestyle Enclosures. Tel. 950 459 060 Heaters also available for purchase at our online shop with free home delivery. WWW.NEATERHEATER.ES or Tel. 634 312 171 (WhatsApp available)


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Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.


ON a dark and scary night

There was a loud bang tonight

And the little children Ran with fright so scared tonight

And there’s laughter in the air tonight

And it’s a cold dark lonely Scary Halloween night

And the moonlight is blue and bright

And it’s a ghostly night

A cold breeze blowing all night

And there’s another loud Bang tonight

And the little children are Running with fright it’s just Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls

Tonight and the howling

Of the crazy werewolves tonight

And the dead Zombie’s walking through the Streets on this cold dark lonely

Scary Halloween night.

Online reading

I have started receiving and reading all the papers from the Costas via email and just want ed to say how I enjoy Leapy’s column. We are based in Birm ingham, but are hoping to buy something in Spain in the next couple of years. Keep up the good work, it’s on point social ly and still raises a smile.

Driving licence issue

Thank you for a continuing, well­produced newspaper. (Only one in the Balearics). I got my residency in the early 90s. My UK driving licence was

issued as a ‘European Model’ and was valid in Spain. It cov ered cars, motorcycles and light goods vehicles up to 7.5 tonnes. I changed it to the Spanish licence in 1993.

At the time, I did not notice the Spanish licence covered only cars and motorcycles and that my ‘C1’ classification (‘light goods vehicles’) had been

omitted. I recently asked Trafi co to reinstate the missing clas sification, pointing out that when I obtained the Spanish version, the UK was at that time IN the EU. They are cur rently refusing to do so. I won der if this problem has come up with any other readers? Keep up the good work!



MAY 6 next year is the date set for the coronation of King Charles III which happens to also be the fourth birthday of his grandson Archie, the son of Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, so could be the time for one rift in the family to be repaired.

Charles at 74 will be the oldest British Monarch to be crowned and this will be the first Saturday since 1902 that a coronation has taken place and may mean that the public won’t enjoy another bank holiday unless that planned for the previous Monday, May Day is moved to allow a long weekend.

His wife Camilla will be 75 and she will also take part in the ceremony at Westminster Abbey as she will be crowned Queen Consort (as was Charles’ grandmother in 1937), so although it is expected that the entire ceremony will be more modern than that for Queen Elizabeth II, it could last some hours.

Assuming that the cost-of-living crisis is still with us, the Royal Family and their advisors will have to walk a thin line to ensure that the coronation is not seen to be too extravagant, whilst at the same time still being in keeping with tradition and the expectations of the world that will be watching.

It is more than likely that although Charles will swear an oath to “maintain and preserve inviolately” the establish ment of the Church of England, the ceremony will embrace a number of different religious leaders in recognition of the diversity of faiths within the country.

Hopefully this will be a time for the nation to celebrate and for the world to once again be impressed by the pomp and ceremony of the occasion.


Keep dog’s fur in top condition

AUTUMN is officially here, and as you make changes to prepare your home and garden for a new season, it

is important not to forget our four­legged friends. Here we share some ex pert advice on how to

properly care for your dog’s fur in autumn.

Dogs’ fur isn’t simply an aesthetic concern, it’s also a health matter. A dog’s fur is its protection against the elements as well as bugs and bacteria. We can tell a lot about a dog from the condition of its fur.

Many dogs shed hair both in the spring and in autumn, but its fur coat can also be affected by stress, poor diet and bacte ria. The first key tip is to

observe your dog’s be haviour and check its fur and skin regularly. Excess scratching can be a sign of poor fur health or of para sites and disease. In creased fur loss could indi cate conditions like alopecia. Dandruff, crusty or discoloured fur can be a sign of irritation from shampoos or allergies.

You can also create a fur care routine. Buy a sham poo suitable for your dog and its fur and bathe it reg

dog’s fur looking its best by cleaning and brushing it regularly.

ularly, making sure it dries fully after each bath.

Brushing your dog’s fur can also make its coat more glossy and thicker.

Experts recommend buy

ing a brush suitable for your dog’s coat and be aware of different layers of fur, which have different functions in protecting its health.

Keep your


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LOCAL ANGLICAN (C of E) church services at Mojacar Los Llanos Del Peral and Alhambra. Communion every Sun day in Mojacar at 11am. Communion at Los Llanos every Sun day except the last Sunday in the month when there will be Prayer and Praise all at 11am. The services that were being held in the South American church Albox have now returned to the chapel and Communion is held on the second Thursday of the month at 11am. Priest in charge Rev Canon Alan Bennet telephone num ber 680 243 436. For further information,


20 - 26 October 2022 •



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EWN20 - 26 October 2022 45CLASSIFIEDS

TEST byMarkSlack

EVERY so often you get be hind the wheel of a car, usu ally a cheaper model, and are surprised in the sense that you could happily drive one every day. What’s even more surprising on Hyundai’s Bay on, and unusual in this class, is that it is also incredibly comfortable and capable on long journeys. It also comes with enough standard equipment to put more expensive models to shame.

Priced from €23,385/£20,350

there are three trim levels, one engine with two power outputs along with either sixspeed manual gears or a dual clutch automatic. The turbocharged, 1.0­litre, three­cylinder engine is as sisted by 48v hybrid power.

Performance is more than capable, even if nowhere near warm hatch territory, yet feels quicker and has the

Hyundai Bayon

fortable, front are heated, and there’s decent space even in the rear, although a fifth passenger might prefer short journeys.

As one might expect of Hyundai the assembly quali ty is excellent but you can tell it’s built to a price with hard plastics evident, but they have made the effort of con trast by different textures on some of the surfaces. This gives the interior a more quality look and allied to neat and very clear instru mentation it makes the Bay on a nice place to be seated.

This is a very appealing

car, it simply does what it’s meant to do and does it well.

It has a nice driving feel with clear and simple controls, plenty of buttons rather than an overly digital experience.

The climate control offers in dividual settings rather than as with so many cars’ multi ple options, ie face and feet whereas in the Bayon you can have them separately.

The style will not be to ev eryone’s taste, but it’s cer tainly different and is quite colour sensitive as to looks in my view. I really enjoyed the Bayon and was genuinely sorry to see it depart.

Facts at a Glance

Model: Hyundai Bayon Premium

Price: €25,863/£22,495

Engine: 1.0-litre, 3-cylinder, turbocharged petrol developing 100PS

Gears: 6-Speed manual

far from unpleasant charac teristic thrum of the threecylinder. My test car was mated to the manual sixspeed gearbox and unless you need an automatic is the better choice in my view.

Cross country it’s surprisingly good fun despite being aimed at urban commuting.

Hyundai describe the Bay on as a crossover SUV, not sure I’d agree with that, but you get lots of space inside,

although thanks to that hy brid gear the boot is a tad limited. It’ll fit most people’s requirements fine and you can always lower the rear seat in whole or part. Inside the cabin the seats are com

Performance: 0-100 kmh (62 mph) 10.7 seconds/Maximum Speed 230 kph (114 mph)

Economy: 5.3l/100km (53.3mpg) Combined driving (WLTP)

Emissions: 121 g/km (WLTP)

Model tested was UK-specification and equipment levels and prices may vary in other markets.

MOTORING to read more MOTORING scan this QR Code

EWN 20 - 26 October 2022 MOTORING46
HYUNDAI BAYON: An appealing car, it does what it’s meant to do and does it well.

It’s the end for Jaguar F-Type

JAGUAR is bidding farewell to its iconic F­Type sports model. The British car manufacturer un veiled one last special edition of the model be fore it goes out of production after 2023. The Jaguar F­Type 75 is being released to celebrate 75 years of the car manufacturer.

The Jaguar F­Type 75 caused quite a stir in the motoring community after it was re vealed on October 11. Commentators have described the car as ‘a last hurrah’, and ‘top of the highway’, praising its sleek exterior and luxury design touches. The special edition model also features four­wheel drive and Jaguar’s 5.0 litre supercharged V8 engine.

The decision comes as the brand makes the move to all­electric from 2025, and ends a

75 year history of producing petrol combus tion cars.

Announcing the new model, Jaguar Exteri or Design Chief, Matthew Beaven said “For 75 years, Jaguar has been renowned for pro ducing extraordinary sports cars that deliver performance, agility and maximum driver re ward.”

He added “The F­Type special editions hold true to these principles, adding unique interi or and exterior design details to celebrate this lineage before Jaguar becomes an all­electric brand from 2025.”

Motorists are encouraged to get their or ders in sooner rather than later, as the end of Jaguar’s petrol car production is nigh.

EWN20 - 26 October 2022 47MOTORING
Photo credit: Sergey Kohl / The Jaguar F-Type has been a firm favourite among sports car fans for years.

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