Costa del Sol 17 - 23 November 2022 Issue 1950

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AIRPORT: Has seen a massive increase in the number of visitors. Full story page 2

Mijas goes to London

TOURISM is well and truly back on the Costa del Sol with Mala ga Airport figures during October back to near pre­pandemic levels thanks in part to a half­term boom.

In total, a whopping 1,891,392 passengers walked through the airport’s doors in October 2022.

Before the pandemic, Spain received around 84 million tourists per year. A colossal 17 million of these visitors came from Britain. The number dropped with the onset of pandemic restrictions. However, numbers started to surge again this year, with 1.8 million Britons visiting Spain in the first quarter of 2022.

The president of the Costa del Sol tourism authority, Francis co Salado, confirmed that: “Figures show that spending and length of stay in Malaga by British tourists both increased dur ing the first eight months of this year, compared with 2019.

“During that time the average amount spent by tourists from the UK was €1,157, an increase of 15.5 per cent. They also stayed for an average of 7.5 days, 2 per cent longer than three years previously,” he added.

Well aware of the need to ensure that British people plan ning their holidays will still consider the south of Spain as their first choice, the Costa del Sol has now announced a major pro motion campaign for 2023 costing €1.5 million.

IF you find yourself in Ox ford Circus underground station in London keep your eye out for images of Mijas. For a month, the users of this London hub will enjoy an image of Mi jas in a promotional ad vert that expects to reach about six million people.

The mayor of Mijas, Josele Gonzalez, con firmed: “We have been able to see how well the image of the Santana neighbourhood has been promoted in one of the busiest stations in Lon don.

“Thousands of people will pass through here during the month of November and thanks to this promotion I am con vinced that many of the visitors who pass through here will want to come to our municipality and will book their holidays in Mi jas.”

The councillor for

CUDECA GOLDIES raised more than €1,700 at their Armistice Day Lunch whilst the international singing group A Touch of Class left the audience in amazement with their live performance.

On Sunday, November 13, at the Vinea Restaurant in Fuengirola guests were treated to a marvellous three­course lunch and deli cious wine tasting all for a good cause whilst A Touch of Class ensured a celebratory atmosphere with a delightful medley of sing­along songs.

Suzy Rowe, one of the or ganisers of the charity lunch (Goldies) commented: “I am so happy to be here today to celebrate with so many of the Armistice and I am joyful to

continue doing it for Cudeca. Organising charity events is hard work, but it is very fulfill ing. I do this with the help of others at the Goldies.”

Esther Raez, Communica tion and Fundraising Manag er of Cudeca, added a few

Tourism, Jose Carlos Mar tin, added: “We will con tinue with our promotion al campaign within the framework of the presti gious World Travel Mar ket. With this advertising, we open the door to our municipality in one of the main underground sta tions. It is a unique pro jection that complements the promotion that the Tourism Department is working towards.”

words: “I feel honoured to be here one more time in support of the Cudeca Goldies. This wonderful group of people had been organising events for Cudeca for more than 12 years now.”

Bright future Golden fundraisers Going green

ESTEPONA City Council plans to expand sports facilities in the western area with new football pitches and a public green area and has put out to tender the con cession for the extension works and operation of the Arroyo Enmedio sports area.

The extension of the facilities in Arroyo Enmedio will also include the creation of an annexed green area, which will have a pedestrian walkway that will run through two areas. The first of these will be located further north and will consist of a bio­healthy circuit. The second, south­facing, will have a model car circuit.

The deputy mayor for Sociocultural Affairs, Begona Ortiz, explained that “thanks to these plans the munici pal sports facilities in this suburban area will be ex panded. The addition of seven new football pitches with synthetic surfaces will mean that a greater num ber of playing hours can be offered than would not be possible with natural grass.”

EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 NEWS 2
from Front page
Huge increase in British tourists recorded. Mainka NEW CAMPAIGN: Josele Gonzalez and Jose Carlos Martin. Image: Mijas City Council RAISING FUNDS: Guests were treated to a 3-course lunch. Image: Cudeca Goldies


Top Twenty

A REPORT by the tourism au thority, Exceltur has placed three Costa del Sol locations on its Top Twenty list of holi day locations in the country. Marbella, Estepona and Be nalmadena all made the list having brought in huge sums this summer.

Charity golf

THE Costa del Sol Open which is set to be held from Novem ber 24 to 27 has taken on a charitable cause. The Ladies European Tour will support children through the Ronald McDonald Foundation through merchandise sale and fun activities on­site..

Flamenco Day

SITES across the Costa del Sol are gearing up to showcase their best flamenco perfor mances on the International Day of Flamenco. Dance lovers will celebrate the tradi tional and passionate Andalu cian shows in places including Marbella and Torremolinos.

German tourism

LOCAL tourism industry ex perts continued their promo tional journey for the winter season at the ICEF Berlin tourism fair. More than 2,500 people attended the fair, which was an excellent op portunity for the region to promote winter escapes for families and students.

Electric rentals

MORE than 30 hotels on the Costa del Sol signed up for an innovative scheme allowing guests to rent out electric cars by the hour. The pioneering scheme is being hailed as an excellent step in making the local tourism industry more sustainable.

Goal time!

A MARBELLA artist has par ticipated in an exciting initia tive ahead of the World Cup in Qatar, to decorate themed goal posts. The goals repre sent previous winners of the international competition, so Jordi Gil Fernández shows the fusion of Spanish and Qatari cultures.

Sparkling switch-on

A DAZZLING start to the fes tive season in Benalmadena as the town gears up for the annual lights switch­on. The lights switch­on is set to take place on Thursday Decem ber 1 along with a pro gramme of exciting enter tainment.

Councillor for Celebra tions, Pilar Ramírez shared her excitement for the event saying “One of the most beautiful and eagerly await ed nights in Benalmadena is approaching. On December 1, our streets will be filled


with light and colour, shops will be bursting with festive decorations to encourage lo cals and visitors to enjoy the season.”

Councillor for Commerce

Glittering gala

Javier Marín explained “For local businesses, it is crucial that Benalmadena shows off its best side during the valuable festive period.

Marín added, “Unlike in

previous years, due to the ongoing energy crisis, this year the lights will be turned off at 2am each night from December 1 until January 6.” Head of Morales lighting company, Aitor Aretxabala, explained that more lights will be on display this year, but highlighted their envi ronmental credentials, say ing “These are state­of­theart LEDs, with much lower energy consumption than Christmas lighting in the past, they’re a major sav ing.”

Medical move

MIJAS has moved the 061 assistance base from the Las Lagunas Health Centre to the en trance of the Mijas wa ter park next to the Car denas Pacheco roundabout.

THERE was a show of solidarity at the ADEM­CG charity gala which took place on Saturday November 12 in Algeciras. Organisations from across the Costa del Sol as well as generous philanthropists enjoyed an evening of dinner and entertainment in aid of people who suffer from multiple sclerosis.

The evening was organised by ADEM­CG, a charity in Gibraltar that works to support people who suffer from multiple sclerosis at its headquarters and throughout the Costa del Sol. The group has a cen tre at its headquarters in La Linea where it provides crucial occupa tional therapy to people with multiple sclerosis, as well as transport services and awareness raising campaigns. The charity gala, held at the Alborán Hotel in Algeciras is just one in a catalogue of fundraising activities held annually by ADEM­CG to fund its programmes. The gala was well­attended, including by council representatives from San Roque. President of ADEM­CG, Javier Cózar thanked the councillors for their attendance and support as well as all of the charities.

The mayor of Mijas, Josele Gonzalez, con firmed that: “These fa cilities were in a very precarious situation next to the Las Lagunas Health Centre which is why in collaboration with 061 and the An dalucian Health Service we have moved this ser vice to the entrance of the water park.

“This new location will not only improve the response times of 061 as it is located next to the motorway, but will also allow the peo

1st Birthday celebrations

AGE CONCERN Marbella­San Pedro will be cel ebrating the official opening and first year oper ation of its Social and Activity Centre situated in Pasaje Armando Nº2, 29670 San Pedro Alcan tara on Monday, November 21.

It will be open from 11.30am and everyone is invited to join in the celebration with a drink and some nibbles as well as meet members of the committee and Remedios Bocanegra, the

Marbella councillor for Foreign Residents.

The centre has become a safe place for older people in the Marbella and San Pedro area to take part in activities such as chair yoga, jigsaw puzzle club, bridge classes and chair exercises as well as borrow books from its library. They also offer help with phones and com puters and this is a great way to meet with oth er English­speaking older people here in Spain.

ple who provide the ser vice to carry out their work in much more op timal conditions. This is another example that collaboration between administrations is the way forward for the benefit of citizens.

“There is an urgency for all of the improve ments and health infras tructure that we have pending. Mijas is a mu nicipality in constant growth, the third largest in the province of Mala ga, and the infrastruc ture and staff we have do not meet the needs of the people of Mijas,” the mayor added.

Lest we forget

THE mayor and mouncil lor for Foreign Residents of Benalmadena, Víctor Navas, participated in the celebration of the in stitutional act of the Day of Remembrance on Fri day, November 11, which took place in the Castle El Bil­Bil, with a large representation of the community of foreign residents.

Remembrance Day is celebrated every Novem ber 11, the date that marked the end of the First World War in 1918, to remember the sacri fices made by members of the armed forces and civilians in times of war.

The mayor confirmed: “We celebrate the end of a fratricidal war between brotherly people. Let this recognition serve as a tribute to honour all the people and families who suffered in this conflict, and to appeal to the re sponsibility of the whole of society to build a bet ter world, in which a war of this scale never hap pens again. We com memorate the memory of the victims.”

Alongside the speeches by the mayor and the representatives of for eign groups, a bagpiper played a piece before the obligatory minute’s si lence and wreath laying.

EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 3 NEWS
publishes more content both online at and in its papers than any other English news publication in Spain. The Euro Weekly News Even better, our news online and in print is FREE and we promise to always keep it that way.
Ayuntamiento de San Roque A fundraising gala held in aid of multiple sclerosis sufferers was wellattended by the local community.
Benalmadena will enjoy brand new LED lighting this festive season.
Photo credit: Ayuntamiento de Benalmádena

Walking for Life Strong women

THERE was a wonderful turnout for the Fourth Di abetic Awareness Spon sored Walk on Sunday November 14.

Organised by the La Cala Lions Diabetic Sup port Group nearly 300 at tended the day and there were many generous do nations.

Herbalife Nutrition handed out sport energy drinks and t­shirts were given to all the walkers thanks to the kindness of Danny Foster of Inspired Fragrances, who encour aged his many friends and colleagues to help to wards the costs.

His daughter Alilah, a happy and energetic sev en­year­old, has been dia

betic since just before her second birthday and she received a medal on the day as the Lions’ champi on fundraiser, having managed to persuade all her school friends and family to help her raise nearly €1,000 and it looks as if the €3,000 target will

be shattered.

Bohurt Zona Sur ­ the Medieval fighters were there in all their armour, Mijas Fencing, the Drang band of drummers and other entertainers includ ing flamenco dancers and Costa Soul Singers made it a great day.

AN inspiring event will see women business owners in Fuengirola build their profes sional networks and socialise with other businesswomen. A networking event will be held on Friday November 18 to co incide with the International Women’s Entrepreneurship Day.

The event will take place from 6.30pm in the town hall. It has been organised by local authorities in collaboration with the AMUPEMA organisa tion for female entrepreneurs in Malaga.

Local councillor for Social Welfare, Rocío Rodríguez an nounced the event saying “Lo cal women entrepreneurs can

come together to share ideas, concerns, and needs at this event.

“We want to empower women and raise the profile of women entrepreneurs in our community.”

The International Women’s Entrepreneurship is an initia tive that was created in 2014 by the United Nations to recognise the efforts and value of women’s entrepreneurial activity on global innovation.

Businesswomen that want to attend the event can regis ter by email at igualdad@ or directly through an online form at: ww5DM6

BEACH lovers who struggle with mo bility will be pleased to hear that Fuengirola is continuing its com mitment to im proving the acces sibility of all its beaches.

Works include replacing wooden accesses and show er platforms with concrete walkways and platforms.

Beach access Karate queen

MARTIAL art fans in Benalmadena are celebrating a fantastic karate win by Ornella Rocha Pepermans as she won gold in the second round of the National Karate League.

Ornella from Benalmadena travelled to Avila on Sunday, November 6, to take part in the second round of the National Karate League, where the best karate players in the country competed for a place in the final. The final will take place on December 17 and 18 in La Coruna.

Ornella shone again with a great performance, climbing again to the top of the podium, proving to be the queen of fe male children’s karate, after achieving the very deserved gold medal in her last four national championship events.

The works, which have a completion period of 60 days, have been award ed to the company Probisa, for the amount of €267,286. By the end of the year, this measure will be in place along the entire coast line.

The councillor for Market and Com merce, Javier Hi dalgo, confirmed: “We are improving the accesses to the beach and avoiding the typical inci dents that can oc cur with wooden walkways, such as people slipping when they come into contact with the water or get ting a splinter.

“We are going to install a total of 935 units of con crete walkways of different sizes and 54 units of shower platforms.

“This govern ment team contin ue to be commit ted to ensuring that our beaches have the best ser vices and are as comfortable as possible.”

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SPONSORED WALK: So many people joined the event. Credit: Christer Lagervall

International recognition

IT was prime position for Torremolinos in an advert for British airline, Jet2. The town has a prominent fea ture in promotional material for the airline which already brings the second­largest proportion of British tourists to the nation.

Town mayor, Margarita del Cid secured the valuable promotion during the World Travel Market tourism fair, which was held in London on November 8. The town’s ex cellent facilities for tourists including luxury accommo dation, stunning Mediter ranean vistas, fascinating his

tory and rich culture will be front and centre of the ad vert, set to hit the airline gi

ant’s website.

The British market of tourists provides major boosts to the Torremolinos tourist industry, with British tourists being the largest na tionality in the town at 30 per cent. The town is set for major returns from the ad vert which will be released soon, in time for tourists planning their holidays months in advance.

The promotion is particu larly lucrative given that more than one in four British people that have visited Spain for tourism purposes did so using Jet2 services.

Torreblanca facelift

LUCKY Torreblanca residents are about to get a facelift as Fuengirola Town Hall has confirmed work will begin on Monday, November 21.

The work will include improving the in frastructure of seven streets in the PMI­3 sector of Torreblanca.

The mayor of Fuengirola, Ana Maria Mula Redruello, confirmed: “We have presented the remodelling project which affects the northern area of Torreblanca.

It is very important work from all points of view, especially from the economic point of view, because we are talking

about an investment of almost €3 million. The work will cover 3.5 kilometres in length and more than 17,000 square me tres of surface area.”

The mayor said she was “very satisfied” with the meeting held with the residents of the area, “because the residents have shown the patience they must have with the execution of the work.

“Above all, they are very happy be cause they are going to see the problems of these streets resolved, which lack pavements, lighting, and a roadway in proper condition.”

Bowling brilliance World Cup wonder

A GLORIOUS day of bowls and competitive atmo sphere at the annual Miraflores Open. The bowls tournament, which is the largest of its kind of the Costa del Sol was held on Friday November 11.

Defending champions, Nick Cummings, Simone Morgan and Pat Fisher took on Gordan and Mar garet Kain, and Brig Gunn in the Mixed Triples fi nal, coming out victorious again, with an impres sive score of 22­11.

Miraflores’ own Denis Hanley and Carole Cooke came out on top in the Mixed Pairs final after a close match against Allen Gateshill and Nina McKenzie.

Following the competitions, organiser Terry thanked the players for great sportsmanship, spectators for their support and everyone at the club. He highlighted the excellent level of play in the competition finals.

Competition winners were awarded with a tro phy by the representative for the event sponsor, Carrie Ann. A prize draw was also held during the day, which was won by Sandra Lewis.

The country’s senior football team have been staying in the coastal town for several weeks now, playing eight friendly matches against local teams as they prepare to perform on the world stage.

The World Cup is set to go ahead in Qatar from November 20. The play ers will be the first to represent their country in the international competi tion, as it has never before qualified since it became independent in 1971.

The team have taken advantage of high quality training facilities, includ ing at the Arroyo Enmedio sports cen tre. García Urbano thanked the team for choosing the town as their base, as they have in the past.

EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 NEWS 6
HONOUR for Estepona as the World Cup host, Qatar chose the town as a training base for its national team. Town mayor, José María García Ur bano, met with the Qatari national selection in Estepona on Wednesday November 9. Photo credit: Ayuntamiento de Torremolinos Torremolinos has obtained a valuable promotion with airline giant, Jet2

Fantastic firefighter calendars for sale

THE Simply Thriving Group has produced a calendar which is on sale now to raise funds in gratitude of the heroic firefighters who battled the fires in Mijas in July.

The calendars are sell ing well and have the ap proval of the Mijas Town Hall, who have agreed that the proceeds from the calendars will be used to buy new trees for the burnt hills behind Mi jas once it has been cleared by the environ mental department.

The help of the gener al public would be great ly appreciated, so please buy one of these fabu lous calendars at just €3 each or two for €5.

Calendars are avail

able at Yorkshire Linen, Mapuchi Moda in La Cala, Tapas y Tai in Los Boliches, Age Concern in Los Boliches, Ibex, Des perate Dan’s in the port of Fuengirola and Mandy Bond, Sandra Kelly and Jean Dodge have several for sale.

Val Williams will be at Cerros bar on a Thurs day 12.30 until 1.30 for bookings and the calen dars will be available to purchase.

Presently the fund stands at around €700 but every effort is being made to produce a do nation of €2,000.

At both Green Label and La Sierra for the Christmas lunch clients pay direct to the restau

rant on the day, both cost price events.

Our Annual Autumn Ball is proving very pop ular at Green Label on November 29 and open to everyone.

A Dickens of a Lunch is full for December 15 and a waiting list has been prepared, as often there are a few last minute cancellations.

The entertainment by the Old Tyme Music Hall with Alexandra Avery in charge will be great fun and hopefully some of the guests will arrive in Victorian costume, but this is optional.

All can join in the fun with this social group, which is open to every one.

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Touch of Class

A TOUCH OF CLASS was formed in May 2014 by Pauline Hulme, supposedly as a one-off fundraising concert with a cast of five. Since then the group has grown in number to 20 and its popularity is going from strength to strength.

To date, the Show Group has raised around €30,000 for various charities on the

Costa del Sol. If you have a charity that needs the sup port of this group, they are always happy to help out, they will even bring their own sound technician.

New members are al ways warmly welcomed in to A Touch of Class. No ex perience is necessary, just a team spirit, a love of music of all kinds, and a desire to

reach out to those in need.

If you would like to know more, head along to any rehearsal night in Los Boliches St Andrews Church on a Monday and Thursday from 6.30pm, email tocsecretarybird@ or call Pauline Hulme on (+34) 633 405 884 or John Winsor on (+34) 684 045 606.

Exciting times ahead

WITH the sun setting on the horizon and the sounds of waves crashing on the glorious beach of La Cala, on Friday, November 11 celebrity chef Steven Saunders was officially welcomed as the new chef of Elliott Wright’s Olivia’s, La Cala.

With twinkling lights and canopies of what delicious food is to come with the collabora tion, the already great Olivia’s is now set to become even better.

The atmosphere was lively and filled with excitement, with support shown throughout by guests, friends, and locals from La Cala.

Local residents Jo and Matt Gore told the Euro Weekly News, “We wish them all the best, their hard work doesn’t go un noticed.”

Elliott himself said: “I am so extremely ex cited to finally see our dreams come together, it was destiny that brought us both together and for the business. We’ve both worked so hard, and we wanted to do something, so it was fate that brought us together.”

The chef himself told the EWN: “The food is passionate, and the compliments have been

flooding in this week.

“I love pleasing people. I thought can I, can’t I do it, but we’ve already done it. Look at tonight.”

Speaking about the support he’s received from the press, Steven added: “I have always been such a great fan of Euro Weekly.”

Together Elliott and Steven ended the evening by thanking guests for coming, speak ing fondly of them coming together in a joint business venture at the right time for both of them.

Festive Ferris wheel

A STRIKING addition to the Benalmadena skyline is set to be installed shortly for the festive period. Local authori ties announced the construc tion of a 40‐metre tall Ferris wheel, the Mirador Princess on Thursday November 10.

The attraction, located in the town’s marina, will offer residents and visitors panoramic views of the ex tensive coastline and the town. Town mayor, Víctor

Navas, explained the Ferris wheel will complement fes tive attractions already planned for the marina area and will have economic bene fits by attracting tourists to the town during the off‐sea son.

Navas described the Ferris wheel project as evidence of the town’s “great commercial dynamism, capable of gener ating opportunities and at tracting investment,” saying

the council is always looking out for new leisure opportuni ties and attractions for locals and visitors.

Navas also highlighted the collaboration of different local organisations in developing the project, including compa nies in the private sector and the port authorities.

Work is getting underway so the attraction will be up and running in time for an in flux of Christmas visitors.

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Steven and Elliott celebrate their new partnership.

Public space makeover

A DETAILED upgrade pro gramme will improve a public leisure space right in the heart of Torremolinos. More than 40 benches are being upgraded over the next month, the coun cil announced on November 11. The upgrade programme

will affect each bench in the pedestrian zone from Avenida Palma de Mallorca to Plaza Costa del Sol. Council cleaning agency Samset is tasked with taking each bench apart before maintaining and weatherproofing the wood.

A task force from the com pany will brush down, sand, varnish, polish, and reassemble each of the benches during the project. The stone bases under each bench will also receive re conditioning treatment, since many had been worn down by weather conditions.

The thorough process means that only four benches can be completed each day, so the project will take around one month to complete.

The council aim to provide comfortable leisure spaces, so the renovation programme will improve the appearance of the benches while ensuring they are practically suitable for their purpose.

A VITAL renovation project is set to make extensive re pairs to Calle José Echegaray de El Ingenio in San Pedro Alcántara after council representatives gave the project the green light at a community meet ing on November 10.

The town mayor, Javier García explained that the

Seeing success

COMMUNITY care is the fo cus of a local opticians’ 10year anniversary celebra tions. Specsavers Ópticas in Marbella is celebrating a decade of optical care in the city by giving back to the lo cal community with a charity initiative.

Specsavers are inviting members of the local com munity to a special in­store celebration at their branch on Avenida Ricardo Soriano, on Friday November 25.

The event, which is set to take place from 4pm until 8pm, will feature plenty of great music, giveaways and

special offers for attendees, as well as drinks and snacks.

Specsavers will also host a charity event, collecting toys for the Red Cross Christmas Campaign.

Reflecting on a decade of service in Marbella, branch Director, Nerea Galdos­Little explained “We are so excit ed to be celebrating our 10th anniversary and would like to thank all our wonderful customers, our dedicated team and everyone who supports and recommends our services. We couldn’t have done it without you.”

The community opticians is no stranger to philanthrop ic appeals. Throughout the years they have partnered with many charities to raise funds, awareness or donate items, such as glasses.

Community commitment

project will take around eight months and will make much­needed repairs to the street. The first phase of the project will remodel the pavement as the current design creates traffic issues. The second phase of the

project will make improve ments to the water and sanitation network in the area.

Mayor of Marbella city, Ángeles Muñoz explained “this project is crucial for the future development of

the southern part of the town.”

A community meeting to inform residents of the up grades was well­attended by members of the commu nity who were delighted to hear of the improvements.

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Store Director Nerea Galdos-Little launches Specsavers’ charity Christmas appeal in support of the Red Cross. Photo credit: Specsavers Ópticas

Flair for design Sustainable switch

AN impressive Marbella De sign & Art design fair brought together a whole host of de sign industry professionals in the Andalucian capital of cre ativity. More than 40 interior design brands and 150 brands from the sector came togeth er for events and exhibitions which ended on Sunday November 13.

Visiting the fair on Friday November 11, mayor of Marbella, Ángeles Muñoz highlighted the design excel lence on show and the eco nomic benefits the event has had for the city.

Muñoz chatted with huge names in the design industry during her visit and ex plained “This is one of the most important national fairs for the design industry,

which combines perfectly with the values of innova tion and modernity of our city.” She highlighted the wide scope of the event which has hosted more than 160,000 visitors in its five year history.

The mayor also attended a talk at the event entitled

‘Design as a means of tourist attraction’, which was fol lowed by a debate. Tourism industry head, Alejandro Za ia said that the standard of design was increasing con stantly, saying Marbella has now established itself on the global stage as the home of tourism and design.

Flower of Andalucia

A PRESTIGIOUS prize for Mar bella as the city is once again recognised as the ‘Flower of Andalucia’ by the Andalucian Multisectoral Gardening As sociation (AMJA). The city was distinguished in a cere mony on November 11, where authorities received a green flag as a prize.

The AMJA recognised Marbella for its urban green spaces and their mainte nance. Mayor of Marbella,

Ángeles Muñoz said the award wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work of the Parks and Gar dens agency “in the manage ment of four million square metres of green space in the city region.”

Muñoz added that Mar bella shares the AMJA’s goals of sustainability, protection and promotion of green spaces saying “We are aware of the benefits they have on

quality of life and in attract ing tourists to our city.”

The city remains dedicat ed to green spaces in the ur ban area and is set to further develop its green infrastruc ture including increasing chil dren’s parks to encourage families to spend time out doors and vertical gardens, an innovative approach for places with limited space and apartment style hous ing.

A PIONEERING pilot project in Marbel la saw the local council switch to sus tainable mobility. Three electric mo torcycles have joined the council’s fleet of sustainable vehicles in its com mitment to clean energy sources.

The council announced the purchase of the totally electric motorcycles on November 10, saying they will serve a range of purposes in the city region. The council have been using hybrid motorcycles for some time, but the move represents a leap in the city’s sustainable transport goals.

The motorcycles have an extensive range on just two to six hours of charge. They also contribute to the city’s goals of reducing noise pollu tion.

Council Director for Innovation, Traffic and Transport, Baldomero León, explained the city is committed to targets it set at the 2019 Climate Summit in Madrid, “We pledged to

IF it’s a cracking Christmas Party in Marbella that you’re searching for, then look no further than La Sala Puerto Banus to make your occasion extra special.

Throughout December, you can enjoy the scrump tiously festive two­course Christmas Party Menu for just €29 per person. From Classic Pil Pil Prawns to Tra ditional Roast Turkey with all the trimmings, this spec tacular offering is designed with a number of upgrades and supplements.

You can even visit the La

switch to sustainable, electric vehicles. These electric motorcycles have an in credible range of 100 kilometres and versatile removable batteries that can be charged using conventional plugs.”

Head of the supply company, Eco Mobility Green World España, Antonio Galberro thanked the government for investing in the future with the elec tric motorcycles.

Filling up fast

Sala Ski Lodge located on the outdoor terrace. Guar anteed to have you feeling festive quicker than you can say Frosty the Snow man! Enjoy the dazzling snow and twinkling fairy lights, as you wrap up warm and embrace all things toasty. Welcome to the ultimate alpine won derland located in the heart of Puerto Banus.

Personalised bespoke

packages are available on request along with private hire of the exclusive Live Lounge and Ski Lodge.

Don’t forget the venue showcases unbeatable live music…seven nights a week with an impressive line­up of festive tribute evenings to suit everybody. For further information contact La Sala at: reserva or by calling 952 814 145.

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DESIGN FAIR: The mayor of Marbella visited the event. Three all-electric motorcycles have joined Marbella City Council’s fleet of sustainable transport. Photo credit: Ayuntamiento de Marbella

Moving service

MEMBERS and friends of the Coin branch of the Royal British Legion gathered together at the Coin Cemetery Chapel at 11.30am on Fri day November 11 to pay their respects to the servicemen and women who lost their lives in conflict. The town hall was represented by Dori Luque Gomez, Francisco Javier Jiménez Urbano and fellow councillor Ana Belén González Naranjo. The Guardia Civil was also represent ed by two Coin lieutenants, one of whom laid a wreath alongside those for the Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force.

The congregation was in awe of the Tapas choir who started the Service by singing a selec tion of moving songs. The branch’s chaplain Car oline Macfarlane led a poignant Service with a reference to the death of Queen Elizabeth II on September 8. On a cool day everyone’s spirits were lifted by an amazing all­round effort by members of the Coin Branch. In keeping with tradition, Rosie Mahoney decorated the chapel beautifully and for the first time included an or nament of two soldiers made by her brother John and gifted to the branch.

Fun volunteering

IT’S never been a better time to consider volun teering, helping others is rewarding and fun, and now Age Concern have made it even easier to get involved.

Age Concern provide help where needed to the over 50s English­speaking communities in Fuengirola, Mijas and Benalmadena. All the vol unteer opportunities are part time and designed to fit around your lifestyle, a few hours a week or more, it’s your choice.

If you can drive, or are a good communicator, or can use a computer, have any experience in art work design, if you have ever worked with

older people or just love the buzz of a fun retail environment, Age Concern can tailor every op portunity to suit you.

Please call Chrissie on 711 019 711 any week day from 10.00am to 4.00pm, to arrange a noobligation chat over a coffee and help find the right opportunity for you. Or you can email at in

Age Concern have four local weekly drop­in centres and a full social calendar with something for everyone ­ and the best part is it’s free to join. Pop into any one of the Age Concern centres or for more info call the helpline on 652 537 615

MBE Honour

ON Tuesday November 15, David Fernández Jiménez, Deputy Director of the FCDO’s Consular Contact Centre, which is based in Malaga, re ceived the Honorary Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) for his services to British citizens abroad.

The ceremony took place in Madrid at the residence of the British ambassador, Hugh El liott.

HMA Hugh Elliott said: “David is a first­class public servant, with a very clear objective: to improve consular ser vices for British citizens.

“Since joining the FCDO 10 years ago, he has shown innovation in ser vice delivery, led the con sular response to numer ous crises (such as during the Arab Spring, hurri canes in the Caribbean and airline bankruptcy)

and has developed new channels of communica tion with British citizens. I am lucky to work with him and to be able to give him this well­de served medal.”

David Jiménez said: “I am immensely grateful to the UK for this distinc

tion, which I embrace with pride. This recogni tion symbolises the dedi cation and commitment of an entire department to be always at the van guard of the provision of high­quality consular ser vices for British people overseas.”

EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 NEWS 14
DAVID JIMÉNEZ: Embraces the recognition with pride.

Mental health lunch

THERE is another special fundraising lunch and fashion show at La Sala Banus on Thursday December 1 and with limited capacity, tickets must be reserved in advance.

Guests can enjoy a twocourse lunch with free­flowing cava (1pm to 3pm) at a cost €39 per person, from which €10 will be donated to Costa del Sol charity Afesol Salud Mental.

The catwalk will feature clothes from Marbella­based fashion house Angel Clothing.

AFESOL (Association of Rela tives and People with Mental

AS has become a Christmas tradition, students from the Russian School of Ballet based in Marbella will be presenting their version of Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker at the Felipe VI Au ditorium (TAF) in Estepona.

This year, the event will be a little different as members of the Romanian National Opera will also be taking part in the

Illness of the Costa del Sol), is a not­for­profit association, made up of relatives and peo ple with mental illness, united to find solutions to the prob lems that often arise.

They have a new day centre

in Estepona and funds are ur gently required to furnish this fantastic facility.

In order to reserve your place at the lunch, email reser or call 952 814 145.

Ballet in Estepona

show which starts at 5.30pm on Thursday December 15.

Another innovation is that those attending the ballet will have the chance to join in the school’s Christmas party from 7pm. There will be entertain ment for children and adults.

Tickets cost €43 plus book ing fee https://tafestepona.en and don’t forget that just a few days earlier, TAF welcomes the International Ballet Company on Friday De cember 9 as they perform pop ular ballet Giselle.

Christmas light show

AFTER the success of last year’s Malaga Botanical Gardens Christmas light show, a completely new attraction STELA will be launched on Sunday November 27.

This luminous route has been created in order to allow visitors to accompa ny the Three Wise Men on their magical journey following the Star of the East.

Millions of glowing bulbs will illuminate this imaginative 2.2­kilometre route as visitors pass through more than 20 dif ferent innovative light in stallations allowing them to view such historic sites such as Persia, Babylon and Bethlehem.

When night falls, the Garden will become even more beautiful as the illu minations transport those

following the route to a completely new world of mystery and magic and last year, some 110,000 people were delighted by their visit.

As you journey through the display, you can also stop and enjoy a drink or a bite to eat at one of the conveniently located food trucks.

The show will run from Monday to Sunday until January 8 with access


AGATHA CHRISTIE’S play ‘And then there were None’ which is to be per formed at the Salón Va rietés Theatre in Fuen girola had two earlier names which were both changed because they were considered offen sive.

Adapted by Christie from her 1939 book of the ‘same’ name in 1943, she considered it to be the play which for mally started her career as a playwright as the story is so well crafted.

It’s a major murder drama with a twist as

eight disparate guests arrive at an isolated mansion located on an island off the coast of Devon and are tended to by two married domes tics, but when they start dying one by one, each survivor suspects the others as being the killers.

Directed by Lynn Halli day, this a perfect follow up to last year’s perfor mance of Christie’s most successful play ‘The Mousetrap’ and is con sidered to be one of the most difficult of her works to perform on stage.

Tickets for the shows which run from Novem ber 23 to November 27 cost €16 and may be ob tained online at https://www.salonvari / or from the box office which is open Monday to Friday 11am to 2pm as well as an hour before each show.

from 6.30pm to 9pm and the park closes at 11pm although it may also be closed on public holidays, so check when booking.

Depending on the day chosen, tickets will cost between €12 and €14 and can be purchased exclu sively at https://lasluces en/entradas / which of fers discounts for the el derly, young, disabled and groups.

Jazz in Fuengirola

FRIDAY night is Jazz night in Fuengirola as accom plished Malaga­born gui tarist Milton Rodríguez per forms with his quartet from 8pm on Friday November 18.

This is a free concert at the Casa de Cultura where no reservations are re quired and members of the public will be allowed entry until the hall reaches capacity.

The guitarist who cur rently lives in Mallorca where he teaches as well as plays has travelled around the world, both performing and honing his skill which incorporates a love of American jazz and Brazilian rhythms.

Joining the guitarist in the quartet are, José Carra on piano, Alberto Madrid on double bass and Juan ma Nieto on drums and if you miss this concert, they will be back in Malaga City playing the Sala Multipur pose on December 15.

: 952 934 963 • Email: insure@rightwa T: Sponsored by Call us on T SOCIAL SCENE • Multi-Policy Discounts • Free Hire Car up to 45 days • Medical Insurance for R eb: www We • W Expats insurance experts in Spain since 1999 esidencia • Up to 60€ Cash Back • Policies in English • 30% Discount on Medical Ins Good insurance starts with a good Insurance Adviser 16
Afesol supporters at last April’s La Sala fundraiser Credit: Afesol Salud Mental Facebook BOTANICAL GARDENS: Will feature a new attraction. Credit: Luces de Malaga Facebook

Celebrate Thanksgiving at our sumptuous Sea Grill feast

WITH the autumn season now in full swing, Sea Grill at Puente Romano is celebrating the rich gifts of land and sea at a Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday November 24. Thanksgiving is always held on the last Thursday of November every year, and although the date may change, the day never does.

This annual festival is a way of giving thanks for the abundance of the recent harvest on land, but at Sea Grill, with its spectacular Mediterranean views, we are also reminded that the produce caught in its waters plays an important role in our local cuisine, even if fish is not a part of the menu on this occasion.

The menu respects and elevates the traditional Thanksgiving dishes, offering a rich, roasted and creamy pumpkin soup, succulent roast turkey with all the trimmings, followed by a sumptuous dessert of pumpkin walnut cake and Bourbon vanilla ice cream.

Join us with your family and friends for this wonderfully, indulgent feast that celebrates the produce which our world-class chefs turn into delectable dishes.

THURSDAY, 24TH NOVEMBER FROM 1PM Tickets €59 per guest Reserve tickets at or +34 682 112 233 EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 17 ADVERTISING FEATURE

EVERY year the Choir and Orchestra of Collegium Musicum Costa del Sol present two Christmas concerts, one in Fuengirola and the other in Marbella.

This year, with the par ticipation of four interna tional soloists they will be performing Handel’s Mes siah directed by Delyth Bressington, supported by the Camerata Choir of So togrande.

The first performance will be at the Salon Real of the IPV Palace & Spa Hotel in Fuengirola on Sunday, December 11 at 7.30pm with tickets costing €12 per person (although free for those under 16).

They may be purchased from the IPV Palace Hotel, Lepanto Café Fuengirola (main street), from mem bers of Collegium Mu sicum or will be on sale from 7pm at the door

There will be a second performance in aid of the

More than TAPAS

TAPAS, The Andalucia Per forming Arts Society has a lot organised in the run up to Christmas with the first event taking place on Saturday November 26 when they host their Christmas Bazaar.

Open from 11am to 2pm at La Risa Bistro, part of Lauro Golf in Alhaurin de la Torre, there will be a selection of dif ferent items for sale including crafts, cakes, books, pre serves, hats and much more plus the added attraction of the TAPAS choir singing dur ing the event.

Next, on Saturday Decem ber 3, it’s time for the associa tion’s Christmas show at the Alhaurin Golf Club featuring not just the TAPAS Choir, but also music from TOPS, the LGTBI Torremolinos Choir and popular trio Boogie Wonder land.

Tickets for the show which

Handel’s Messiah Arts Society Benahavis

AN illustrated lecture on Sculpture and Archi tecture will be the next event to be hosted by the Arts Society Bena havis which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year and takes place on Tuesday November 29.

The guest speaker will be David Wor thington, who will trace inter­relationship between the two art forms showing how in an age of Computer Aided Design an under standing of sculpture is more important than

starts at 7pm cost €12 for TAPAS members and €15 for non­members and prior to the music, guests will be able to enjoy a selection of drinks and food between 5pm and 7pm at additional cost.

To reserve your place call Betty on 687 783 309.

Then on Sunday December 4, the choir will be performing at the ARCH Festive Fiesta at the horse rescue centre in Al haurin el Grande which will

be open from 11am to 4pm with additional musical sup port from musician Jens Malling.

As part of the festive fun Santa will be awaiting chil dren in his grotto and ARCH will serve mulled wine, homemade soups and stews as well as an array of deli cious cakes whilst volunteers will be selling Christmas dec orations and other crafts to raise funds.

Music from ballets

ever for architecture.

The event is being held as usual at the Be nahavis town hall and doors open at 5.30pm for a complimentary glass of wine with the lecture commencing at 6.30pm sharp.

Entry is free for mem bers and guests will be welcome at a charge of €12 per person but is the last lecture of the year although if you vis it the society website you can see details of future lectures and how to join.

THERE’S a rather unusual candle light presentation by a string quartet accompanied by a single ballet dancer performing a selec tion of works from some of the most popular classical ballets.

There will be two performances at the María Cristina Concert Hall, Malaga City at 5.45pm and 7.45pm on Friday December 9.

Tickets cost €15, €25, €30 and €35 depending on where you are seated and may be obtained via

The show will last approximate ly 60 minutes and will feature a number of works by Tchaikovsky including excerpts from Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty and Christ mas favourite The Nutcracker as well as polkas by Strauss.

ACE Christmas Dinner

THE ACE Dog Shelter in La Cala de Mijas is holding this year’s Christmas Fundraiser at the fashionable Restaurante El Olivo de La Cala (Calle Butiplaya), on Saturday De cember 17 and tickets should sell quickly.

The event starts at 7pm with a threecourse dinner, with choice of menu in cluding vegetarian option and a half bot tle of wine, beer or soft drinks.

There will be music from popular sing Nick Cripps, as well as a Charity Raffle with great prizes, all for the cost of €45

per person which includes a donation of €10 to ACE.

Tickets must be paid for in advance and are on sale at Restaurante El Olivo de La Cala at Ibex Insurance (Fuengirola) or by calling either Carolyn on 647 647 671 or Kurt on 606 145 359.

Founded in La Cala de Mijas in 1999, the ACE Dog Shelter has saved and re homed more than 26,000 animals and is currently caring for 600 dogs and 200 cats.

EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 SOCIAL SCENE 18
charity Cáritas Encar nación on Tuesday, De cember 13 at 8.30pm in the Church of the Encar nación in Marbella with free seating, although do nations for the charity will be welcome. CHRISTMAS CONCERT: Last year in Fuengirola. Credit: Collegium Musicum Facebook SEVERAL EVENTS: TAPAS Choir raising funds for charity. Credit: TAPAS Facebook

Urban music Dinner Dance

FOR younger readers who are interested in the Urban music scene, there is a double bill at the Palladium Club in Torremoli nos on Friday December 2 starting at 10.30pm.

Headline act is 19­year­old from Barcelona, Cyril Kamer who is fast becoming a major name in this genre.

Having been recording for just one year, he has had his mu sic downloaded half a million times with his song Bandido sit ting in Spotify Spain’s top 100 for more than a month.

Supporting him on the night will be Delarue, a musician from Madrid who doesn’t want to be categorised and is hap py to sing in Spanish and French who says “I’m a kid who grew up on the street, but I’m not a gangster, I’m calm.”

Tickets for the gig start at €17.50 with VIP options at addi tional cost online from El Corte Inglés.

Biker heaven

FOR those who enjoy the thrill of the road whilst sitting astride a powerful motorbike, the Gothorum MC Club Malaga is cele brating with an open house at their Drakkar Club House from noon on Sunday November 27.

Situated in Calle Tegucigalpa, 6, Malaga City there is going to be plenty of cold beer, hot callos, motorbikes galore and a concert featuring Angela Hoodoo.

The Granada­born singer and musician owes allegiance to some of the great female blues singers of the past and with a portrait of Etta James tattooed on her arm and her stage name taken from a Moaning Minnie song, her blend of blues, country and rock is an ideal sound for this bikers event.

The performer and music teacher has already released a single Far Away and is now completing her first album.

Cirque du Soleil returns

THE Cirque du Soleil shows in Malaga City have always been popular with audiences and now that they have re formed following the pan demic, they will return for just 11 performances.

Crystal is not just an ice show, but brings together world­class ice skaters and acrobats who claim their new frozen playground with speed and fluidity as they challenge the laws of gravity with never­before­seen acro batics.

This is the Cirque de Soleil’s first ever show on ice and they invite the audience to suspend reality and slide into a world that springs to colourful life with astounding visual projections and a soundtrack that seamlessly blends popular music with the signature sound of Cirque du Soleil in a performance that is suitable for all ages.

The very short run is in De cember at the Palacio Martin Carpena in Malaga City on December 10 and 11 and then December 14 to 18 with

tickets currently costing from €50 to €104 depending upon the time and date of the per formance.

With 15 separate seg ments, the show lasts two and a half hours with a 20minute interval and is the on ly chance this year for those

of us in the Costa del Sol to catch the innovative Canadi an based troupe made up of acrobats and athletes from all over the world.

Visit https://www.livena­crystal­cirquedu­soleil­1269764 to choose your seats.

Malaga lights

ONE of the top yule time attractions on the Costa del Sol is the Malaga Christmas lights which attracts huge numbers of visitors every year.

Lux Mundi in Fuengirola are organising another of the coach trips that always prove so popular and this will take in the Malaga Lights on Tuesday December 20.

But perhaps more important than seeing the lights is the fact that there will be ample time to take a tour of the many Belens (Nativity Scenes) around the city, including the famous Belen La Mosca built in the side of the mountain.

THE Occasional Performance Society (TOPS) is a local AmDram group based in Alhaurin el Grande which raises money for local charities and this year members are helping ARCH horse rescue and Aprodal charity for the disabled.

After running a number of events during the year, they will be hosting their Grand Charity Dinner Dance at Pena Asfahal on Wednesday November 23 with food served at 7pm. There will be a choice of menu to include a main course and dessert or coffee together with a compli mentary glass of wine.

Entertainment will be sup plied by Cassie and tickets cost €22 for members or €25 for non­members with all profits going to the two charities.

Tickets from Papeleria Cristi na, in Alhaurin el Grande or from Cath on 627 293 609.

Piano recitals

THE Piano Orchestra is a Music with Charm project, which was created in Marbella in June 2019, thanks to the support of the local Les Roches School.

It is made up of adult music students who are fulfilling their dream of playing the piano.

• November 17, 7pm Zac and Bruno, Marbella

• November 18, 8:15pm Radiant Rubi, Drag show, Minnelli’s, Benalmadena

• November 18, 10pm, Eneko Alberdi & No solo Blues Band, Clarence Jazz Club, Torremolinos

• November 19, 3:30pm, Zac and Bruno, Andy’s beach Puerto de Cabopino, Marbella

• November 20, 5pm, Zac and Bruno, La Placita, Calahonda, Las Lagunas de Mijas,

• November 22, 9pm, Zac and Bruno, Pals Bar, Mijas

The cost of the trip is €12 for members of Lux Mundi and €14 for others with departure from Fuengirola Fairground at 4.30pm and the Bullring at 4.35pm, with return from Malaga at around 10.30pm.

Reserve your place by emailing or call 952 474 840.

This group works under the musical direction of María Testa and its members have mas tered a repertoire that takes in classical, popular and Christmas music.

They will be presenting two free concerts this year to show case their achievements, the first at 6pm on Friday Decem ber 16 at the Cortijo Miraflores Cultural Centre and the second the following day at noon in the Ralli Marbella Museum.

No reservations needed and entry until capacity is reached.

Anachronic sounds

ON Friday November 18 at 8.30pm, the Assembly Hall of the Official College of Quantity Surveyors of Malaga is hosting a free concert featuring the Anachronic quintet.

They will be playing a selec tion of traditional jazz, blues and swing numbers which ev eryone will recognise, but these innovative musicians love to improvise and present a different version each time they perform.

EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 SOCIAL SCENE 20
Credit: Cirque du Soleil
Enjoy the fast-paced performance on ice.

THE year 2022 saw in tense debate in the Euro pean Parliament over the legality of ‘CBI’ Schemes (Citizenship by Invest ment) offered by three EU countries: Malta, Cyprus, and Bulgaria.

Many EU MEPs offered their opinion on the schemes and called for an immediate ban by arguing that they pose a threat to European security and democracy as they can be used as a backdoor to the EU for dirty money. Some country representatives added that the procedures lacked fairness compared to conventional migration and naturalisation chan nels, and impact equality as they benefit the rich and they are an offence against EU values (opinion of MEP belonging to the Spanish government’s party!).

Separately, ‘RBI’ (Resi dency by Investment or ‘Golden Visa’ Schemes) is also being offered, apart from the above countries, by Estonia, Greece, Spain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Portu gal, on the basis of a mini mum investment that varies from country to country.

Such schemes have brought immense capital to the EU: a study ­ by the very same European Parlia ment where their legality is being questioned ­ esti mated that the benefit of Golden Visa schemes on

Advertising Feature

Malta and Cyprus passport schemes to threaten the existence of Spain’s Golden Visas


LLM (Essex)Reg. Nº 4712 I.C.A. Málaga

E-mail: Homepage:

the EU was of €21.4 billion, with 132,000 people bene fiting. Still, this astounding level of investment seems for many MEPs (with their

varied political inclina tions) a negative record be cause, in their opinion, they potentially involve a broad spectrum of crimi nality: fraud, tax evasion and money­laundering practices.

But whilst this argument could have some merit, Golden Visas per se do not increase the above­men tioned risk, or indeed lack fairness.

Firstly, any person can invest in the EU, with or without ‘Golden Visa’ schemes. Secondly, vet

ting procedures are in fact higher with investors that apply for Golden Visas ver sus those who do not as, in addition to the

source/proof of funds checks, a background check in the form of a criminal record certificate is required.

And lastly, most if not all non­working residency schemes in the world are based on financial capaci ty, and this will never change whether we find it morally acceptable or not. In fact, tourist visas are the same and this will hardly change either.

EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 23 FEATURE

Jungle round up

TWO new contestants livened up the camp on Wednesday November 9. Comedian Sean Walsh and former Health Secretary, Matt Hancock MP were wel comed into the jungle with a Beastly Burrow trial consist ing of cockroaches and sludge and after a slow start the duo managed to bag six stars.

A frosty reception was waiting for Matt in the camp with the celebrities question ing the former Health Secre tary on his behaviour during the pandemic, with mixed views to his responses.

The public shared the celebrities’ angst and voted for Matt to do more trials consisting of the Tentacles of Terror and La Cucaracha Café, the latter being an eat ing trial and due to Boy George being vegetarian, he was given fermented plums, sticky beans and a ferment ed duck egg, while Hancock had to swallow a camel pe

nis, sheep vagina and cow anus.

Saturday night saw Matt and Owen take on the trial ‘Who Wants To Look Silly on Air’, being asked questions in the same format as Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, while brown sauce, custard and other slimy substances poured down on them.

After stars being deducted for cheating and then help from phone a friend Sue Cleaver, the celebrities won five stars.

It was more or less a fore gone conclusion that Matt would be chosen to do more

trials and after taking on each challenge in a cool and collected manner and bag ging more stars, his fellow camp mates have started to warm to him.

On Sunday, the battle for camp leader began with Matt winning the title, he then quipped that this win made up for his loss against Boris Johnson in the 2019 Conservative leader election.

Matt quickly recruited journalist Charlene White to be his second in command and they went about their duties assigning the daily chores to each camp mate.

EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 NEWS 24
2022 LINE-UP: The stars taking part in the jungle. Credit: ITV

HM HOSPITALES has expanded its network on the Costa del Sol with three centres in the capital of Mala ga and the newly renovated HM Santa Elena International Hospital, Torremolinos. HM Santa Elena will be the reference hospital on the Costa del Sol, dealing with complex treatments using state­of­the­arttechnology and an extended medi cal team providing the best quality of care.

For Malaga, the CHIP Hospital will be renamed HM Hospital Malaga, the Hospital Dr Galvez will become Hospital HM Galvez, and the Clinica del Pilar will become the day hospi tal HM El Pilar.

These centres are integrated and managed under the same medical direction and working protocols that have made HM Hospitales a group of excellence, offering over 30 medi cal specialties such as cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, highly com plex traumatology, urology, paedi atrics, gynaecology and nephrology. Users of HM Hospitals on the Cos ta del Sol benefit from comprehen

HM Hospitales expands its health care network in the province of Malaga

group’s medical centres have the best state­of­the­art healthcare technology infrastructure, being leaders in robotic surgery and radiol ogy equipment, as well as in com plex areas such as oncology, with HM CIOCC being the first private on cology centre in Spain.

International mobility

sive centres of high complexity, in cluding Comprehensive Neuro science Centres, HM CINAC, Com prehensive Oncology Centre Clara Campal, HM CIOCC and the Com prehensive Centre for Cardiology and cardiovascular diseases, HM CIEC.

HM Hospitales has positioned it self as a leader in healthcare, offer

ing exquisite quality of care including diagnoses and treatments under the supervision of the best specialists in healthcare. This health corporation is a leader in university hospitals throughout Spain, thanks to the HM Hospitales Foundation leading in re search and teaching in private healthcare.

According to latest rankings, the

Over the last 10 years, the compa ny has become a benchmark among the international community throughout Spain, offering person alised 24/7 services and accepting all international insurance policies of expats.

The opening of the new medical centres, each with an integrated in ternational department, will improve services for international patients and offer the same personalised multilin gual medical service that has made HM Hospitales the first choice for ex pats and visitors.

The ‘International Patient’ is a pre mium healthcare service (at no addi tional cost) for those who have moved to the Costa del Sol for tourism, work, studies, or seeking second medical opinions.

HM Hospitales has health centres and polyclinics on the Costa del Sol, Madrid, Barcelona, Galicia and Leon, with its exclusive ‘International Pa tient’ service in each main hospital.


The ‘International Patient’ service facilitates the management to find out if the interested party has medi cal coverage in its hospitals. It also offers preferential appointments and medical services at home, ac companying the patient during their medical care in their own language.

If the patient resides outside of Spain, the International Services team will accompany them from the first moment they contacts us.

HM International offers advice on a second medical opinion, with an international medical coordinator who will advise you throughout the process.

EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 25 NEWS
Advertising Feature Find out more: • Telephone: +34 649 044 240 • Email:
Costa del Sol will now have four HM hospitals.

Community with heart

THE community’s paper, the Euro Weekly News, has always at its heart been about serving its English­speaking readers in Spain.

Now, the EWN has teamed up with another communityfocused organisation, the British Benevolent Fund (BBF), to bring some of the issues most important to expats into sharp focus and spread aware ness about this amazing group in their new column every week.

The EWN sat down with the British Benevolent Fund’s chair, Olaf Clayton, to discuss their upcoming column, what they do, and how they can help British expats in Spain.

Olaf explained: “The BBF has been going for at least 100 years. We originally thought we had started in the 1930s but we’ve discovered it was earlier and we’ve been helping Britons in Spain since then.”

The organisation, entirely funded by donations, gives one­off payments to Britons in need in Spain to help with is

sues like those who are be tween jobs or other hardship.

Olaf said: “We don’t and can’t provide regular stipends as we’re not a government or ganisation.

“What we do is provide funding when people desper ately need it. We do it because it’s important that there is somebody there as a last re sort when people have ex hausted all options, including family or friends.”

He added: “We look at things impartially and sympa thetically as these are often is sues that could happen to any one. With Brexit there are a large number of people who were caught in a difficult posi tion and we want to help.”

In the BBF’s upcoming col

umn, Olaf will be dis cussing how some of the most common is sues facing Brits in Spain arise, how to pre vent them, and how the BBF can help when needed. Olaf will also be discussing some of the difficult decisions the organisation has to make when it comes to funding dif ferent issues.

The chair is also encouraging members of the community to get involved to spread the word about the BFF and help those in need. He said: “We are looking for people with great British common sense and time to dedicate to this.

“We need volunteers, dona tions, members, and we’re looking for people who are happy to host and organise events.”

The first column will be pub lished in the EWN on Thurs day, November 24. To learn more about the BBF visit or contact olaf.clayton@british

EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 NEWS 26
Olaf Clayton of BBF.



Safe roads

A REPORT from the International Drivers Association classes Denmark as the fourth best European country to drive in behind Switzerland, the Netherlands and Belgium thanks to good quality roads, few deaths in accidents and car density, but it lost out with high cost of fuel.


Sparks fly

MUCH of Holland goes up in flames at midnight every New Year’s Eve, but there will be fewer fireworks available for celebrations or blowing up cash machines this year as German and Dutch police have seized the biggest haul of illegal fireworks in their history.


Fair cop

A BRUSSELS police chief was rather surprised to see an advert from a man offering his sexual services to women and couples who he recognised as a police inspector and although officers are allowed jobs on the side, they must have them approved in advance.


Digital Red Cross

RESEARCHERS in Germany have been recruited by the International Red Cross to identify whether a digital red cross image might deter hackers from attacking their sites in the same way that the red cross flag on vehicles and hospitals offers some form of protection during wartime.


Building site

THE most famous street in Paris, the ChampsElysées, which attracts millions of visitors every year is currently a shambles as there is a huge amount of building work to lay granite paving stones and create new gardens in the run-up to the 2024 Olympics.


Cash is king

WORRIED that the headlong rush towards a cashless society could leave consumers and banks vulnerable to hackers out to disrupt the economy, the Norwegian government intends to promote the use of bank notes in shops and hospitality outlets rather than demand payment by card.


Russian uranium

ALTHOUGH 42 per cent of electricity is created from renewable sources, Finland relies on nuclear power and despite sanctions on Russia is committed to obtaining its uranium from TVEL, a subsidiary of Russia’s Rosatom and will not be able to change for several years.



FAST food chain McDonald’s has announced that it is replacing all plastic cutlery with a new paper-based material in all of its restaurants across Ireland. It says that the new cutlery is made from FSC-certified pressed paper that is strong, renewable and can be recycled or composted.


In the soup

AFTER one group threw tomato soup at a Van Gogh painting in London, a second group of climate protestors chose another painting by the same artist, but this time threw vegetable soup over The Sower, doing no damage as the painting was under glass.


Going down

WHILST Spain appears likely to reintroduce tolls on some motorways, Portugal is looking the other way and plans next year to reduce some tolls, as it admits that public transport in some parts of the interior is almost nonexistent and driving is the only viable alternative.


Oscar winner

VISITING Ukraine for the third time, actor and director Sean Penn gave President Vladimir Zelenskyy one of his Oscars as a symbol of support and asked him to hold onto it until his country defeats Russia, at which time he should return it in Malibu.


Treasure trove

ARCHAEOLOGISTS digging at a known Viking settlement north of Stockholm were amazed to uncover a small pot buried under preserved wooden floors which contained a large amount of jewellery including torques, rings and coins made into pendants in almost perfect condition dating back around 1,000 years.

EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 EUROPEAN PRESS 28



Whopper truck

LOOKING to outdo competi tors, Burger King Spain has created the Whopper Truck, which is staffed by 20 people and can offer a whole range of food at open air festivals. Its first outing was at the Co ca­Cola Music Experience festival where it reportedly earned €30,000.

Inflation stable

WITH just six weeks left until the end of the year, Spanish Economy Minister Nadia Calviño has indicated that she expects the country’s in flation rate to continue at around 9 per cent, adding that fourth quarter econom ic growth is relatively good.

WH Smith

BACK to travel, back to profit is the mantra for ‘newsagent’ WH Smith which has reported a head line pre­tax profit of £61 mil lion for the year to the end of August compared to last year’s loss of £104 million, thanks to the freedom to travel.

Sustainable Xmas

FIVE sustainable stuffed hedgehogs known as Los Grinpins will be an ideal Xmas gift for the very young. On sale at El Corte Inglés, for every one sold, the depart ment store will add €1 to its existing commitment to plant 2,500 trees near the town of Ejulve (Teruel).

Trade deal

DESPITE the fact that the US government has indicated that a trade agreement with the UK is unlikely until the Northern Ireland border situ ation is resolved, Trade Sec retary Kemi Badenoch left for Washington DC on Mon day November 14 to try to promote UK­US trade.

STAT OF WEEK €3.7 million

Microchip design centre

CHIP manufacturer Cisco is to create a new design centre in Spain following a meeting be tween Pressident Pedro Sánchez and Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins in Madrid on Thursday November 10.

The digital revolution cannot proceed without chips and the European Union Chips Act lays the foundation for an innovation ecosystem in the EU, connecting world­class research, design and testing capacities, creating knowledge jobs and fostering economic growth.

As part of its global strategy to enable a reliable, scalable and sustainable global semiconduc tor supply chain, Cisco plans to set up an engineering design centre to design and prototype next generation semiconductor devices in its existing Barcelona facility.

The commitment has been made following a number of ear lier meetings between the two parties, both in Madrid and at the last Davos Forum in May of this year.

“Spain is on the way to be come a key player in achieving

the EU objective of reaching 20 per cent of the world chip mar ket by 2030.

“We have approved the pro gram PERTE Microchip and have the roadmap, reforms and incen tives in place to attract talent and strengthen the current Span ish ecosystem,” said Sánchez.

“Technology has the ability to help countries further their social and economic development and move even closer to an inclusive

future for all. Today’s announce ment reinforces Cisco’s commit ment to support the digital ecosys tem in Spain and across Europe,” observed Chuck Robbins.

The Strategic Project for the Recovery and Economic Trans formation (PERTE) of microelec tronics and semiconductors will have access to more than €12 billion from European funds made available as part of the Spanish Recovery Plan.

Windfall tax expanded

UNIMPRESSED by ECB criti cism of planned bank wind fall tax, Spain not only in tends to proceed with it, but is actually amending the draft bill in order to in clude more organisations.

The government hopes to earn some €3 billion from charging those Span ish banks which have made more than €800 million profit a special 4.8 per cent tax and this is planned to run for two years.

There is little doubt that the merger of some Span ish banks has created very profitable organisations which have been able to reduce operating costs by closing branches and

shedding staff.

Many have also benefit ed from access to very gen erous loans from official or ganisations such as the European Development Bank as well as having ac cess to cheap Spanish gov ernment funds during the pandemic.

The European Central Bank (ECB) has issued a non­binding opinion that the decision to introduce such a windfall tax could be damaging to the banks’ long term liquidity and could also discourage them from granting loans.

The government re

sponse is that the larger banks are making record profits so can easily afford the temporary tax which will be used to benefit those suffering from the cost­of­living crisis.

Also, since the ECB itself is raising interest rates in order to slow down infla tion as fewer loans will be affordable, the windfall tax would support the ECB if its observations are correct.

Prior to pushing the bill through parliament, the government has realised that it only applied to Span ish banks, so the amend ment will include local units of foreign lenders super vised by the ECB.

Deal scuppered

IN early October, one prime minis ter ago, the British government an nounced that it was planning to strike a 20­year long­term bulk buy deal for gas.

The plan was to ensure that the country secured a safe, reliable and reasonably priced supply from Norway which creates most of its electricity through renewable sources and has North Sea gas ga lore.

Now just over a month later it seems the deal has been cancelled, reportedly due to the proposed fixed price which has shot up and Treasury analysts believe open market gas could become much cheaper in the foreseeable future.

New revenue

IN its Autumn Financial Stability Re port issued on November 11, the Bank of Spain is encouraging Span ish banks to make provisions to en sure that they have sufficient funds to face a possibly uncertain future. Whilst acknowledging that many banks have seen high profits and will benefit in the short term from the increase in interest rates, the ongoing war in Ukraine and the spi ralling cost of living could see many countries continue to suffer from recession with defaults on loans.

The Bank also considers that the Spanish windfall tax on those banks which have made the greatest profits could reduce the sector’s ability to generate new revenue.

Oxfam funding

FOR more than a year, the British government refused to allow char ity Oxfam the right to bid for UK funding as an external investiga tion was carried out into safe guarding allegations in the Demo cratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Minister for Development An drew Mitchell finally announced on Thursday November 10 that this pause had now been reversed and the charity may once again bid for UK aid funding to carry out life saving work around the world.

This follows confirmation that Oxfam has made significant im provements to its safeguarding systems in DRC, although why the DRC problem stopped it from ob taining funds to assist in other countries is obscure. • 17 - 23 November 2022 30
is the threshold that must be reached before Spain’s richest residents will have to pay the temporary wealth tax at the end of this year.
FINANCE to read more FINANCE scan this QR Code
Credit: Pedro Sánchez twitter COMMITMENT: Meeting between the two in Madrid on November 10.
DRAFT BILL: Windfall tax should earn €3 billion.
Credit: Creative Commons

3I Group 1.267,00 1.308,50 1.262,00 128,82K

Abrdn 204,90 207,10 203,00 1,45M

Admiral Group 2.070,1 2.075,0 2.037,0 58,04K

Anglo American 3.351,0 3.414,5 3.334,5 479,81K

Antofagasta 1.435,00 1.451,00 1.430,50 140,30K

Ashtead Group 4.966,0 5.114,0 4.962,0 80,01K

Associated British Foods 1.547,0 1.569,0 1.543,5 69,85K

AstraZeneca 10.776,0 10.860,0 10.542,0 251,92K

Auto Trader Group Plc 572,80 576,80 570,40 333,86K

Aveva 3.173,0 3.203,0 3.170,0 1,07M

Aviva 437,48 441,53 436,40 87,77K

B&M European Value Retail SA389,60 394,30 381,30 403,63K

BAE Systems 729,70 731,20 702,20 1,53M

Barclays 156,28 158,74 155,22 4,52M

Barratt Developments 403,60 413,40 402,10 709,71K

Berkeley 3.775,0 3.900,0 3.768,0 40,33K

BHP Group Ltd 2.493,50 2.510,00 2.483,00 280,03K

BP 477,80 483,20 476,50 4,44M

British American Tobacco 3.249,0 3.261,5 3.207,0 291,64K

British Land Company 399,10 405,10 397,90 137,82K

BT Group 122,15 122,20 120,30 1,76M

Bunzl 2.936,0 2.954,0 2.930,0 43,90K

Burberry Group 2.009,0 2.025,0 2.004,0 70,85K

Carnival 776,8 792,8 777,6 167,69K

Centrica 82,82 82,86 81,30 901,31K

Coca Cola HBC AG 2.011,0 2.032,0 2.007,0 36,15K

Compass 1.795,50 1.818,00 1.785,50 284,13K

CRH 3.343,5 3.399,0 3.342,0 93,35K

Croda Intl 7.118,0 7.200,0 7.084,0 53,32K

DCC 4.474,0 4.512,0 4.462,0 14,42K

Diageo 3.640,0 3.660,5 3.608,5 199,04K

DS Smith 316,40 320,30 314,50 364,04K

EasyJet 411,90 414,89 407,20 192,98K

Experian 2.861,0 2.885,0 2.835,0 168,72K

Ferguson 10.245,0 10.325,0 10.195,0 40,97K

Flutter Entertainment 11.595,0 11.775,0 11.580,0 60,87K

Fresnillo 866,60 878,20 863,20 95,99K

Glencore 510,30 515,22 506,70 964,73K

GSK plc 1.340,20 1.343,20 1.315,20 157,91K

Halma 2.361,0 2.382,0 2.347,0 66,72K

Hargreaves Lansdown 935,60 945,60 930,00 171,40K

Hikma Pharma 1.399,00 1.404,00 1.375,50 80,21K

HSBC 474,80 476,70 471,30 2,30M

IAG 135,98 138,26 135,42 3,39M

Imperial Brands 2.047,00 2.052,00 1.993,00 366,48K

Informa 581,20 601,00 563,60 898,19K

InterContinental 4.753,0 4.805,0 4.745,0 30,31K

Intermediate Capital 1.255,00 1.298,00 1.254,50 132,00K

Intertek 4.042,0 4.068,0 4.023,0 27,04K

ITV 76,91 78,16 76,38 550,67K

J Sainsbury 218,75 220,00 217,70 449,64K

Johnson Matthey 2.132,0 2.199,0 2.121,0 23,46K

Land Securities 623,60 630,60 620,80 84,35K

Legal & General 247,00 251,40 246,60 1,18M

Lloyds Banking 43,27 43,97 42,97 10,97M

London Stock Exchange 8.204,0 8.266,0 8.186,0 25,49K

Melrose Industries 124,95 127,70 124,50 419,06K

Mondi 1.577,00 1.598,00 1.571,00 107,20K

National Grid 1.001,50 1.010,00 992,60 470,52K

NatWest Group 247,60 251,60 246,10 986,78K

Next 5.684,0 5.752,0 5.668,0 27,01K

Norilskiy Nikel ADR 9,10 9,10 9,10 0

Ocado 808,60 824,40 771,80 581,77K

Persimmon 1.325,5 1.365,0 1.324,0 143,73K

Phoenix 564,60 570,60 563,50 42,47K

Prudential 998,40 1.012,00 996,40 426,02K

Reckitt Benckiser 5.640,0 5.642,0 5.544,0 154,10K

Relx 2.243,00 2.264,00 2.230,00 322,36K

Rentokil 535,80 542,80 535,00 428,24K

Rightmove 552,60 563,00 550,80 249,78K

Rio Tinto PLC 5.366,0 5.453,0 5.354,0 230,36K

Rolls-Royce Holdings 89,48 90,72 88,97 4,65M

Rosneft DRC 0,20 0,20 0,20 0

Sage 754,00 762,60 753,90 8,85K

Samsung Electronics DRC 1.165,00 1.171,50 1.162,00 2,68K

Schroders 469,4 479,2 468,3 201,32K

Scottish Mortgage 804,00 827,80 803,28 219,73K

Segro 838,40 861,40 835,80 348,59K

Severn Trent 2.690,4 2.728,0 2.670,0 54,38K

Shell 2.354,5 2.368,5 2.344,5 873,51K

Smith & Nephew 1.066,00 1.069,00 1.059,00 195,73K

Smiths Group 1.581,50 1.593,00 1.573,50 38,26K

Spirax-Sarco Engineering 11.765,0 11.945,0 11.750,0 6,25K SSE 1.625,50 1.633,00 1.618,50 507,69K

St. James’s Place 1.185,00 1.215,00 1.183,50 37,10K

Standard Chartered 568,00 574,00 564,20 640,25K

Taylor Wimpey 102,00 104,80 101,80 2,11M

Tesco 227,80 230,10 227,50 867,46K

Tui 151,45 158,50 151,40 588,89K

Unilever 4.001,5 4.011,0 3.963,5 777,99K

United Utilities 1.012,50 1.015,00 1.003,00 82,03K

Vodafone Group PLC 105,26 105,28 103,72 6,82M

Whitbread 2.551,0 2.594,0 2.549,0 26,01K WPP 868,40 877,20 865,40 487,35K

3M 132,98 133,49 3,42M

American Express 154,89 158,88 154,70 3,71M

Amgen 285,02 289,36 279,62 3,25M

Apple 149,70 150,01 144,37 93,63M

Boeing 177,49 178,03 172,99 8,87M

Caterpillar 236,49 238,40 232,00 3,58M

Chevron 186,46 187,10 183,89 8,41M

Cisco 44,79 45,32 43,92 25,95M

Coca-Cola 61,32 61,45 60,21 18,93M

Dow 53,14 53,44 50,90 9,00M

Goldman Sachs 385,17 387,00 378,75 3,39M

Home Depot 314,94 317,68 310,24 4,92M

Honeywell 212,73 214,96 211,45 4,22M

IBM 143,17 144,13 140,96 5,85M

Intel 30,43 30,63 28,87 49,22M

J&J 169,25 173,11 166,82 11,06M

JPMorgan 135,30 136,17 133,78 10,64M

McDonald’s 271,39 277,00 269,18 4,74M

Merck&Co 97,96 100,81 97,33 13,34M

Microsoft 247,11 247,99 241,93 33,80M

Nike 106,09 107,21 100,14 12,37M

Procter&Gamble 140,97 141,63 139,11 7,17M

Salesforce Inc 157,73 159,92 155,58 6,44M

The Travelers 181,73 185,58 180,21 1,39M

UnitedHealth 522,08 546,28 509,65 7,00M

Verizon 38,30 38,69 37,81 22,91M

Visa A 205,00 206,43 202,15 8,74M

Walgreens Boots 41,26 41,56 39,40 13,06M

Walmart 142,58 143,12 139,99 6,42M

Walt Disney 95,01 95,58 91,10 22,01M

Most Advanced

Most Declined


Duolingo, Inc. -13.36% 1.093M

Kinsale Capital Group, Inc. -10.89% 465,835

Cricut, Inc. -9.67% 256,765

ShockWave Medical, Inc. -8.81% 731,361

Flowers Foods, Inc. -8.53% 3.555M

Udemy, Inc. -8.39% 601,297

Teleperformance SE -8.07% 26,783

Luckin Coffee Inc. -7.99% 2.416M

Global Business Travel Group, Inc. -7.46% 380,852

Polestar Automotive Holding UK PLC +45.18% 992,166 Doximity, Inc. +32.70% 17.317M ArcelorMittal S.A. +26.56% 630,101 Wizz Air Holdings Plc +26.44% 49,675 Zai Lab Limited +24.25% 1.268M GDS
Limited +21.27% 2.74M Polestar
Holding UK PLC +20.83% 16.098M XPeng Inc. +20.60% 63.425M KE Holdings Inc. +19.31% 22.39M iQIYI, Inc. +19.05% 22.922M Carvana Co. +18.92% 34.263M
Ryan Specialty Holdings, Inc. -23.24% 5.358M
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. -19.20%
º º C C OMPANY OMPANY P P RICE RICE((P P)) C C HANGE HANGE((P P)) % C % C HG HG . N N ET ET V V OL OL COMPANY CHANGE NET / % VOLUME US dollar (USD) ........................................1.0321 Japan yen (JPY) 144.56 Switzerland franc
Denmark kroner
(CHF) 0.9753
(DKK) 7.4377 Norway kroner (NOK) 10.293



DESPITE the rather irritating Domino’s Pizza Group yo delling adverts in the UK, the company expects to have a strong fourth quar ter especially as sporting events such as the World Cup Finals which takes place in the latter part of November always see a spike in home deliveries.

Sluggish sales

THE latest report from retail association Acotex reveals that the October sale of clothing items in Spain whilst 4.2 per cent up when compared to 2021, shows a slow down following a 7.9 per cent growth in Septem ber due to the rising cost of living.

Taxi charity

FREE NOW is a mobility ser vice provider which decid ed to match any tips given to black cab drivers through its app in the UK on Re membrance Sunday, November 13 with all such funds being donated to The Taxi Charity for Military Veterans.

Closer ties

SPAIN and the Latin Ameri can development bank CAF will host a meeting be tween the 27 European Union Ministers of Finance and their 33 counterparts from the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States in Santia go de Compostela next year.

As Spain takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union it aims to align interests and strengthen trade relations between Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean.

CAF has set itself the goal of becoming the green bank in the region, promot ing green growth through greater financing of envi ronmental, forestry, ener gy, agricultural, climate and water projects with an ini tial budget of US$25 billion.

Brexit champion unhappy

‘NOT the Brexit I wanted’, according to Brexi teer Lord Wolfson the Chairman of Next in an interview with the BBC about immigration.

He believes that the UK’s current immigra tion policy was a major deterrent to econom ic growth as there are simply insufficient workers available to undertake a number of different jobs and employers are desperate for staff.

Whilst recognising that one of the strong arguments for Brexit was to ensure that British workers were able to find employ ment, he can see that there is shortage of staff in some important areas.

In the interview he told the BBC: “We have got people queuing up to come to this coun try to pick crops that are rotting in fields, to

Aldi buys British

work in warehouses that otherwise wouldn’t be operable, and we’re not letting them in.

“And we have to take a different approach to economically productive migration.”

In order to grow the economy, he believes that Britain’s leaders need to decide whether the UK believed and practised free trade or wanted to become ‘fortress Britain,’ allowing only professionals such as doctors and nurses into the country.

Lord Wolfson’s suggestion is that that busi nesses who need foreign workers should be able to pay a tax of 10 per cent to the gov ernment on foreign workers’ salaries to en sure that only the businesses that really couldn’t find UK workers would recruit over seas.

AN Aldi

4’s Next Big Thing and

Charlie Fermor, 35, and his wife Laurie, 34, landed the contract of a lifetime and their dried fruit snacks for kids named Freddie’s Farm made with only British produce, as much as possible from their own or chards and fields in Kent, are now in stores nation wide.

Hearts melted as the na tion was given an insight in to Charlie and Laurie’s life

at Bramley Mount Farm and their son Freddie, six, after whom the snacks are named and his sister, Ottie aged three.

Freddie’s Farm fought off tough competition from manufacturers of fava bean snacks, kimchi, and even camel milk, to secure a space on Aldi’s UK store shelves.

Co­founder, Laurie Fer mor explained how the healthy snacks came about: “When Freddie was little, we didn’t like the snacks that were out there in the market so we came up with Freddie’s Farm. The drying

process has been perfected over a long time so it’s quite special.

“We try to keep the flavours you get in raw fruit and veg. As a result, we have lower free sugars, which help prevent kids getting sugar highs and crashes, which we certainly like to avoid with our two at all costs.”

With everything grown, dried and packed within metres of the couple’s home, the carbon footprint also appealed to Aldi, which has tough sustainability tar gets and has been a carbon neutral business since 2019.

THE Spanish subsidiary of businesses insurer His cox has introduced a new form of cyber insur ance aimed at small and medium sized (SME) businesses.

According to its research, some 44 per cent of Spanish SMEs suffered at least one cyberattack last year, so they say it is essential that compa nies also take measures both for its prevention and for better management if it occurs.

The same report highlights that only one in four SMEs plan to increase their investment in the coming years, despite the cost that a cyberattack may entail, with an average of around €16,300 for an SME with up to between 49 em ployees and €22,950 for companies employing between 50 and 249 staff.

New cyber insurance Green shoots

GREEN energy is an integral part of Spain’s re covery plan using funds from the European Union and President Pedro Sánchez takes ev ery opportunity to be seen to promote the con cept.

On Wednesday November 9, he was in Grana da Province inaugurating the Caparace­Baza electrical axis which is to be built at a cost of €3 billion, creating some 8,700 jobs and ensuring a reliable power supply in an area which has suf fered from depopulation.

He claims that not only will the power pro duced be renewable as part of the government’s green programme but will have the added bene fit of encouraging industry to invest in the area.

EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 FINANCE 34
TV show looked for fledgling suppliers to stock their shelves through Chan nel received hundreds of en tries. BREXITEER: Lord Wolfson of Aspley Guise. Credit: Next Media Centre FREDDIE’S FARM: The winning products comprise dred fruit snacks. Credit: Freddie’s Farm

LEAPY LEE SAYS IT Sad state of affairs


SOME of the things that render me deeply suspicious of the UK politicians and media programmes are because their decisions and reports often com pletely disagree with thousands of so cial media followers. The latest is a glaring example.

The opinions the left and media have conveyed to the public regarding the recent statement of the Home Sec retary, are probably one of the biggest examples of their anti­right wing rhetoric ever. Ms Braverman stated in the House that the UK was ‘under an invasion from mass immigration’. The dictionary tells us that the word inva sion, describes ‘the arrival of large numbers of people or things at one time’. Sounds about right to me; not however to those trying to use the statement to damage their rivals!

The outcry that issued from the am bitious leftie majority was a positive disgrace; yet another attempt to dis rupt the opposition in their endeav ours to find answers. On social outlets, thousands of people have agreed with the Home Secretary’s description and views. The majority of the country are

becoming desperate to find a solution to something they are fully aware can destroy everything they have ever val ued or stood for. The left and media are using it as a weapon to win the next election.

Even Fiona Bruce recently caused a vast number of viewers to clamour for her dismissal because of her ‘continu ing Conservative biases on the BBC’s Question Time. Over 40,000 immi grants have now arrived, many from Albania of all places. Does that mean that residents from any country not achieving too much success, can send their citizens for succour in the UK?

Probably. It’s costing a financially be leaguered UK a fortune. Its people are dreading the winter.

Britain is hurtling into recession. Large numbers are living on the streets and obtaining food from charity organ isations. Thousands of immigrants however, are obtaining money, food and hotel accommodation from gov ernment sources ­ and still complain ing! The left love it. The despairing vot ers, desperate to solve the predicament, will they hope vote in another party to take care of their

grievances and problems. They don’t want the present government to solve the crisis in any way, it’s one of the greatest weapons they hold for the next election. The dilemma is, that if immigrants keep arriving before it takes place, it will be impossible for any party to fix.

Recently I read a letter written to a colleague. It described their whole street being taken over by a ‘different culture’. Residents were now littering up the place with cans and bottles and even peeing by their dustbins. The price of their house had plummeted and they can’t even find a buyer from the indigenous population. So if the authorities manage to rehouse these thousands of immigrants, the demise of UK society, once held near and dear, is ultimately relegated to the dustbin. Good luck.

Keep the Faith. Leapy Lee.

Weathering the economic storm


WITH $4,000­a­night hotels opening to much fanfare in Manhattan, and May fair restaurants serving £3,000 steaks wrapped in gold leaf re porting record profits, it’s safe to say the super­rich are weathering the cur rent economic storm just fine.

But should we get worked up about this sort of thing? There are count less ridiculously over priced restaurants intend ed to separate the super­rich from their money, just as there are countless ridiculously overpriced cars, yachts, clothes etc. But as long as the staff and suppliers get paid, should we concern ourselves how obscenely willing idiots get ripped off?

Just think how those hugely expensive

tasting menus with ‘pear poached in sap’ and ‘fragments of yeast’ would keep you hostage for hours, offering endless edible gold leaf and inter minable pauses, and leaving you hungri er when you leave than when you ar rived.

So, why can’t I take this seriously? It certainly puts the Ukraine war, cost­ofliving crisis and NHS waiting lists into per spective. Does it have anything to do with the current levels of inflation and people trying hard to balance eating (and drinking) with heating this winter? Pondering this, though, will at least be a distraction from talk of increased interest rates and recession...

Nora Johnson’s 11 crit ically acclaimed psycho logical crime thrillers (www.nora­ are all available online including eBooks (€0.99; £0.99), Apple Books, au diobooks, paperbacks at Amazon etc. Profits to Cudeca cancer charity.


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HALF a dozen friends get together and decide to form a club. They elect a lead er who will help to keep them on track with their stated interest of collecting in flight sick bags. Yes, this is a hobby be lieve it or not. You can even trade them online with other sick bag collectors. They would get together and compare their recent acquisitions, looking envi ously at the bag collected from the less er known Air Mongolia.

One of the members moves away for work reasons, and another one dies so now there are only four in the group. As a good leader, the chairman of the club decides they need new members and possibly even a recruitment drive.

Very soon their focus changes from the fascinating shape and corners of the Air China sick bag and they spend their time producing publicity and talking about how Social Media could be used to augment their dwindling numbers. After all, just one accident could put the future of their club at risk of disappear ing forever.

This was the process which Swiss psy chologist, Jean Piaget, described in his


ty is to promote a philosophy, an ideolo gy which the people can either take or leave as it suits them. But for the sole aim of the party to be getting into pow er seems to me that something has been forgotten. When was the desire to do good overtaken by the desire to be in power, or to stay in power?

theory of the behaviour of groups, clubs, societies or whatever you want to call it when people come together and formalise this meeting with a name. Political parties are just clubs with a more respectable title than the ‘Much Wenlock In Flight Sick Bag Collectors Club’, but their behaviour is really not any different. Apologies in advance to anyone from Much Wenlock. So, to political parties. There comes a point when the focus on policies is re placed by the need to recruit new mem

Kiss and tell


WHEN I came to Spain at the end of the 60s, I tried to avoid all the loveless kissing that went on.

I would murmur “Encantada” while sticking out my hand to be shaken instead, but the hand would be taken and shaken and I’d still be presented with a cheek and the kiss­kiss routine.

Meeting an older man was differ ent. He took your hand, swooped upon it as though about to plant a kiss and then ­ a centimetre before touch­down ­ stopped short as if he’d suddenly changed his mind.

Decades later, there’s still a lot of kissing going on.

Expats of all nationalities kiss one another repeatedly and al though you could once pick out Brits who hadn’t been out here long because they retained the one­cheek technique, they are now dedicated double­kissers on arrival.

No doubt this is because they are at it even on UK television. Not long ago I saw two kisses bestowed

in a series set in the late 50s. Kisses on meeting? Two kisses?

If I see someone perhaps once every six weeks, and usually only in the supermarket, it doesn’t war rant a kiss, let alone two. It’s okay for my friend’s carer to kiss her when she arrives if that’s what they both want, but why include me in the kiss­in?

Then I saw something that put this kissing business into sensible perspective.

A very young man was talking to a very young woman in the street. He was just about to roar off on his motor scooter and bent to kiss her goodbye, somewhat impeded by his crash helmet but where there’s a will there’s a kiss.

So he kissed her again. And again. She giggled and kissed him back.

I politely looked the other way as I drew level with them but had to smile. That’s the way to do it and that’s what kissing should be ­ not foreplay to social intercourse.

bers, when the criticism of opponents supersedes the promotion of positive policies, when the desire for survival of the ‘club’ exceeds all other objectives. Although, perhaps not all other objec tives, as I was reminded some time ago by a senior politician, that we do not ex ist to be in opposition, but to be in pow er. Now, you could argue, that without being in power you can’t do anything other than criticise those who are, so in this sense she was probably right. Or, was she? Surely, the purpose of the par


WELL in the ever­surprising world of politics, I can honestly say last week was a first for me; watching my former employer eat a camel’s penis on national television (‘just the tip!’).

Yes, Matt Hancock is in the I’m a Celebrity jungle and the wider world seems thrilled about it. Err, perhaps not.

Despite being in the camp with an ex­con vict pop star and a comedian whose ex­girl friend has publicly accused him of toxic ‘daily pain’, judging by his seemingly endless stream of publicly­voted trials, Matt still seems to be far and away the least popular member of camp.

A large part of that anger, understandably, comes from the overall UK government’s handling ­ or at least perceived handling ­ of the pandemic. Those who were unable to see dying loved ones in hospital or hug griev ing relatives at funerals will also doubtless have felt a visceral pain at seeing Hancock locked in embrace with a woman he later left his wife for during Covid restrictions.

The adultery and taking time off while the House is sitting probably haven’t helped ei ther.

So yes, overall there’s a lot, as the politician accepted in the camp, that he wants ‘forgive ness’ for.

It does seem to me that the pursuit of power has replaced the very basis of the political process which should be serv ing the needs of the community and not the avarice of politicians. I wonder if some even remember why they are in politics. When did we forget that poli tics is not about the politicians, but about the people? When did our sur vival as politicians become more impor tant than our ideals?

We become resigned to the idea that politicians are only in it for themselves. Maybe that is why the percentage of eli gible voters who actually turn up at polling stations is often so low. Perhaps we politicians need to forget about our own ambitions and get back to basics and remember why we are here in the first place.

Jungle cry

But yet even the most hardened member of the Matt Hancock hate club may over the last week have been forced to admit the tini est respect for the person he is in the camp; quite a distance apart from the public per ception of him.

Amid scorpion stings, snake attacks and animal genitalia, Matt seems to maintain a cheerful enthusiasm. Even Boy George seems to be growing a grudging respect for him.

Which sort of begs the question; how close is our perception of politicians to their reality? Is Hancock the person the public saw him as during and after the pandemic, or is the alto gether more human person we’re now see ing the real him?

Certainly, the Matt I remember from my stint working for him eight years ago is closer to the one the public are now seeing.

And if it turns out our elected figures really are just average, occasionally even likeable, people, why doesn’t it translate to the elec torate more often?

Perhaps the answer is just to send all po tential political candidates to the other side of the world surrounded by poisonous beasties and televise the whole thing.

At a minimum it would be compulsive viewing.

EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 FEATURE 36
Bill’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors. POLITICIANS: “Who are our elected members working for?” Image: Mijas Communication Live Stream.

Nutritional tips

ACCORDING to scientists, what we eat at different stages of life can affect our well­being and later development. Ageing is a natural and inevitable fact of life, but taking a few simpler steps can re duce your risk of danger ous diseases and extend your healthy years.

Here we share a few ex pert nutritional tips to help you in the healthy ageing process.

1. Increase your protein consumption

Try to up your protein intake as you hit 50 and later. Protein helps to build and maintain lean muscle mass, which helps us in daily activities and makes us feel more ener getic. Foods with lots of protein include lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products and nuts.

2. Supplement your cal cium intake

Calcium is an essential mineral in the ageing pro cess. Calcium is key to keeping bones healthy and strong, as well as main taining nerve and organ function. Make sure you are consuming enough cal cium from dairy products and leafy greens.

3. Boost your omega­3 consumption Studies have found

links between omega­3 consumption and lower rates of neurological problems and mental de cline.

Consider boosting your intake of omega­3 by con suming foods with high levels of omega­3 fats such as fatty fish, nuts, seeds and oils.

A healthy diet must be supplemented with exer cise to maintain physical well­being and strength.

Seasonal foot care

LIKE with many aspects of our health, changing weath er and changing seasonal habits can affect our feet. Keep your feet in tip­top condition with this advice from podiatrists.

1. Keep your feet dry and warm

While it’s important to wear warmer shoes and thicker socks during the win ter, they can also cause our feet to sweat more. Damp feet are more vulnerable to infections, so change out of shoes when you get home and ensure you dry your feet thoroughly after getting them wet.

2. Wear comfortable shoes

Rainy and colder weather, even in Spain, means switch ing summer footwear for covered shoes, including boots. Make sure your shoes fit your feet correctly, with

out rubbing or pinching any where.

3. Skincare is crucial We are more prone to spells of dry skin during the winter as there is less humid ity in the air, meaning less moisture for our skin. Pre pare for dry skin ahead of time by using a moisturiser on your feet daily, and not

Keeping your feet covered, even at home, is crucial to keeping them in good condi tion over the winter.

just when it looks like they need it. Moisturise your feet after a shower or bath, when the skin can absorb most moisture.

4. Wear socks indoors Avoid walking on cold floors barefoot to protect your feet against painful con ditions. Instead wear warm socks or slippers.

EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 38 HEALTH & BEAUTY HEALTH & BEAUTY to read more Health & Beauty scan this QR Code
Making some changes to your diet such as adding protein can help to kick start the healthy ageing process. Photo credit: margouillat photo / Photo credit: Antonio Guillem /

BEAUTY is in the eye of the beholder and there is undoubtedly beauty in every stage of life, but if you would like to step up your look from time to time, make­up can make you feel even more glamorous. We consulted some expert make­up artist advice to find the best age­defy

Age-defying make-up tips

ing make­up techniques.


Primer first

A primer helps to pre pare the skin so that any make­up you put on top goes on smoothly. Ap plying a great primer

can reduce the appear ance of wrinkles and make your skin look flawless. Primers for eye make­up and lips can al so stop eyeshadow from creasing and lipstick

How I find my inner pathway DISCOVERING EMOTIONS WITH

TODAY I have been inspired to write about our inner pathway.

The social media is full of people who want to tell you how to live your life bet ter... but they’re not you, they’re just talk ing about their own life experiences.

We think we find our pathway, in philosophies, religions, sects, books, shamanic rituals etc...

But there you won’t find the answers, and you won’t know what is right for you.

Because what is good for someone else may not be good for you.

You will have an improvement, but with the passing of time you will return to your comfort zone.

Sometimes we force a change of path, but without knowing where we want to go.

Sometimes life forces us to change, and we are paralysed.

The key is consciousness and love for yourself.

It is a path to inner harmony, where in ner chaos has to be fought.

There is no magic formula.

Sometimes we force a change of path.

Happiness and love start in you and come your way when you are ready to ac cept it and live it.

My advice: Search within yourself, what you really yearn for, reinforce in yourself what you believe you deserve.

Living a better life is to set a GPS for which direction and destination we are looking for.

Love Betina 0034­699 327 363

from bleeding into your skin.

2. Switch to BB cream While foundation of fers lots of coverage, it can be drying on mature skin. BB creams offer a

lighter alternative that still leaves your skin glowing. They also mois turise the skin, giving it a more hydrated ap pearance.

3. Fight dark circles

Applying a concealer after a BB cream under your eyes can reduce dark circles and still looks natural.

4. Eye make­up Eye shadow can ele vate your look to the next level. Choose fawn or golden tones to com plement your skin tone, while remaining classy.

EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 39 HEALTH & BEAUTY


THE first time someone told me that I should be ‘em padronada’ was whilst watching my first Easter ‘parade’ in Marbella. Sur

I beg your padron

rounded by Klu Klux Klan impersonators as it seemed to me in my igno rance of the religious pro cessions held in Spain, it sounded formidable.

Curiously, even though no one else probably makes an association with signing on the padron as I did back in the day, the thought of it still seems to fill us with dread and reti cence when the subject is broached.

As I understand it from general feedback it’s the fear of being taxed or it costing us some unforeseen charge or commitment. This however is really not the case at all, quite the contrary in fact.

The town hall has cam paigned with passion to try and convey the reality of what it means to have the city’s residents registered and it basically comes down to the need to provide enough services for those of us who live here. If we don’t all register then there is no way that Marbella

Town Hall will be allocated with the corresponding funds by Central Govern ment.

The greater the number of registered voters, the greater the amount of funds that a city hall re ceives for municipal infras tructure and services. This is for basic necessities that we all expect, such as providing enough rubbish bins and collection routes, policing of residential areas and creat ing sufficient health centres to match the demand, to name but a few rudimenta ry requirements we all have.

If you spend more than a few months in our city you are eligible and requested to register. In the case of European citizens or citi zens of a country with a re ciprocity agreement, when registering also ask and ver

Sometimes it's more up to us than we realise.

ify that you have filled in your right to vote for the lo cal and European elections. You have a voice here, so why not use it?

Link to registration info: https://extranjeros.mar

Links for a prior appoint ment online: https://citaprevia.mar Or call: 952 761 100 Cita previa Padrón ‐ You can choose the area where best suits you too with offices in Marbella, San Pedro, Nueva Andalucia and Las Chapas.

It’s a bit laborious to reg ister, but not difficult; if in doubt or its too confusing for you, please contact the Foreigner’s Department at

the Marbella Town Hall to assist you.

There is a fabulous En glish‐speaking team that handles more than we could imagine to juggle the needs of our 147 different nationalities, but that’s their mission: to help the foreign residents navigate the system and settle in safely and happily.

The telephone number for the Foreigner’s Depart ment is 952 768 766 there is a WhatsApp number now too: +34 682 832 374.

You can also sign up to the bi‐weekly newsletter to get updates on local news, events or essential informa tion: extranjeros@marbel

Val is a household name

VAL WILLIAMS has be come almost a household name in Mijas and along the coast. Born in Malta and losing her father in the Second World War when the Aircraft Carrier he was serving on was sunk at the beginning of the war. She has been a force of nature ever since.

After growing up in ru ral Wales, she took her first job in Birmingham in a bank which her mother thought would be a job for life. Val didn’t want to spend five minutes there, let alone a lifetime. In stead she went to college to study domestic science which she developed into the restaurant trade.

Having shaken the stuffy world of golf and conned by a fake Prince she continued to build better and bigger. Her first husband died in the swimming pool and de spite suspicions, her alibi held up.

Her book, ‘A Pickled Past’ tells the story of her life in her own inimitable style and leaves secrets in the closet. She moved to Spain in 1985 and soon after got involved with the Salon Varietes The atre.

She ran the Lew Hoad centre for several years and then branched out on her own with a children’s restaurant which also fell on hard times when a brothel was opened next door.

But Val has become even better known when she set up the Simply Sur viving Group during the

Covid lockdowns, raising money to help support businesses, charities, and I would have to say very well supported by the EWN.

Small events to bring business to struggling restaurants turned into large events and the de termination to make things work is a reflection of her whole philosophy of life: never take ‘No’ for an answer.

The complete interview can be heard on YouTube by typing Expat Radio Val Williams or following the link. JrZMaaBntug

EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 40 • • - FEATURE
TOPIC. 966 493 082


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Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.


I REFER to the article in issue 1947, Oct 27 to Nov 2, headed ‘fined for feed ing’.

Three cheers for Benidorm police who will fine people for feeding stray cats.

I wish Teulada Moraira police would do the same! I have lived here for 26 years and am heartily sick ened by so­called animal lovers who visit Spain for a short while, feed any stray cats they can find and then b****r off back to the UK

By so doing, my nights are ruined by squealing cats and my garden be comes a cat toilet.

Before I am labelled a misery, I have spent many years working with animal charities and have respon sibly had pets.

Grumpy old man missed

A FEW weeks ago I read of Mike Senker’s piece saying he was retiring his col umn.

His Grumpy Old Man col umn was a great respite from the usual news and his view on life very re freshing. The dry sense of humour shone through.

I miss turning to his col umn. Have a well earned rest Mike.

Utter rubbish

I HAVE never heard such rubbish uttered from any one ­ why do you give

Leapy such space in your paper ­ surely there should be someone to counter his party political broadcast on behalf of the Conservative party which is ill­informed, narrow minded ­ and sometimes racist ­ I often wonder

why some people like him who probably voted for Brexit and do not want to remain in Europe. wish to remain in this lovely area of Spain?

OUR VIEW EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 44 FEATURE

LIVING in Spain, many British passport holders might be uninterested in what is going on in British politics but today, Thursday November 17 may well be one that affects us all in one form or another.

Having seen the fiasco of the short-lived Truss government and the incredible naivety of the planned tax cuts which brought her down, reality is going to hit with a bang as Chancellor Jeremy Hunt presents his own mini budget with promises that everyone in the UK will have to pay more tax.

Supposedly he will be making cuts in expenditure and has indicated that he is looking to plug loop holes rather than raise income tax directly, but looking back to the 1970s, Labour Chancellor Denis Healy said about taxation that he would ‘squeeze the pips until they squeak’ and this could well be the mantra behind the current Chancellor’s think ing.

So how does that affect us here in Spain?

Firstly, many of us receive UK state pensions and having lost out on the triple lock promise because of the pandemic, it could well be that he will decide that he can only afford the minimum pension in crease of 2.5 per cent rather than the 10 per cent that the triple lock promises.

Secondly, some 3.5 million female pensioners, many of whom are living in Spain, continue to fight for recompense for the losses incurred with the rise in pension age, so they are an easy target to ig nore.

Thirdly, the Spanish hospitality industry relies on tourism to a great extent and if money is even tighter in the UK, then fewer Brits will be able to af ford to take holidays here thus hurting the economy.


PARROTS are one of the most popular pets in Spain, and for good reason. They are intelligent and charming pets and are not too expen sive to look after. Here we share some expert advice on

how to care for a parrot

1. Diet

Pellets or seed mixes are excellent foods for a parrot and should make up around 50 per cent of its diet.

Experts also recommend feeding your parrot fresh fruit such as orange, papaya, mango, and pomegranate or vegetables like tomato and spinach. Parrots also need fresh, clean water.



Your parrot’s cage is its home, and keeps it safe from

harm in your home or out side. It needs to be big enough so your parrot can move around comfortably. Your parrot should be able to stretch its wings without hit ting the sides of its cage.

3. Activity

Parrots are intelligent and active animals, and need mental stimulation to stay happy. Consider adding a small game or exercise toy to your parrot’s cage to main

tain its well­being.

4. Health Parrots are very hygienic and clean animals. Nonethe

less, you should empty waste from its cage every day and clean the cage at least twice a week. It is important to check your parrot’s beak, plumage and claws to pro tect it against infection.

Very pretty polly EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 CAMPING/PETS 46 POLICE/FIRE/ AMBULANCE: 112 24-HOUR PHARMACY FARMACIA BERDAGUER MARBELLA: 952 773 187 CENTRAL FARMACIA LOS BOLICHES: 952 474 238 FARMACIA CAFFARENA MALAGA: 952 212 858 24-HOUR VETS CLINICA VETSUR FUENGIROLA: 952 660 596 CLINICA VETERINARIA MALAGA: 952 358 701 EMERGENCY NUMBERS PETS PAGE to read more PETS scan this QR Code Photo credit: VH-studio / Use these top tips and your parrot will be the perfect companion.
EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 49 SERVICES REMOVALS & STORAGE

AIR CONDITIONING by Cool and Cosy. The family company that cares. Installation and re pairs. Quality machines. Ecosense movement sensors supplied and fitted from 100 Eu ros. For other energy-saving products visit www.cooland 952 935 513. We are Junta de Andalucia authorised installers as the new law states (real decreto 115/2017). On the Costa del Sol since 1993 (294591)

QUALITY Air Conditioning In stallations. Economical to use, & silent in operation. 26 Years in stallation history in Spain. Envi roCare. All Areas Covered. 952 663 141/670 409 759 info@en www.enviro (301178)

MR COOL - Air Conditioning, Refrig eration, Heating Systems, Sales & Service - Call Christian +34 629 527 587 or Nick +34 618 678 853 – (302027)

ACE OF SHADES – All colours available. Urbanisations catered for, electric and manual opera tion; also recovery service avail able, largest selection of colours and designs on the coast. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / T1(101730)


Awnings, Persiana, Shutter & Rejas Specialist. New & Repairs. 25yrs on the coast. 680 323 969 / 952 199 640 (301310)

ACE OF SHADES - Vertical, Vene tian, Roman, Roller, Wooden blinds, various colours available, also black-out blinds. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 /

BLINDS, awnings, mosquito screens, curtains, vast choice. All areas covered. Coast and inland. 655 825 931 (294242)

MOSQUITO screens, sliding, pull down, pleated, colours call Mosquito Nick 647 072 861 www.mosquito (301311)


SOLAR BLINDS ES Ideal for large glazed areas to reflect heat / glare and stop furniture fading and still keep the view. SAVE HEAT IN THE WINTER to im prove your living environment. Tel Ian 958 496 571 / 644 546 176

Bathrooms/kitchen reforms, re pairs, plumbing, carpentry, painting, tiling, maintenance. Give us a call no job too small. 692 207 799 / 645 559 423 (302457) Electrician, plumbing, construc tion, painting. Innovation. ROT

deduction for Swedish, So togrande to Marbella 648 712 530 (294359)

GENERAL BUILDER, Tiling, plas tering, painting, electrician, plumber, carpentry. Reasonable prices. 635 913 885 (References available)

SWINGLES CASAS SL . For all your building needs. Visit for more details or call 635 999 765 / 666 960 262 (295953)

PLUMBING & GENERAL BUILD ING All your plumbing needs. Bath room, kitchens, tiling & painting. Be nalmadena based, travel no problem. Glen 669 073 773 or Paul 642 098 115 (301145)

HAWKS S.L. Complete, Remod elling, Reform, Refurbish. Kitchen, Bathroom Flooring. Wall & floor waterproofing. Counter top & Floor STONE COAT EPOXY DYE. AMERICAN, GERMAN Technology. RAMIN +34 635 204 123.



NEW REJAS, GATES, Carports & Fencing, repairs & alterations. Work Guaranteed. Reliable. 19yrs on Coast. Steve the Welder. Call/What sApp 655 040 648 (302021)


WELL-established and thriving pet transport business for sale For more info, please contact (302308)


PRIVATE collector will buy your Gold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel - 678 716 693 (288662)

ALHAURIN FURNITURE EMPO RIUM Buyers & Sellers of qual ity furniture. Top prices paid. Also buy cars, campervans, boats & bikes. 697 511 071 (1296155)







CARS , Vans, Bikes wanted. Any Reg, Anything Considered Call or WhatsApp 687 049 592 (301400)

17 - 23 November 2022 •
51 SPONSORED BY Ifyoucanreadit,socanyour clients.Contactusandhaveour businessgrowat +34951386161


CONEJO CLEANING & Property Management. Est. over 25 years. Rentals management, one-off cleans. New Property set up ser vice. Wendy 635 630 370 / 952 964 407 www.conejocleaning. com (302025)

STARLIGHT Cleaning Services

All types of cleaning. Any size of property. All Areas. Residential & Hol iday Lets. Deep Clean for Bars & Restaurants. We also do a profes sional Chimney Sweeping service. 682 636 451 www.starlight (301262)

LIMPIEZA PREMIUM – Façade Cleaning. General cleaning and window washing. Polishing marble. 604 305 160 / 677 562 267 (302316)

LIT ELECTRICIANS for all your Electrical & maintenance needs, no job too small for a FREE Quote. Call Craig on 604 106 414 or Ben 711 004 350 (301214)

ELECTRICAL TYPES of work un dertaken Malaga to Marbella & Inland Frank Tel. or Whatsapp 650 561 629 (302309)


IRIS-IRRIGATION and land scapes. TRENCHLESS NO DIG Ir rigation installation, Cables, Fi bre Optic, Electric & Lighting Cables. New Installations & problem-solving. Turf (supply and laying). Garden construc tions. Tree surgeon. Clearing. Astro Turf (Free Quotation) 676 747 521 (301097)

BE PROACTIVE: Electric/ Gas fires, Wood Burning Stoves. Quality guaranteed. En viroCare. All areas covered. 952 663 141/670 409 759. (301178)

LOCKSMITH emergency / appoint ment. Doors opened without dam age, locks changed, patio doors and windows secured, 24 hour honest, fast and reliable service. Call Paul 657 466 803 (288129)



RAINBOW Pinturas . English Painters & decorators. All aspects. Interior/exterior, private residential, commercial & communities. Spray ing: door, kitchens & furniture. Light construction. Call/WhatsApp: Daniel: 628 066 308 www.rainbowpinturas. com (301113)

ATD DECOR. British Painter. 30 Years’ Experience. Punctual. Great Rates. Call for free quote. 603 132 783 Facebook: @ATDDecorMalaga (1296161)

IRISH mural artist & restorer, for in ternal/exterior designs & old paint ings 654 866 393 (302099)


MARBLE FLOORS polished high shine non-slip. Fast Service Reliable, family-run business. TERRACOTTA CLEANED and sealed. No job too small. Cleansol 10am – 10pm 7 days all areas. 952 930 861 / 607 610 578 Discount code: EWN 1 CLEAN

ELECTRIC GATE/GARAGE DOOR automation repaired. Free, no obligation quotation. Call Colin636 394 641 (1296056)

ELECTRIC GATES/Garage Doors. Intercoms/access control systems and replacement remotes. New in stalls and repairs. For all your electric gate and garage door requirements call us on 605 356 469/952 786 178. The Garage Door Co & 2 Way Gates. www.2way (293643)

VINYL SOLUTIONS WHY REPLACE WHEN YOU CAN RENOVATE? Mod ern adhesive vinyl coverings in hun dreds of styles and designs can reno vate a tired kitchen, bathroom, wall panels, bedroom wardrobes, fridge doors. Turn a tired looking wood de signed kitchen into a modern solid colour or metallic look without paint ing or replacing. Work carried out on site with 10 year warranties Contact Ian 644 546 176 for design brochure and samples. (293467)

SAN PEDRO. Sandra. Professional relaxing, tantric massage. Young, slim, work alone, unforgettable mo ments. Nueva Andalucia. 641 346 278

BEAUTIFUL relaxing Tantric mas sage, I only answer via private mes sage. Tel 664 806 403 (301452)

MATURE elegant lady. Offers tantric and other massage. Personal home visits. 687 387 680 (286295)tp3

COLLECTIVE CALLING are ur gently requesting donations of clothing, shoes, handbags & homeware. We sell good quality items, which then supports low-in come families and the homeless in the community. These items can be dropped directly to our charity shop Tienda Solidaria: Av. Pablo Ruiz Picasso, 4, San Pedro de Al cantara, alternatively, call us to ar range collection on +34 711 006 961 (295137)

SIGNS all type of 3D letters and light boxes, full CNC cutting ser vices, large and small format print ing like posters, roller banners , business card and flyers, we create your corporate identity, logos, real estate boards, decoration items for homes and offices. We cover the Coast and delivery. 951 310 395 / 665 804 321 (295065)


EXPERIENCED CAPABLE YOUNG MAN available for labouring work, heavy lifting & support with re movals. Can supply trade contacts. Native English speaking and also flu ent in Spanish. Please call or What sApp me at +44 7707 557342 (302048)


CHIMNEY SWEEP. Clean reliable professional. All types, special price for more than one. Chris 608 337 497 (296265)

APEX CHIMNEY SERVICES, pro fessional chimney sweeping and smoke testing. NACS Qualified. Clean and efficient Tel: Bob 696 320 202 (301300)

DOMESTIC Appliance repairswashing machines, fridges, cookers, ovens, water heaters, gas / electric, professionally repaired. Christian 608 337 497 (296265)

WASHING MACHINES , Ovens, Boilers etc. All work guaranteed by ex Zanussi technician. Reliable rapid service. Joe 609 345 096 (302458)


WANTED Gold, Silver, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel - 678 716 693

GLASS CURTAIN repairs, spe cialist in replacement of dis coloured plastic strips that act as a seal between the glass pan els. Call Julian 655 825 931 (301104)

HOT TUBS new used, bought, sold, hired. Also move & repairs. Used good Hot Tubs for sale. 691 973 131 / +44 7836 379122 (295835)

ALHAURIN FURNITURE EMPO RIUM furniture wanted, same day collection, also house clear ance and removals. Also buy cars, campervans, boats & bikes. 697 511 071 (1296155)

HOUSE CLEARANCE. After Clear ance Cleaning, 24/7 Costa del Sol. Whatsapp: 624 370 721 (302307)

RELAXING Massage for Men & Couples. Feel free from tension & stress. Call Dany 603 202 758 (302483)

PURE RELAXATION in Nueva An dalucia with attractive independent masseuse. Tantric and other special massages in private apartment. For gentlemen and couples, with no rush attention to your needs 656 350 401

ENGLISH ELEGANT affectionate la dy gives a sensual massage in pri vate apartment. Call 680 177 569 (302312)

ASIAN masseur mature, sweet, in dependent. Marbella. 602 415 351 (MI 543)

GUTTERING: Protect your prop erty from rain damage. Quality guaranteed. 26 years installa tion history in Spain. Envirocare. All areas covered 952 663 141/670 409 759 info@enviro www.envirocare (301178)

MOTOR INSURANCE . For the most competitive quotes in English call Linea Directa on 952 147 834, you could save as much as 30% and you can transfer your existing no claims bonus. Call Linea Directa on 952 147 834 for motor insurance with a human voice in English from Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm and save money now! (200726)

STAY SAFE! Abbeygate Insurance Call 971 277 455 For your security (291234)

ASIAN masseur, affectionate unique, complete massage. Elviria. 604 143 788 (MI 542)

UKRANIAN lady tall, slim, passion ate & relaxing massage. Marbella. No rush. 613 229 769 (MI 538)

FUENGIROLA. Carolina, blonde, el egant, relaxing and tantric massage. Phone 634 797 230 (FU 2772)

CASSIE. Mature English lady. Dis creet and clean. 667 914 732 (FU 02794)

BENALMADENA Elim Family Fel lowship. or call 951 912 525 or 952 446 627. (10011)

CALAHONDA: Encounter Church (Elim), Family church with kids’ activ ities, Iglesia San Miguel, Sundays 4.30pm, Rev. David Hodgson, 695 115 496 (10012)

THE Ark Christian Church. We meet at The Ark Christian School, Calle Río Darro 2 y Plaza Juncal, 29651, Mijas Costa (the road be hind the Mijas Aquapark) on Sun days at 11.00am. Pastor, Andrew Seale Tlf 682 713 491 www.thear (293850)


FURNITURE wanted, same day collection, also house clearance and removals. Also buy cars, campervans, boats & bikes. 697 511 071 (1296155)


PROFESSIONAL garden services from Fuengirola to Estepona. All aspects of gardening and full maintenance and landscaping, free quotes, competitive prices. Contact Andrew 600 259 981 Andrew@garden-professionals. com (295350)

HANDYMAN: General Masonry work, painting, wall/roof waterproof ing & other jobs. Call Michael 622 755 666 (302455)


FUENGIROLA, Myofascial Re lease. J Schaegen, specialised in treating neck, back & extremity disorders, 30 years in practice. 652 291 224 (301414)

ADVANCED Cleaning Services. Professional carpet, upholstery cleaning, 27 years’ experience, wet/dry clean. Honest, reliable ser vice 678 808 837 / 952 669 701 or email (290739)

MASSAGE! Outcalls everywhere in Costa del Sol! Gentlemen, ladies, couples are welcome! 604 256 336 (FU 2781)

PHILIPINA, Thai, indulge relaxing massage. Private Elviria 679 126 231 (MI 541)

ORIENTAL masseur tantric, mas sage relieving service, villa. Elviria, Marbella. 604 428 812 (MI 545)

ASIAN authentic therapist relieves pain stress, satisfaction guaranteed. Villa luxury atmophere. Elviria. 633 705 558 (MI 544)

CCTV survey, root removal, Tel
568 414 / 661 910 772 / drain
952 (292976)
– Unblocking, CCTV inspection, repair and installation. Tel: 630 200 600 / 952 885 661. www.desatorosclearflow Facebook:
DesatorosClearflow (301154)

MARBELLA Experienced mobile Masseuse. Therapeutic & Relaxing massage for your body and mind. Call Monik 686 740 661 (302461)

IT’S TIME to try something different and very relaxed. Sara, elegant masseuse, I offer massage, tantric, sensitive, prostatic, authentic relax ation that will leave you floating on the cloud. . believe me spectacular! Very clean. I give and demand total hygiene! Let yourself go and you will discover the most hidden pleasures. Only by appointment. 650237145 (302347)

RIVIERA DEL SOL . Treat yourself to an Excellent Massage! Irina, Cuban masseuse, fun and sponta neous. Only when a massage is something more than a massage, and becomes a unique experience, with a mixture of smells, sounds, sensations, only then is when you enjoy the perfection of the exclusive massage. Ask for more information without obligation 951274723, 650237145 (302347)

TANTRIC masseuse in Calahonda. Cristal, expert in the art of seduction and tantric massage. Authentic masseuse who manages to transmit the physical and emotional pleasure with the 5 senses. Sensual tantric massage or body to body to perfec tion. Make an appointment. 650237145 (302347)

BUTTERFLY - Massage, is a space designed for people with high sensi tivity, with a taste for body to body interaction, who enjoy the sensuality and magical trantric, to feel the

warm hands of an attractive masseuse running through your body. Our masseuses have been chosen not only for their physical at tractiveness, but also for their sensu ality and massage skills. Only by ap pointment 951274723, 650237145

CALA DE MIJAS. Excellent profes sional masseuse with exclusive at tention for people who want to change their routine and want to re lax and live a relaxing experience. If you are looking for discretion and good treatment, here I am. I’m Noa and I hope you make your appoint ment as soon as possible because I am very requested. 650237145

MY HANDS can transmit a very im portant message and make us feel connected. I will create a suitable at mosphere for relaxation and sensual ity without noise, candlelight, soft music, nothing should disturb that moment. Before we start, all you have to do is relax, breathe slowly to free your body and mind... I’ll take care of the rest. Irina, qualified masseuse with many years of experi ence. Book your appointment. 650237145 (302347)

RIVIERA DEL SOL . I am Noa a simple and natural girl who hides among her shy appearance the best kept secrets of relaxing, descontrac turante and stimulating massage. I am a specialist in eliminating your worries, muscular tension thanks to a depurative massage technique that I combine with a sensory capacity out of the ordinary. I massage both men and couples. 650237145. by appointment only (302347)

CALAHONDA . I am your ideal masseuse if you want to enjoy a massage, relaxing and sensual and want to try the sensations that this generates. I will use my hands and body with techniques of relaxation and mutual connection. Carla650237145 (302347)

THE BEST RELAXING MASSAGE CLOSE TO ELVIRIA. Tantric mas sages. Come and enjoy today with us. Latin masseuses for men. Come and relax. Outcall, too 650237145 (302347)

NEAR ELVIRIA. Masseuse, elegant with a high dose of implication. Very special tantric sensory massages. I will make you feel very relaxed with a good massage. 951274723, 650237145 (302347)

MARBELLA CENTRE - the ideal place for relaxing massage in the city centre. Available 24h and prices from €50. For reservations and informa tion call 620 366 817. (295192)

PROFESSIONAL MALE muscled masseur. Full-body relaxing, deep tis sue and therapeutic massage. In/outcalls. WhatsApp me 607 595 906 (301288)

VICKY full body massage great satisfaction and good results. I wait for you to call me and make an appointment. Torremolinos 621 395 221 (302094)

FUENGIROLA - Johanna Brazilian Mature Masseur. Relaxing Massages. Best relax guaranteed. Tel: 617.818.615 (302421)

ASIAN MASSEUR Massage relaxing & therapeutic, to release tension and stress. Fuengirola. Call 634 103 607 (301171)

LOS BOLICHES - Carolina Pretty Masseur, Relaxing Massage, Guaran teed relax - 634.703.111 (302421)

BENALMADENA lovely lady, offer ing you a very relaxing body mas sage. Call for an appointment 634 209 427 (302454)

FUENGIROLA. Japanese Shiatsu & Zen Ki relaxing and therapeu tic massage. Excellent service guaranteed. Home Visits. What sApp for appointment 693 988 340 (301109)

BENALMADENA, Natalia, smart Russian, blonde, good massage /tantric. In calls /out calls +34 611 377 558 (301432)

THAI Benalmadena Costa. Bodybody full massages. Hotels. Visits. WhatsApp 689 387 448 (MI 537)

FUENGIROLA . Mia Just arrived Fuengirola, beautiful young masseuse. 603 366 841 ( FU 2803)

WWW.LAILALYNCH1.COM. Heat ed pool, Jacuzzi and private bar. In land private retreat with a full mas sage service. 662 913 428 (FU 2767)

3 ORIENTAL friendly beautiful pas sionate & sensual massage, private, comfort, relaxation, luxury atmo sphere, villa discreet. Elviria. Marbel la. 679 126 231 (MI 539)

FUENGIROLA. Amazing full body massage by spectacular blonde lady. 657 697 397 (FU 2776)

ESTEPONA . Susana, Latin Girl sculptural body, trained for deep re laxing massage. 697 705 304 (FU 2786)

ESTEPONA . Laura majestic masseuse, very friendly, deep body massage and stress relief. 600 213 967 (FU 2801)

FUENGIROLA. Amazing full body massage by spectacular blonde lady. 657 697 397 (FU 2790)

BENALMADENA Costa by the windmill roundabout. Massage if you feel low, massage to make you feel young and strong. Call for info at 658 336 295 Sabrina 7 days 7am onwards. 50% off Seniors. (FU 2802)

OLGA, Mature Masseure relaxing & sensitive. Outcalls & incalls. 24 hrs. Marbella - Tel: 632 467 580 (302451)

FUENGIROLA. Centre Private place, 5 young beautiful masseuses. 603 366 841 ( FU 2803)


ASIAN wellness massage Nice area west Marbella. Guaranteed results. 623 554 233 or 623 594 699 (301500)

JESSICA 28, Estepona. Full tantric massage. High class service. Private apartment. 711 030 670 (302323)

NEW FUENGIROLA. Isabela 19 years, beautiful masseuse. 603 366 841 ( FU 2803)

MARBELLA CENTRE - Carmen ma ture masseure. Street Alonso de Bazan, num 4 - Tel 642 867 799 (303001)

FUENGIROLA. Russian blonde lady, professional Tantric massage. 674 819 249 (FU 2804)

MARBELLA – Alexia professional and oriental masseur. Stress release with good hands. – Tel 613 804 322 (303001)

ESTEPONA next to Cancelada, Kan nika, Asian masseuse, complete re laxation, makes you contented and more. 602 427 095 (FU2798)

FUENGIROLA – Natasha, Tantric Masseur. Your Best election. Guaran teed satisfaction. Tel 613 818 234 (303004)

VANESSA Benalmadena excellent massage services. Relaxing & thera putic. Home premises. Call me 624 811 098 (302489)



PROFESSIONAL UK TANTRIC MASSAGE specialist. Easy access & parking Mijas Open Mon-Fri 9am7pm Call for appointment 711 063 797 (302490)

FUENGIROLA Tantra, relaxing pro fessional massage. Private premises. Call for appointment 639 072 591(302491)

LATINA masseuse, brunette, expert in stress relieve, unwind with deep massage relaxing techniques. 631 925 759 (FU 2807)

ESTEPONA . Laura majestic masseuse , very friendly, Deep body massage and stress relieve. 600 213 967 (FU 2805)

JADE BRITISH lady relaxing massage service for gentlmen & couples. Private premises. Es tepona area. Call 665 896 519 (302494)

FUENGIROLA Mature blonde masseuse, 45 years, deep relaxing body massage and stress relieve 645 497 573 (FU 2808)

FUENGIROLA Paula 30 years old beautiful, soft sensitive massages, deep body relaxation techniques 641 244 707 (FU 2908)

FUENGIROLA Central . Mary, masseuse specially trained in gents. 50€/ Hour. From Monday to Friday. 697 441 38 (FU 2806)

MOSQUITO Screens for win dows, doors and a high-quality sliding patio door screen. All fin ishes available. Quick service. All areas covered. Call Julian 655 825 931 (301104)

MOSQUITO screens, sliding, pulldown, pleated, colours, call Mosquito Nick 647 072 861 (295855)

ENGLISH ELEGANT, attractive & classy lady in her late 40s, would like to meet a gentleman for friendship, lunches & dinners. Interested in Golf. Need a companion. Call 680 177 569 (301417)


ROBERTSON CARS...would like to thank all of my past, present & fu ture clients for their continued sup port over the last 35 years here in Spain. Stay safe and outdrive every one. If contacting Samantha in the afternoons, please only Whatsapp on 608 658 785 or Email therobertson as I am driving mostly & unable to take your calls.

GOLD & SILVER Bought & Sold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel678 716 693 (288662)

/AUTOMATIC 2011.Looks right in White, only 130,000 kms (approx 80,000miles) Private Lady Owner, parking sensors, reverse camera, sat nav, ITV till june 2023. turns heads good looks and quality because your worth it. 18,995€....samantha. See photos on my web page – robertson text or whats app. 608 658 785. email therobertson


ACE OF SHADES - Don’t let the bugs get you! Available in enrol lable, slider and pleated. Large choice of colours including wood effect. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceofshades. design (101730)

SL320, 2000, this classic has both hard & soft tops, Silver with dark Navy leather interior & blue soft hood, only 87,000kms (approx 55,000miles) FSH, just passed ITV July 19 to 2023. Electric seats, hood everything, just fitted new windows to soft hood which cost €500. she looks super, only used as holiday car & always kept garaged away from sun damage a shining example of this classic Mercedes, may be old but still got it , you will not find one in this condition.....€13 ,500 (well be low the guide value). See photos on my web page – www.robertsoncarsspain,com or text me whatsapp 608 658 785 Email: therobertson

CINEMA LISTINGS YELMO PLAZA MAYOR RED DOG: The cinema has lots of English film times. Credit: Facebook/Red Dog RED DOG CINEMA - PUERTO BANUS Here are the viewing times for some of the English language films up to November 25 EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 CLASSIFIEDS 53 You can always see the updated listing at the following link: ONE PIECE FILM RED: THURS: 17:15, 19:35 SAT: 16:35 • SUN: 16:05 MON,TUES, WED: 17:05 BLACK PANTHER WAKANDA FOREVER THURS: 19:00 FRI, SAT, SUN 18:30, 21:15, 21:45 TUES: 19:00, 21:15 Bandit Friday, November 18 16:30 18:45 Saturday, November 19 15:00 19:30 Sunday, November 20 15:00 19:30 Monday, November 21 16:30 18:45 Tuesday, November 22 16:30 18:45 Wednesday, November 23 16:30 18:45 Monstrous Friday, November 18 16:30 Saturday, November 19 15:00 20:30 Sunday, November 20 15:00 20:30 Monday, November 21 16:30 Tuesday, November 22 16:30 Room 7 Wednesday, November 23 16:30 Chickenhare Saturday, November 19 12:30 Sunday, November 20 12:30 DC League of Superpets Saturday November 19 12:30 Sunday, November 20 12:30


My Golfing Girlfriends car, Rich Wine Red, 5 door, always garaged and low kilometers, everything you want. Outdrive everyone in this beauty. See photos on my web page –www.robertsoncars-spain,com or whats app me 608 658 785 email.


FORD FOCUS 2007 ONLY 32,000kms approx 20,000miles. Manual, great 4 Seater convertible, striking sea blue, air-condition, cd player, electric hood folds into the boot. Private gentleman owner re turning to UK. Excellent condition be quick....7,995€. See photos on my web page – www.robertsoncarsspain,com or text me whatsapp 608 658 785 Email: therobertson

WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our philosophy has always been to offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 952 147 834. (200726)


MOBILE MECHANIC will come to your home or work. Servicing, re pairs, ITVs & diagnostics. Call Mick on 617 553 072 (301275)

ENGLISH bodyshop, fully equipped, Mijas Costa. No Job Too Small. 952 667 074 (296043)


ALL CARS / Commercials wanted, runners or non-runners. Cash. Buyer collects. Transfer included. 605 109 796 (301158)

WANTED, wanted, wanted!! All cars, all years, all models… from ex otic to classic. Spanish, English, Dutch plated. Call us on 951 977 329 or 606 647 597. (301127)







CARS transferred, history checks, Imports and Embargo problems. Change of use and lost papers. Change your car to Spanish plates, simple efficient service. Cars bought and sold. Please call 678 808 837 Or email

PAINTERS / Decorators - Marbella, Estepona, Coin Area. Please call Al bert 663 681 012 (302057)

SOLUCIONES RAPIDAS - We will Paint your apartment in maximum 2 days. 640 350 479 (301298)

behind Venta Miralmonte. For more information and directions see our website, our Facebook page Centro Andalusi de Rescate de Caballos or tel. 610 845 491 or 656 935 613 (93322)

UK & IRISH Passport renewals in cluding photos. Complete Service. Cath’s Cards. 952 885 759. (295683)

COCKROACHES , ANTS, insects, fleas, mice, rats, wasps, termite spe cialists. Fumigations, bars, restau rants, houses, etc. Sanitary depart ment officially registered certificates. Serving the coast since 1985. Only legal English owned pest control company on the coast. If you want the best then phone N.P.S. Paul 676 700 370 (1296213)

SEPE the horse and donkey charity is open to the public at weekends from 10.00 to 5.00. Volunteers are much needed in all departments and are welcome at any time. For our rid ing for the disabled classes, we are also in need of extra helpers. We are nationally registered by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior (164640) but only with your support can we give the equine a voice. If you can just commit to 2 or 3 euros a month it will really help make a difference. You can find us at Lauro Golf Eques trian Centre, Alqueria, Alhaurin de la Torre. Tel. 608 258 950 info@sepe (93321)

MALE/Female Viagra, cialis, kama gra jelly all areas. Mixed trial packs available. Delivery or mail order available 604 385 476.

WELL-established and thriving pet transport business for sale For more info, please contact (302308)


CAT & DOG World Kennels and Cattery. 952 112 978 / 630 197 435. (302318)

SOS ANIMAL REFUGE we have dogs, young and old looking for homes. Some of our dogs have been with us for some time and would love to find a cosy spot to curl up in and a knee on which to rest their heads. If you have room in your heart and home we would love to hear from you. We do not put our dogs to sleep - no matter how old, they are safe with us. For day to day needs and to pay for veterinary care, we much appreciate the support we receive. We desperately need items to sell on our market stall to help raise funds and are happy to come and collect. So, if you are having a clear-out, please contact us on 605 227 155. If you would like to know more about rehoming, please call 653 257 875. Visit our website or please phone Sandy on 952 385 923 or 666 814 056 if you would like to make a donation or help in any way. (93317)

SELLING UP?? Why not give us a call and let us give you an honest and realis tic valuation of your property. List with us and let us take the stress out of selling your home. No sale no fee!! English agent on the ball with clients waiting. Please call 685 524 921. (290739)

THINKING of selling your property or interested in a current valuation? We have clients actively looking for properties from Torremolinos to Calahonda. List with us and let us sell your property. Call Joe 626 864 683

LOS ARQUEROS Golf, Benahavis (near San Pedro), Modern studio, kitch enette bathroom, cloakroom, 600€, electricity water included. 644 132 738

15 CUBIC metre van returning to the UK 8th December 2022. Space available each way. Tel. 639 928 090 (295249)


MAN & VAN , 20€ ph. Removals, Rubbish & House Clearances. Paul 634 112 677 (291430)

2 MEN, Van €30 p hour. House Clearances & Storage. 651 081 610 Tel David 696 810 618 (293101)



JDS EURO TRANSPORT & RE MOVALS - Regular trips throughout Europe. Call or WhatsApp Julian 0044 7884 908 929. See Facebook Page for recommendations (301271)

SOLAR BLINDS ES Ideal for Large Glazed Areas to Reflect Heat / Glare And Stop Furniture Fading And Still Keep The View. Save Heat in The Winter to Im prove Your Living Environment. ian@ Tel Ian 958 496 571 / 644 546 176

CURTAINS, blinds, cushions and much more. Free estimates and home visits. Tel 657 369 343 or rosan

POOL MAINTENANCE, & Repairs, in cluding heaters & regrouts. Friendly & reliable service. Malaga to Estepona & inland areas. 678 791 495 / 951 536 389 (291440)

SWIMMING Pool Heating Pumps, Pool Covers, Rollers, Filtration Sys tems. 26 years installation history in Spain. Envirocare. All areas cov ered. Quality Guaranteed. 952 663 141/ 670 409 759 info@enviro www.envirocare (301178)

OFFICIAL TRANSLATIONS All Lan guages. 952 789 204 Mobile 654 613 094 (301426)

ACE CHARITY ‘El Refugio’ in La Cala de Mijas is a registered charity. We have on average 275 dogs in our care and we receive no help from the town hall or the Andalucian gov ernment. We desperately need foster homes and adoptants for our many dogs, especially the small ones and puppies who do not do well in a big shelter. We are grateful for any help offered, including donations of food and blankets. Visiting times are from 13.00 to 15.00 and you can always turn up or make an appointment by calling Denise on 669 018 736. Our website is where you can view all the dogs in our care. (93320)

ADANA THE ANIMAL SHELTER IN ESTEPONA. We always need volunteers to walk and socialise with our dogs and help with cleaning. We also need good homes for our ani mals that you can see on Kennels open every day 10-1.30, Camino de Casares, near Parque de los Pedregales, Es tepona. (5 minutes from the Poligono) For more information call 952 113 467, available from 10.00am until 2.00pm. (93319)

ANIMEX Foundation offers free will upgrading when leaving something for abandoned animals. Contact ani or call 692 166 434 now for this absolutely free service (288287)

ARCH - The Andalucian Rescue Cen tre for Horses, registered charity 8448, the Centre is open to visitors every Sunday from 9am until 2pm. Working closely with the Spanish au thorities, we rescue, rehabilitate and rehome abused and abandoned horses and donkeys. Come and meet our current rescues, learn about our work and how you may be able to help. Run solely by a small team of dedicated volunteers, the Centre is located between Alhaurin el Grande and Coin in Comm. de Viña Borrego

WWW.INTERMARBELLA.COM Costa del Sol Property Sales & Long term rentals wanted. All areas / All budgets / All types. Spain +34 951 708 422. UK +44 208 144 5008. Email info@inter

WWW.INMOANDALUZ.COM. Bar gain inland properties for all bud gets, fincas, village homes, apart ments and villas. Legal building plots. 952 491 609 / 685 514 835

WWW.INTERMARBELLA.COM Costa del Sol Property for sale. All ar eas / all budgets / all types. Spain +34 951 708 422. UK +44 208 144 5008 Email Tel David 696 810 618 (293101)

STORAGE Tel David 696 810 618 (293101)

ACE OF SHADES - PERSIANA (security shutter) electric and manual, various colours avail able including wood effect, we also offer a repair service. Make your home more secure! Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / in (101730)

ROLLER shutter repairs, 7 days a week, conversion from manual to motorised, new installations. All areas covered. Coast and in land. 655 825 931 (294242)

ADVANCED Cleaning Services. Professional carpet and upholstery cleaning, 28 years’ experience, wet/dry clean. Honest, reliable. 678 808 837 / 952 669 70 (290739)

CARPETS AND SOFAS cleaned. Reli able, fast service. Family run. Cleansol 952 930 861 / 607 610 578. 10am10pm 7 days, all areas Discount Code: EWN 1 CLEAN (206437)

UPHOLSTERY including leather cleaned also carpets. 685 524 921



Electric & Gas Water Heaters. Qual ity Installations. 26 years installa tion history in Spain. EnviroCare. All Areas Covered. 952 663 141/670 409 759 info@envirocare www.envirocare (301178)


FRENCH POLISHING REPAIRS, restoration etc. restore your valuable fur niture to its former glory. Tel 647 579 519 / 952 499 944 (285318)


SOLAR Hot Water heating: FREE HOT WATER. 26 years installation history in Spain. Envirocare. All ar eas covered. Quality guaran teed. 952 663 141/ 670 409 759 info@envirocarespain. com (301178)

DREAM Windows & Building Ser vices UPVC windows & doors. High quality at great prices 15yrs on the coast. All work guaranteed. Also offer Aluminium windows, Mosquito screens, Persianas, Glass replacements, shower screens & much more. Call us on 619 604 562


MOBILE SERVICE. ITV Legal. Solar Reflective tint for glass cur tains, balconies, yachts. Stop fad ing, heat & glare. 958 496 571644 546 176 ian@solarshadetint (292919)

TRADITIONAL Window Cleaner. Give your windows and doors that professional finish at affordable prices. Call Chris 711 007 665/ 952 638 548 (295821)

PLUMBING . Leak detection & blocked drains. Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 / (292976)
PROPERTY. All Areas. Residential & Holiday Lets. 689 819 592
and also wanted. Super prices. Apartments, townhouses, villas,
shops, offices, bars, restau
fin cas,
rants. Coast & inland. Tlf 679 111 522 (301410)
708 422 UK +44 208 144 5008. Email (295509)
CENTRE APARTMENT for 1 person, 1 bedroom beautifully fur nished long-term for senior citizen or a very responsible retired pensioner - min 1 year contract - 550€ per month - Tel. 667 655 648 or 608 337 300
3 bedrooms, long/short term, south facing, by marina, private gar den, pools. Photographs available:
222 (302314)
Costa del Sol Property Long Term Rentals All areas / All budgets / All types. Spain +34 951
34 637 439
WE ARE looking for dedicated pro fessionals who are passionate about telesales and building rela tionships. Basic plus commission Please apply at admin@horizoncur
EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 54 CLASSIFIEDS

Toyota Yaris GR Sport - sporting looks with comfort bonuses


THERE was a time when if presented with a small car and an automatic gearbox you would probably opt for a taxi. They were pretty terrible, a few still are to day, but many small auto matics have moved on much more than people realise. One of the most fun and best small automat ics is Toyota’s Yaris GR Sport.

Priced from €24,549/ £21,460 there is a single powertrain across the lineup, except for the rally in spired GR, a 1.5 litre, threecylinder turbocharged petrol engine and drives through an e­CVT automatic transmis sion. There is the Yaris Hybrid five­door hatch range, the Yaris Cross pseudo SUV and a rally inspired GR.

The focus of my attention is the Yaris GR Sport, which has the standard powertrain

but a more sporting look in spired by the rally bred GR. Three other trim levels are on offer and the GR Sport shares top billing in the range at €27,936/£24,420, and comes with an enviously generous range of standard equipment.

Privacy glass, dual zone air conditioning, smart entry

and start, auto lights and wipers, powered and heated door mirrors, adaptive cruise control, LED lights including high beam assist and particu larly comfortable front sports seats. Fitted with 18­inch al loy wheels and in my test car’s case extra cost, but looked wonderful, pearles cent Scarlet Flare

maroon/red paintwork.

The new Yaris has a pres ence! It doesn’t look like your average small urban hatch but on the other hand hasn’t adopted that overly aggres sive look which, in many peo ple’s eyes blights so many otherwise good cars. With GR badging and a sporting stance the GR Sport rides on 40 profile tyres, so although the ride is firm it’s not un comfortably firm.

There is a higher than ex pected level of road noise but it’s not such that it would impede your aural comfort on longer journeys.

It may not be a hot hatch, but it is dynamical ly well sorted and great fun on twisty roads.

The CVT transmission is actually very good, not always the case with e­CVTs, and even under enthusiastic ac celeration makes tidy

progress. Super comfortable seats make this a really good long distance car if needed, and returning an average 59 mpg it’s not going to cost ei ther.

This is a terrific little car and combines the best of sporting looks with economic and comfort bonuses. Per haps surprisingly, as a fan of large engine luxury barges, this Yaris is one I would be very, very happy to have gracing my driveway.

Facts at a Glance

Model: Toyota Yaris GR Sport

Price: €27,936/£24.420

Engine: 1.5-litre turbocharged hybrid petrol developing 116bhp

Gears: e-CVT Automatic

Performance: 0-100 km/h (62 mph) 9.7 seconds/Maximum Speed 173 km/h (108 mph)

Economy: 4.4l/100km (64.2 mpg) Combined driving (WLTP)

Emissions: 99 g/km (WLTP)

Model tested was UK-specification and equipment levels and prices may vary in other markets.

MOTORING to read more MOTORING scan this QR Code EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 MOTORING 55
GR SPORT: A terrific little car with great sporting looks.

Walking football reflects

ALL teams on the Costa del Sol will pause and reflect this week as we remember Gordon Powell. Five years ago he sadly collapsed and died at a tournament in Portugal where he was playing with WFS Spain.

Gordon was a well liked and respected member of the walking football com munity here in Spain, and his unfortunate passing was the spur to encourage all walking football teams here to have their own difi brulator.

It’s now a rule here that one should be available at every game. Gordon would have loved the progress that we have made with his beloved sport.

It’s a busy week coming up in both the Euro Weekly News walking football leagues and the Baha Irish Whiskey Cup. The 50s league leaders, the Walk ing Dead host AC Bena havis in the Baha Cup. This should be a good measure for Benahavis who have had a superb start to the

RESULTS: The Walking Football League table so far.


Torrox Tornadoes travel to Benahavis in the 60s league. Steve Lynton will be in a confident mood as Torrox have made big strides in the last few weeks.

Big night at Estadio el Cañadon this week. El Cañadon take on Nerja United in only their second league outing of the sea son in the over 50 league, and Malaga 60 take on Nerja United 60 in a league match.

New team Mollina WFC cancelled their game against El Cañadon last week due to a family issue. We hope the game will be rearranged in the near fu ture.

For all walking football news visit walkingfooty.

EWN 17 - 23 November 2022 SPORT 56
GORDON POWELL: Was a well-liked, respected member.

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