2 minute read

The downsizing trap

details, false telephone numbers and false ailments’, he’d ask call handlers about their feet according to Sussex Police who stated he “had a sexual foot fetish which he indulged during most of the calls”. Many of the calls led to clinicians responding and sometimes ambulances were even dispatched.

Heck, if crime writers like myself came up with motives as weak as these for calling out the cops or calling the NHS 111 line in our thrillers, we’d be nicked for wasting readers’ time! And that’d be a fair cop!

Nora Johnson’s 11 critically acclaimed psychological crime thrillers (www.norajohnson.net) all available online including eBooks (€0.99; £0.99), Apple Books, audiobooks, paperbacks at Amazon etc. Profits to Cudeca cancer charity.

THE British Benevolent Fund tries to help those Britons in Spain who face extreme financial hardship. Many people seek help in difficult circumstances such as following the death of a loved one.

In mourning for their loss, they often also seek closure so they can continue with their lives. Sometimes this involves facing up to the harsh reality of the partner’s death meaning a drop in income whilst having ongoing mortgage or rent for a property that is now too big for one. Which might sound relatively easy, but in a recent case of a widower with an ongoing health condition and poor mobility who did not have the finances to downside.

His income was no longer adequate for the large property he had lived in when his wife was alive, and he knew that he would have to move out to a smaller and more affordable property or eventually face eviction. He decided to act but realised that this was not as straightforward as he had thought. He was physically unable to move large household items, nor did he have the recourses for the upfront deposit and rental of a new property while he was still paying the old one and the added uncertainty of not knowing if the old landlord would be difficult in repaying his original deposit. He contacted the British Benevolent Fund to see if they would be able to help. To us it was a clear yes. A man in emotionally difficult circumstances who was trying to move on and was taking the decisions to do so but didn’t have the resources. He needed a helping hand. Working with a local partner ­ one of many that can be found at the British Embassy supported resource www.supportinspain.info ­ we were able to help him pack a lifetime of shared memories and pay the removals firm to his new apartment where he lives to this day. We receive hundreds of requests from people that find that a relatively small amount can go a long way. We can only do so with your support. If you would like to make a donation please visit our website www.british benevolentfund.org or contact me olaf.clayton@britishbenev olentfund.org ­ Thank you on behalf of our recipients.

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