2 minute read

Feel at Ease Three tips

MARGARETA MAGNUSSON, author of The Swedish Art of Ageing Exuberantly, agreed that ageing is hard.

No ­ one can stop the march of time but there was nothing to you from keeping a clear and positive mind, the 86­year­old explained from her Stockholm home.

Winter warmers

AS those with arthritis already know, a Mediterranean winter can strike cold once the sun goes down in the early months of the year.

IMPORTANT: Specialised dentists working in a team.

allow dentists to see the results within just a few seconds allowing for a treatment plan to be put into place immediately.

Important check list when searching for a Dentist:

• Strict protocol against infection.

• Denture repairs within the hour.

• Specialised dentists working in a team.

• High­tech equipment.

• All types of services provided.

• Easy access to the surgery.

• Painless procedures.

• Emergency 24h/365d.

• State of the Art technology.

• Fluent in English, Dutch, Spanish, French, German, Flemish and Romanian.

• Amazing quality/price ratio.

Remember take time and choose your Dentist carefully, for that Perfect Match.

“You can be young upstairs in your head even if your joints creak,” she said.

Magnusson passed on three tips for making life worth living.

First off, she recommended regarding each obligation or irritation as something to appreciate, like resenting having to pay a bill, but being glad you have the wherewithal.

Secondly, surround yourself with the young, who supply fresh ideas and perspective. Thirdly, say “yes” whenever possible. “Give it a try, whatever it is,” she urged.

5.51 million estimated gym memberships in Spain.

Vital vitamins

WINTER woollies are all very well, but vitamins can help to keep colds and flu at bay.

For the immune system to do its job, it needs four big hitters: Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Vitamin K.

As well as meat and blue fish, don’t forget potatoes and bananas as a Vitamin B6 source.

Vitamin C is present in fruit and greens, but it’s there in potatoes, too.

The Arthritis Foundation explains that although the cold doesn’t cause arthritis, it does increase joint pain, although there are various ways of dealing with it. Stay warm and protect hands, knees and elbows with layers which can be removed if it gets too warm.

Swim in a heated pool which, even if yours is not, should be easy to find on the Costas where most towns boast a heated municipal pool.

Failing either, a soak in a hot bath will bring relief when temperatures plummet.

Regular exercise also helps to cope with arthritis, increasing strength and flexibility while boosting energy and easing discomfort, the Arthritis Foundation recommends.

BANANAS: A great source of Vitamin B6.

For Vitamin D take cod liver oil, eat sardines and calves’ liver while soaking up Spanish sun.

And for Vitamin E, feast on avocado and reach for the olive oil.

Natural wonder

DRUGS containing butylphthalide, a chemical that occurs naturally in celery seeds, could assist the recovery of stroke patients.

Those prescribed the medication in China had less severe neurological symptoms and better mental skills than those receiving a placebo.

“This is the first trial to show the benefit of using medication that protects the brain from damage caused by a lack of oxygen to brain tissue,” said Dr Baixue Jia, from the National Clinical Research Centre for Neurological Diseases in Beijing.

Mask masquerade

AS face masks are gradually phased out ­ now necessary only in Spain’s health and social care centres ­ South Korean researchers discovered that some people are still reluctant to discard them.

As well as the ultra­cautious who fear Covid, they found that people who saw themselves as unattractive preferred to continue masking up.

“We saw that self­perceived attractiveness has significant effects on mask­wearing intentions in the post­pandemic era,” the Seoul National University investigators concluded after quizzing Americans with three different questionnaires. Their findings suggested that mask­wearing could sometimes shift from a Covid self­protection measure to a belief that face­coverings could enhance looks.

By Clinica Britannia

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