1 minute read

- New Start

childhood obesity is a major public health problem. Worldwide, around one in five children aged five to 19 years are either overweight or living with obesity (WHO, 2022).

In response to this global epidemic, the World Health Assembly adopted the ‘WHO global action plan for prevention and control of non ­ communicable diseases’ including halting childhood obesity rates by 2025.

The WHO global action plan for obesity guides action at the national, regional and local level and as children spend a large proportion of their waking time in school, this has been cited as an appropriate setting to deliver childhood marbellaschool.com obesity prevention interventions.

ISE has built a heathy school culture, allowing the children to take ownership of the daily snacks they bring in, being rewarded weekly certificates for their healthy choices.

The children at ISE have been learning all about how important it is to have a balanced diet and what this consists of. They have also been learning how to check their pulse rates and are keeping a log, to look back on, as they get fitter. Not only do the children understand the importance of a healthy physical lifestyle, but the value of a healthy mind too.

Everyone has fun taking part in the Daily Mile whilst building relationships, confidence and resilience.

The moto is; Fun, Fresh air, Friends, Fitness and Focuswith the children enjoying a sense of Freedom.

For any enquiries please contact +34 951 742 736 marbellaschool.com


AS this article goes way beyond the reaches of Mijas, this is not a political post and I am not touting for votes. But, I do find it strange that so many people ask me whom they should vote for in the upcoming local elections in Spain. I am a politician, after all, and I will be standing in the next elections. I am not sure what is going through their heads when they ask me this. But it shows what a crap politician I am when I tell them that they need to decide.

I had a conversation recently with a Spanish friend who said quite simply, “Yo soy de la izquierda” (I am from the left). I am not even sure what that means: that whomever the left presents, be it a dancing monkey wearing a red t ­ shirt, they would still vote for them? I have never seen life in monochrome, let alone in red/blue colours.

Sure, I am technically a conservative councillor (PP), but I don’t wear blue underpants. My commitment was never primarily to a party but to a person. My personal political leanings whilst living in the UK had always fluctuated depending on who was standing and whether I trusted them or not to do a good job. I

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