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Spring into action

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Spring weather

Spring weather

SPRING: Season of allergies and colds.

Linda Hall

SPRING, almost here, is an in ­ between time with some sunny days and others when we freeze again.

As the weather changes, we require extra vitamins and minerals, so start with Omega 3 to promote brain and heart health, while protecting against chronic conditions.

Severe allergies require medical treatment, but people reacting to the burgeoning blossom and blooms can benefit from a zinc supplement to boost the immune system.

Magnesium also makes a big difference to spring allergies, helping to relax airways and lungs while reducing congestion.

Spring, when we shed our winter woollies and spend more time out of doors, calls for multivitamins, with special emphasis on Vitamins B and C. Finally, ever­important and immune­boosting Vitamin D compensates for reduced sunlight exposure on those chilly days when winter temporarily returns.

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