1 minute read

Movers & Shakers Plan to save trees

“This was the fifth annual lunch at Giovanni’s. There was a fantastic atmosphere and through the generosity of guests and our host John (Giovanni), a magnificent €405 was raised for the Association of Movers and Shakers.”

The Association of Movers and Shakers offers support and friendship to people affected by Ataxia, Huntington’s Disease, Motor Neurone Disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease.

If you suffer from, or care for someone with one of the above diseases, or you are interested in becoming a volunteer, you may contact the President, Marion Smith by telephone at: +34 711 008 250 or email at: marion.smith@amscb.org.es.

Additionally, you can visit the website at: www.amscb.org.es.

Proverb Of The Week

THE Department of Agriculture at Teulada Town Council has started distributing free insecticide (Lamda cyhalthalus) to combat the vectors of the Xylella fastidiosa bacterium, a disease that chokes trees to death.

Xylella fastidiosa is a vector­transmitted bacterial plant pathogen that causes serious diseases in many plants and trees.

After being detected in Puglia, southern Italy, in 2013, it has been reported in France, Spain and Portugal, so controls are in place to stop it from spreading. Numerous species of sapsucking insects are known to be vectors of the bacterium.

The product will be distributed to farmers who have fields with almond trees, olive trees and stone fruit trees; however, landowners in infected areas may also receive products to treat other types of crops (citrus, vines and even wasteland)

It is recommended that the areas be treated in March and April.

The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition is also available to provide advice, monitoring and registration for aid to land owners affected by Xylella fastidiosa. This can include compensation for felling and replanting affected almond trees.

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