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Electric consumption

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TOWNS and cities across the world are looking at ways to reduce their energy consumption in a bid to go greener and Fuengirola is no different.

The town hall has launched an Energy Efficiency Improvement Plan for Fuengirola’s Municipal Buildings which will reduce electricity consumption by 1.6 million kw/h per year, ie around 70 per cent.

These actions will save more than 400 tonnes of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere with the replacement of luminaires with low energy consumption ones.

Mayor, Ana Mula, confirmed: “The Tourist Office, where the lights have been replaced by others with LED technology is an action that has also been undertaken in the studios of Fuengirola Television and the Fire Station.

“The council has now put out to tender the replacement of the luminaires in 11 more municipal areas to reduce CO2 emissions by 384.78 tonnes per year.

“LED technology improves visibility, saves energy and money and reduces the emission of polluting gases,” she confirmed.

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