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Most attractive European winner

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FIFA Awards

FIFA Awards

THE UK Caravan and Motorhome Club have announced their winner of Best European Campsite for 2023

The winning site has been named as Alannia near Alicante on the Costa Blanca

The winners of the awards were selected from a shortlist compiled by the Club’s experienced campsite teams, members in the camping and caravanning industry and feedback from members over the last year, including consistency of the campsites’ popularity and comments from campsite assessors Nick Lomas, director general of the Caravan and Motorhome Club, said: “The award recognises the quality offered by European campsites with their great service, friendliness and innovation to ensure our members have the best possible choice and to help members and non-members make the best decision of where to travel this year based on their individual travel needs.”

Alannia is a complete five star resort that offers amazing facilities and services including an onsite hair salon, gym, tropical Tahiti pools and slides and a restaurant offering regional cuisine

Those wishing to get out and about can enjoy cycling routes around the nearby nature reserve or head to a local beach

Image: Voyagerix / Shutterstock.com

THE UK Caravan and Moto r ho me Club hav e a nnounced their winner of the Most Attractive Campsite Award.

Nestled behind protective sa nd dun es, on a w hi t e sandy beach, right next to t h e Me di terra n ea n S ea , Kikopark Campsite in Valencia was crowned the winner

Th e w inn ers o f t h e awards were selected from a shortlist compiled by the Club’s experienced campsite teams, mem b ers in t h e camping and caravanning industry and feedback from members over the last year

Nick Lomas, director general of the Caravan and Motorhome Club, said: “The award recognises the quality offered by European campsites with their great service, friendliness and innovation t o e n s u re ou r mem b er s h ave t h e b est po ss ibl e choice and to help members a nd no n - mem b ers mak e the best decision of where to travel this year based on

• Pour tap water into e three jars, covering e r i ce and se al w it h e lid

• Separate the jars (@ cms apa r t) and s a y corresponding words itten on the jar directto that jar, every day , 30 day s. (I g no re th e unlabelled jar) personally find it hard say I hate you, even to jar of rice, particularl y seeing what happens to it after the experiment.

You c an al s o t r y thi s w ith t w o s i m ila r s i ze d plant s; g i ve th em bot h w at er as usual but onl y talk to and pay attention to one of them

With either test it is evident that we all need love and att e ntion to th r i ve . Pl e as e fee l free to sha r e you r res ult s and h e l p spread the word!

Holiday giant

A WHOPPING €1 billion deal has transformed Eurocamp owner into an outdoor holiday giant

Image: Kikopark / Facebook t h e i r indi v idu a l trave l needs ”

With direct access to the beach, Kikopark tourers can enjoy a number of watersports from paddle boarding, windsurfing and jet skiing Yoga, beach volleyball a nd a qu a fi t n ess are j u s t some of the other sporting activities available In the summer months, the camps i te’s X i r i k i k o Beac h Ba r opens offering stunning sea views overlooking the nearby marina

Eurocamp owner European Camping Group (ECG) has become Europe’s leading provider of outdoor accommodation following its €1 billion acquisition of Vacanceselect Group

The deal sees it more than triple its campsite portfolio providing holidaymakers with an unrivalled choice of 500 destinations across France, Italy, Spain, Croatia and the Netherlands

Following recent approval by French competition authorities, the new group is targeting a turnover of €700 million this year

ECG President Alain Calme confirmed: “With the integration of Vacanceselect I am delighted that European Camping Group is now the leading provider of outdoor accommodation across Europe

“Above all, this allows us to share best practices to improve the quality, accessibility and sustainability of our offer ”

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