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Norse god

SCIENTISTS identified the oldest-known inscription naming the Norse god Odin on part of a gold disc found in western Denmark in 2020. Lisbeth Imer, an expert in runes at Copenhagen’s National Museum in Copenhagen, said this was clear evidence that Odin was worshipped as early as the fifth century.

The Netherlands

Chips chopped

THE Netherlands confirmed new controls on exporting equipment for manufacturing microchips, following the US in preventing China from accessing specialised machinery. The government also wants to ensure that Dutch technology was not used in military systems or weapons of mass destruction, the Foreign Trade Minister said.


Clergy lurgy

CATHOLICS criticised a 60-page booklet published in Belgium which argued that to abolish clericalism, “we must abolish the clergy.” It was written by nine people associated with the diocese of Liege, two of whom were priests, who declared it was time to “return the initiative to the communities.”


Fair dos

BERLIN’S outdoor and covered pools now allow women to swim topless following a complaint to the ombudsman. The Justice and Antidiscrimination department announced that establishments would apply regulations fairly, creating equal rights for all Berliners “whether male, female or non-binary.”


Bird flu

AFTER three foxes were found dead in a nature reserve in Meaux near Paris where gulls had died from highly contagious bird flu, one of the animals which was collected and tested was later found to have the disease. The virus also infected a cat in France in late December.


Don’t drive

BERGEN in Norway will inaugurate a 2.9kilometre pedestrian and bicycle tunnel under the Lovstakken mountains on April 19. Linking the Fyllingsdalen and Mindemyren residential areas, the world’s longest purposebuilt tunnel of its kinds aims to encourage the public to walk or cycle instead of driving.

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