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ONLY 9 per cent of Britain’s over50s who are retired said the Budget’s pensions giveaway could entice them back to work.

Measures included an increase in the annual pension allowance, eliminating the lifetime limit and hiking the amount that those who have drawn funds can put back each year, but the ‘back to work’ Budget did not sway retirees.

“For most, saving enough to breach the lifetime allowance or the annual pension allowance is a distant pipedream and for others little could induce them back to work,” financial experts agreed.

Down to earth

AENA has lost 90 per cent of the court cases that it has brought against rent defaulters.

Spain’s airports group had unsuccessfully hoped to be able to overturn new legislation affecting the rents paid by retail tenants, but 24 out of 26 sentences were entirely or partly in favour of claimants.

All had called for re­negotiated rents owing to the absence of passengers during the pandemic but the group considered that amendments to the law, obliging it to drop rents during this time, were unconstitutional.

By Clinica Britannia

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