1 minute read

Bouncing around

Linda Hall

BALANCE diminishes with age and falls are always a lurking danger as people get older.

Not that falls are restrict‐ed to the elderly, as World Health Organisation fig ‐ures show that falling is al‐so the third most common cause of unintentional in‐jury for the 18 ‐ 35 age group.

Fitness experts Juliet and Kelly Starrett recently rec‐ommended skipping as an excellent way to enhance balance. Haven’t picked up a rope since your pre‐teen days? Instead try bouncing which is a modified version of skipping.

With hands resting light‐ly on a countertop, rise up on your toes and quickly bounce up and down 50 times.

There’s no need to lower your heels to the ground each time; just drop them part‐way as you bounce.

SKIPPING: If you haven’t skipped for years, try bouncing

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