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‘Marberun’ Night Race Skating the streets

race begins at 9pm, they will run 10 kilometres. You can register as an adult for €10 and children for €6 online at http://www.global ‐tempo.com/carreras.php?id =2036. For more informa ‐tion check out www.mar berun.org.

BENALMADENA hosts the 13th edition of their ‘Skate in the Street’ event. It will take place on three different days over the next couple of months. The first is Friday, April 14, then again on May 12, and finally on June 9. The event will be held in Arroyo de la Miel on these three dates.

The town closes the Avenida de la Constitución so anyone who wants, regardless of age or experience, can get out and skate without having to worry about the traffic. This Friday the traffic will be cut from this street and Calle Las Flores from 7.45 pm.

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