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Guitar Festival Otterly lovely

online at rondaguitarfestival. com, the Tourist Office in the Plaza de Blas Infante or from the Santa Domingo Convent during festival days. For more information head to the website rondaguitar festival.com or call (+34) 660 280 720.

SEA LIFE Benalmadena has expanded its family with a new specimen of the otter. The otter is a male Asian short‐ clawed otter which has a high level of international protection.

The specimen of otter that is incorporat‐ed into the Costa del Sol Aquarium comes from the Beauval Zoo, in France, where they have a breeding programme for this species.

The new otter was born there on July 6 in 2019, so he will be four years old while living on the Costa del Sol.

The Asian short‐clawed otter, with a to‐tal body length of 85 cm, is the smallest ot‐ter species in the world.

It lives in fluvial, freshwater, wetland and mangrove habitats. It feeds on molluscs, crabs and other small aquatic animals.

They live in pairs or are also observed in family groups of up to 12 individuals.

The breed is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, and is threatened by habitat loss, pollution, and in some ar‐eas, hunting as well.

€23 Million to toll roads

THE government has an‐nounced it will give €23 million to toll motorways in an at‐tempt to control the price. The Spanish motorways increased the price to use their toll roads by 4 per cent in 2023 but the increase should have been 8.4 per cent. The initially planned increase of 8.4 per cent was, according to the Ministry, from the war in Ukraine to ‘help citi‐zens to face the current sce‐nario of high energy prices, de‐rived from the continued conflict in Ukraine after the Russian invasion, which espe‐cially affects the disposable in‐come of households.’

And so, the Royal Decree‐Law approved on Tuesday in the Ministry of Transport, Mo‐bility, and Urban Agenda pledged €23.3 million to con‐ tain the tariffs to a 4 per cent increase for the users of the following motorways: AP‐51, AAP‐61, AP‐53, AP‐

66, AP‐7 Alicante‐Cartagena, AP‐7 Málaga‐Guardiaro, AP‐68, AP‐71, AP‐9,AP‐6 and AP‐46.

Serving up hot topics

MARBELLA’S mayor, Ánge‐les Muñoz, is inviting all for‐eign residents to a breakfast meeting on Friday, April 14, at 9.30 am at the Beach House Restaurant.

The event aims to keep residents informed about current and future develop‐ments in the city, as well as updates on the Brexit 90‐day rule and changes to wealth tax rules, which will be ex‐plained by tax experts from UHY Fay & Co.

Marbella’s foreign resi‐dents play a vital role in the community and the city’s fu‐ture, and the mayor is keen to have them be a part of it. The event will include a question and answer session with both the mayor and the tax experts.

To join the mayor for breakfast, those interested are asked to register online at: https://www.beach housemarbella.com/reser vations.

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