1 minute read

Seeing the light

panied by the odd fondle of the slightly more promiscuous young ladies from the local ‘St Trinian’s’, left women reduced to nothing more than subjects of locker room humour and ribald banter in the dorms.

The outcome of this attitude, resulted in the total absence of respect for those of a gender they considered not only mere objects of sexual titillation, but also intellectually inferior and subsequently had no important standing in the male dominated corridors of their future political ambitions.

Most of these elder statesmen on the benches fall into this category and still consider Westminster nothing more than an extension of their public school education and debating societies. As attitudes change, and more and more women are elected into the house, (over 50 per cent of the Labour party) these ex­public schoolboys are slowly becoming the dinosaurs of the political arena.

Frankly, apart from serious offences, consistently raking up ancient knee brushings and somewhat innocuous schoolboys sexist innuendoes is a complete waste of time and energy. (You listening Ms Rayner!?)

Time to get back to more serious issues, like running the country for example! Thank the Lord the Labour Party has actually seen the light. At least they can use their female membership numbers against the Conservatives mere 24 per cent. Yet another weapon in their armoury of schemes and skullduggery to keep the government on the back foot till the next General Election!

Picked up a lovely piece of terminology in the news this week. ‘Non erotic cognitive distraction’. This is the condition of ladies having their moment of intense sexual arousal being spoiled by suddenly remembering they didn’t pay the milkman, or something of that ilk. Apparently sufferers of this unfortunate malady are encouraged to ‘stay in the moment’. The moment? Personally I would recommend a change of partner!

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