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Fatal hit and run

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Future of freight

A MAN who fled the accident but was located on the same day, Sunday, April 16, has been ar‐rested for the fatal hit and run of a 69‐year‐old British cyclist in Turre.

The accident occurred at the entrance to Turre.

According to sources of the investigation, the alleged perpetrator of the hit‐and‐run was ar‐rested shortly after he collided with a 69‐year‐old British cyclist causing his death, after which he fled.

The driver has been charged with the of‐fences of reckless homicide and leaving the scene of an accident.

Lion’s Den

ONCE again, it’s time to en‐ter the Lion’s Den as the Vera and District Lions Club hosts its fourth Party in the Park on Sunday April 30.

Running from noon to 6.30pm at El Palmeral Park tickets cost just €10 per person (although those un‐der 12 will be admitted free).

This promises to be an ‐other huge fun packed day suitable for all ages with various musical artistes, stalls, food and tea rooms open for all to enjoy.

Tickets are available now by sending a WhatsApp to Jackie on 642 829 269, call‐ing Zoe on 639 036 051 or by visiting the Lions shop in Turre.

The events occurred at 10.30am at kilometre point 0.950 of the AL‐6113 road in Turre, a few metres from the Levante Fire Station.

On Monday, April 17, the arrested man, of Spanish nationality, was taken to court in Vera.

Mojacar Marathon

MOJACAR Town Hall and C A Nogalte has organised a Marathon that takes place on Saturday, April 22 from 6pm on the Paseo del Mediterraneo.

There will be four different types of marathons dur ‐ing the event, a 10km and 5km race, a half marathon on rollerblades, and a children’s marathon. All partici‐pants must be registered and there are various inscrip‐tion fees. You can register on the website alcanza tumeta.es.

Museum of Tales

THE Casa de la Cultura is holding a special event aimed at children from April 17 until April 28. It is the sixth edition of their ‘Museo De Los Cuentos’ ( Muse ‐um of Tales ) event, an activity that invites children to read. They use these storytelling events to encourage their interest to read and to stimulate their imagina ‐tion. The children from the local schools will partici ‐pate in this event but it is open to all members of the public.

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