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Future of freight

Future of freight

“supply of MDMA, Methy‐phenidate (a pharmaceuti‐cal drug) and diazepam”, as per CrimeStoppers.

Alex Male is the seventh fugitive, who is wanted for “supply of Class A drugs”.

CrimeStoppers states “anyone with information about any of the men is urged to call anonymously on 0800 555 111, while callers in Spain should call the freephone number 900 926 111, which will be an‐swered by CrimeStoppers in the UK.

Warning of drug shortages

THE Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Prod‐ucts (AEMPS), which reports to the Ministry of Health, has re‐ported supply problems with medicine used in the treat‐ment of severe hypertension. Specifically, it is the drug ‘Loniten 10 mg tablets, 30 tablets’, from the company Pfizer.

According to the AEMPS, this drug will have until at least July 1, a ‘controlled distribution’ through the Medicines in Spe‐ cial Situations Service due to the fact that there are ‘limited units’ currently available in pharma‐cies throughout Spain.

Loniten belongs to a group of medicines called vasodilators. It is used for the treatment of very high blood pressure or se‐vere hypertension.

Currently, the AEMPS lists on its website problems with the shortages of around 750 differ‐ent medicines. The AEMPS is responsible for ensuring no pa‐tient’s treatment is interrupted.

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