1 minute read

Sailing success Bishop’s visit

THE Bishop honoured Cam‐poverde with a visit to bring greetings to everyone.

On Sunday, April 16, Cam‐poverde Church in the Com‐munity was greatly honoured when the Bishop of the Epis‐copal Church of Spain, Bishop Carlos Lopez Lozano, visited to thank the church for its work in spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ in its church and community.

The Episcopal Church of Spain is part of the Anglican Communion. Campoverde Church in the Community joined in 2020 as they felt it was more appropriate to be part of the Church of Spain, whilst remaining within the Anglican Communion.

Bishop Carlos led the ser‐vice which included the partic‐ipation of members of the congregation who were joined by representatives of a number of other churches, in‐cluding two local Evangelical Churches and its sister church‐es in la Manga and San Ful‐gencio.

It was a truly joyful and ecu‐menical service.

A highlight was the award‐ing of Assistant Lay Reader Li‐cences to four regular worship leaders, Peter Barlow, Pip Shail, James McAllister and Maggie Dew.

ALICANTE is to host the fi‐nal of the Iberdrola Wom‐en’s Sailing League which will be held from October 20 to 22 at the Real Club de Regatas de Alicante.

Deputy mayor, Mari Carmen Sanchez, high ‐lighted the fact that Ali ‐cante has managed to host this great final against the candidacy of major national clubs.

“It is great news that Ali‐cante will host the final of the Iberdrola Women’s Sailing League, which will bring together the best sailors in Spain and will promote our city.”

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