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Costa Community

AMONG the congregation of Campoverde Church in the Community is a family who run the local ‘Orihuela Costa Community Food Bank’.

On Easter morning, the food bank put out an emer‐gency appeal for non‐per‐ishable food, Easter choco‐late, and raffle prizes for their up ‐ coming Charity Fair.

That afternoon, Assistant Lay Reader at Campoverde Church, Pip Shail, happened to be attending a meal at YOLO’s Bar, Cabo Roig. The tables there were decorated with cute, knit‐ted chicks containing Cad‐bury’s creme eggs and, knowing the food bank’s appeal for ‘Easter choco ‐late’, Pip asked her friends at the meal if they would kindly donate their choco‐late eggs.

A total of 31 cream eggs were collected and present‐ed to the food bank at the Campoverde Church Easter service later that day, to ‐gether with a large amount of food donated by other members of the congrega‐tion.

For more information, head to ‘Orihuela Costa Community Food Bank’ on Facebook.

Campoverde Church in the Community has placed a permanent donations box in Celcius Hair and Beauty in Campoverde for people to donate non‐per‐ishable food on an on‐ go ‐ing basis.

Donations can also be dropped off at Campov ‐erde Church on Sundays between 5.15pm and 7.00pm.

Campoverde Easter celebrations

EASTER is the most important time of the year in the Christian Calendar.

This year, as usual, Campoverde Church provided a full programme of events and services, appealing to all parts of our com‐munity and all ages.

The Church started with the making of Palm Crosses in the Church Garden ready for Palm Sunday.

On Monday of Holy Week, they had their Holy Week Procession through Campoverde.

On Maundy Thursday, Campoverde Church gathered in The Shed to remember the events of the Last Supper that Jesus had with his disciples.

On Easter Saturday an Easter Eggstrava‐ ganza was held for the children of the vil‐lage. Around 25 children and their families turned up and enjoyed an afternoon of East‐er fun.

The Church’s Grand Finale was the cele‐bration of the resurrection of Jesus with a service for the most joyful occasion.

Throughout Lent, the Church had been asking people to donate Easter Eggs for the children of Orihuela Orphanage.

By the time the orphanage came to collect them, over 140 Easter Eggs had been donat‐ed.

The Church would like to thank Iceland for their tremendous efforts to gather dona‐tions and all those who donated.

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