5 minute read

Fast talking

Linda Hall

SKINCARE fasting has had 205.8 million TikTok views to date.

This involves abandoning all skincare products for periods that can last from 24 hours to a week or even longer.

A cuppa tea

TEA has the potential to benefit 40 different areas of our health, a review of 96 different studies found. The authors of the review, published in the Molecular Nutrition and Food Research Journal, linked drinking two to three cups a day to better gut health and a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

that napping for more than half an hour daily more than doubled their risk of developing atrial defibrillation.

There was no increase in people who napped for less than 30 minutes and those who didn’t sleep at all during the day, the investigators found. Meanwhile short daytime naps of between 15 and 30 appeared to improve the body clock, lower blood pressure levels and reduce stress.

Washing your face with water can help to soothe breakouts and eliminate redness, fasting proponents maintain, a pronouncement that has prompted an immediate reaction from dermatologists.

Scrapping skincare would be fine if we never went outside or if we didn’t have blue light from screens or pollution to contend with, skin expert Kate Kerr argued.

“All these things damage our skin if we don’t take steps to protect it,” she said.

“If you see benefits from skin fasting, that’s because the products you were using weren’t working for you.”

Photo credit: Pexels/silviarita SKINCARE PRODUCTS: Eliminate them, skincare fasting proponents say.

Copper copout

CAN a copper bracelet really bring relief from sore muscles, joint pain or carpal tunnel syndrome?

“People think that copper is absorbed through the skin and that this will help arthritis, but there is no strong evidence for it,” Dr Wendy Holden said. A consultant rheumatologist at Hampshire Hospitals NHS Trust, she is also medical adviser for the charity Arthritis Action. “Neither is there any evidence that copper bracelets can help with fibromyalgia and carpal tunnel,” she said. “But wearing a copper bracelet will not cause any harm, so if patients feel better because of it, then that’s good and could have a placebo effect.”

Drinkers of ordinary ‘builders’ tea also appeared to have a reduced risk of certain cancers, and there were additional benefits for bone health and brain power.

It’s allergy time

APPROXIMATELY 30 per cent of Spain’s population have some type of allergy, generally caused by pollen.

Tree and grass pollen are the main culprits, but as well antihistamines and nasal sprays, Vaseline can also help.

“A barrier of petroleum jelly around your nose will help to trap pollen and relieve dry and uncomfortable skin resulting from repetitive nose­blowing,” Dr Nisa Aslam said in the UK.

Wrong context LETTERS

IN your Issue No 1970 (6‐12 April) in Euro‐pean Press, you carried a piece on Ireland, with a caption of Welcome Home, which as an Irishman I was very pleased to see.

However we would never use the Gaelic word, Eíre in this context. Instead we would say, Ballina, situated in County Sligo.

Moreover, most people, particularly Irish would not use Eíre, only because most other nationalities wouldn’t recognise it!

On the other hand the name, Ireland, in the caption is very acceptable.

Always enjoy your paper.

Hi Linda,


Bernard Butler

Many thanks for your speedy reply.

Actually whilst on the subject of Ireland. In Mijas Pueblo, on the building beside the Council Offices, wall plaques have been erected to acknowledge various nationali‐ties’ presence in the area.

I recall some years ago, Ireland was one of the first countries to be honoured in this way, however on a recent visit to the Peublo I noticed that someone has removed the plaque. Vandalism no doubt?

Perhaps you might consider following up this matter?

Thank you for you time and attention to this matter.

Kind regards Bernard

Dear Leapy

I take objection to the letter printed re Jed‐dah. I worked in the King Fahad Hospital there in those years and found the Saudi people nothing but respectful. Please don’t use that term r s for those people Mr Kite. Have you not been to British beaches over the last 50 years? You can hardly sit down without all the rubbish left by selfish people of all nations.

Carole Burton

Dog park

While it is good to see the Euro Weekly News back, I would like to point out an incor‐rect statement in the news about the dog park. It was not built on waste land, but on a park area that the garden group had spent a lot of time, effort and money to gravel and maintain for the last 20 years. But no one thought fit to liaise with the garden group about where would be the best place for it. Perhaps not near the medical centre and the play park. It will be also interesting to know who is going to maintain it and empty the bins?

Yours sincerely, Marion

Hi Leapy

I am not sure you get to glance through the Sun newspaper where you are situated but I have been following this guy for some time now. His name is Lee Anderson and I am sure what he says in this article (page 16/17 Sunday 16/04/2023) is just what we have been trying to tell people for ages, but do they listen NO!! Because they are all too steeped in woke and human rights etc etc to see the wood for the trees. Now I know you can’t reply because so many people contact you, be it agreeing or disagreeing with your views, but if you can get it up on your screen see what you think. Keep up the good work trying to educate the uneducated.


Mixed up

Four words used in Loopy Lee’s latest col‐umn but used inappropriately in conflicting ways in the wrong order. Firstly he calls the Johnson partying as Mere Bagatelle words meaning petty triviality and unimportance, does he really think that the charlatan who was eventually ousted from office through his law breaking and continuous lies is petty, trivial and unimportant? Try telling that one to the thousands who stayed at home unable to hold the hand of loved ones suffering in hospitals and care homes. Secondly in his continuous weekly bias towards the opposi‐tion party he calls, simply because they have more female members, an armoury of Schemes and Skullduggery against the Tories, words of course meaning artful and sharp practice, as I have pointed out he has got the words mixed up and used in the wrong order.

Ramon Osborne, Los Alcázares.

No benefit

Brexit, the gift that just keeps on giving. Still no benefits to Brexit. If you voted for it, you’re part of the problem called, Brexit Bro‐ken Britain. The whole world is laughing at the UK!

Andrew Cremona

Big brother

How sad that big brother is bringing such a wonderful historic way of travelling to an end. As for providing education details when travelling ‐ what on EARTH has your educa‐tional history have to do with travelling to an‐other country. It’s time people stood up to this BS and told the so called authorities what they can do with all this unnecessary data harvesting. It’s just spying on people for no good reason.

Naimah Yianni

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