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Use of triangles may be scrapped

THE Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) is said to be contemplating eliminating the obli‐gation to place the orange emergency trian‐gles in the event of a vehicle breaking down in the middle of a motorway or dual carriage‐way. This move is the result of a marked in‐crease in the number of road accidents.

Pere Navarro, the director of the DGT, stat‐ed as much during a press briefing on Tues‐day, April 4. He explained: “Last year there were 16 deaths on motorways and dual car‐riageways of people who had got out of their vehicle.” The DGT director added that one in every 10 road deaths was caused by some‐body being hit by a car.

Currently, when a vehicle suffers a road ac‐cident, it is compulsory for the driver to signal it to other road users, either with the emer‐ gency triangles or with the V‐16 emergency light, which is placed on the roof of the car and will eventually replace the triangles.

However, this new regulation will not be compulsory until January 2026, so in the meantime, both forms of signalling will coex‐ist. There will still be drivers who opt for the triangles and have to get out of their car to place it, running the risk of being knocked down.

Therefore, in view of this danger, the DGT is ‘assessing’ how to eliminate the obligation of signalling on motorways and dual carriage‐ways. This is something that other countries have already put into practice, and as DGT sources confirmed to a news source, Pere Navarro is studying how to do it at a regulato‐ry level.

UK ministers and aviation chiefs have revealed an action plan for the next two years in the race to reach Jet Zero by 2050, as the government contin ‐ues with ambitious plans to decarbonise faster than any other G7 coun ‐try, grow the economy, and support hundreds of thousands of well ‐ paid green jobs.

The Jet Zero Council ‐made up of industry, aca‐demic and government leaders ‐ met last week at Farnborough Airport.

Through its two ‐ year plan, the council commit‐ted to continue working to speed up the design, manufacture, and rollout of zero emission aircraft and vital infrastructure at UK airports.

The plan sets out how the council will help to ac‐celerate the production of sustainable aviation fu‐els (SAF), by continuing to invest millions of pounds in first ‐ of ‐ a ‐ kind SAF plants, supporting crucial scientific research on a larger scale, and helping to drive down production costs.

Farnborough Airport al‐so played host to the Sus‐tainable Skies World Summit April 17 ‐ 18, which gathers experts and leaders from the worlds of aviation, gov ‐ ernment, energy, and en ‐gineering.

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