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The Arts Society Marina Alta

THE next presentation by The Arts Society is on Thurs‐day May 4 at Salones Canor Teulada. Doors open at 10am for registration and the presentation begins at 11am. Coffee is available pri‐ or to the lecture for mem‐bers and guests.

The lecture is entitled How to look at art: a strategy for interpretation and will be led by Lynne Gibson. Lynne has worked as an independent art historian for several years. She regularly gives talks, lectures, courses and guided tours to a wide range of organisations around the UK and abroad including col‐leges, art galleries, museums and societies.

“Would you like to devel‐ op your confidence in looking at art? Perhaps to discover a strategy for looking at it. This lecture is a must for anyone interested in visiting galleries, exhibitions and art muse ‐ums. It will, quite simply, help you to ‘see’ more, learn to trust your own eyes, and en‐joy art to the full,” said Soci‐ety spokesman David Glover. For details of membership please contact Maggie at mb.marinaalta@theartssoci ety.org or for more informa‐tion email Peter at tr.mari naalta@theartssociety.org. Find the Arts Society at theartssociety.org/marina‐al ta.

Flower Mother in Denia

DENIA Town Council has teamed up with local business‐es to celebrate Spanish Moth‐er’s Day and to welcome the arrival of spring.

The ‘Flower Mother’ festival takes place from Saturday April 29 to Saturday May 6, when the 78 participating shops will be decorated with floral motifs and will take part in a spring‐themed display competition.

‘Flower Mother’ kicks off this Saturday with a range of activi‐ties for all ages at different sites throughout the town from 11am to 8.30pm.

These include face painting (11 to 12.30am at Plaça Arxiduc Carles, 5pm to 6.30pm in Calle Marqués de Campo and Tem‐ple de Sant Telm, and 7pm to 8.30pm in the Glorieta and Car‐rer Cop), a traditional Valencian music parade through several streets between 11.30am to 1.30pm, dancing in Carrer La Mar from 12.30pm to 1.30pm, and two environmental work‐shops in Plaça Arxiduc Carles from 12pm to 1.30 pm and at the site of the old health centre on Marqués de Campo from 4pm to 8pm, where traditional games for the whole family will also be held from 5pm to 8pm.

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