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Ice cream esteem

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TWENTY ­ YEAR ­ OLD research in the US has linked dairy ­ based desserts like ice ­ cream to heavily reduced chances of developing insulin­resistance syndrome.

This is a precursor to diabetes in overweight peo ­ ple, but although ice cream has a lower glycaemic index than super ­ healthy brown rice, doctors in the UK have given the recently resuscitated findings an icy reception.

“It may contain some nutrients which could be ben­ eficial, like calcium, and it has a low glycaemic index,” said Dr Duane Mellor, a senior lecturer and dietitian at Aston Medical School.

“But this is likely to be outweighed by its sugar and calorie content,” he added.

APPROXIMATELY 10 million people suffer from migraine in the UK and more than five million in Spain.

A face mask that delivers blasts of oxygen could soon help to alleviate their agonising headaches that are often accompanied by nausea, disturbed vision

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