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Police honoured

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THE Regional Government of Elche has honoured 145 Local Police officers for their outstanding work in defence of public safety.

Seventeen Blue Badge Crosses, 93 White Badge Crosses, 32 individual public congratulations and three retire‐ment diplomas have been awarded.

Elche’s mayor, Carlos Gonzalez, con‐firmed; “These awards show the solem‐nity, gratitude, respect and the high value we place on the Local Police for their defence and protection of the

Lighting up

ORIHUELA Council has now completed the repair work for 40 luminaires in the Palmeral.

The work consisted of renewing the wiring sys‐tem, sanding and painting the lampposts and replac‐ing the lamps with LED de‐vices.

Hall Dependency Service is close to the qualifica ‐tion of excellence in de ‐pendency care.

One aspect to consider in the improvement of this municipal service was La Mata’s transfer to the city council.

This transfer has meant greater visibility and ac ‐cessibility, closer and more direct contact with users and identifying them in a more rapid way, the requests, documenta‐tion and the technical ori‐entations of resources. In short, a greater streamlin‐ing of procedures.

Using LED devices means the fight against climate change is en‐hanced through the re‐duction of the carbon footprint since the new lamps allow energy sav‐ings of 50 per cent com‐pared to the previous ones.

In addition, the new lighting makes it possible for birds to nest again in the area since some species had abandoned Palm Grove due to light pollution.

The works have been carried out with an invest‐ment of €32,000 by the Department of the Envi‐ronment and have a guar‐antee period of 12 months from receipt of these.

rights and freedoms recognised in our legal system.”

The mayor stressed that the awards given in Elche are “for fulfilling the con‐stitutional mandate which establishes that the mission of the police is to pro‐tect the free exercise of rights and free‐doms, and to guarantee public safety.

“The decorations, diplomas and dis‐tinctions are the expressions of the gratitude of society as a result of the dedication and generosity of the sacri‐fices made.”

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