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Crescendo success

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thought to be the largest carp yet to come out of this venue, a carp of just over 20 lbs (9 kgs+).

Second on the day was another local, Willy Moons, who using his usual method feeder approach, this time with pellet, weighed in 3.88kgs. Club President, Roy Dainty, had two carp for 1.40kgs and third place.

Every angler around Torrevieja knows Terry Screen, ‘Mr Fixit’ as he has become known for his expert skill in re ‐pairing rods and poles.

Unfortunately, Terry has been quite ill this year and recently spent several weeks in Torre ‐vieja University Hospi ‐tal. He now awaits an operation. I am sure ev‐ery angler wishes him a full and speedy recov ‐ery.

Anna Ellis CRESCENDO International

Choir performed three suc‐cessful concerts in April, pro‐viding free musical entertain‐ment for people in the Costa Blanca area and raising mon‐ey for various causes.

Most recently, Crescendo International Choir per‐formed at La Siesta Evangeli‐cal Church in La Siesta Urb, Torrevieja, on Monday, April 17. A retiring collection at this concert raised €376 for the church’s charity work.

On Saturday, April 15, at Santiago Apostol Church in Benijofar, Crescendo Choir gave a free concert in the evening, after the regular mass. More than €250 was raised to help the town hall’s social services department buy food for people in need in the Benijofar area.

At the start of April, Crescendo Choir gave a Satur‐day evening concert at Salt Church in Los Montesinos. At this event, €420 was raised through the red bucket collec‐tion after the event.

Half of this money went to Salt Church for its own use and half went to Crescendo Choir to help it continue giving free concerts as the music di‐rector and the pianist are paid professionals. Member dues also help cover this expense.

For more details about the choir or upcoming events, head to crescendo‐choir.com You can also follow the group on Facebook at Crescendo‐

Torrevieja. Or if you have questions, email info@ crescendo‐choir.com.

The choir would be delight‐ed to have more singers, es‐pecially basses.

This international group sings a variety of songs rang‐ing from musicals to spirituals, from pop to classical, mostly in English or Spanish. Re‐hearsals take place at Rincon de Miguel in Los Montesinos on Mondays between 5.45pm to 8.00pm.

All singers are welcome!

Gastrofest Santa Pola

SANTA POLA is holding a gastronomy event from May 5 until May 6 on Plaza de con‐stitución (playa de Levante) called Gastrofest where you taste the gastronomy of the area, and enjoy live music by the sea. More details about the event are to follow and you can keep an eye on the website www.turismosantapola.es for more information.

North Americans

TOURISM with visitors from North America has begun to take off in the province as they account for almost 2 per cent of tourists arriving in Ali‐cante in April.

The HOSBEC Hotel and Catering Business Association has released the closed data of this first half of the month, in which the Costa Blanca has reached an average occupancy rate of 75.3 per cent, while in Benidorm hotels sold 79.2 per cent of their places between April 1 and April 15.

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