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All on board

BUS travel in Fuengirola is easier than ever be ‐fore thanks to a new free bus card available for local residents. Resi ‐dents who are regis ‐tered as living in the Fuengirola region (em ‐padronado) can now ap ‐ply for a free transport pass which can be used on local bus services.

The registration pro ‐cess opened on Mon ‐day, April 17, allowing passengers to ride for free from Wednesday,

May 17 when the sys ‐tem comes into place. Physical bus cards cost €3 and are available from several locations around Fuengirola; the Casa Consistorial, the Tenencia Alcaldía de El Boquetillo, the Hogar Social de Puebla Lucía, or the Edificio Colores.

The virtual Tarjeta Ciudadana is available from the app store on Android devices, while its iOS equivalent will be available from Thurs ‐

Proverb Of The

day, May 25. Residents can find out more infor ‐mation or sign up online at: www.tarjetaciuda danafuengirola.com .

The decision to offer free bus passes is part of the council’s efforts to turn Fuengirola into a low emission zone, or ‘ZBE’. The scheme has been funded by the Eu ‐ropean Union’s Next Generation Plan which aims to drive the EU to ‐wards a more sustain ‐able future.

BENALMADENA witnessed a thrilling charity golf tourna‐ment in the form of ‘The Cud‐eca Player of the Year Com‐petition 2022/23’ event, powered by Golfinfo.com.

The competition, aimed at supporting the Cudeca Foun‐dation’s palliative care initia‐tives in the Malaga region, raised a stunning total of €7,620 for the charity.

Golf societies and groups from across the Costa del Sol participated in the year‐long event that culminated in the finals held at the legendary Old Course of the San Roque Club on Thursday, April 19.

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