1 minute read

Crowning the king

GIBRALTAR is gearing up to celebrate the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III in true style! A spectacular Coronation Parade at Con‐vent Place will launch the celebrations on Wednes‐day, May 3 at 6pm.

The Parade will feature service personnel from the British Forces Gibraltar and representatives from all of Gibraltar’s Essential Ser‐vices. The event promises to be a spectacle of military ex‐cellence and a celebration of British identity in the overseas territory.

The celebrations don’t end there though. On Thursday, May 4, His Excel‐lency the Governor and the

WE regret to inform our read‐ers that the Open Day sched‐uled for Sunday, April 30 at the ACE Dog Shelter in La Cala de Mijas has been cancelled.

This decision has been made due to the recent pass‐ing of Dirk Itterbeek, the hus‐

Chief Minister will visit ev‐ery school in Gibraltar to join their Coronation cele‐brations. Garden parties, as‐semblies, concerts, and street parties are on the cards to mark the momen‐tous occasion.

The public is also invited to watch a livestream of the King’s Coronation on Satur‐day, May 6 which will be displayed on a large screen set up at Casemates Square.

Announcing the plans, Chief Minister, the Hon Fabi‐an Picardo KC MP ex ‐plained, “I am also hon‐oured to have been invited, alongside His Excellency the Governor, to attend His Majesty’s Coronation in London, where we will proudly represent the gov‐ernment and people of Gibraltar.”

Event cancellation

band of Fabienne Paques, the President and Founder of the shelter. Dirk’s funeral is set to take place on Friday, April 28, so the event has been cancelled. We extend our condo ‐lences to Fabienne and her family during this difficult time.

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