1 minute read


does nothing to improve under ‐standing and acceptance of other people’s beliefs whatsoever.

Incidentally, I do remember, dur‐ing my experience of those far off Saudi days, the whole month being great fun for those of the privileged elite, who would simply party it up all night and sleep all day. Nice work if you can get it.

Even I enjoyed visiting offices and helping a somewhat devious associ‐ate deliver illegal alcohol in the middle of the night. After all most of us enjoy a drink at Christmas, I can categorically assure you that in the 70s, Ramadan was no excep ‐tion.

It may have changed now, but I very much doubt it. In fact I was in‐formed that during the 70s Saudi Arabia was the world’s biggest im ‐porter of JW whisky. This couldn’t be shown on any books so they al ‐ways paid cash. I wonder where all that disappeared to!?



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