1 minute read

Sánchez to visit the White House

2. Avoid drinks with caf‐feine, alcohol, or sugar.

3. Pay special attention to the elderly, babies, and children.

4. Prioritise being in cool places.

5. Avoid practising sports between midday and 5pm.

AEMET forecasts for the week state that “a very warm and dry air mass will enter over the Peninsula and the Balearic archipela‐go”, as per a news source.

As a result, Spain will ex‐perience a rise in tempera‐tures to record “values typi‐cal of summer and exceptionally high for this time of year.”

SPANISH President Pedro Sánchez is scheduled to visit the US to meet President Joe Biden, according to an official statement by offi ‐cials on Wednesday, April 19.

The announcement was made by White House press secretary Karine Jean‐Pierre, who said that Sánchez will be meeting Biden for talks on May 12.

Jean ‐ Pierre said, “The leaders will coordinate on is‐sues including climate change and expanded coop‐eration with Latin America and the Caribbean, as Spain prepares to take on the ro‐tating presidency of the Council of the European Union,” as cited by a news agency.

In a statement, she stated that “The two leaders will review our efforts as NATO allies and close partners to strengthen our bilateral de‐fence relationship, transat‐lantic security, and econom‐ic prosperity”.

She also added, “They will discuss our unwavering sup‐port for Ukraine and our ef‐forts to impose costs on the Kremlin as Russia continues its brutal war of aggression.”

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