1 minute read

Royal reception

Anna Ellis HIS Majesty, King Felipe VI received an audience of the Presidents and Directors of the European Chambers of Commerce in Spain at the Zarzuela Palace on Friday, April 21.

The objective of the re ‐ception was to strengthen the ties between Spain and the European Chambers of Commerce in Spain, as well as to promote economic and business development in Spain.

The association that inte‐grates the European Cham‐bers of Commerce in Spain brings together 19 Cham ‐bers representing some 7,000 companies and aims to promote bilateral busi‐ness relations between the countries represented, as well as economic growth.

The European Chambers of Commerce in Spain play a fundamental role in promot‐ing business growth and the expansion of trade relations in the European market.

Spanish farmers

During the reception, the representative of the Cham‐bers, Carmen Sanz, stressed the importance of collabora‐tion between different countries to promote eco‐nomic and business devel‐opment and highlighted how, in times of complex cir‐cumstances such as the cur‐rent ones, a collaboration between Spanish and Euro‐pean companies is particu‐larly relevant and that is pre‐cisely what the European Chambers favour.

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