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Here comes summer

Here comes summer

ACCORDING to a re‐cent study of 2,066 adults from Genera‐tion Z (adults aged between 18 and 26 years old) prioritise their pets over their partners and children when buying a home.

This study showed that Gen Z pet own‐ers would consider moving if their home no longer worked for their pets even if this did not suit their partners.

The study also showed that 60 per cent of Gen Z house hunters are prioritis‐ing fenced ‐ in out ‐door space for their pets whereas before an office or a chil ‐dren’s playroom would have been top of the list.

Fifty‐five per cent of Gen Z pet owners said a pet ‐ friendly home was more im‐portant than a child‐friendly home. Gen Z adults are putting off parenthood choosing to start a family later in life but not pet parenthood. Thirteen per cent even admit‐ted they would pre‐fer to share the mas‐ter bedroom with their pet instead of their partners!

Real Estate agen ‐cies have stated they have already begun to see these deci ‐sions impacting the market with pet ‐friendly properties more in demand.

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