1 minute read

Solo camping

alone you should try it but don’t jump in at the deep end, take it slow. Maybe try a campsite first and build up to an area you know really well.

care, housing, and support to return to the UK where many have not lived for years if not decades. Many are under the illusion that they will be auto‐matically entitled to UK bene‐fits including crucially access to housing. The UK’s welcome for returning vulnerable Britons is far from what extends to other nationalities. The Habitual Res‐idency Test means that a re‐turning British national may have to wait for up to three months before they can be eli‐gible. The BBF will help those who have no other resources, and we are increasingly being asked to help them in the UK whilst their applications are processed. These are people who have long lost touch with their networks at home and could face homelessness on ar‐rival without our support.

Olaf Clayton of BBF.

One such is Tom, a 60‐year‐old Briton who left the UK nearly 40 years ago and has been told by his local authority he can only apply for housing and other benefits when he ar‐rives. He has multiple medical issues which need continual treatment as well as aggres‐sive MS which will mean per‐manent disability ‐ he needs to get home for treatment ‐ but the Habitual Residence Test means he will have to over‐come an enormous hurdle with no income, savings or re‐sources.

We can only help people like Tom with your support ‐ if you would like to help him and others with a donation, please visit our website www.british benevolentfund.org. Thank you for any help you can give.

Olaf Clayton, Chair BBF

That hammock life

people may take over the tasks, but alone you can get a sense of satisfaction when you manage to do every thing yourself.

THE best camping advice will usually tell you to travel light. Even so, if you are an avid camper or if you like your rustic trip with a hint of com ‐fort here are some cool camping gadgets you didn’t know you need‐ed!

First‐up solar lights, they are pow‐ered by the sun and nowadays most brands are bright enough to light the path at night or just have extra light in the camp when the sun goes down. Another good gadget to ac ‐quire is a lightweight compact stove.

Connect with nature on a deeper level.

If you have never camped

Make sure to be compe‐tent at the basic skills alone before you try, pack light, and let people know your plans and your whereabouts. Make sure to bring a book or some form of entertainment just in case you miss the peo‐ple that usually surround the campfire.

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