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Heatstroke symptoms

DURING a heatwave our pets can suffer from heat stroke as their bodies haven’t had time to adapt and get accustomed to the high temperature. Keep an eye out for some of the following symp ‐toms: are they breath ‐ing heavier than usual or snoring, do they seems anxious or worked up, are their gums bright red and shiny, does their skin feel hot to touch and are they drooling more than usual, unable to eat or ill?

If your pet shows these symptoms move them to a cool shady area and apply luke ‐warm or cool water to their hair and paws but make sure the water is not freezing as that can make them feel worse.

If the symptoms persist take them to the vet.

TRAVELLING with pets can be difficult but so many ferry companies now have pet‐friendly cabins.

At the moment, the fol‐lowing companies in Spain offer well‐equipped pet ‐ friendly cabins: Baleària, Naviera Armas, Trasmediterránea, Grandi Navi Veloci, and FRS.

These cabins are thor‐oughly cleaned to ensure maximum safety for pas‐sengers and pets and are usually equipped with linoleum floors, anti ‐odour mats, pet pillows, and drinking troughs and can usually accommodate up to two small animals.

On board some vessels there are outdoor walking areas and designated play areas. Trasmediterránea and some other ferry companies are equipped

ACCORDING to a recent study of 2,066 adults from Generation Z (adults aged between 18 and 26 years old) prioritise their pets over their partners and chil‐dren when buying a home.

This study showed that Gen Z pet owners would consider moving if their home no longer worked for their pets even if this did not suit their partners.

The study also showed that 60 per cent of Gen Z house hunters are prioritis‐ing fenced‐in outdoor space for their pets whereas be‐fore an office or a children’s playroom would have been top of the list.

Fifty‐five per cent of Gen Z pet owners said a pet ‐friendly home was more im‐ with first aid kits for pets and they also provide a 24/7 vet hotline.

Some of these ferry companies offer some useful tips on how to trav‐el with your pet. They rec‐ommend you bring famil‐iar items to help keep your pets calm on board.

It is essential to bring your own disposable bags, gloves, and cleaning prod‐ucts to clean after your pet. You will also need to bring your own dog food and treats. Depending on the breed and behaviour of your pet they may be required to wear a muzzle on board. They also rec‐ommend checking out the EU guidelines for travel‐ling with pets to find out about what documents are needed and more in‐formation about border crossing with pets.

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