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Cabo de Palos reforms Another bus fire

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ANOTHER bus fire in the Murcia Region. Several weeks ago a bus burst into flames on the Gran Vía in Murcia City centre fol ‐lowed by another in Lorca.

On Friday May 5 yet an‐other bus caught fire, this time the fire was at the gates of IES Francisco Cas‐cales school.

The bus caught fire at approximately 9pm and the emergency services were notified. The Nation‐al Police and the Fire and Rescue Service of Murcia arrived on the scene short‐ly after and the fire was extinguished. Luckily all passengers had been evac‐uated from the vehicle and so no one was injured dur‐ing the incident. At pre ‐sent, the cause of the fire has not been announced.

REFORMS for the har ‐bour are already under contract. The planned work will convert the space of more than 1,400 metres at the end of the Muelle de la Sal (the Salt Wall) into an open ‐ air square for holding events.

The budget is €316,348 and the aim is to convert this aban ‐doned area into a walk ‐

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