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Cruz Roja

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MARÍA TERESA SÁNCHEZ has been ap‐pointed as the new president of the Cruz Roja (Red Cross) for the Region of Murcia. María Teresa Sánchez is a doc‐tor specialising in Anaesthesiology and resuscitation and she has participated in numerous programmes and projects for the humanitarian organisation.

Sánchez will be the president for the next four years after being unanimous‐ly elected as a candidate by the Au ‐tonomous Committee. Sánchez began as a volunteer and has been the re ‐gional vice president since 2015. ing and leisure area. It will be integrated into the rest of the port envi ‐ronment making it com ‐patible with fishing use.

The Cruz Roja teams assist more than 52,000 people throughout the re‐gion thanks to the invaluable work of more than 4,300 volunteers.

Once completed the large square will also have a four ‐ level grand ‐stand which is intended to become a great view ‐point overlooking the sea and the town.

LOS ALCAZARES is proba‐bly the town along the Mar Menor most affected by flooding and has seen the town destroyed over and over again when heavy rain like those brought on by a DANA hits the coastal area.

The people of Los Al‐cazares have demonstrat‐ed continually to the gov‐ernment for an investment to be made to help protect the town from such flooding.

For this reason, the town hall of Los Alcazares has awarded the compa‐ny Jose Díaz a contract for €600,000 to adapt build‐ings such as the town hall and the car park to min‐imise the risk of flooding. Other buildings such as the nursery school, the in‐door swimming pool, and the Bienvenido Conejero Requiel school will also be part of the project.

The project is planned to take approximately four and a half months.

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