4 minute read

That’s batty!

BATS rarely get a good press but scientists believe they hold a secret that could slow down human ageing.

As they live for approximately 20 years and are impervious to diseases like Ebola and ­ ironically ­ Covid, which can be fatal for humans, Duke­NUS Medical School (Singapore) have studied these flying mammals to discover the key to their resistance to disease.

The researchers found that they possess an altered version of the ‘bat ASC2’ protein which halts their inflammatory response and provides them with their resilience to viral infections.

Mice which had been genetically engineered to carry the protein have produced ‘promising results’ in experiments, the Singapore scientists said.

Their findings, they hope, could one day save millions of lives, helping to combat heart conditions, arthritis and Covid, amongst other conditions.

Blame the weather

SUMMER arrived early on the Costas but has now surrendered to typically unpredictable May weather.

Inevitably, the changes in weather patterns have had an effect on our health, prompting many people to link their allergy­related symptoms to the increased presence of pollen in the spring.

But in certain cases, anomalies in atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity can lead to the onset of allergies and symptoms not caused by pollen.

Ryanair stag-do riot ruins dream holiday LETTERS

I was on this flight! It was actually worse than described in your article. We had three female flight attendants, one of whom had been on the job for two days and admitted to me that she felt unsafe coming to work. The 20 or so men on the flight as part of ‘Ryan’s stag do’ (they all had personalised t ­ shirts) were visibly drunk when they boarded the plane. The crew told me that the mistake was made by the ground staff who “shouldn’t have let them board the plane” and that all they could do was “manage the situation”. Three tiny female humans dealing with large volatile males of the species. And they sold more booze, again and again. They were shouting profanities from the beginning of the flight. Obscenities and obscene gestures, loud arguments, I made notes, there was nothing else to do, no escape from the awfulness of the experience. Announcements were made that they would be met by police upon landing if they were drunk, vaping, drinking their own alcohol ­ which they openly did when after three rounds of bar service a decision was broadcast that there would be no more sale of alcohol on the flight. We all saw them drinking from bottles they were handing around, we all saw them openly vaping whilst walking around the cabin. Ryanair’s response is predictably driven by greedcan there be another reason for abandoning their duty of care for passengers on the flight. It was a miracle that it didn’t get nastier.

Sasha Alevropoulos

So predictable

Mr Leapy you are as predictable as a ‘cover it all newspaper Astrology page’. Can’t deny you have a bunch of fans out there. Don't know why myself but there we are, no counting for human difference.

Speaking for myself I believe in the freedom to protest peacefully for you or less right wing folk. The UK government don’t and introduce legislation to curtail peaceful protest. Again I don’t know why but there we are.

I am old enough to to remember the peaceful protest by Bertram Russell a great British philosopher, against nuclear arms in 1961. He was put in prison for a week or so and ended up getting massive publicity for CND. As a case in point the anti monarchists, few in number, are getting massive publicity even from king of Brexit David Davis MP and other top Tories because they realise this new legisla­ tion has not been thought out.

You talk of British values which have included the right to peaceful protests.

As a member of The Royal British Legion can I remind you thousands lost their lives defending freedom. Three members of my own family gave their health and well ­ being fighting in the Second World War to defend our freedom against such tyranny.

Are you clearly saying they were wrong. Freedom to express a fundamental difference to the status quo is our basic right.

Yours faithfully Helen

Hallam Malaga

Used worldwide


I'd like to reply to an article that caught my attention in Issue 1970 (6th ­ 12th April) as to wrong context written by Bernard Butler. Éire is very much used in sending postcards and letters around the world and nationally too. I use Éire all the time myself. As an Irishman Bernard doesn’t know his geography, as Ballina is in County Mayo. regards,

James Looney

Hi Leapy

Well done for your comments ref the blacks. I get so fed up watching TV commercials etc and other programmes full of blacks its no wonder we white people are beginning to be racist and as for that black actress saying on TV about our Royal family on the balcony at the lovely coronation being a white balcony, what the hell does she expect our Royals are white, thank goodness. Keep up the good work Leapy, love reading your comments you say what the majority of people are afraid to say well done.

Audrey Nosworthy

EU boiler ban

The stupidity of the climate useful idiots never ceases to amaze me. By the time the public wakes up they will have wasted billions. Then we all be better living in Senegal.

Roger Miller

Natural gas

Let’s hope now we are free of the EU that our government does not follow their idiotic rulings. It’s proved that air source heat pumps provide insufficient heat for radiators and only work for low temperature underfloor heating. Biomass has other health issues as other contributor explains. Stick with natural gas and top up with solar.

David Goulty

David Worboys Thinking Aloud

MUSIC is the art of sound that expresses ideas and emotions through elements of rhythm, melody, harmony and colour. Yehudi Menuhin said: “I can only think of music as something inherent in every human being ­ a birth­right. Music coordinates mind, body and spirit.” According to Anton Bruckner: “it is better to listen to music and not understand it than to understand it and not listen to it.”

Like many people I was first exposed to music through nursery rhyme jingles sung by my parents or played on the radio. At school I was a fan of Doris Day and Bing Crosby before becoming aware of some of my father’s classical music.

From the mid ­ 50s for me it was all New Orleans and traditional jazz, from the records of Jelly ­ Roll Morton and Louis Armstrong to Chris Barber and Humphrey Lyttleton, and jiving

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