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Hair today

Hair today

I’d like a bob (okay, this won’t apply to many male readers)…..quiero una media melena

I’d like a lot of curls (nor, possibly, will this)…..quiero muchos rizos

I want it very short…..lo quiero muy corto

I want it chin ­ length/shoulderlength…..lo quiero hasta la barbilla/los hombros

I want it very straight…..lo quiero muy liso

I’d like a lot of volume…..quiero mucho volume/lo quiero muy hueco

I want/don’t want layers…..quiero/no quiero capas

I want/don’t want a fringe…..quiero/no quiero un flequillo

If you want to change the colour of your hair:

I’d like to dye my hair…..quiero teñirme el pelo

Or merely brighten it up

I’d like streaks…..quiero mechas

I’d like a colour rinse…..quiero un baño de color

To prevent temporary or permanent slipups you’ll be presented with a colour chart although, since we’re on the subject, remember that blonda is not a hair tone, but a type of lace.

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