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Time it right

TREATMENTS: Are quick, effective and hassle-free.

Finally get a brighter, cleaner, and healthier smile that restores your confidence with the Flash pearl cleaning system. Stains caused by coffee, tea, wine, and more are easily removed by gently abrading off stains and plaque without damaging enamel, restoring your smile to its former glory.

Contact us at Clinica Britannia for advice on the best treatment option for you.

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IF you are exercising to assist weight loss, do it in the morning.

Dr Juleen Zierath, professor of Integrative Physiology at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute in Sweden, found that mice exercising on a treadmill in the first three hours after wak ­ ing produced higher levels of the enzymes used to metabolise fat. The same amount of exercise later in the day produced far lower levels of these enzymes.

“If you’re a regular morning exerciser, your body is likely to be more sensitive to or breaking down fat and using it as energy,” Dr Zierath said.

“That could mean that one might potentially be able to lose a bit more weight. Exercise also helps with weight maintenance, so morning exercise may prevent weight gain.”

By Clinica Britannia

Rebalancing the body’s hormones

BHRT: Hormones derived from plant oestrogens.

HORMONES are an important part of our body’s messenger system. These chemicals send signals to almost every part of our body, coordinating everything from appetite, digestion, immune function, libido, and mood. When these hormones become even a fraction out of balance, it has a direct impact on our health and well­being.

Hormone replacement therapies are prescribed to rebalance the body’s hor­ mones. One such, natural therapy is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT). These hormones are derived from plant oestrogens and are chemically identical to those produced by the human body. They are designed so our body uses them in the same way it does our own hormones. Oestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are among those most replicated and can be administered in various ways. Now avail­


THE average Briton consumes an annual 75,000 calories in alcohol, the same as 1,700 chicken nuggets, 328 Mars bars or 152 Big Macs.

able are specialised gels and creams that are tailormade specifically for the individual patient’s needs.

BHRT can be used to treat men as well as women, but is most frequently used to ease symptoms of perimenopause and menopause.

Common symptoms like hot flushes and night sweats, vaginal dryness, sleep problems, concentration issues, mood swings and lack of libido can all be successfully treated.

Contact us at Clinica Britannia for an appointment with our Specialist who can discuss treatment options available for you.

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