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Complexion lesson

Complexion lesson

IF you are exercising to assist weight loss, do it in the morning.

Dr Juleen Zierath, professor of Integrative Physiology at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute in Sweden, found that mice exercising on a treadmill in the first three hours after wak ­ ing produced higher levels of the enzymes used to metabolise fat.

The same amount of exercise later in the day produced far lower levels of these enzymes.

“If you’re a regular morning exerciser, your body is likely to be more sensitive to breaking down fat and using it as energy,” Dr Zierath said.

MORNING EXERCISE: Could help to lose or maintain weight.

“That could mean that one might potentially be able to lose a bit more weight. Exercise also helps with weight maintenance, so morning exercise may prevent weight gain.”

Good work LETTERS

Dear Leapy

I would just like to thank you for your column. What you write in the Euro Weekly, it’s a shame our country has gone to the dogs. I spend most of my time in Spain now and I just hate going back. Anyway all the best mate, keep up the good work.


Religious minority

Thank you Chris King for your article highlighting the plight of these families and persecuted members of our faith. Every voice that stands against oppression and raises awareness is a valued voice that calls for humanity.


No understanding

I can’t understand how we love in a world where when you ask for help, as your life and your family are at risk, you get beaten and incarcerated. I really thank this article and I pray everyone in this world has the freedom to live their faith in peace.


Spot on

Just wanted to say that this week’s report is spot on again. Hope you can post this on more social media sites where the young may stand a chance of seeing it. (not that they will change in any way !!)

Thanks and keep up the good work.

Best wishes,

Young generation

Tony Wiggins

Mother here of two Gen Z kids ­ the age group Leapy refers to. He is so out of touch. My kids 18 and 22 are anti­designer. They walked to school and looked after themselves after school whilst I worked. They are anti­fast food, can both cook healthy food ­ far better than previous generations.

They are frugal and prefer second­hand clothes which is now the fashion. They change their phones when they break. One of them is a teacher who gets in to work at 7am and is there till 5, going home to do marking. But will still give his seat on a bus to somebody more in need.

What they are is very open to different cultures and different sexual persuasions. Not a bad thing in my book. Incidentally they also read real books and write them. They open the door to people both in real life and metaphorically.

When are older people going to stop demonising this generation that are probably the kindest, most respectful people alive today . Believe me they could learn a lot.


Your job

Come on Leapy I know you have said before you are not interested in standing for Parliament, but let’s face it you are the man for the job.

With you as the new Prime Minister we might just stand a chance of putting the GREAT back in BRITAIN.

Anyway keep up the good work of spreading common sense.


It’s obvious


Re letter from DMP edition June 1, ‘Electric scooters being misused and asking Leapy to write about it’.

Sorry to point out the obvious but the police probably do not read EWN. If people want to bring the misuse to the attention of the police and other authorities, may I suggest they speak directly to them? That way they will know of the problem and can choose whether it’s worth tackling it.

John Carrington

No chance

Hola, thinking how Mental Health is brought up so often now, do you remember a 1966 recording ‘They’re coming to take me away haha’ by Napoleon XIV?

Don’t think he would have got it released in today’s society

Raymond Wilby

The truth

Dear Leapy,

In response to your column in EWN this week, I would say that never were truer words written! While reading it, two descriptive words came to me immediately, ignorance and hypocrisy! As for respect, they wouldn't know how to spell it!

Ken, San Fulgencio

Tourists beware

My understanding is that it is not possible for Spanish police to issue penalty points to drivers driving under a British (or Irish) driving licence.

Apart from all else, the British issue penalty points, whereas, the Spanish system awards every driver with 12 points, then takes them away as punishment for driving related offences. It would be sweet, however, if you already had nine British penalty points, and Spanish Plod came along and took the ning points off you, lol.

Allan Grieve

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