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British Embassy Cocktail Party

IT was with great pleasure that the proprietors of Euro Weekly News , Michel and Steven Euesden were invited to the Spring Cocktail Party at the British Am­ bassador’s Residence in Madrid on Tuesday June 6.

It was a glorious day and there was a very large number of guests who took advantage of the large garden which gave them the opportunity to chat with friends old and new.

Temperatures were soaring in Madrid, a true reflection on the world of commerce in the region and it seems that the after effects of Brexit and Covid now seem to be a distant memory.

Speaking to those present, Ambassador Hugh Elliott explained that interrelationships between Spain and the rest of the world have never seemed to have been in such a sturdy state.

The investments coming in from South America are most definitely making the economic recovery a far easier journey with regards to the economic growth of Spain and the region and coincidentally there has been a massive hike in property prices in this region.

La Cámara, the Spanish Chamber of Commerce saw a change of PresidentHugh Elliott gave a massive thanks and round of applause to demonstrate his appreciation for all the work done by Aida Garciaand welcomed the opportunity to work with lawyer and long­standing member of the BCC, Ralph Smith.

The Ambassador was in excellent form on this occasion and Olaf Clayton was a wonderful networker and introducer which comes as no surprise given his role in the British

Benevolent Fund, which is the oldest charity for for eigners in Spain today and Olaf is THE conduit of communication between a problem and a solution.

Be it a victim of domestic abuse ­ violencedependency ­ when all help fails us the foreigner here in our adopted land ­ Olaf and his team somehow find the resources to offer a solution.

It was a superb evening of celebration and almost gaiety, although the tide of business attire did not reflect the optimism and excitement of times to come here in Spain

It is getting towards the end of the tenure of Hugh Elliott and although the Euesdens have said it about the past three Ambassadors they do believe he has survived some hard times with aplomb.

He is very much like the IF character of Rudyard


IF ­ you can keep your head when those around you are losing theirs … They were and he did!

Apart from the many people they met at the event, Michel and Steven were pleased to catch up with their friend Derek Langley of the British Chamber of Commerce and would like to thank the Ambassador for such a superb evening of commercial celebration ­ it was an honour to be invited.

Anna Ellis

A PACK of robotic dogs have been harnessed to help Dounreay with monitoring work on site. Dounreay is a small settlement and the site of two large nuclear establishments on the north coast of Caithness in the Highland area of Scotland. Spot, a robotic quadruped dog from Boston Dynamics, has the ability to climb stairs, avoid obstacles, and move over rough ground, allowing it to monitor and collect data in hazardous areas.

Heather Fairweather, the innovation team’s project manager for the work, confirmed: “Spot is not just a gimmick; it’s a practical tool that we can use to survey and monitor in areas where people should not or cannot go.

“I believe that this is the way forward where operators can minimise their dose rates but still get the job done. It’s not to replace operators,

THE UK’S National Railway Museum’s largest ever familyfocused visitor experience named Wonderlab: The Bramall Gallery is set to open on Saturday, July 22.

The first tickets are now available via the museum website and, to celebrate, residents of York can upgrade their day ticket to an annual visitor pass for no extra charge.

The museum is also moving to a permanent seven­day opening for the first time since

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