3 minute read

MATTERS MANY foreigners are thinking of having EU citizenship to avoid the inconveniences of extending their Spanish residency.

There are several possibilities to apply for Spanish nationality, depending on your situation. I will explain to you the options:

Citizenship by legal residence

Obtaining nationality by residence requires the residence of the person in Spain during the required residence period, depending on the case, legally, continuously, and immediately prior to the request, as well as compliance with the requirements of good civic conduct and integration.

The general requirement is a legal and continuous residence in Spain for at least 10 years prior to the application. There are several cases when the residence term can be reduced:

Citizenship by option:

1) Those who are or have been subject to the custody of a Spanish citizen.

2) Those whose father or mother was original­ ly Spanish and born in Spain.

3) Persons for whom the determination of filiation or birth in Spain occurred after the 18th. In this case, the right to citizenship exists for two years since the determination of filiation or birth.

4) Those persons whose adoption by Spanish citizens occurs after the 18th. In this case, the right exists until 20 years old.

The other option is to apply for Spanish citizenship by the law of democratic memory. By this law, the following individuals can apply:

1) Those who were born outside of Spain to a father or mother, grandfather or grandmother, who were originally Spanish.

2) Those who were born outside of Spain to a father or mother, grandfather or grandmother, who were originally Spanish and, as a result of experiencing exile due to political, ideological, or belief­related reasons, or due to sexual orientation and identity, have lost or renounced their Spanish nationality, may opt for Spanish nationality.

3) Children born abroad to Spanish women who lost their nationality by marrying foreigners before entry into the 1978 Constitution.

4) Adult children of Spanish nationals who are recognised as their original nationality through the right of option.

Marisa Moreno Castillo Consul for Denmark and Senior Lawyer at Just Law Solicitors. www.justlawsolicitors.com • contact@justlawsolicitors.com

Mike Senker In My Opinion

WHILE I was still in the USA and I know I have written about this place before, but I have to relate a couple of things that happened to me whilst I was there.

I went to see a doctor in Houston and then took a flight to Las Vegas on a small puddle jumper.

That is what they call the planes that fly the short trips. I get in my seat and buckle up ready for my flight. I’m in the window seat. I look up and coming down the aisle is a large man - a very large man! I’m talking omfg large!!

Now let me point out he is not fat (I’m not even sure I can say that anymore). He is just a huge bloke and of course he manoeuvres into the middle seat next to me. Now I’m not a great chatter on a plane and never have been.

I’m not interested in striking up a conversation with a complete stranger who wants to know my life story. So as soon as I sit in my seat I make myself busy. It used to be reading all the stuff in the seat pock-


et, including what to do with the sick bag, but now I just put my headphones on either to watch a film on my laptop or listen to music.

Anyway he sits down and within a few minutes he has his head back and is asleep, but he has the whole armrest and is now well into my seat too! So what do you do?

Well I’m not well known for my ‘suffering in silence’ abilities so when the cabin crew lady with the trolley asks if I want anything out comes, “Yes a bigger seat please as I’m sharing mine with him”! He looks at me and says, “What’s the matter”? I tell him that he is invading my space (I’m being American - it’s what they say).

There is no apology. Nothing. Just a big huffing noise and a horrified look from the air hostess. Well, I’m not doing this PC stuff anymore. He moves his arms so I can have my seat to myself. I really don’t get it. Why am I made to feel bad because he is a big guy?

The rest of the flight was OK but I don’t think I’m on his Christmas card list and it was interesting to see the reaction of other people that heard what was going on. What would you have done? I’d be interested to know.

Email me at mikesenker@gmail.com let me have your thoughts.

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