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Summer Fair in Javea

ON Friday June 30 the weekly Arts and Crafts fair that has been held every Sunday morning on the Paseo Marítimo in the port of Javea will give way to the Summer Fair, which will be held in the same place every afternoon until September 3. Every evening from 7.30 pm to midnight up to 20 artisans will set up their stalls right by the sea. The fair is an initiative of the port shopkeepers’ association and for the organisation it relies once again on Amata, an association of artisans that carefully selects the participants to offer the maximum variety.

There will be leather bags and belts, ceramics, paintings and watercolours, dolls and toys, designed jewellery in silver, macramé, aluminium, sea shells or ceramics, and much more. For information visit www.puebloartesano. es/javeaverano and www.amata.es

New actors, and other well­known faces, will bring the Bard to life. Rachel Gibbons starting dancing at four and was President of Drama at Uni. Anne Tandonnet acted with French and English theatre groups in Cambodia. Both are delighted to have discovered the Players.

The show is preceded by an al fresco tapas meal before walking a few steps to the Casa de Cultura.

The meal at Bar Imperial starts at 7pm with the show beginning at 9pm. The price for both is €22.50.

For more information see www.javeaplayers.com.

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