5 minute read

No resources, family or friends

THE NHS and its model of taxpayer­funded provision is crumbling before our very eyes. Investing extra billions of pounds won’t transform the system because of its intrinsic inefficiencies and epic wastefulness. Politicians must stop treating it as a sacred cow and undertake a radical shakeup of the way it’s structured and financed.

The problem is that the British public has been hoodwinked by politicians for decades into believing that (a) ‘the NHS is the envy of the world’ ­ it isn’t; (b) it’s ‘free’ ­ it isn’t; (c) its problems can be cured by reorganisations ­ they only create more chaos; (d) it just needs more money ­ it’d just continue

The UK fails to learn from overseas health systems with far superior patient outcomes, all achievable without changing the basic tenets of the NHS. But politicians won’t entertain a no­taboos review for a new era because only WE know best!

The NHS is like a giant tanker: you tell the captain something’s wrong with the ship and by the time the entire crew get behind it and change course it’s too late...

“Time and tide wait for none”­ as Chaucer more or less said.

Nora Johnson’s 12 critically acclaimed psychological suspense crime thrillers (www.nora­johnson.net) all available online including eBooks (€0.99; £0.99), Apple Books, audiobooks, paperbacks at Amazon etc. Profits to Cudeca cancer charity.

THE British Benevolent Fund was founded over a century ago to help Britons in Spain in extreme financial difficulties. People with no resources, and no family or friends’ network available.

The BBF works with partner charities from www.supportin spain.info and the British consular network to find solutions wherever possible. Many of these difficulties are often made worse by sudden illness.

A current case is a of a man who came to live in Spain some years ago but who hadn’t done his residency by the time of the Brexit withdrawal agreement and found himself without any medical or state support in the event that something would go wrong.

He had resources and savings and was confident that he would be able to fix the issue and be covered privately until the belated application form was processed.

However, things did not go according to plan.

He was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and doctors gave him a small but fighting chance of beating it.

Which he took ­ very quickly savings were depleted, and resources used to pay for private treatment which ate into everything he had.

He sold his car, downsized to a small apartment and made ends meet as best he could, but his world was getting smaller. He was soon on food banks and the Red Cross.

Then the private health insurance stopped.

Which is where the BBF came in with the local charity who had been supporting him. They were helping him with his residency application, and he would soon be eligible for a pension from the UK which would bring in much needed stability.

However, that wouldn’t pay the medical bills for the cancer treatment which he is close to finishing. The BBF has decided to provide the funds for the medicine and treatment whilst the other charity will help with the residency so he can finally access health care.

If you would like to help him and many like him with a donation please visit www.britishbenevolentfund.o rg. Thank you on behalf of the many. Olaf Clayton Chair, BBF


Hi, Enjoy your column and certainly agree with most of it. With the recent controversy re diversity in the RAF, do you reckon the head of the

RAF has a revised version of Churchill’s famous speech on show prominently in their office...

“Never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few white trash.”

As you usually say, you couldn’t make it up.

Bob Stein Orihuela Costa

Not accurate


David Worboy’s recent article stated ... UK has “rampant inflation (the worst in Europe).”

These are the June 14, 2023 rates:

Hungary... 25.6%

Latvia... 17.2%

Czechia... 16.5%

Estonia... 15.6%

Serbia ... 15.5%

Poland... 15.2%

Slovenia... 13.8% etc etc etc

UK ... 8.7%

Perhaps he would be so kind as to apologise for misinforming us readers.

Cheers Tony North

Tourism up

Your Headline: Tourism Up was an interesting read. However it did not mention how much business the Orihuela Costa would lose by not having any chiringuitos or toilets on the beaches this summer.

This criminal behaviour by the relevant authority should be cause enough for them all to be sacked.

Regards Patrick

Thank you

Dear Editor

The Committee and members of SAMM, Sailing Association Mar Menor, would like to express their thanks for the support you have given by publishing the various articles and photographs we have sent you on our activities.

We are sure they help attract new members who sail or want to sail as a hobby.

Best regards

Terry Chapman

I agree

Dear Leapy Lee,

Being non resident but spending regular time in Andalucia for over 35 years, I read your column (for the first time) and fully agree on your comments:

In the subtitle : ‘others think it’, where you probably mean : millions.

To keep it short, a few of your words are not understood by many : respect, host, culture; on the other hand, however (worldwide) politicians well know greed and hypocricy.

I never ever had racist thoughts, and believe and hope I never will as I like to explore and experience cultures, but, seeing the recent ‘troubles’ in France and Brussels where many of them were not even teenagers, with over 3,000 cars on fire, shops robbed ( the Nike’s first) and set on fire, some can no longer share my sympathy.

Should I drop a cigarette on the street, a fine of at least €100 ­ would be sent. (lucky me, I am not a smoker, nor a user of cola or 7­up in can).

One thing I do not agree with is your statement : our ‘so­called leaders have to wake up...’ .

They are awake but impotent and never take responsibilty.

When you say, keep the faith, then I confirm, at the age of 72, I meanwhile lost almost all faith in the avarage politician, whether in Belgian or European parliament.

With kind regards,

Great article again


Leapy, the column next to yours ­ Brexit blues states to rejoin we would have to prove free speech and democracy so that puts an end to that then, thank god.

Keep going ,

Steve Branford

More praise

Hi Leapy, Your write up this week is fantastic. Keep it up.


Natural remedy

Roishin Keating

I stopped most of my Parkinson’s disease medications due to severe side effects and I started on herbal treatments. The treatment has made a very huge difference for me. My symptoms including body weakness and swallowing difficulties disappeared after a few months on the treatment. I am getting active again since starting this treatment.

David Wisner

Passenger habits

She needs to experience international flights . I have never had a trip to the Philippines without every Filipino passenger clapping the instant the wheels touch down in their home country, it’s been that way for 40 years to my knowledge, probably longer.

David Alan

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