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Needless buying.

A WOMAN From Lincolnshire has revealed how she woke up one morning with a Welsh accent, despite never ever visiting Wales.

Thirty ­ six ­ year ­ old Zoe Coles, reported that she woke up about six weeks ago and was shocked to discover that overnight she had developed a new accent, wrote a news source on Friday, July 14.

The Lincolnshire mother of two had hoped that it would wear off, but six weeks later it hasn’t. Now she is often asked if she’s from Cardiff, and until the mysterious overnight phenomenon took place said that she’s never been able to do a Welsh accent or roll her Rs.

Because of her new condition, she has also suffered from anxiety attacks and said that she feels like she ‘doesn’t fit in anymore’ because of the way she speaks.

Zoe, who is mum to Zak, 16, and Brooke, 11, and worked as a bartender at a Wetherspoon pub said: “When people would get drunk, I knew I would be a target. I tried to drive to work one day and I just had a massive anxiety attack and I just couldn’t go in.”

In 2022, Zoe was diagnosed with Functional Neu­ rological Disorder (FND). Because of this, Zoe often has ticks, memory problems, slurred speech and chronic pain in her legs.

However, there is also a condition known as Foreign Accent Syndrome (FAS), an extremely rare condition where people develop speech patterns that are taken as a foreign accent.

Swan Lake in Teulada

WITH one of the bestknown works in classical ballet, the Kiev Ballet brings Swan Lake to Teulada auditorium on Wednesday, August 2. The performance begins at 8.30pm, and tickets are €12. Goldberg Productions will donate €1.50 from each of the tickets sold to UNICEF to support their work in the Ukraine emergency. This is the first tour of Spain by the Ukrainian Ballet company, whose objectives are the upholding of traditions and keeping the essence of the purest classical ballet. Each performance is a feast for the senses due to the pureness of the choreography. All of the costumes and sets have been exclusively designed by the best masters of the Kiev workshops.

Tickets from Teulada auditorium or by visiting www.balletdekiev.com.

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