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Monolith discovery Summer fun

THE Diputación de Almería announces the success of 76 summer school programs attended by over 4,000 children this July.

The Community Social Services of the Diputación de Almería visited the Sorabs and Macael school campuses accompanied by the mayors, Raúl Martínez and Juan González, the vice­president of the city council’s education, leisure and activities program to meet some of the participating children and teachers.

This year the number of schools and minors who benefit from these free programs increased, with funding of 130,000 euros, to ensure that children can enjoy a variety of activities, crafts, academic reinforcement and games.

The mayor of Macael, Raúl Martínez, said of the 2023 program: "This year there were almost 200 children who participated, and thanks to [The Diputación de Almería] we can meet the needs of parents and children and, in addition, create employment for young university

AT the sunbaked Alcazaba of San Cristóbal, remains of ancient monoliths and Templar crosses have been uncovered. Historian Ginés Valera has been documenting and investigating these ruins and artifacts to discover more about the history of the area.

Careful archaeological digs revealing partially demolished remains of the monoliths and pieces scattered along the hillside representing the 14 stations of the cross.

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