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Toxic grapefruits intercepted Music, painting and poetry

FOLLOWING the recent detection of a consignment of organic grapefruits from South Africa with residues of an active ingredient banned since 2018 in the European Union due to its danger, the Valencian Association of Farmers (AVAASAJA) has called on the European Commission to carry out greater control over the entry and labelling of foreign certified organic products that are sent to Europe.

The interception was notified by the authorities of the Netherlands on Tuesday, July 25, through the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF). The sample of the product analysed in the laboratory found a proportion of Glufosinate of 0.39; 0.51 milligrams/kilo (ppm), when its Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) allowed is set at 0.05 mg/kg. Glufosinate is an active substance used as a herbicide. The EU prohibited its use by European farmers more than five years ago.

AVA­ASAJA regretted that a product that must travel more than 13,000 kilometers is classified as ecological. “It is even more alarming than a product that is imported as an organic product contains such a high level of herbicide residues, the use of which is prohibited in Europe due to its toxicity”, said the organisation.

THE aim of the Ithaca Cultural Foundation in Altea is to support musicians who have not been able to perform for several years because of Covid and to offer their audience what is becoming increasingly rare: beauty and culture.

The first concert of the twelfth edition of Ithaca's Poetic Evening Concerts will take place on Sunday, August 6, and will be, as always, a unique experience. The virtuoso flutist Maria Jose Clemente has fascinated the audience before, and also during the benefit concert Music for Ukraine, which was held last year at the Palau of Altea. Among other works by Mozart, Saint ­ Saëns and Chapi, the flautist, together with the excellent pianist Jesus Maria Gomez, will undoubtedly fascinate lovers of classical music again.

There will also be an exhibition of paintings by the renowned artist Joan Castejon and a recital of some poems by Germain Droogenbroodt, who recently received the Fuente Vaque­

BENIDORM council will start the renovation of l'Horta's lighting, which in addition to including the change of the current light bulbs for more efficient ones, also plans to eliminate possible dark spots on the roads in the area, “especially at crossroads, junctions, and accesses to homes”.

This was explained on Friday, July 28 by the councillor for public space and mobility, Francis Muñoz.

The campaign, 'A pie de calle' (At the foot of the street), is included in the second phase of an energy efficiency project. It is fi­ ros International Poetry Prize (in her home town of LORCA).

The first of three events will undoubtedly be another exceptional experience that no music, painting or poetry lover will want to miss.

For further information and tickets, email elpoeta@point­editions.com

The venue is Partida Monte Molar, 78, Altea (La Olla)

Tickets are €16 each or €45 for the three concerts, and include snacks and drinks.

Seeing the Light

nanced 50 per cent each by the council and the Institute for Diversification and Energy Saving (IDAE).

“In addition to informing the residents of the scope of this action to change to LED lighting, the meeting has served to learn first­hand about those possible dark spots on the roads and the locations where it is convenient to strenthen the lighting”, said Muñoz.

ONE of the most frequent surprises that some of our clients encounter when they try to sell their property is finding out that their home is a so­called ‘vivienda de protección oficial’. That is, a type of public housing or council housing, partly fi­ nanced by government grants and subject to price control. In this week’s article we review the main features of this type of property. In addition, we explain the requirements and conditions that must be considered if you are trying to sell a protected public house in the Valencia Region, without any trouble.

What is a Protected Public House (VPO)?

Subsidised housing or protected public housing are properties that, when being sold for the first time, have a lower price than the market price. So that they can be acquired by people with low income who would not otherwise have access to them.

What types of subsidised housing are there in Spain?

In Spain, ‘protected housing’ can be public or private, depending on the entity that promotes them: the public administration or a private/ cooperative entity. In both cases, the prices and characteristics are very similar.

Can I sale my property if it is a subsidised housing?

In order to know if you can sell a protected public house in the Valencian Region, you must consider three fundamental points. 1. The period of protection. 2. The maximum price. 3. The possible right of first refusal of the administration.

What does the Protection Period consist of?

Social housing is always subject to a protection period (15, 30, 50 years) during which the property has a series of limitations. Renting it or transferring it to third parties (through a sale or donation) is usually prohibited. Although it can also occur that, in spite of being allowed, the price has a limitation. It will all depend on what is established in the Royal Decree that approved it. This period of protection is always counted from the date of definitive qualification.

What is the Maximum Price?

The maximum price is the limit that prevents a property from being sold or rented above a certain amount. In order to calculate the maximum price, it is necessary to consider the useful surface area of the property, its protection regime, the municipality in which it is located, etc. Written confirmation of the maximum price of a social housing must be requested to the Valencian Government.

What does the administration’s right of first refusal consist of?

The right of first refusal is a preferential acquisition right that allows the administration to acquire a subsidised housing with preference to any other person. Always under the same conditions offered: same price, same type of payment, etc.

If your property is a subsidised home, you (as vendor) may be compelled to inform the administration of the operation, before and after signing the deed of sale at the Notary’s office. Failure to comply with this obligation is considered a seri­ ous infringement, with fines of up to €3,000 (among other penalties).

What is the deadline for the administration to confirm whether it exercises the right of first refusal?

The administration has up to 60 days to reply. Therefore, if you want to sell your property, it is essential to make this communication as soon as possible. This deadline must be considered when signing the ‘arras’ contract, setting the date to complete at the Notary’s office, etc.


At White­Baos Lawyers we are experts in Real Estate Law: sales and purchases, donations, rental contracts, etc. If you want to gift, buy or sell a protected public house, do not hesitate to contact us. We will study your case and offer you expert advice on the matter.

The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys information related to legal issues.

POLICE have confiscated huge quantities of food across Spain, including Almeria, Alicante and Murcia, that was unfit for human consumption.

On Thursday, July 27, the Guardia Civil, gave details of Operation Potacar in which they collaborated with the veterinary services of the Provincial Health Department of the Government of Aragon, Valencia and Andalucia, resulting in the seizure of more than 28 tonnes of foodstuffs.

The food was discovered in distribution warehouses located in the provinces of

Zaragoza, Valencia and Almeria. During the operation, eight people were arrested and 81 others are being investigated for alleged offences of fraud, public health, falsification of documents and belonging to a criminal group.

The first inspection took place at the premises of a company located in Cuarte de Huerva in Zaragoza.

Investigators seized 1,222 kilos of foodstuffs that were irregular because they had been relabelled with an extension of best­before date.

After analysing traceability, the investigators confirmed that various batches had been sold to other establishments with dates that had been exceeded.

In a second inspection of another company in Zaragoza, the Guardia Civil seized 1,708 kilos of products.

Investigators again found evidence of expired consumption dates, as well as food that should have been marketed as fresh produce, but which was frozen before its expiry date and subsequently put on sale with the date exceeded.

In addition to this compa­

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