Mallorca 19 – 25 October 2023 Issue 1998

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ON Tuesday, October 17, the Council of Mallorca joined hands with the Pa­ tronat Obrer Founda­ tion to mark the In­ ternational Day for the Eradication of Poverty. T h e i n i t i a t i v e , t i­ t l e d ‘ G i v e Fo o d , Change Lives’, saw is­ land directors of Co­ ordination, Sandra Morell, and Youth and Participation, A l i c i a V i n a i x a , d o­ nate food to the Fo u n d a t i o n ’ s Fo o d Bank. This commendable effort ensures dona­ tions for 100 families in Palma every Thurs­ day. Sandra Morell stat­ ed, “From the institu­ tions it is vital to col­ laborate in initiatives like these and to show solidarity with people and their daily difficulties, with the ultimate goal of com­ pletely eliminating poverty.” Alicia Vinaixa said, “From the Council of Mallorca we want to highlight the solidari­ ty work done by the Fundacio Patronat Obrer, a non­profit organisation founded in Palma in 1907 which helps so many people.’

International Day for Eradication of Poverty.


JOINING FORCES Scooter concerns

PEDESTRIAN safety concerns persist in Palma, de­ spite recognition of the city council’s changing atti­ tude towards scooter violations. ‘Scooters and Bikes a Raya’, a local platform, states that the daily aver­ age of 10 complaints about electric scooters does not show a significant improvement in pedestrian safety. They highlight the ‘silent’ danger that remains un­ changed. The group emphasises the importance of focusing on pedestrian safety, stating: “The constant mention of a shortage of police officers should lead to increased efforts, particularly focusing on pedes­ trians walking on the pavement. This is where their intervention is crucial.” They also call for the elimi­ nation of shared spaces between scooters and pedestrians, relocation of the Blanquerna bike lane, and a new ordinance for bicycles and scooters.

TAKING SHAPE: The inauguration of the Mediterranean Marathon League.

THE Palma City Council played host to a momentous event on Friday, October 13, as the Mediterranean Marathon League officially took shape, uniting the marathons of Palma, Cyprus, Palermo, and Salonica. Lourdes Roca, the deputy mayor, presided over the his­ toric signing ceremony and warmly welcomed represen­ tatives from all four cities. In her address, she highlighted Palma’s ambition to become a prominent European capital in tourism, culture, and sports, recommending Pal­ ma’s numerous features . The league was born from the commitment of the Pal­ ma Marathon (Spain), the Logicom Cyprus Marathon in Pafos (Cyprus), the Alexander The Great International Marathon Thessaloniki (Greece), and the Maratona Citta di Palermo (Italy). These events, all situated along the Mediterranean coast, have joined forces to

create a collaborative league and offer exciting challenges to European runners. All four events share inter­ national appeal, serving as major tourist and sports des­ tinations while being mem­ bers of the AIMS (Association Internationale de Marathons), ensuring high standards of organisation. The league promises op­ portunities for winners and participants to compete in other league events, encour­ aging participation and sportsmanship. The league kicks off on March 3 with the Cyprus Marathon, offering four dis­ tances and a stunning coastal

route along Paphos. The Marathon of Alexander the Great in Thessaloniki follows on April 21, offering breath­ taking views and cultural sig­ nificance. In October 2024, the spot­ light will shine on the Palma Marathon de Mallorca, mark­ ing its 20th anniversary. The league’s inaugural edition will conclude in mid­November with the Palermo Marathon, featuring marathon and half marathon races. Mallorca is set to play a piv­ otal role in this exciting new chapter for European marathons, attracting run­ ners and enthusiasts from across the continent.

Photo: Andriy Bilous/

Eliminating poverty



Issue No. 1998

ELECTRIC SCOOTERS: Improvement is not being seen.


19 - 25 October 2023

Pedestrianbike harmony THE deputy mayor of Infrastructure, Belen So­ to, along with coordinator Joan Josep Lemm, inspected ongoing improvements to the Cami dels Reis, focusing on relocating the cycle lane from the pavement to the road. With a budget of €34,000, the project is set to be completed within six to seven weeks. The work commenced on October 2 and is sched­ uled to finish in mid­November, strategically planned to minimise disruptions during RCD Mallorca’s stadium events. Previously, the bike path on the pavement posed accessibility challenges for pedestrians, and tree root upheavals made it difficult to navigate in some areas. As part of the infras­ tructure overhaul, the entire street pavement will be refurbished, while the bike lane will be moved onto the road. This shift will provide more space for pedestrians and eliminate con­ flicts with personal mobility vehicles. The project will relocate 650 linear metres of the bike lane to the road and renovate a 3.5­ metre­wide pavement covering 2,350 square metres. Additionally, two new pedestrian crossings will be installed on the Cami dels Reis, complete with traffic lights for enhanced safe­ ty. This initiative underscores the government’s commitment to fostering harmonious coexis­ tence between personal mobility vehicles and pedestrians.

Drive-in cinema FILM buffs in Mallorca can look forward to an exhila­ rating cinematic experi­ ence from the comfort of their own car! As part of the Evolution Mallorca In­ ternational Film Festival, organisers are thrilled to present four fantastic films to enjoy in a unique drive­ in setting. On Friday, October 20, the weekend kicks off with a touch of nostalgia as they screen the timeless classic ‘Grease’ at 7.30pm, followed by the adrenaline­pumping ‘Fast and Furious I’ at 9.30pm. Saturday, October 21, brings family­friendly fun with Pixar’s beloved ‘Cars’ at 7.30pm, followed by the gripping drama ‘Rush’ at 9.30pm. All films will be screened in Spanish, making it a great opportunity to brush up on your language skills or simply revel in the cine­

STAR GUEST: Q & A with Mads Mikkelsen.

matic magic. For just €10 per vehicle, regardless of the number of occupants, you can relish this unique movie experience. Simply drive in, tune in to your car radio, and let the films transport you to another world. Don’t miss out on the 12th Evolution Mallorca


Drama Week Credit: EvolutionIFF/X


International Film Festival, where the art of cinema and the spirit of the Mediterranean are cele­ brated. Film star, Mads Mikkelsen will be the star guest, presenting his latest film, ‘The Promised Land’, and participating in a spe­ cial Q&A session.

THE Mar i Terra Municipal Theatre in Palma is in readiness for the fifth Drama Week from October 23 to 29. Organised by the Association of Playwrights and Playwrights of the Balearic Islands (ADIB), the event was announced with the presence of Palma City Council’s general director of Music and Perform­ ing Arts, Rafel Brunet; the insular direc­ tor of Culture, Guillem Ginard; and ADIB representatives Aina de Cos and Rafel Gallego. Notably, the theatre will host a drama workshop led by stage director and ac­ tor Jordi Oriol from 4.00pm to 8.00pm on October 23­25. The Mar i Terra, located in the pic­ turesque es Jonquet neighbourhood, will also feature a production talk by theatre producer Marta Fluvia on Octo­ ber 27 at 6.00pm. Later at 8.00pm, the ‘Speakers Corner Theatrical’ activity, inspired by London’s Hyde Park tradition, invites registered participants to read their contributions. Other highlights include a Masterclass at Espai Tub on October 28 and the third Dramaturgy Slam on October 29. Spon­ sored by the Palma City Council, Mallor­ ca Council, Espai El Tub, and Produccions de Ferro, the week will conclude with a social event at the Principal by ‘La ver­ muteria’ on October 29.

Heritage festivity ON Saturday, October 21, Palma prepares for a his­ toric moment as the Santa Catalina Tomas festivity re­ turns with the longest ‘col­ cada’ in two decades, an event marked for recogni­ tion as Intangible Cultural

Heritage. The central spec­ tacle, the parade of Santa Catalina Tomas’s triumphal float, anticipates around 700 participants including representations from vari­ ous municipalities. “The tri­ umphal float will parade

again this Saturday, Octo­ ber 21,” stated Antonia Ro­ ca, Vice President of the Council of Mallorca and Minister of Culture and Her­ itage. Starting at 6.30pm, the procession, highlighted by groups of ‘xeremiers’, traditional dancers, and his­ torical figures, culminates in a floral offering and venera­ tion at Plaza de Santa Mag­ dalena. The festivity, trac­ ing back to 1792, stands as Mallorca’s second oldest, maintaining its cultural sig­ nificance. “The celebration deserves adequate protec­ tion because it is a historical event that forms part of our culture as a town and as an island and must be pre­ served to ensure its conti­ nuity over time,” empha­ sized Roca. This year’s event, organised in collabo­ ration with various local in­ stitutions, also features reli­ gious ceremonies, programmes for children, and a public ballad perfor­ mance, enriching the cultur­ al tapestry of Mallorca.


NIBS EXTRA Heavy rains LAST weekend the Emergen­ cy Services of Mallorca at­ tended 97 incidents in a 24­ hour period due to the heavy rains. Palma saw the highest callouts along with Son Servera and Inca. The majori­ ty of incidents were due to flooding and falling trees.

Tornado hit ON Sunday, October 15, Mal­ lorca was host to a tornado, which went largely unno­ ticed amid the heavy rains. Reportedly, the tornado crossed the motorway be­ tween Llucmajor and Cam­ pos mid­to­late morning. Several trees were uprooted causing damage to property.

Poverty day ON October 17, World Day for Eradication of Poverty, Placa de Cort hosted a special manifesto reading by the So­ cial Inclusion Network. Palma City Council’s Lourdes Roca, several councillors, and Pau Lebon, lead singer of Antonia Font, actively participated.

Buger visit THE president of the Council of Mallorca, Llorenc Galmes met with Buger’s mayor, Pere Torrens, to discuss a new catalogue showcasing services offered to councils. The initiative aims to support local governance and pro­ mote economic growth.

100th birthday ON Tuesday, October 17, Pal­ ma’s mayor Jaime Martinez and Councillor Luisa Marques visited centenarian Maria Mercedes Llinas Company on her 100th birthday. They presented her with a bou­ quet of flowers and were joined by Maria's daughters and neighbours in celebra­ tion.

Santanyi fair SANTANYI hosts a vibrant agricultural fair on October 20­21 at 10.00am. Celebrate local art, culture, and gastron­ omy with produce stands, farm animals, live perfor­ mances, and a concluding Correfoc fire run.

19 - 25 October 2023

Vaccine rollout THE jab rollout has begun! In a bid to safeguard Mal­ lorca’s senior citizens, the Mallorcan Institute of So­ cial Affairs (IMAS) has launched a joint vaccina­ tion campaign against in­ fluenza and Covid­19 for the 2023­2024 season. The first doses were ad­ ministered at the Oms­ Sant Miquel in Palma and Bartomeu Quetglas in Fe­ lanitx. Over the week, the drive will extend to other IMAS residences. On Monday, October 16, 145 residents and 19 healthcare professionals


DUAL VACCINE COMMENCEMENT: The first doses have been administered.

received the crucial jabs. Oms­Sant Miquel, where the first Covid­19 vaccina­ tion took place in Decem­ ber 2020, saw its elderly residents, with an average age of 85, among the first

Tasty treats MORE than 30 bakeries and patisseries in Pal­ ma are geared up for the ninth annual Llonguet Route, an initiative championed by the Association of Bakers and Pastry Chefs of the Balearic Islands and supported by the city council of Palma. Set to run from October 18 until December 13, locals and tourists can savour a sausage sandwich and a drink for just €3.75. Pep Magraner, manager of the Association, mentioned, “This route is an already consoli­ dated activity... some bakeries... make be­ tween 500 and 600 [loaves] every day.” He also noted the consistent pricing despite inflation. Toni Fuster, the city council’s General Director of Commerce, commended the event for promoting traditional bread consumption, benefiting Palma’s economy. Rosa Maria Pons, from Dulceliaco, a long­ time participant, hailed the initiative for boost­ ing sales and visibility.

to benefit. The Health Ministry is prioritising public and pri­ vate residences, those over 60, and high­risk individu­ als for booster doses, tai­ lored to the new Omicron

Power station THE Council of Mallorca has ini­ tiated a vital project to rejuve­ nate the Alcanada power sta­ tion, purchased last year. Over the next four months, the Tragsa company will lead the ef­ fort to clear vegetation and in­ spect the entire site. Maria Elena Jaume, the is­ land’s director of Strategic Pro­ jects and Institutional Relations, explained that the clearing and pruning are underway to ensure the site’s safety. Other work in­ cludes removing waste and cleaning up the surroundings. These efforts mark the first steps since acquiring the old thermal power station. Addi­ tionally, perimeter fencing will


Clearing work at the Alcanada power station.

be reinforced where needed. Jaume stated that the clearing work will pave the way for fur­ ther projects, “Work is already underway on this project ­ and on decarbonisation, which is a complex process ­ to turn Alcud­ ia into a world benchmark in the decarbonisation of the sea.”

Road black spot MALLORCA’S road network is sched­ uled for a vital upgrade as the coun­ cil has plans to eliminate a haz­ ardous black spot near the CLH depots. Located at the intersection of the second belt, next to Son Fer­ riol, and leading to Coll d’en Rabas­ sa, Mercapalma, and Fan Mallorca, this notorious stretch of road has witnessed several serious accidents, some with tragic fatalities. The coun­ cil’s initiative aims to lessen the dan­

variant (XBB1.5). This drive extends until October 20 for residents, with the gen­ eral public gaining access from October 23 until the end of the respiratory virus season.

gerous steep grade change that has plagued motorists, often causing loss of control. The project involves strategically layering asphalt to en­ hance road stability and redistribut­ ing lanes with improved signage to encourage responsible driving. Car­ ried out during evenings to minimise daytime traffic disruptions, the en­ deavour boasts a budget of approxi­ mately €300,000 and is scheduled for completion in the coming weeks.



Xmas taxis ON Monday, Octo­ ber 16, the deputy mayor of Mobility and Industrial Es­ tates, Toni Deudero, announced a ground­ breaking agreement between Palma City Council and the taxi sector. This historic accord aims to regulate taxi services during the autumn and winter months, addressing the needs of resi­ dents and visitors. Notably, between November and February 2024, Pal­ ma will see a daily in­ crease in taxis from 500 to 720. Deputy mayor Toni Deudero celebrated this unanimous agreement. More­ over, on December 24­25 and December 31­January 1, 2024, taxis will operate without the con­ straints of shifts and holidays. The city council will closely monitor the sector’s activity to ensure that citi­ zens’ experience is enhanced. More­ over, the agreement also includes im­ provements for taxis serving individuals with reduced mobili­ ty.

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19 - 25 October 2023

Support for sport Credit:

Water reserves

Council of Mallorca announces aid for sport in 2024.

THE Council of Mallorca, in an impressive push for youth and sports, has significantly expanded its outreach, impacting around 39,000 young athletes through collaborations with 37 sports federations. This robust initiative is part of the Council’s forward-looking 2023-2024 Catalogue of Sports Activities, fostering

extensive involvement in various sporting disciplines. The vice-president and executive councillor of Environment, Rural Environment, and Sports, Pedro Bestard, underscores the commitment, stating, “The federations are working to promote the different sports practised by young Mallorcan athletes.” This

affirmation came during a high-level meeting with federation heads, emphasising the multifaceted support - from medical services to facility access - primarily targeting federated sport. A substantial financial pledge bolsters this with direct subsidies of nearly €1,050,000 and a €150,000 digitisation aid. The latter, an ambitious step towards modernising sports management, enjoyed a positive reception, benefiting 22 federations in its inaugural run. Collaborative ventures like the young referees’ training with the Basketball Federation and the Dragon Boats’ introduction reflect the Council’s dynamic approach. Especially noteworthy is the innovative introduction of thematic Sports Schools, with judo taking centre stage in 2023.

WATER reserves in Mallorca and the Balearic Islands reflect a promising trend. As of September, reserves stand at 52 per cent, a six-point rise from the previous year. Notably, reserves in August were at 51 per cent, marking a one-point hike within a month. Specifically, Mallorca witnessed a surge in its reserves over the past month, climbing from 52 per cent to 54 per cent. The island of Menorca also saw a boost, with water levels increasing from 46 per cent to 50 per cent. Ibiza’s reserves edged up from 41 per cent to 42 per cent. Yet, despite these positive signs, most areas remain on pre-alert. An exception is the UD de Formentera, currently in a normal situation. According to the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), the Balearics received a yearly rainfall of 111 per cent, with Mallorca at 112 per cent. Interestingly, Formentera exceeded its historical average with 64.8 l/m2. September’s temperatures averaged at 23.4ºC, classifying it as a particularly warm month.


MALLORCA car enthusiasts are gearing up for a thrilling Halloween Rally on Sunday, October 29. Organised by Stan Hunter and Pam Gardner of the Classic car club Mallorca, this exciting event promises a spine-tingling adventure for all participants. Starting at Café Palmanova - Amadip Esment in Calvia, the rally kicks off at 11.00am, but early birds can enjoy a cup of coffee from 10.30am onwards. The final destination is the charming Restaurant de Canet in Esporles, known for its delicious traditional Spanish cuisine.

Participants can feast on a three-course meal, which also includes a vegetarian option, the cost is €40 per person for members and their co-drivers. This also includes a quarter bottle of wine, water, and coffee. Non-members can join in for an extra €15 per car entrance fee. The scenic route will keep drivers captivated, with intriguing questions about landmarks along the way. Whether you’re a competitive spirit or just in it for the drive and camaraderie, the Halloween Rally promises a spooktacular day out.

PROVERB OF THE WEEK “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” Meaning when you are in a different place, try to follow the customers of the people who live there. This saying is thought to originate from Saint Ambrose, the former Bishop of Milan, who was shocked to find that the clergy would not fast on Saturdays, as was normal in Rome.


Comic Fest THE Mallorca International Comic Festival is back in Palma from October 19 to 23, hosted by Casal Solleric and organised by the Mallorca Comic and New Media Cluster. This year’s theme, ‘Less is more?’, was unveiled during a press conference attended by local officials and cultural figures. Fernando Gomez de la Cuesta, General Coordinator of Culture and Visual Arts, represented the city council, while Antonia Roca, VicePresident of the Council and Minister of Culture and Heritage, also attended the event. The festival will feature four exhibitions at Casal Solleric, including a tribute to the late cartoonist Calpurnio, showcasing over 80 original pages of his beloved character, Cuttlas. Other highlights include an exhibition by Santiago Sequeiros, an art project involving local students, and Flavia Gargiulo’s ‘The memory of the comic.’ In addition to Casal Solleric, numerous cultural venues in Palma will also host festival events. This year, the festival emphasises the renewal of comics as an art form and will include a day exclusively for industry professionals.

4,000+ Arabic words have been absorbed into the Spanish language.

Bedbugs A PATRON of the Ca l’Ardiaca centre, adjacent to Palma cemetery, has voiced concerns about a bedbug infestation. He described discovering a ‘swarm’ nestled between the sheets and felt compelled to sleep in a jumpsuit to fend off the insect bites. Despite this unsettling account, sources from IMAS reported that the centre’s management is not only aware of the issue but is actively addressing it. They pointed out that these pests are present across the facility, with a six-bed room being the primary hotspot. “More or less it is already controlled. Given the nature of the centre, where guests frequently transition, it’s plausible some might’ve unknowingly brought the bugs from other infested locations,” a representative from the Mallorqui Institute of Social Affairs commented.

19 - 25 October 2023

Hunting season GET ready, Mallorca, for a thrilling hunting season ahead! The Hunting Department of the Council of Mallorca announced the start of the general hunting season on October 12, a day eagerly anticipated by all local enthusiasts. During this season, hunters can pursue a variety of species, including the thrush, partridge, and the

Credit: Concelldemallorcacat


OCTOBER 12: Open season for partridge.

A FLIGHT bound for Madrid from Cairo experienced an unexpected diversion to Mallorca’s Palma airport on Monday, October 16, following the death of a passenger mid-flight. The aircraft, a Boeing 737 operated by Egyptian charter AMC Airlines, sought immediate clearance to land following the tragedy. Authorities have confirmed that the deceased was a 67-year-old Portuguese man. The precise cause of the man’s death is unknown. Shortly after landing, a local undertaker was on the scene to manage

Flight diversion the situation. According to Aena, the airport authority, passengers aboard flight AMV1583 had to endure a four-hour stop at Son Sant Joan airport. Subsequently, they resumed their journey to the Spanish capital. While the incident has cast a sombre shadow, the quick response from Palma Airport ensures that Mallorca continues to be recognised for its professionalism and efficiency in crisis management.

black grouse among others. Interestingly, the wild pigeon and the turtle dove, once only hunted during mid-season, are now fair game as well. Hunting days vary depending on the type of hunting. Shotgun hunters can head to the reserves on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays along with national and regional holidays. Clay pigeon enthusiasts can aim for Mondays, Fridays, and weekends, while open land hunters should check if their municipality is part of the framework plan, with Sundays and Saturdays as their hunting days. The hunting season lasts until January 28, except for rabbit and hare, hunting with falconry and greyhounds, which ends on December 3. However, the hunt for rabbit can be extended until December 31 with the land owner's permission.



Golf drive CALVIA’S City Council is actively participating at the IGTM fair in Lisbon this week, which is recognised as the premier annual event for golf and tourism. Represented by the General Director of Tourism, Carmen Peñas, the council is part of this pivotal gathering of golf professionals. Peñas mentioned that the event offers a “highly focused and profitable way to establish contacts and grow their business.” The primary goal? To rebrand Calvia as a top golfing destination for the B2B market. This strategy is crucial for attracting tourists during off-peak seasons. Over the course of the fair, 42 crucial meetings are scheduled with agencies from countries including the UK, Germany, and the US. The overarching ambition is to boost Mallorca’s appeal as a golfing paradise and combat seasonal tourism fluctuations.

19 - 25 October 2023

Advertising Feature

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Island initiatives THE president of the Council of Mallorca, Llorenc Galmes, and the executive council­ lor of Economic Promotion and Local De­ velopment, Pilar Amate, have embarked on a series of visits to all the town councils across Mallorca. On Wednesday, October 18, their recent visits included the munici­ palities of Petra and Vilafranca. In Petra, President Galmes and Council­ lor Amate met with Mayor Salvador Feme­ nies and key government officials. Follow­ ing this, they convened with Vilafranca’s mayor, Montserrat Rossello. Both meet­ ings, described as harmonious and collabo­ rative, centred around informing the coun­ cils about the many services the island institution offers. The overarching goal is to bolster efficiency and foster stronger ties with Mallorcan citizens. A standout initiative this term is the in­ troduction of training courses by the Coun­ cil’s experts for social service departments



President Galmes and Councillor Amate visit Petra.

within the councils. These courses aim to deliver targeted training to personnel, rein­ forcing the essential work they do for both the Council of Mallorca and the town coun­ cils. Additionally, the Legal SAT, a technical le­ gal assistance service provided by the Council of Mallorca, is set to be enhanced. The vision is to streamline all legal inquiries from councils, ensuring comprehensive oversight and heightened efficiency.

Illegal tourism crackdown MALLORCA’S Council President, Llorenc Galmes, alongside Tourism Minister Jose Marcial Rodriguez Diaz, announced a ro­ bust strategy to combat illegal tourism of­ fers within Mallorca. Galmes elaborated on the plan’s focus to eliminate ‘this offer that disturbs coexistence so much’. The strate­ gy, propelled by the Intelligence Unit of the Department of Tourism, has already identi­ fied 6,192 ads for unlicensed properties, summing up to 30,292 spots. The comprehensive plan pivots around four key areas. First, it aligns with taxation, collaborating with the government and Tax Agency, identifying potential ecotax eva­ sions in unlicensed homes. The tourist axis, IN the heart of Mallorca, the Queen Sofia Home stands as a testament to community spirit and commitment to the elder­ ly. Established 35 years ago with a modest team of seven, it now boasts a dedicated force of 23 pro­ fessionals. Despite diver­ sifying its workshops over time, the establishment has steadfastly main­ tained its hairdressing, cafeteria­dining room, and podiatry services. Catalina Maria Mascaro, the island’s director of Community Care and Pro­ motion of Personal Au­ tonomy, highlighted, “The aim of this centre is to prevent the consequences of the ageing process in all its areas.” With an impressive 878

secondly, leverages the list from the Intelli­ gence Unit, guiding inspectors to specific locales. Urban planning forms the third part, focusing on properties wrongfully used for tourism, with the aim to liaise with councils for action. Lastly, the ap­ proach encompasses marketing platforms, urging them to eliminate any illegal listings. To ensure effective action against these irregularities, the tourism department are set to hire nine additional staff for the in­ spection and penalty service, mentioned Rodriguez Diaz. So far in 2023, 312 inspec­ tion acts led to 279 files against irregular homes, collecting fines worth €1.79 mil­ lion.

Positive ageing Credit:


COMMUNITY SPIRIT: The Queen Sofia Home, Palma.

members, the home pro­ motes healthy habits and coexistence with the aim of achieving the highest possible quality of life. It’s not just the professionals singing its praises. The very individuals the centre serves have been vocal about its impact. Some of them even took the lead in announcing

the anniversary celebra­ tions, which will span three days, filled with ac­ tivities reflecting the cen­ tre’s spirit. In a world where the el­ derly often feel sidelined, the Queen Sofia Home in Mallorca stands as a bea­ con, illuminating the path of care, community, and commitment.


19 - 25 October 2023


When paella isn’t paella FOR everything under the sun there is an influencer, and that includes paella. Paella is accepted as Spain’s national dish, but Ali­ cante influencer Elena Vidal has urged the public to re­ quest rice “not paella.” In fact she put it more quaintly some days ago when she was pho­ tographed in Alicante City with a placard that pro­ claimed, “Don’t ask por pael­ la, ask por arroz.” Is there a difference? Alicantinos and Valen­ cianos will waste no time in saying there is. They’ll put you right, with lengthy technological, histor­ ical and gastronomical expla­ nations. These include the informa­ tion that rice dishes are gen­ erally made in a wide, shal­ low pan with handles at each end which is called una paella in Valenciano. So, rather confusingly, is what’s created in it, hence the tendency to believe that

Photo credit: CC/Peachyeung316


REAL THING: An authentic paella Valenciana.

anything made that way is paella. It isn’t. That right be­ longs to paella Valenciana, a somewhat colourless combi­ nation of rice, chicken, rab­ bit, green beans (runner or French), a handful of butter

beans plus previously­grated tomato. Some cooks like to add artichokes when in sea­ son. Jamie Oliver might make something with chorizo and call it paella, and despite

their protests, Valencianos would probably wolf it down happily while protesting that this is just a rice­based dish. It might be cooked the same way, but it’s not paella, a concept that taps into a new sensitivity now noticeable in Alicante restaurants. Where not so long ago it would be commonplace to order paella and, above all, a paella Alicantina, a glance at the menu reveals nothing of the kind, although the client will find countless variations on Arroz a la Alicantina. Or, for those who want to argue, a paella by any other name.

Reaching new heights IN a spectacular show of resilience, Aena’s net­ work of airports in Spain soared to new heights in September 2023. The month witnessed a historic record as 27,548,232 passengers passed through their ter­ minals, marking a re­ markable 10.7 per cent increase compared to the same period in 2022. Even more astonishing, it was a 1.5 per cent surge beyond 2019’s pre­pan­ demic figures, setting a new benchmark. During September 2023, Aena managed an impressive 225,183 air­ craft movements, show­ casing a 7.7 per cent year­ over­year increase. The cargo sector was equally vibrant, with a 14.6 per cent rise as 95,196 tons of merchandise took to the skies, compared to the previous year. Breaking down the pas­

senger numbers for September, an astound­ ing 27,491,667 travellers explored the world. Among them, 18,971,609 embarked on internation­ al journeys, demonstrat­ ing a 12.7 per cent growth from the previous year, while domestic flights carried 8,520,058 passengers, marking a 6.8 per cent increase. Zooming out to the big­ ger picture, the statistics for the year’s first three quarters are equally im­ pressive. From January to September 2023, Spanish airports under Aena’s management accommo­ dated a staggering 216,647,764 passengers. This represents a signif­ icant 17.6 per cent in­ crease compared to the same period in 2022 and a resilient 1.3 per cent gain when contrasted with 2019.

The skies were equally busy, with 1,834,101 air­ craft movements record­ ed, a remarkable 8.7 per cent growth year­over­ year. Furthermore, 776,328 tons of merchandise took flight during this period, marking a 5.6 per cent in­ crease from the same pe­ riod in 2022. Notably, Adolfo Suarez Madrid­Barajas Airport took the crown for September 2023, wel­ coming 5,385,824 passen­ gers, a remarkable 12.5 per cent growth com­ pared to the previous year. Other airports weren’t far behind, with Josep Tarradellas Barcelona­El Prat, Palma de Mallorca, Málaga­Costa del Sol, Ali­ cante­Elche Miguel Her­ nandez, Ibiza, and Gran Canaria all celebrating im­ pressive passenger num­ bers.

10 EWN 19 - 25 October 2023


ON Friday October 13, the iconic children’s programme Blue Peter celebrated its 65th birthday. To mark the occasion it honoured the future king for his contribution to the environ­ ment, wrote a news source. The Duke of Cambridge, known for his passion for the environment, initiated the Earthshot Prize in 2020. This initiative seeks groundbreak­ ing solutions to combat cli­ mate change. To commemo­ rate Blue Peter’s 65th anniversary, Joel Mawhinney, the show’s presenter awarded Prince William with a distinc­ tive green Blue Peter badge. Introduced in November 1988, the green badge is a symbol of Blue Peter’s com­ mitment to the environment for over three decades. It hon­ ours young individuals who demonstrate a genuine con­ cern for our planet. The badge recognises those who have contributed to addressing cli­ mate change, recycling initia­ tives, and animal protection. During the special episode, Prince William joined Mawhin­

: 360b/

Prince William honoured

PRINCE WILLIAM: Received a Blue Peter green badge.

ney in showcasing the ‘big badge wall’, adorned with na­ ture­inspired artwork and let­ ters from the show’s audience. Mawhinney, a magician by trade, also entertained the prince with a card trick. Several renowned individu­ als have been awarded the green badge in the past. These include Princess Kate, Sir David Attenborough, Greta Thun­ berg, and many others. Addi­ tionally, both the Prince and Princess of Wales were hon­

oured with the Gold Blue Peter badge in 2017. The 65th birthday of Blue Peter was a grand affair. Nu­ merous former hosts, such as Matt Baker and Lindsey Rus­ sell, joined the festivities. The episode also featured cameo appearances from celebrities like Alex Scott, Gary Lineker, and Coronation Street stars. To top it all, a special ‘Happy Birthday Blue Peter’message il­ luminated the BT Tower in London.

FINANCE Shingles deal PHARMACEUTICALS giant GSK has agreed a mammoth deal with Zhifei, China’s largest vac­ cine company for the exclusive rights to distribute the London­ based company’s shingles vac­ cine. The firm explained to shareholders that the Shingrix agreement will bring in £2.5 bil­ lion (€2.9 billion) between 2024 and 2027.

Branches lopped SPAIN now has 17,889 bank branches compared with 18,008 at the beginning of the year, Bank of Spain figures re­ vealed. During the first half of the year, branches closed at the rate of one every two days de­ spite pledges to provide an in­ person service for the vulnera­ ble as well as residents in rural areas.

Fewer pubs FORTY­FIVE London pubs closed during the first six months of this year, more than anywhere else in England, found a study by real estate analysts the Altus Group. In all, 383 pubs closed in the UK during this same period, almost as many as during the whole of 2022, when 386 pubs pulled down their shutters.

Record sales THE Eroski supermarket chain reported a record turnover of €2.56 billion and a €69.9 million profit for the half­year ending on July 31, thanks to reducing the price of 800 products. The Corporacion Mondragon coop­ erative explained that 96.25 per cent of its revenues during this period were the result of gro­ cery sales.

Mind out MIND GYM training service owner Octavius Black lost £12 million (€13.9 million) when shares plummeted 37.8 per cent after a warning of ‘signifi­ cantly lower’ full­year profits. March to September revenues fell to £21 million (€24.3 million) compared with £26.8 million (€31.03 million) during the same period last year. • 19 - 25 October 2023


€2.513 billion

net profits for Spanish multinational clothing chain Inditex between February and the end of July, an increase of 40.1 per cent on the same period in 2022.

Metro Bank rescue

Linda Hall INVESTORS shored up be­ leaguered Metro Bank with a £925 million (€1.07 billion) package late on the night of October 8. The rescue involves a £325 million (€376 million) capital raise, which will in­ clude £150 million (€173.6 million) in new equity from shareholders and debt refi­ nancing of £600 million (€694.6 million). Colombian billionaire Jaime Gilinski Bacal, will contribute most of the equi­ ty raise, via £102 million (€118 million) from his in­ vestment vehicle, Spaldy In­ vestments. Already Metro’s

Photo credit: CC/rodhullandemu



METRO BANK: The UK’s first new high street bank in at least 150 years.

largest shareholder, this now increases his holding from 9 to 53 per cent, giving Gilinski Bacal a controlling stake. Metro is also discussing selling up to £3 billion (€3.47 billion) of residential mort­ gages. The last­minute rescue arrived shortly after the Bank of England’s Pruden­

AENA is launching plans to build hotels on land it owns adjoining Madrid­Bara­ jas, Barcelona­El Prat, Malaga­Costa del Sol, Valencia and Sevilla. Last year, Aena’s commercial division contributed €1.243 billion, 29.4 per cent of its total earnings, compared with in­ come of €2.418 billion from its airports activities. First, however, before the project can begin, the publicly­owned Spanish multinational intends to select a consul­ tant to devise a strategy and business model to develop the future hotels over the next three years. Deloitte Financial, Catella Property, CBRE Real Estate, Horwath HTL and Sav­ ills España are currently in the running for the €1.26 billion contract. One of its

tial Regulation Authority (PRA) began approaching Santander, NatWest Group, Lloyds Banking Group, HS­ BC and JP Morgan for a po­ tential sale. Sources quoted in the Daily Telegraph maintained that the PRA had been seeking an “outright sale of Metro,” with “EY running enquiries while the PRA is

pulling the strings.” The bank’s problems be­ came apparent in Septem­ ber after PRA told Metro capital rules involving its mortgages would not be eased, with shares losing half their value in weeks. The crisis came to a head on October 4 when credit ratings agency Fitch put the bank on “negative watch” for a potential downgrade. Pressure increased still further owing to Metro’s need to refinance £350 mil­ lion (€404.86 million) by Oc­ tober 2024. Thanks to the October 8 deal, this dead­ line has been put off until 2028.

Aena looks to hotels Photo credit: CC/Gemmahz

AENA HEADQUARTERS: Airports operator will build hotels.

conditions will prevent the chosen com­ pany from taking part in the project’s subsequent phases with developers. Aena is looking for advice on the workings of the tourism sector and busi­ ness travel plus an in­depth analysis of

accommodation tendencies and needs in areas adjoining Spain’s airports. It will also ask for a breakdown of the best type of offer to guarantee commercial and financial viability. Outside help from a hotel industry specialist will be vital in drafting the con­ tract conditions for developing Aena’s land, choosing associates and assessing offers, emphasised sources quoted in fi­ nancial daily, Cinco Dias. Aena also wants detailed information regarding the probable income per room in its future hotels, average length of stay, occupancy figures and potential rivals within a 10­kilometre radius.

No damages

Iberdrola selling

Keep it in Europe

THE legal battle between the UK and Spain regarding the 2002 Prestige oil spill continues with a new ruling in the UK. A London judge, Christopher Butcher, has now ruled in favour of the British insurance company Lon­ don P&I Club (formally known as the London Steam­Ship Own­ ers’ Mutual Insurance Associa­ tion Limited). He upheld the in­ surance company’s appeal against a ruling by the La Coruña High Court which held it respon­ sible for €855 million in compen­ sation for the environmental disaster which devastated the Galicia coast in November 2002. The Spanish judgement was “irreconcilable with the English judgements,” the London judge maintained.

IBERDROLA is negotiating the sale of a 49 per cent holding in its portfolio of Por­ tuguese renewable assets to Norway’s sovereign wealth fund. Insiders said the operation would expand the Spanish multinational’s existing partner­ ship with Norges Bank Investment Man­ agement (NBIM), which already owns as­ sets in Spain. Sources quoted by Bloomberg News maintained that no agreement has yet been reached. “It’s possible Iberdrola could decide not to proceed with the sale,” they said. In January this year, NBIM ac­ quired for €600 million a 49 per cent stake in Iberdrola’s Spanish solar plants and on­ shore windfarms. According to Spain’s fi­ nancial press, Iberdrola hopes to sell more of its assets to NBIM “and the Portuguese sale is part of these discussions.” Both Iberdrola and NBIM declined to comment when contacted by Bloomberg News.

JOSE MANUEL CAMPA, president of the European Banking Authority (EBA) warned that too many bank services were in too few hands. Speaking at the 14th Finance Meet­ ing organised by financial daily Expan­ sion and KPMG in Madrid, the Spanish economist alerted banks to over­de­ pendence on technological giants. Banks outsourced ‘critical activities’ in­ cluding network infrastructure, data­ processing and cloud computing, Cam­ pa warned. The majority were not European and provided their services from out­ side the European Union. The EBA had identified 15,000 providers of technological financial ser­ vices although “just a few” controlled this sector, said the EBA president, who mentioned no names but clearly referred to Google and Microsoft.

Online boost

NETFLIX’S UK sales rose to more than £1.5 billion (€1.7 billion) last year, recently­published accounts revealed. Unlike mediocre figures for Net­ flix globally, its UK sales grew by 12 per cent from £1.38 billion to £1.54 billion (€1.59 billion to €1.78 billion) in the year ending Decem­ ber 2022. The online streaming giant was boosted by the six­part documen­ tary series featuring the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, which launched on December 8 last year. The Harry and Meghan pre­ miere was 2022’s most­watched new subscription TV programme, with 4.5 million viewers for its first episode according to the Broad­ casters Audience Research Board (BARB).

Chic flotation BIRKENSTOCK, known for now chic but formerly frumpy sandals, are preparing for flotation on the New York stock exchange. The company founded in 1774 informed investors that it intends to price its shares somewhere be­ tween $44 and $49 ($41.52 and €46.24) each. This will raise up to $1.6 billion (€1.52 billion) for the company and its private equity owner L Catter­ ton, which is backed by the French luxury fashion house LVMH. Birkenstock’s chief executive Oliver Reichert told investors that the flotation was a “generational opportunity” to buy into the com­ pany.

A winning formula MERCEDES­BENZ GRAND PRIX recorded increased 2022 earn­ ings assisted by sponsorship and its America’s Cup sailing champi­ onship presence. Despite the British company’s uninspiring revenues from For­ mula 1, income rose 24 per cent to £475 million (€550.3 million) in 2022. Pre­tax profits went up to £113 million from roughly £72 million (€83 million) the previous year. This means that Formula One’s Toto Wolff and Sir Jim Rat­ cliffe’s petrochemicals empire will both receive a share in the £75 million (€86.9 million) divi­ dend from the team behind Lewis Hamilton.


14 EWN 19 - 25 October 2023


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88,26 1,90M 150,43 1,81M 280,00 3,45M 178,14 51,05M 183,18 8,07M 266,10 1,84M 162,30 6,78M 53,44 14,41M 52,64 14,44M 49,61 3,54M 308,17 1,74M 290,89 1,95M 182,36 2,19M 138,27 4,43M 35,86 27,80M 156,05 5,35M 147,84 28,18M 246,00 2,18M 102,78 5,28M 326,36 21,05M 99,42 8,57M 143,19 6,82M 203,22 3,34M 161,05 1,50M 532,00 5,06M 30,64 24,41M 236,23 4,80M 23,05 20,96M 158,90 4,47M 83,38 8,84M M - MILLION DOLLARS


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BUSINESS EXTRA Not going NATIONWIDE has launched its ‘most signifi­ cant’ rebrand in 36 years while announcing its com­ mitment to the high street, ‘with face­to­face attention while banks continue to close’. The Swindon­based building society founded in 1883 is investing in all its 605 branches, none of which would close until 2026 at the earliest, it pledged last June.

Airlines slump GLOBAL airline stocks dipped in Europe as oil prices rose and flights were cancelled throughout the region following terrorist at­ tacks that have put Israel on a war footing. IAG, which owns British Airways, Iberia, Aer Lingus and Vueling slid to the bottom of the FTSE on October 9, with shares in EasyJet, Ryanair and Wizz Air also falling.

19 - 25 October 2023

EWN 15

Waitrose-Amazon rumours Barça hitch Linda Hall WAITROSE is allegedly talking to Amazon, discussing plans to sell groceries via the online giant. Upmarket Waitrose lags behind market leaders Tesco and Sainsbury and is far behind Aldi and Lidl who at­ tracted shoppers opting for lower prices during the cost­ of­living crisis. Since early 2020, Waitrose’s share of the UK’s grocery mar­ ket has dipped from 5.1 per cent to 4.6 per cent according to market researchers, Kan­

Photo credit: CC/Edward Hands


WAITROSE: Lagging behind its rivals.

Attack shuts shops INDITEX announced on Tuesday Octo­ ber 10 that it was closing its stores in Israel as violence intensified following the Hamas attacks. “Our stores will remain temporarily closed and item return times will be extended by 20 days from their re­ opening,” the group stated on its web­ site. The company based in Arteixo (Gali­ cia) has 84 franchise stores in Israel

selling its Zara, Pull&Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka and Stradivarius labels as well as Zara Home. The company explained that it was “closely monitoring” the situation and “would make decisions based on the advice of local authorities.” Rival fashion giant H&M has closed its 24 stores in Israel “until further no­ tice” as has the Swedish furniture re­ tailer, Ikea.

tar. The Amazon initiative is seen as a way of enticing back shoppers and recovering some of its market share. The Waitrose reports also echo the agreement between Amazon and Iceland which debuted last month, offering thousands of Iceland products to Prime subscribers which are delivered from its stores. The service is currently be­ ing trialled in Greater Manch­ ester before introduction throughout the UK. Amazon already has an agreement with the Co­op and Morrisons, selling their groceries on its website and delivering them from local branches. When the Co­op first offered the service in some stores in late 2021, it said that Amazon accounted for more than 15 per cent of its sales. Neither Waitrose nor Ama­ zon were prepared to com­ ment on the rumours, al­ though Waitrose pointed out that it already sells through

FC BARCELONA’S plans to float its digital content plat­ form Barça Media for €1 bil­ lion in New York have been delayed yet again. The German investment fund Libero failed to meet the October 10 deadline for the €40 million payment due for the purchase of a 9.8 per cent stake in Barça Vision, another of the foot­ ball club’s companies.

Oil fail SPAIN’S Agriculture min­ ister Luis Planas con­ firmed that next year’s olive oil production will increase by only 15 per cent on this year’s, owing to low rainfall and unusu­ ally high temperatures. According to ministry estimates, the 2023­2024 season will produce 765,000 tons, 34 per cent less than the average re­ sult over the last four campaigns.

16 EWN 19 - 25 October 2023

Give us a break LEAPY LEE SAYS IT OTHERS THINK IT THE one country I find difficult to ig­ nore in this horrendous Mid­East may­ hem is Saudi Arabia. They truly do sit up there in their ivory, oil impregnated towers, gazing down at the world like the fabled gods of Greek mythology, and do you know something; they don’t actually care who wins or loses this awful conflict, because they are not actually on any­ one’s side! Frankly they will be more interested in whether they can host the 2034 football World Cup. I did of course live among them for eight years and they truly do get away with murder. By supplying worldwide demands for the black gold that surges beneath their feet, they can actually do just about anything they want. The barrel prices they decide to charge can cause the economy of whole countries to stagger and even falter. This is basi­ cally why the rest of the world treats

them like spoiled children and gives them carte blanche. Some of the fac­ tors I bore witness to while I lived there were quite extraordinary. They don’t of course accept any immigrants. Women are predominately second class and the men are so egocentric some of their habits are remarkable. One of the friends I made would spend two hours or more in the bathroom, sim­ ply getting ready for the day. Don’t ask me everything he got up to. I am aware that those with darker skin do powder up quite a lot because the lighter their skin the more acceptable they are as pure Saudis. There is of course a more sinister side. When slavery was abolished in 1963 they built a town in the desert for all the released slaves. A couple of years later both the town and the slaves disap­ peared altogether! During my stay there was also an ef­ fort by hundreds of wild Jahayman mil­ itants to capture and take over Mecca. The world was told it was a small up­ rising, but one of the doctors at the military hospital informed me that dur­ ing the two weeks of conflict they treated over 600 army casualties

alone. Authorities spent the next two Fridays publically chopping off the heads of the enemy survivors all over the country. Another year, a Johnny Walker exec­ utive told me a number of Princes had made SA the world’s biggest importers of JW Whiskey, but the company was unable to show it on the books! I also knew one of King Fahad’s hairdressers on his yacht when he was a prince. She was beautiful and he of course was bald! As I predicted the murder of Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate has sunk out of sight. Those who were deemed responsible have simply dis­ appeared, probably living lives of luxu­ ry with the millions they undoubtedly received for admitting to the crime and therefore exonerating the king. The Saudis are now intent on build­ ing a vast underground city; some­ where where they can all scurry to when the nuclear bombs begin their worldwide annihilation. And you don’t think money rules this terribly imma­ ture existence of ours? Give us a break. Keep the faith Love Leapy

Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.




AT EWN we are great supporters of the service industry throughout Spain and have been pleased to promote many bars and restaurants over the years and value their advertising custom considerably. Hospitality is an incredibly important part of the Spanish economy and is essential not just for tourists but for the lit­ erally millions of Spaniards who enjoy a coffee and break­ fast in the morning, the menu del dia at lunchtime or have a drink or meal with friends in the evening. If you enter a shop, you have the chance to view the goods on sale and then ask a member of staff whether they can supply any other option. Once you have their response, you can make an in­ formed decision and decide whether to purchase the product or not. A restaurant is much the same, except that you are effectively purchasing sight unseen, based on what appears on a menu. From time to time, it has become obvious that some restaurants and their chefs overlook the fact that the cus­ tomer is paying for the meal and either phrase their menus in a complicated manner so you don’t really know what to expect or refuse to change the make­up of a dish. Recent changes in the law mean that there is a require­ ment that restaurants are required to allow diners with dogs to enter and take a seat within the interior, but a lot of diners don’t necessarily believe it appropriate, especially if the animal is large or makes a lot of noise. Restaurants owner can therefore place a notice in a prominent position outside of the restaurant stating that dogs are not welcome and this means that diners can choose a non­dog friendly establishment.




20 EWN 19 - 25 October 2023




THERE is a very significant (and growing) population of residents in Spain who receive old age pensions from the UK. Unlike those who were not resident in a European Member State prior to Brexit, these pensioners are entitled to annual increases, currently calculated according to the triple lock formula which means that in 2023 and 2024 their pensions will have shot up thanks to the general rise in salaries and the cost of living in Britain. If however you live in one of 25 European countries, but not Cyprus, France, Malta or Spain then you are entitled to receive the winter fuel allowance, but for those of us who live in Spain, it is apparently too warm to qualify, although if you enjoy retirement in Italy then you do. One reader is not happy with this state of affairs and has created a petition as it can get a bit chilly when you live in a property with marble floors, single glazing, no central heating and no insulation.

I have a published UK government petition to reinstate winter fuel allowance for UK expats living in France and Spain. https://petition.parlia I have been trying without success to establish the parameters used almost 10 years ago that changed the average winter temperature in both counrties. My understanding is that that the seven Canary Islands were used for Spain and similar warm overseas territories for France and Spain that resulted in both countries having their UK expats winter fuel allowance withdrawn. I am writing articles for English language publications in Spain and wish to be accurate with the information that I provide. With over 500,000 UK expats living in France and Spain, many of whom are retired pensioners, I hoped that you could provide the required information or direct me to the UK government department that will. Best regards Stuart Burton

Hello, My mother (72 years old) is a German expat. She received neither a German one-off payment (inflation, energy prices) for German pensioners nor a one-off payment in Spain (despite registration). The one-off payment only applies to German pensioners who live in Germany or only to Spanish pensioners. You can see that people who have paid taxes all their lives are the stupid ones in the end. Every idler gets something, except the decent ones. It's not just an English problem! Regards Ralph Johne

Brexit retirees Without doubt we ‘Love Spain’ and the people, everything was better there. Wish we had not left. Only on a mini break in 2002 turned into our dream of buying a home in Spain. There were many paper and financial costs, but those are our happiest memories ever.

Watching programmes showing life in the sun should forewarn applicants of all the hidden costs, Add 20 per cent to the initial 20 per cent purchase and legal costs. (Check out that Wills are legal and include worldwide assets. UK house prices escalated £200,000 more over the 14 years. Selling of the Spanish property price (Oct 2019) did not even reach our original 2002 costs. Many fellow returnees lost a lot of money! Sadly do not think of returning without a large downsizing. It may just be a dream , so hope it is not a nightmare! Anne Mitchell

Old smells What a wonderful article. It sums up everything we know and love about Spain, past and present. I was reading the article to my wife and when I go to the last paragraph about the aromas in current taxis she said without hesitation ‘air freshener’. Iain Chester

Invisible slavery The only difference in Murcia is there are no strawberries, but watermelons, iceberg lettuce and many other fruits and vegetables. These poor workers are living and working in terrible conditions, shanty towns, made of pallets and plastic sheeting for shelter… one of which caught on fire a couple of years ago; fortunately, there were no injuries. They are hauled around the countryside, squashed inside very old diesel vehicles, which belch out thick, black exhaust smoke, often at break-neck speeds. This is a disgusting practice, but while there are a few Spanish producers who are getting very rich, and northern Europeans are getting plenty of fruit and vegetables, nothing changes, and these poor people will continue to be exploited. Now lets just mention the HUGE amount of water that is needed to produce these succulent fruit, in a dry land, where habitats are suffering and wildlife is dying…Shame! Shame on Spain and the EU! Concha

Comments should be emailed to or make your comments on our website: Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.



SPONSORED BY • 19 - 25 October 2023

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Travelling to Europe AS the world gets smaller, the urge to explore it with our four­legged com­ panions grows. But is a car­free European es­ capade with your pooch more trouble than it’s worth, especially post­ Brexit? The answer is a mixed bag. While the UK’s exit from the EU has changed the pet passport scheme, with an Animal Health Certificate and timely ra­ bies vaccination, your fur­ ry friend is good to go. However, navigating the Continent's transporta­ tion can be a tad tricky. Travelling to Europe with a dog but without a car isn’t as simple as hop­ ping on the Eurostar. De­ spite dogs being allowed on trains in Britain, Eu­ rostar has a somewhat baffling no­dog policy. Before the pandemic, dog owners wishing to travel to France and be­

TRAIN TRAVEL: With a little planning can be achieved.

yond either had to go by car on a ferry or via the Channel Tunnel, or book a dog­friendly cabin on one of the ferry routes as foot passengers. Not only are these op­ tions more expensive, but getting to and from the ports can be difficult if you’re dragging a dog along, too. France’s train policy

dictates smaller dogs must be in carriers, while their larger counterparts require muzzles. So, if the allure of rolling French countryside viewed from a double­decker, air­con­ ditioned train tempts you, don’t leave your pet behind. With a little plan­ ning, your European jaunt can be both car­free and canine­filled!

Dog parks A mindful game THE urban landscapes of Spain’s cities are undergoing a significant transformation. As a response to the country’s evolving pet culture, more and more green spaces are being dedicated to dog parks. These secure outdoor areas are tailored for dogs to play, exercise, and socialise off­ leash, improving their quality of life. Prominent cities like Valencia and Zaragoza are leading this trend, boasting a large number of well­main­ tained dog parks. Their popu­ larity has surged, demonstrat­ ing the value Spanish society places on the well­being and

social interaction of pets. The creation of these parks is part of a larger initiative to develop pet­friendly urban environments. These spaces not only encourage physical health and sociability for dogs but also foster a sense of com­ munity among pet owners. They provide a common ground for people to connect, share experiences, and learn from each other, enhancing the human­animal bond. As Spain’s dog park movement continues to grow, it reflects the nation’s commitment to create a more pet­inclusive society.

EVERY dog owner recognises that special sparkle in a pup’s eyes when a new toy is intro­ duced. Among the various playthings, interactive puzzles have a unique place. For our beloved canine companions, these puzzles are like chal­ lenging games that stir their curiosity. Designed with thoughtfulness, these puzzles encourage dogs to think, strategise, and use their sens­ es. Observing a pup deeply engrossed, pawing and nudg­ ing, trying to unveil the puz­ zle’s mystery is heartwarm­ ing. And when they succeed? The treats that appear as re­ wards are delightful, but it’s

NEW TOYS: Will stir your pet’s curiosity.

their proud tail wags that truly capture the moment’s tri­ umph. For those who adore dogs, providing these puzzles is more than just fun. It’s a heartfelt gesture to ensure our pets remain active, not just in body but also in mind, enriching their days with ex­ citement and discovery.


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LA 2028 Olympics approves cricket but isn’t sure about boxing THE LA 2028 Olympics could just possibly be the most di­ verse games yet. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Executive Board recently gave the green light to five new sports for the Los Angeles 2028 Olympic programme, yet boxing currently remains in a state of limbo, according to a news source. Cricket Comeback On the proposal of the Or­ ganising Committee, cricket, baseball and softball, flag football, lacrosse, and squash have all gained support. Cricket will make a come­ back in the Twenty20 format, its first appearance since Paris 1900. Baseball and soft­ ball, after their Tokyo 2020 debut, are back in the game.

Lacrosse will be played in the Sixes format, marking its third Olympic appearance following St Louis 1904 and London 1907. Flag football, a variant of American football with five players per side, and squash will both make their Olympic debuts. Boxing’s Rocky Road Despite its rich Olympic history, boxing’s future re­ mains uncertain. The Interna­ tional Boxing Association (IBA) faced expulsion from the Olympic movement in June, primarily due to finan­ cial concerns, governance is­ sues, and deteriorating rela­ tions with the IOC under President Umar Kremlev. A new entity, World Box­ ing, emerged in April, aiming for IOC recognition. Howev­ er, with only 16 National Fed­ erations, it lacks global repre­ sentation. IOC director general Christophe De Kep­ per had previously assured boxing’s presence in LA 2028, but recent statements sug­ gest its inclusion is now ‘on hold’.


A 25% stake in Manchester United BRITISH billionaire, Sir Jim Ratcliffe, is set to purchase 25 per cent of Manchester United after Sheikh Jassim withdrew his takeover offer last week. After months of nego­ tiating, standoffs and differing reports, it looks as though the Glazers will continue to hold a majority stake in Man United, despite having re­ ceived a cash upfront offer from Qatar’s Sheikh Jassim, who would have also cleared all debt from the club. This is because Sheikh Jas­ sim has indeed withdrawn his offer which had been on the table for months, but with no progress be­ ing made the Qatari national has end­ ed up walking away from all negotia­ tions as he only wanted to buy the club and own it himself. That has allowed Sir Jim Ratcliffe to swoop in and change his offer to the Glazers, because he is now reportedly willing to only hold a 25 per cent stake

Manchester United have become rather unwilling sellers recently.

in his boyhood club, despite claiming he wished to buy a majority at the start of this process. It’s believed that the Glazers be­ came rather unwilling sellers a few months ago and that has led to severe

delays in this takeover process, so Rat­ cliffe has had to rethink his posi­ tion and realise that a minority stake is better than having nothing at all. Ratcliffe is now said to be closing in on buying a 25 per cent stake in Man United but has also demanded that his INEOS group be able to control and run all footballing operations at Old Trafford. While certain Manchester United supporter groups have now called on people to stop communicating and working with the club after they failed to sell the club in its entirety, this move from Ratcliffe is indeed a smart one. If Ratcliffe is able to run footballing operations, it will likely allow the club to go in a new and different direction, something that’s desperately needed given how poor the Red Devils have been doing this season and over the last few campaigns.

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