Costa del Sol 16 – 22 May 2024 Issue 2028

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An early start

Photo: Facebook / Darkness into Light Turn to page 2
Darkness into Light.

from Front page

The future is here

MANY will remember ‘futuristic’ films that showed cars and taxis flying over cities, something that seemed far off in the future, if ever. But

now, thanks to unmanned drones, the future is getting closer, as Malaga airport is preparing plans to offer unmanned flying taxis to trans-

port passengers on to their final destinations along the Costa del Sol.

According to Area Costa del Sol, Malaga airport is preparing an exclusive aerial taxi service using unmanned drones and the first test flights will begin in mid2025. The Marbella-Malaga route would take between 15 and 20 minutes and to Granada about 50 minutes.

The German company Lilium is in charge of deve-

passenger drone to fly in Malaga, with a capacity for six passengers. Founded in 2015 in Munich, this is one of the leading companies in its sector.

The company states that: “The Lilium Jet is a 100 per cent electric vehicle that takes off and lands vertically like a helicopter. It can accommodate four to six passengers, has a cruising speed of 280 kilometres per hour and a range of around 250

Never alone

EVERYONE who took part in the walk ‘Darkness into Light’, got up early on Saturday May 11. At six o’clock in the morning, the walk was held simultaneously in towns along the Costa del Sol including Mijas, Torremolinos, Benalmadena and Estepona with the participation of 500 people.

This is the ninth year of the ‘Darkness into Light’ walk, five kilometres long and which aims to help prevent suicide. “We continue to work to prevent the whole issue of mental illness. I am pleased to see that today has seen something spectacular because there has been a great turn out,” said the president of Afesol, Conchi Cuevas.

The walk is an international initiative promoted by the Pieta House Foundation and which is held on the Costa del Sol thanks to Afesol. It starts at dawn, in the dark, and ends in the light, as its name suggests.

“We go out in the dark and come back in the light to symbolise that there is darkness but that there is also light that you can see,” Cuevas said. “This is very important because there are always people who don’t see a way out,” added an Afesol worker who participated in the walk, Víctor Manuel Martín.

As another of the participants said, “You are never alone, no one is ever alone. Ask for help because people will be happy to help you.”

2 • Local News • 16 - 22 May 2024
Futuristic travel is getting closer. Photo: Lilium


BENALMADENA has joined the ‘EcoDisney’ initiative which aims to promote environmental awareness and encourage recycling among children. Containers themed with Disney characters have been placed in busy areas around the town.


RENFE is putting into service two AVE trains, one in each direction, direct and daily to travel between Alicante and Malaga from June 1. It has also announced direct connections from Malaga to Cuenca, Albacete, Villena, Elche and Orihuela also starting on June 1.

Washed up

A TURTLE was found dead by beach workers on the beach of Calahonda, in the area between Mijas and Marbella on the morning of Thursday May 9. Local authorities are investigating to find out the cause of the death of this endangered species.

More buses

ESTEPONA Town Hall has allocated more than €600,000 to improve public transport in the town. Waiting times in the centre will be halved with the addition of a second vehicle.

An introduction to Casares

WOULD you like to walk on the cobblestones built centuries ago by Iberians, Phoenicians and Romans, and at the same time meet Blas Infante, considered the father of the Andalucian homeland? Take the car and head for Casares, a town on the western Costa del Sol that will welcome you with all the charms of a traditional white village and much more.

The village, declared a Historic-Artistic Site, is considered one of the most beautiful in Spain. Its origin, according to tradition, dates back to Roman

times, when Julius Caesar ordered it to be built in gratitude for having been cured by bathing in the Baños de la Hedionda; however, the present-day centre is of

origin. Many tourists begin their visit to Casares at

Pink Flag walk raises funds

NEARLY 1,000 people took part in this charity event organised by Secadero in the municipality of Casares.

The charity walk ‘Secadero with a Pink Flag’ has raised more than €16,000 to fight against breast cancer. The Bandera Rosa (Pink Flag) association, the town of Secadero and the Tenencia de Alcaldia managed to bring together nearly 1,000 people who participated in a day of charity and fellowship on April 6.

The organisation announced the amount raised in the third Chari-

ty Walk, which amounted to no less than €16,361, with more donations still to be counted, including €500 allocated by the Active Maturity Programme.

The Bandera Rosa Association also thanked all the people who participated in the Charity Walk and the activities organised in Secadero and explained that this amount will go to the CNIO, the National Cancer Research Centre; to research into metastatic breast cancer and to help support patients and their families.

Casares gastro market

THE project to convert the old cinema in Casares into a gastro market is moving forward.

The mayor of Casares, Juan Luis Villalón, met with the regional delegate for Tourism and Culture of the Junta de Andalucia to try to make progress on strategic issues for the municipality.

One of the most important: the project to convert the old cinema of the municipality into a gastronomic and tourist centre.

The town hall needs the green light from the Junta on the preliminary project already presented in order to

continue advancing in the drafting of the de nitive design. It has been agreed that technicians from the Junta de Andalucía will decide whether the building should be refurbished or demolished.

Also discussed at the meeting was the need to speed up the procedures for the granting of licences for this and other minor works. According to the mayor, as the Casares town centre is a Historic-Artistic Site, all building permits have to go through the Culture Department for a hearing. Precisely for this reason, the aim is to improve communication in order to speed up the process.

In practice this will mean the Junta will now transfer responsibility for the granting of building permits to the town hall.

Best Tourism Villages

CASARES has been selected as a candidate to receive the Best Tourism Village recognition awarded by UN Tourism, the United Nations agency responsible for the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism.

of Blas Infante, which provides an insight into the life of the man o cially considered the father of Andalucia thanks to the fragments of his life and works that are still preserved inside his home. In addition, its rooms house temporary exhibitions of works by local artists. The building is also one of the municipality’s tourist o ces.

Casares Castle is another must-see in this municipality in Malaga. It is located in the highest part of the village and the valleys, hills and coastal plains stretching from the Serranía de Ronda to the Bay of Algeciras can be seen from its preserved walls.

Best Tourism Villages is an initiative that recognises villages that are committed to sustainability and are outstanding examples of rural tourism destinations, with recognised cultural and natural assets.

UN Tourism requires applicants to be villages with low population density and a maximum population of 15,000 inhabitants, located in a landscape with an important presence of traditional activities such as agriculture, forestry, livestock or shing, and which share the values and lifestyle of the community. Villages awarded the UN Tourism Best Tourism Villages label will receive a plaque valid for three years and will gain international visibility as examples of rural destinations that preserve their landscapes.

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NIBS EXTRA Photo: Facebook / Turismo Casares The plans are moving forward. Photo: Casares Town Hall
FOR MORE NEWS STORIES 3 16 - 22 May 2024 • Local News • A historic site.

Exchange your Green Certificate for a TIE

GET the TIE now is the message from the British Embassy in Madrid, ahead of the EU’s Entry Exit System coming into force.

The British Embassy is therefore urging all British people who live in Spain and are still in possession of a Green Certificate to apply for the TIE, or Tarjeta de identidad de extranjero, if they haven’t done so already.

said: “It’s really important that any British person who lives in Spain gets the TIE - not only because it is the most durable and dependable way to prove your rights in Spain, but also to avoid disruption at the border when the EU’s Entry Exit Scheme comes into force.

The biometric TIE, which came into force in 2021, proves that the holder is a Withdrawal Agreement beneficiary with the right to reside and work in Spain.

Most British people living in Spain already have the TIE, having abandoned the formerly issued paper Green Certificate following Brexit.

The British Embassy is asking those still using a Green Certificate to follow suit and get a TIE as soon as possible, ahead of the introduction of the EU’s new Entry Exit System (EES), expected in autumn this year.

His Majesty’s Ambassador to Spain, Hugh Elliott

“We are working with the Spanish government and the EU to prepare for the implementation of this new scheme and we have requested that more TIE appointments are made available.

“Please keep checking our Living In Guide and social media pages for more information.”

The EES will require all

non-EU short stay travellers to register via an automated system at the border. They will need to provide their name, passport details, biometric data (fingerprints and captured facial images) and the date and place of entry and exit upon entering Spain. This will replace the current passport stamping at the border. These details will be held on file for three years, meaning Britons making repeat visits to Spain within a three-year period will not have to go through the same registration process each time.

To be exempt from registering with the EES, British residents in the EU will need to show a valid uniform-for-

Useful Links

LiG: EU Guidance: Spanish residency guidance: in-spain-on-12-31-2020

Spanish TIE application: dadano/tramites-y-gestiones/extranjeria/oficinas-para-tramites-de-extranjeria/

mat biometric card, which in Spain is the TIE. The non-biometric Green Certificate, though a valid residency document in Spain, was issued prior to EU Exit and does not feature in the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement or in Annex 22 of the Schengen Border Guard Handbook. Therefore, it is expected that Green Certificate holders may lose out on the chance to be exempt from registering. As a result, they may encounter difficulties and delays at the border, especially when entering other EU countries where the Green Certificate may not be recognised. The process for securing a TIE appointment and the card itself is run by the Spanish government. More information on how to apply, including links to Spanish government websites where the applications are made, can be found on the ‘Living in Spain’ guide on

HE Hugh Elliott in the grey suit. Credit: Hugh Elliott X
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Loose change adds up Charity golf tournament

HORIZONTE PROYECTO HOMBRE is holding a new edition of its Charity Golf Tournament on Saturday May 25 at the Aloha Golf Club with the aim of raising funds for the maintenance of its prevention and treatment programmes. Horizonte works in the eld of prevention and treatment of addictions and other emotional di culties due to the experience, rigour and e ectiveness of its actions. They are professionals with long experience in the prevention and treatment of addictions to improve the quality of life of vulnerable people and groups by promoting responsible attitudes.

The game mode of this tournament will be Individual Stableford and the price (which includes a welcome pack) is €30 for members and €130 for non-members. Registration will remain open until Thursday, May 23 and anybody interested in taking part and supporting this worthy cause can make their reservation by contacting the Aloha Golf Club directly: email to reservations@clubdegolf or telephone +34 952 907 085.

ALAN BOARDMAN has raised €1,377.54 through donations of loose change with his Copper up for Cudeca promotion.

Bars in the Mijas and Fuengirola area including, The Lemon Tree, Clarky’s Bar and Caribbean Mermaid, all had collection tins on prominent display for anyone to contribute those small coins we all hate. We accumulate them in change but can rarely spend them, however it all soon adds up as Alan found out - over €1,300!

Ricardo Urdiales, President Cudeca Cancer Care Hospice, released a statement in which he expressed, “our sincere gratitude for your generous donation of €1,377,54 thanks to your campaign ‘Copper up for Cudeca’, to support the professional palliative care which is provided

to patients and family, without cost, by Cudeca Hospice. The help we receive from understanding supporters like yourself enables our special care to be available

to those in need, mostly people suffering from cancer and other advanced illnesses. Please accept appreciation and warmest wishes from all your friends in Cudeca.”

5 16 - 22 May 2024 • Local News •
Individual Stableford to be played. Photo: Aloha Golf Club Photo: Facebook / Alan Boardman Alan Boardman with Maria from Cudeca.

Summer safety

David Hart

BEACH safety in Marbella will be prioritised this summer with a total of 19 watchtowers, 17 first aid modules and a service made up of more than 50 lifeguards which began to be provided at weekends and public holidays at Easter and which will be present every day from June 1 until October 15.

Marbella councillor, José Eduardo Díaz, said that, “it is one of the most extensive, ambitious and prolonged operations we

have and our aim is that the summer season runs as smoothly as possible.”

Local Police will monitor the 27 kilometres of coastline with three daily patrols, one in plain clothes and two uniformed, while Civil Protection will assign a dozen volunteers divided into two shifts that will have their central base in La Bajadilla next to the rescue service.

The lifeguard service has been made up of 40 lifeguards in the low season, with a timetable from midday to 6pm, and from

the month of June it will be increased to 55 personnel who will be operational from 11.30am to 7.30pm.

The maritime rescue resources will include three rescue jet skis and a boat with skipper and lifeguard, based in San Pedro Alcantara, Bajadilla and Real de Zaragoza, while the land resources will consist of three ambulances with basic life support, a 4x4 multi-purpose rapid intervention and rescue vehicle and a car.

Today I wear wings

THE Plaza Supera de Miraflores will host, on Saturday May 18, the charity event ‘Hoy llevo alas’ (Today I wear wings) in benefit of Debra Piel de Mariposa.

Marbella’s councillor for Sports, Lisandro Vieytes, encouraged citizens, “to enjoy a morning of fun, sport and charity” and said that, “the proceeds from the event go entirely to the organisation so that it can continue to improve the quality of life of people affected by the disease and their families.”

The programme will start at 10.30am with Zumba and Body Pumping, will continue at 11.15am with Body Combat and Spinning and

will end at midday with Xtremfit. The price of each activity is just €5.

Natividad Romero, coordinator of the group’s social and health care team, explained that registration is open on the ‘ayuda nosadarlesalas’ Facebook page and ‘comba tteamcompieldemariposa’ Instagram page. Romero added that, “this type of initiative is very important to continue developing our work,” and explained that Debra, which began its work in 1993, currently has a nursing, psychological and research team and provides care to more than 300 families throughout Spain and some internationally.

6 • Marbella News • 16 - 22 May 2024
SUMMER SEASON: The lifeguard service will hopefully make the season run smoothly. Photo: Marbella Town Hall DEBRA CHARITY: The proceeds will go entirely to the organisation. Photo: Marbella Town Hall

30 blue flags

FOR yet another year, Malaga conti nues to be the Andalucian province with the highest number of blue flags awarded by the Association for Envi ronmental and Consumer Education (ADEAC), who have just published their 2024 list of beaches that have re ceived this distinction, which rewards the good condition of the water, the high level of services and the safety of bathers.

In total, the province has been awar ded 41 blue flags in silver, as well as receiving a special mention for the life guard service in Malaga City.

On the Costa del Sol alone, 24 blue flags have been awarded to beaches: three have gone to the beaches of El Bajondillo, Los Alamos and Playamar in Torremolinos; two to Fuente de la Salud and Torrebermeja-Santa Ana in Benalmadena; four to the Fuengirola beaches of Boliches-Gavivota, Carvajal, Castillo and Fuengirola; another four to the beaches of Calahonda I (Royal Beach - La Luna), El Bombo, El Cha parral and La Cala in Mijas; nine to the Marbella beaches of Cabopino, Casa blanca, El Cable, El Faro, La Fontanilla, Nagüeles, Puerto Banús-Levante, San madena Marina.

More water for Estepona

ESTEPONA Council has reactivated several wells that have been abandoned for three decades to provide more water for the town in response to the ongoing drought.

The water resources obtained will go directly to the new desalination plant and from there will be introduced into the town’s supply network. The plant to eliminate the salinity of the water will start operating in a few weeks, producing between 3,000 and 4,000 cubic metres per day.

The water that has already begun to be produced comes from the alluvial aquifer of the Padron River. Due to the scarcity of rainfall, these wells tend to be salty - a common

phenomenon throughout the Mediterranean area - which is why they have been unused for years.

It is the salinity that makes it undrinkable, hence the importance of the project that the town council is pursuing to remove the salt in the new desalination plant that is being built and which will start operating this May.

The mayor, José María Garcia Urbano, said, “between June and July we want to produce another 8,000 cubic metres a day with the portable desalination plant that is going to be built in the Castor river area, and by 2025 we want to increase this amount to between 20,000 and 30,000 cubic metres a day. In this way, next year Estepona will have the capacity to generate sufficient water resources with seawater without the need for other sources.”

7 16 - 22 May 2024 • Local News •
ONGOING DROUGHT: Water will now go to the new desalination plant. Photo: Wikimedia CC Photo: Estepona Town Hall

CHARACTERS from Star Wars visited patients at the Hospital Costa del Sol on Saturday May 11 thanks to the Rebel Legion Spanish Base association at the hospital in Marbella, where they visited the Paediatric and Haemodialysis units.

The children and adults admitted to the Costa del Sol Hospital were visited by 13 characters from the famous film saga Star Wars as part of the hospital’s Humanisation Plan, with the aim of making the stay of patients, both children and adults and their families, as pleasant as possible.

The visit to the hospital was organised by the Rebel Legion Spanish Base, an association of volunteer enthusiastic fans

Star Wars visits hospital High-tech hearing

LA CALA DE MIJAS Lions have helped a local teenager to enjoy sounds again with very special hearing aids.


of the well-known film saga, which helps charitable causes focused on children.

Its members have exact replicas of the original costumes from the films and 13 characters visited the hospital including a Stormtrooper, a rebel pilot, a Jedi, a Jawa and Emperor Palpatine together with an R2-D2 droid.

In addition to the Paediatric ward and the Paediatric Emergency area, the characters visited the hospitalisation wards and the Haemodialysis unit, and handed out diplomas to the children. This is the first time that this association has visited the Costa del Sol Hospital and the intention of the group is to continue entertaining patients, their relatives and also of course, the medical staff.

The Lions gathered outside their charity shop in Calle Torremolinos in La Cala de Mijas for a photo with Steven, a local young man. The Lions were told about Steven’s severe hearing loss by Angela from Ibex insurance, one of the Lions’ sponsors. Steven was profoundly deaf and needed the latest hearing aids which cost in excess of €5,000.

Carla from Futura Hearing Centre provided the life changing hearing aids, that can be controlled by his mobile phone, at a very special price. Steven has had the hearing aids for just a few weeks and is very pleased with them and is amazed how they have greatly enhanced his life and brought back his ability to hear sounds again. If you would like further information about the Lions and future events, their next event is a Summer Fair and Fashion Show on Sunday June 2 being held in Butibamba Park in La Cala de Mijas. Go to their website at, or visit their charity shops.

8 Local News • 16 - 22 May 2024
Star Wars Photos: Facebook / Area Hospitalaria Costa del Sol Photo: La Cala Lions / Costa Connection The Lions gathered with Steven in La Cala de Mijas.

Sufferers often feel lonely and isolated.

Dementia awareness

AGE CONCERN in Fuengirola, Mijas & Benalmadena is focusing on raising awareness of Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

The charity is turning their Los Boliches shop Purple and will be providing informational fact sheets on their social media pages and website. They will posting on topics including diagnosis, benefit support, support with daily living and much more.

Every three seconds someone in the world develops dementia. Dementia doesn’t

discriminate and can impact anyone: a family member, a neighbour, a work colleague, a friend. For people living with dementia, performing daily tasks and maintaining social networks can sometimes be challenging.

People living with dementia and their carers often feel lonely and isolated. Stigma and discrimination exist towards people living with dementia. Isolation can lead to mental health concerns including anxiety and depression. In turn, this can exacerbate the symptoms

associated with dementia.

With appropriate support, people living with Dementia can remain actively engaged and connected with the community. This is why building communities in which people living with Dementia feel understood, accepted, and included, is so important.

Age Concern is holding an information meeting on Wednesday May 22 which aims to inform the local community of the programme.

If you would like to attend the event contact Michelle on 619 792 738.

9 16 - 22 May 2024 • Local News •
Photo: Alpha Stock CC

Padel, soccer and golf

TWO big sporting events are coming to Marbella. Starting with the third edition of World Padel Soccer, which will be held from June 3 to 5 at the Los Granados Club, Marbella will once again bring together great football legends including Fernando Sanz, Vicente Valcarce and Milinko Pantic, among a total of 28 players.

The mayor, Ángeles Muñoz, said during the presentation of this event at the Hard Rock Hotel that, “our city, once again unites sport and tourism.” The mayor thanked the involvement

of all the people who have made this “first class” event possible. “The name of our town will once again be linked to sport and healthy living,” said Muñoz.

The event will start on Monday June 3 with a ProAm between professional padel players with footballers and sponsors, while in the evening there will be an opening dinner at the Trocadero. The group stage will take place on June 4 and the finals will be on June 5, with a dinner at the Hard Rock Hotel Marbella to close the tournament.

At the same time, padel and golf are coming together again in Marbella at The One event, which this year expects more than 1,800 participants, around 1,000 padel matches and almost 200 golf matches planned

The venues for padel tennis are Racket Club Villapadierna (June 28-30) and Club de Pádel y Tenis el Mirador (July 12-14). In the case of golf, the matches will be played at Real Club de Golf Las Brisas (May 19); Santa Clara Club de Golf (June 2) and Los Naranjos Golf Club (June 23).

English train campaign

MALAGA’S Partido Popular political party is launching a campaign in English to get foreigners to join the demand for a Costa del Sol coastal train.

A video by Scott Marshall, of Scottish origin and now a Benahavis councillor, has been released about the need to promote this railway infrastructure and the aggravation for the resident population of not having an al -

ternative means of transport to private cars, as well as being forced to use the toll road to avoid the continuous traffic jams in the area.

The toll road, the AP-7, is the most expensive per kilometre in Spain, reaching a total of €389 per month for a worker who commutes Monday to Friday from Estepona to Malaga.

The initiative seeks to involve the more than 350,000 foreign residents on the Costa del Sol, a group that has the same problems, concerns and desire to find a solution as any Spanish citizen. Municipalities including Benahavis, Mijas and Fuengirola are being targeted as, in these areas, two out of every three residents are foreigners.

10 • Local News • 16 - 22 May 2024
MARBELLA: Uniting sports and tourism once again. Demand for coastal train. Photo: Marbella Town Hall

Lower prices


In a recent survey of our customers after using Línea Directa’s Roadside Assistance and breakdown services, over 90 per cent said they would happily recommend our insurance services to a friend or colleague. Línea Directa would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to answer the questions in our survey as it has given us valuable feedback on our services and enabled us to integrate positive changes and continue to provide expert solutions for overseas residents in Spain.


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Highest number of holiday lets

DATA from the Bank of Spain’s annual report on housing reflect the high concentration of holiday rentals in Marbella.

At a national level, holiday rentals account for an average of 10 per cent of the total residential market but, in Marbella, this percentage rises to 64 per cent in the city centre, where two out of every three flats for rent have a tourist destination.

According to the Na tional Statistics Institute (INE), Marbella has 6,540 tourist apartments according to the latest data available in August 2023.

relation to the total number of property rentals.

Behind Marbella is Malaga City, but far behind, with 22 per cent. Granada (13.5 per cent) and Cordoba (13.0 per cent) are next. Barcelona, for example, has only 3.6 per cent of short-term holiday rented apartments in

The report prepared by the Bank of Spain states that 600,000 new homes are needed to bring demand in line with supply throughout the country. It states that there are four million empty homes in Spain, but that most of them are in areas where demand is very low. Recently the Junta de Andalucía left the regulation of tourist rentals in the hands of the town councils, especially in terms of establishing limitations, but so far nothing has been done in Marbella.

‘Techies’ take part

Kevin Fraser Park

NEARLY 1,000 tech workers of 25 nationalities on the Costa del Sol got together to compete in the Malaga Tech Games with a record number of competitors over a whole weekend of sport activities.

An olympic-style competition that aims to develop team-building among the employees of 15 different tech companies based on the Costa del Sol, took place on the last weekend of April.

Some 735 matches from 11 different sports competitions were held. The event brought together workers from 25 different nationalities to play football, basketball, tennis, volleyball, darts, chess, video games, table tennis, paddle tennis and swimming.

A record number of competitors took part.

Coming from Seattle was Petri Hautakangas, CEO of Tupl, who was competing at the Malaga Tech Games for the first time. “There is no event like this one in the whole world, I’ve never had a similar experience.” the Finnish entrpreneur said. “There is a great environment where you feel the competitiveness in a very positive way. These are my first Tech Games and I will certainly come back next year.”

Top quality food and drink was on offer from Malaga producers and, on Sunday, the non-profit organisation, Paelleros Sin Fronteras, served paella, which helped raise funds for the kids who are having treatment at Malaga Childrens’ Hospital.

11 16 - 22 May 2024 • Feature / Local News •
Call their English-speaking customer service staff on 952 147 834 or get a competitive quote now at BEST PRICE. BETTER COVER.
Photo: Wikimedia CC / Kaymar MARBELLA: Has a high concentration of holiday lets. Photo: MalagaTech

Carles Puigdemont


IN light of Carles Puigdemont’s recent announcement regarding his intention to return to Spain against the backdrop of the Catalonia independence saga, opinions across the spectrum are as diverse as ever. We took to the streets to talk to the Euro Weekly News readers to see what they thought about his return. We also asked if his return would cause more unrest in the region.

Bernadette from Dublin, a resident in San Pedro del Pinatar said “Yes I think it will cause upheaval. Why is he returning now, has he another agenda?”

Joaquin a Spanish resident from San Javier said “The situation for Spain is embarrassing. He should return but to face justice. Without it, we cannot say we have a democracy in this country if he can continue to a ect the government from his position. We need closure on this topic as soon as possible.”

Joe from Ireland resident in Lo Pagan said “I was wondering why it had gone nice and quiet in Barcelona over the last few years, he’s been in Brussels serving as an MEP. I think he should stay where he is, his return will only bring more upheaval to the area.”

Alex Baader who lives in Palma observed “Puigdemont’s return may deepen divisions. There are those who support his cause and are willing to rally behind him, but there are also Catalans who oppose independence or who are weary of the ongoing political turmoil.”

There was some understanding from Bob McNabb who lives in Vera who commented “As a Scotsman, I understand the theoretical wish for Independence, but like Brexit it causes division and neither Catalonia nor Scotland can stand alone economically.”

Nataliya Kulakova from Russia who lives in Calpe was quite decisive with her opinion “I believe that once Puigdemont gets close to victory, nothing will stop him. And it is clear to me that over the years he has prepared carefully for his return. It is not in Spain’s interests to allow him to come back and I hope that upon arrival he will be arrested.”

12 • Feature • 16 - 22 May 2024

In Memoriam

THREE Spanish government Ministers, Pablo Bustinduy, Fernando Martínez and Ángel Víctor Torres travelled to the former Nazi concentration camp of Mauthausen, in Austria. Their purpose on May 5 and 6 was to pay tribute to the 9,300 Spaniards who were consigned to various camps, although the largest number, almost 7,000 ended up in Mauthausen which was liberated in May 1945.

Pablo Bustinduy said “I come to pay tribute to those murdered here and those who suffered the atrocity of these camps. Many of them were Spanish republicans who ended up in French camps after going into exile.

“They fought against Franco and Hitler, and were forgotten by our country and by the European democracies when they did not come to rescue Spain from Franco’s dictatorship.”

He also took the time to remember the Jewish and Gypsy victims who were exterminated in the camp and said that it should never happen again whilst also taking the opportunity to publicly criticise certain policies being promulgated by Spanish Parliamentary opposition Partido Popular and Vox.

Portugal’s food fests

PORTUGAL has an impressive programme of food festivals lined up across the nation for 2024. Each event has its own unique vibe, with renowned chefs breathing new life into age-old recipes, ensuring each dish tells a story of Portugal’s heritage and culture.

Among the must-visit events are the Vila do Conde Gastronomy Fair, the delicious Obidos International Chocolate Festival, and the quirky Octopus Festival.

Estoril’s Chefs on Fire promises culinary spectacles, while the National Gastronomy Festival of Santarem will offer traditional flavours and innovation.

In the south, food festivals pay homage to the coastal environment. The Sardine Festival and the Olhao Seafood Festival offer contemporary twists on traditional seafood dishes. The Lagos Street Food Festival celebrates the street food culture of the region.

A special mention must go to the Feira de Gastronomia de Vila do Conde. Between August 16 to 25, the festival transforms the city centre into a gastronomic wonderland, playing host to diverse restaurants and stalls. Visitors are taken on a journey through Portugal’s culinary heritage. Enjoy traditional breads, artisan honey and handcrafted sausages

An innovative twist on traditional dishes.
Credit: ELEVATE 14 • News • 16 - 22 May 2024

Riverdance star launches whiskey

FOR 25 years, Michael Flatley’s Lord of the Dance show has dazzled audiences around the world with its high-energy Irish dancing. Flatley’s journey began with Riverdance and a performance that caught the world’s attention at Eurovision 1994.

Now, Michael Flatley has channelled the same drive and ambition which led him to create one of the greatest dance shows into the launch of his first signature whiskey.

Irish whiskey has always held a special place in Michael Flatley’s heart. It was the first spirit he ever tasted and a favourite of his father’s.

“He was a lover of Irish whiskey, and through his passion, I came to appreciate its complex flavours. For me, Irish whiskey, much like Irish dance, embodies the essence of Ireland, its history, its spirit, and its ability to bring people together in celebration,” says Michael Flatley.

Well known to be a perfectionist, throughout his career in dance Michael searched for excellence

Best for women

SWEDEN was claimed the best country for women by the World of Statistics on the social media platform, X.

in everything he did. So when the idea to create his own whiskey took hold, he got together with one of the best Irish Master Blenders, Noel Sweeney.

Together, they created a whiskey that captures the essence of Ireland in every drop, “Noel understood my vision, my desire to craft a whiskey that would be remembered from the first sip,” said Flatley.

Flatley Whiskey embodies the remarkable saga of Michael Flatley’s life, distilled into narrative-rich blends. ‘The Dreamer’, the first whiskey to be launched, celebrates the aspirations of Michael’s career in dance.



Placed number one in the list of the best countries for women to live in, Sweden was followed by Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands.

The World of Statistics shared the information according to the US News and World Report from 2023 Best Countries for Women rankings. The survey was composed of responses from almost 9,000 women, listing the countries according to the respondents’ views about gender equality standards in their country of residence.

The women surveyed were asked about income, career, safety and the legal rights of women in their countries. They were also questioned about the state of the justice system and cases

of violence against women, placing Sweden on top of the safest places in the world for women.

The latest study from the UN World Report also stated that 91.7 per cent of legal frameworks in Sweden promote and monitor gender equality.

While the gender pay gap still exists, in Sweden it is estimated that an average woman makes approximately 87 per cent of a man’s monthly salary, which is above other European countries and the United States.

IN the 1960s as the West German economy started to boom, the government introduced the ‘Gastarbeiter’ rule which saw some 650,000 Turks arrive. They brought with them spouses and families and today, Turks are not only the largest minority in Germany but they imported a number of specialist dishes including the now incredibly popular Doner Kebab.

It is estimated that there are least 16,000 kebab shops in Germany and like currywurst the kebab is one of the most popular fast foods in the country. Germany, like every other member of the European Union, has seen prices explode and now a new catch word is being bandied about by lovers of the kebab and even political parties which is ‘Doner ation’.

So worried is one left wing political party about the way that the price of kebabs keeps going up that it is demanding, apparently in all seriousness, that the price in the shops should be subsidised by the German government and Chancellor Olaf Scholz has even admitted that he is regularly asked what he is going to do about it!

The proposition is that with Doner Kebabs currently costing in the region of €7.90 and likely to reach the dizzy heights of €10 in the not too distant future, a cap of €4.90 for adults and €2.50 for younger people should be introduced.

The problem for the Chancellor, according to a national German newspaper, is that some 1.3 billion kebabs are sold every year and this would cost the taxpayer more than €4 billion.

16 • News • 16 - 22 May 2024
MICHAEL FLATLEY: Got together with one of the best Irish Master Blenders. Photo: Facebook / Flatley Whiskey
Credit: Anna Panchenko, Pexels
Sweden - best country for women.

Dublin and NY link

WHEN they hear the word portal, most people immediately think of Science Fiction and movies such as Star Trek or The Final Countdown.

On Wednesday May 8 portals appeared in Dublin and New York City but happily these weren’t the opening steps of an alien invasion, but a planned link between the two cities, by artist, Benediktas Gylys.

The idea, which was endorsed by the authorities in Dublin and New York, consists of 24-hour online video connections which allow real time communication and interaction across the Atlantic.

The Lord Mayor of Dublin, Daithí de Róiste who was present at the launch said: “One of my key aims as Lord Mayor is to make the city more inclusive.

“The Portals project embodies this, bringing together technology, engineering and art to bring communities from across the world closer together and to allow people to meet and connect outside of their social circles and cultures.

“We are delighted to connect Dublin with New York which we share a deep historical and cultural bond with.”

Later this year, Dublin will also share portal links with cities in Brazil, Lithuania and Poland and the launch ceremony for this first portal saw dancers and music with the idea that special pre-announced performances will take place in the future.

The New York portal is located near the city’s Flatiron building while the Dublin portal faces O’Connell Street.

Prison opens for tourists

PART of a historic prison on the idyllic island of Pianosa where Italy’s most notorious gangsters were held, has been restored to promote tourism.

Situated between Corsica and mainland Tuscany in Italy’s Tyrrhenian Sea is the remote but paradisiacal island of Pianosa where some of Italy’s most notorious criminals and mafiosi have served long prison sentences.

Now, the island - with a current population of five - is to open a newly renovated section of a derelict prison in a bid to boost visitor numbers. Known as the ‘Alcatraz of the Tyrrhenian Sea’, Pianosa became a penal colony under the reign of Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany in 1856. It served as an island prison from Roman times until the 1990s.

In 1992, some 55 mafia bosses including Michele ‘the Pope’ Greco, the first head of the

Sicilian Mafia, were imprisoned and held incommunicado on the island following the murders of judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino.

Five years after this, the Italian government decided to close the prison for good and transfer the prisoners, leaving the island abandoned. From then on, the island came under the management of the National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago, which carried out a restoration of a section of the prison and which is now open to the public.

The island has remained linked to the prison system as part of an innovative rehabilitation programme; convicted criminals who have served a third of their sentence are transferred to Pianosa to work as cooks, receptionists and cleaners at the Milena Hotel, the only one on the island.

18 • News • 16 - 22 May 2024
PLANNED LINK: The opening day in New York. HISTORIC BUILDING: Has been restored to promote tourism. Photo: Milena Hotel

Telegram review

THOSE who aren’t impressed by the European Commission may suggest that the decision to ask Belgium to keep an oversight on the Telegram App is awed. Telegram was banned and then not banned in Spain in late March and the communications App which was founded by two Russian brothers in 2013 has been under review in many countries throughout Europe and as a far a eld as Brazil. It is argued that there is a great deal of either illegal or inflammatory content on Telegram and it may fall foul of the European Digital Services Act (DSA) which is why

The Telegram App does have many followers in Europe.

the Commission has decided that it needs oversight and a body which can accept complaints from anyone within the European Union.

The only problem is that in order for the Belgian Institute of Post and Telecommunications (BIPT) to accept the challenge, it has to have the decision ratified by Belgium’s Federal, Flemish (Dutch speaking), Walloon (French speaking) and German speaking Parliaments which could take some time. There are an estimated 40 million Telegram-users in Europe which is not a great number when according to Backlink there are 32.2 million WhatsApp users in Spain alone which comes in at number nine in the top 10 country users of WhatsApp in the world.

Paying off debts

THE debts of 1,000 low-income Dutch households are being paid o by one of the country’s wealthiest families.

The Van der Vorm family, which according to Quote is worth €9 billion, works with charitable organisations to contribute more than €8 million to paying o the debts of families in need.

The charities aid Dutch families with at least one child whose nancial situation has been partly caused by life-changing events including death or illness, which includes approximately 15,000 families in Rotterdam.

“We feel a responsibility to think together with society about debt problems and

solutions,” said Bas Woudstra, director of Nieuw Vaarwater, who works with the Van der Vorms. “We can talk forever about why people are in debt, but the fact is that the children are su ering,” Bas Woudstra told the press.

However, some Dutch authorities doubt the e ectiveness of this scheme and believe that the central government should make changes instead.

Godfried Engbersen, professor of sociology at Erasmus University, commented to the press: “For some, this is a lottery ticket, while others are left sitting on their debts. We have to be careful that we do not become increasingly dependent on private initiatives.”

19 16 - 22 May 2024 • News •
Credit: Julia M Cameron, Pexels
Credit: Microsiervo flickr

Bridgette Hudson QUOTE’S Dutch Top 100 Young Self-made Millionaires include only six women this year. Although an improvement from 2022, with just three women listed, women in the Netherlands continue to face financial difficulties. The government of the Netherlands revealed that every one in six women in the

Self-made wealth

country are not economically independent, earning an income less than 70 per cent of the net minimum wage.

The wealthiest women of the country include Sharon Hilgers, the founder of My Jewellery, Loes Daniels, from Experien-

cegift and Bibi Lemmers from Flexhaus amongst others, with all three in the top 50.

The men, including a number of DJs such as Martin Garrix, Afrojack, Hardwell and Sam Feldt are all amongst the top 100,

Strikingly, 31 of the listed entrepreneurs use AI in their work, including Derk Arts who uses AI in medical science research, Indra den Bakker who employs technology to prevent forest fires and Kai Bakker, whose company Data Chip AI

assists accountants.

Concerning the notable difference between men and women’s incomes, the Netherlands recently implemented new strategies to promote equality, including the requirement of 5,000 of the country’s largest companies to ensure an equal participation within the two genders, encouraging wealth amongst women.

Coach takes top position

SABRINA WITTMAN’S ascent from a youth coach to interim head coach at Ingolstadt has marked a significant step forward in breaking gender barriers within the sport.

In a recent interview with the German Football Association website, Wittman stressed the importance for female role models in football. Just a few weeks la ter, she was given the opportunity to take charge of Ingolstadt’s perfor mance.

While Wittmann is not the first woman to lead a men’s team in Germany, her appointment distinguishes her from her predecessors, who coached in the fourth division.

Inglostadt’s sporting director, Ivica Grlic, emphasised that Wi ttmann’s promotion

was based on merit and not gender. Her direct, authentic approach and natural talent make her an excellent fit for the role.

Born and raised in Ingolstadt, Wittman played as an amateur for her home town club from 2011 to 2013, before moving on to other teams in the southern state of Bavaria. She turned to coaching while still playing in 2017, and has since worked with several youth teams

Ingolstadt’s commitment to nurturing talent based on merit underscores their progressive approach to talent development and

20 • News • 16 - 22 May 2024
Facebook A
for women in
role model

Sir David’s record

SIR David Attenborough, at the age of 98, has recently concluded his latest series, ‘Mammals’, setting new records for the longest career as a TV presenter and TV naturalist. His career spans an impressive 70 years and 246 days.

His television journey began on September 2, 1953, when he debuted as a presenter on the BBC Children’s Television show ‘Animal Disguises’, which was a spin-off of his earlier production and direction work on ‘Animal Patterns’ earlier that year.

Throughout eight decades of television work, Sir David stands as the sole recipient of BAFTA awards for series across black and white, colour, HD, and 3D formats.

Adapting to the modern era, Sir David made headlines in 2020 by breaking the record for the fastest time to reach one million followers on Instagram, achieving this feat in just four hours and 44 minutes, surpassing

Sir David’s career has earned him two knighthoods.

Jennifer Aniston’s previous record by 32 minutes.

In his inaugural Instagram post, he expressed concern for the world’s troubles, albeit he stopped using the platform after six weeks, leaving followers with the message, “What happens next is up to us.”

Beyond his television le-

gacy, Sir David’s extensive body of work, blending entertainment and education, along with his prominent environmental advocacy, has earned him over 30 honourary degrees and two knighthoods. In 2022, he was honoured with entry into the Guinness World Records Hall of Fame.

Top destination

FRANCE remains a top destination for European tourists, attracting 100 mi llion visitors in 2023.

This shows a 7.5 per cent increase from the previous year and 10 per cent above pre-pandemic levels.

While it leads in the number of tra vellers, it falls behind Spain’s tourist income.

The French government, gearing up for the Paris Olympic Games next summer, highlights a 12 per cent rise in income from international tourists in 2023 compared to the previous year, reaching €63.5 billion.

According to central bank data, France ranks second in income, trailing Spain’s €84.9 billion, surpassing Italy and Germany.

Tourist income in France surpassed pre-pandemic levels every month of 2023, with peak earnings in August (€6.9 billion) and July (€5.4 billion).

The surge in income reflects both inflationary effects on tourist prices and increased visits from neighbouring countries like Belgium (+37 per cent), the Netherlands (+28 per cent), Switzerland (+23 per cent), and the UK (+20 per cent).

American visitors notably returned in large numbers, up 52 per cent compared to 2019.

However, Asian visitor numbers, while increasing from 2022, still lag behind pre-pandemic levels, with Japan up by 70 per cent and China by 30 per cent.

Despite these fluctuations, France achieved a positive balance of payments from international tourism, reaching a new high of €18.1 billion in 2023.

21 16 - 22 May 2024 • News •
Image: A Life On Our Planet / Instagram France attracted 100 million visitors a year in 2023. Image: Paris je t’aime / Facebook.


Stay in

MOST of the respondents in a European Movement Ireland survey said they believed the country should remain a member of the European Union, a viewed shared by 84 per cent in the Republic of Ireland and 76 in Northern Ireland. Nevertheless, only 50 per cent believed that the EU “was going in the right direction.”

Rock solid

A ROCK with mysterious parallel markings found by a geography teacher in his Coventry garden originated in Ireland more than 1,600 years ago, an archaeologist told him. The inscriptions were written in ogham, an alphabet used for writing the Irish language at a time before vellum was used for manuscripts.


Back to school

THE government backtracked on plans to save 515 million kroner (€43.93 million) by cutting subsidies for 150 private schools announced in the 2024 Budget. After the centres warned they would have to close, the government has now pledged 484 million kroner (€41.30 million) which will be distributed “more evenly” than before.

Cash haul

THE Customs Authority confiscated a record 4.2 million Swedish krona (€358,536) which they found after stopping a Norwegian-registered car with two occupants at a border crossing in eastern Norway. Officials said they believed that the plastic bags filled with banknotes belonged to an organised crime network.


Join in

WELCOMING a new group of young Swiss Guards, Pope Francis urged them to “ditch their phones” and to get out and about in Rome. Rather than spend their spare time looking at phone and computer screens, the pope encouraged the 34 newest members of the world’s smallest army to become part of the local community.

Clan war

A TEACHER in Ostia who was attacked by the mother of a pupil she had scolded, called the 118 medical emergency number once the woman left but was later refused treatment. Her assailant belonged to the Spada family which, despite police efforts, has been responsible for extortion, illegal loans and drugs in Ostia for decades.



Close shave

A VIDEO released on social media by the sailing boat Freya Njord on May 5 showed the 4,200-ton heavy-lift Eemslift Ellen scraping the side of a bascule bridge while crossing the Hadsund Strait. The bridge was practically undamaged, while the Dutch-registered vessel managed to avoid the Freya Njord at the last moment.


Hardly hurt

Credit: Freya Njord

EEMSLIFT ELLEN: Tight fit for the Netherlands-registered ship.

ELEVEN soldiers from Italy, Hungary and the US were treated in hospital after they were injured while practising parachute jumps during a Nato exercise in Smaland. “We’re talking wounds and fractures, no one has life-threatening injuries,” a Nato spokesperson said to the Aftonbladet newspaper afterwards.

Bets are off

SWEDEN’S one remaining casino could close next year if, as is likely, the government passes a law that would remove land-based gaming as a state-licensed activity. Svenska Spel confirmed that amending the 2018 Gambling Act would lead to shutting down its Casino Cosmpol venue in Stockholm, and the loss of 200 jobs.


Wasted water

THE Sustainable Water Platform (PAS) criticised plans to bring water to the Algarve from the Guadiana in Pomarao (Mertola). This major engineering project with huge environmental and social impacts that wasted a “scarce resource” like water on “intensive and polluting agriculture” was unjustified, PAS said.

Fewer swallows

PORTUGAL’S Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA) warned that the number of swallows had dropped by 40 per cent over the last 20 years. Climate change was affecting the signals that told swallows when to migrate and also reduced the abundance of insects they needed to feed their young, SPEA explained.


Campaign risks

SOCIAL DEMOCRAT politician Matthias Ecke is recovering from a broken cheekbone and eye socket inflicted when he was attacked while putting up campaign posters in Dresden for the European elections. Politicians from all parties said they increasingly encountered unprovoked insults, threats and intimidation.

Day off

TESLA closed its Grunheide factory near Berlin on May 10 following days of protests against a planned extension. The management had already decided to halt the assembly line on May 10, following the May 9 national holiday, and a Tesla spokesperson said it was later decided it would be wiser for all employees to stay home.


Get a room

LAURENCE DES CARS, director of the Louvre in Paris, suggested that the Mona Lisa, which is visited by 20,000 people a day, could be moved to its own purpose-built room. Isolating Leonardo’s masterpiece would also save other works from the pollution produced by thousands of tourists passing them by without a second glance.

Flaming glory

MORE than 230,000 people gathered in Marseille on May 8 as the Olympic torch arrived at the end of a 12-day voyage from Greece in the Old Port aboard the three-masted sailing ship Belem. “With the arrival of the flame, the country enters the Games,” President Emmanuel Macron declared as the torch was brought ashore.


Age matters

A YTK UNEMPLOYMENT FUND survey, which interviewed more than 23,000 people who had worked in different sectors throughout the country, revealed that the majority believed age was a problem when looking for work. This was particularly true of the 55 to 64 age group, regardless of their qualifications, YTK found.

Strike rules

ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN members of the Finnish parliament supported a law defining the duration of political and industrial strikes. A political strike called to obtain political or social goals is limited to 24 hours while a stoppage stemming from a dispute between unions and employers may last up to two weeks.

No drinking

BRUSSELS city hall approved transport authority MIVB’s new rules for bus, metro and tram passengers. Amongst other innovations, the amended regulations bar them from drinking alcohol or using drugs while they are on public transport, unlike the previous stipulation that passengers should not be “visibly intoxicated.”

EV surfeit

BELGIAN ports are swamped by imported Chinese electric vehicles (EVs), some of which have been parked for a year or longer. Between 600,000 and one million more vehicles are expected to arrive at Antwerp-Bruges throughout 2024, as manufacturers take advantage of the EV subsidies offered by most EU governments.


Piece of cake

A TILBURG woman must repay the €17,500 she received in welfare benefits over the past five years as she had baked hundreds of cake during that time. Although she insisted that she baked cakes for people as a hobby, a court upheld the local authority’s claim which maintained baking was an activity “with a money value.”

Tulip time

THE Netherlands delivered tulips to the Ottawa Hospital and a video message from the Dutch royal family coinciding with the Tulip Festival held there between May 10 and 20. Princess Margriet, born there in 1943, also thanked Canada for providing a “safe haven” for the Dutch royal family during the Second World War.

22 16 - 22 May 2024 • European Press •



Iran alibi

SANTANDER UK informed the US government it had blocked all new accounts belonging to clients with links to Iran. After an “exhaustive investigation” Santander “categorically” claimed that it had complied with all regulations, despite Financial Times reports that Teheran had used a Santander subsidiary.


SIEMENS ENERGY, which announced at the end of 2023 plans to return Gamesa, its Spanish wind turbine subsidiary, to profit, announced “staff adjustments” on May 8. The Germany company added that it hoped to maintain “more or less” the same number of employees and that changes would focus on relocations.

Going wild

ANIMAL welfare charities as well as chefs and food experts all opposed the decision to allow ‘Scottish farmed salmon’ to be packaged as ‘Scottish salmon’, which they said was misleading. Producers argued it made no difference as the public was well aware that wild salmon was no longer available in supermarkets.

Rival bids

IBERDROLA and Repsol, which accuse each other of ‘greenwashing’, are competing for a contract to build a windfarm in the Gulf of Maine, US. Both submitted bids for the €30bn project to supply sustainable electricity to five million homes in Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

Sad story

BOOHOO GROUP’S revenue slid 17 per cent to £1.46bn (€1,69bn) in the year ending February 29, 2024, with statutory pre-tax losses of £159.9m (€185.96m) compared to £90.7m (€105.48m) the previous financial year. This was attributed to “difficult market conditions.”


paid out in dividends on May 7 by airports management company Aena, in which the Spanish government holds a majority stake.

Pick-me-up for pubs

HEINEKEN, which owns 2,400 pubs and bars in the UK, will spend £39 million (€45.32 million) on reopening 62 UK pubs and renovating 612 others.

Ninety-four suburban pubs will have renovations costing around £200,000 (€232,382) to convert them into ‘premium locals’ as the world’s largest brewer makes the most of the tendency to work from home.

The initiative will also target people who want to economise on travel costs and drink nearer to where they live.

These plans will create approximately 1,075 new jobs while providing more business for each pub as

the cost-of-living crisis eases and inflation begins to remit, Heineken said.

Statistics from the British Beer and Pub Association nevertheless show that pubs had begun to close in the UK even before the Covid pandemic

temporarily shut them all down, as numbers shrank from 60,800 in 2000 to 47,200 in 2019.

Nor is Heineken alone in deciding to invest in its pubs.

JD Wetherspoon announced that pre-tax

profits for the six months ending in March 2024 had risen to £36 million (€41.81 million), compared with £4.6 million (€5.34 million) for the same period in 2023.

The chain’s founder and chairman, Tim Martin, revealed that he has listed 130 towns and cities where he wants to open more venues in addition to the existing 814 Wetherspoon pubs, down from 955 at the end of 2015.

Meanwhile the British pub and brewing company Greene King announced that it was investing £40 million (€46.46 million) in a new brewery in Bury St Edmunds (Suffolk).

Land Rover leads Jaguar

JAGUAR LAND ROVER ESPAÑA finished its April 2022-April 2023 fi nancial year with a €2.28 million net profit.

This was 45 per cent more than the previous year, revealed results deposited with the Registro Mercantil, equivalent to the UK’s Companies House.

The Spanish subsidiary which, like its parent company, is owned by the Tata Consortium, had a €317.1 million turnover, up 26 per cent on the 2021-2022 financial year. Vehicle sales accounted for €243.8m

We’re staying

MURRAY AUCHINCLOSS, chief executive of BP, was adamant that the oil giant had no plans to leave London’s stock market.

‘It’s not on our agenda,’ he declared as BP reported a 45 per cent first-quarter dip in profits to £2.2 billion (€2.05 billion) amid falling energy prices.

The pledge coincided with increased pressure on Auchincloss to narrow the gap with competitors like Shell and the US’s Exxon Mobil and Chevron.

of the total, while the remaining €73.3m came from the sale of spare parts.

The company sold 3,437 of its different Defender, Discovery and Land Rover models between April 2022 and April 2023, a 4 per cent increase on the previous year.

This was well ahead of the Jaguar, with sales of 701 units which were 63.7 per cent down, owing to WLTP emission regulations and a shortage of semiconductors for hybrid and electric vehicles.

Going it alone

BANCO SABADELL arranged a meeting in London with its principal shareholders from the big international investment funds to justify its rejection of the BBVA bank’s takeover bid.

The Catalonia-based bank headed by Josep Oliu explained that Sabadell was worth more than the BBVA’s €11.2 billion offer which would have exchanged one BBVA share for every 4.83 Sabadell share, a 30 per cent premium on Sabadell’s April 29 closing price.

Oliu also pointed out that following a record 2023 with a net profit of €1.02 billion, Sabadell made a profit of €308 million between January and the end of March, 50 per cent more than during the first quarter of 2023.

Fair shares

SPAIN’S Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (Sepi) currently owns 6.169 per cent of Telefonica.

The state-owned industrial holding company, now entitled to a seat on the board, has nominated Carlos Ocaña, substituting Carmen Garcia de Andres who has resigned for personal reasons.

Sepi is finally a majority Telefonica shareholder ahead of the Saudi Telecom Company (STC) which is backed by the Saudi government and acquired 4.9 per cent of Telefonica shares and 5 per cent of Telefonica financial instruments in September 2023.

The central government intends eventually to obtain 10 per cent of Telefonica, which was privatised in 1997.

THE Financial Reporting Council (FRC) fined two Big Four auditors for blunders during the £237 million (€275.65 million) London Capital & Finance (LCF) debacle in 2019.

LCF was a savings and investment company which sold unregulated mini-bonds, promising returns of up to 11 per cent.

PwC must pay £4.9 million (€5.69 million) and EY £4.4 million (€5.12 million)reduced from an original £7 million (€8.14 million) - for neglecting to understand LCF’s actions and internal controls and “not applying sufficient scrutiny,” the FRC said.

ADDRESSING a parliamentary committee on May 7, Bank of Spain governor Pablo Hernandez de Cos foresaw 1.9 per cent growth for 2024, up from 1.6 per cent. The country’s gross domestic product increased by 0.7 per cent during the first quarter of 2024, outstripping other large European Union economies, the governor said. Based on these figures “and second-quarter information,” the Bank of Spain expected to revise its growth projections in its next update, due in mid-June, De Cos announced on presenting the Bank’s annual report.

Smashed plates

THE taxman is chasing Thomas Goode, which supplies fine china and silverware to the royal family, for an outstanding bill.

HMRC has issued a winding-up petition, which can lead to compulsory liquidation but can also be withdrawn once the company has managed to settle the debt. The latest available accounts for Thomas Goode showed that creditors were owed around £5 million (€5.81 million) by the end of March 2022 in amounts that were due to be paid within 12 months.

24 • 16 - 22 May 2024
€1.2 billion
Rapped knuckles
HEINEKEN: Reopening 62 closed UK pubs. DEFENDER: Boosted Jaguar Land Rover sales in Spain.
Photo credit: Jaguar Land Rover
Photo credit: Cc/Brodie319

Group 2.752,0 +4,0 +0,15% 39,41K

American 2.788,0 +52,0 +1,90% 315,71K

2.278,00 +48,00 +2,15% 126,91K

Group 5.890,0 +18,0 +0,31% 23,10K

British Foods 2.700,4 +14,4 +0,54% 42,04K

12.354,0 +22,0 +0,18% 76,19K

213,07 -0,18 -0,08% 3,59M

Developments 495,00 +3,80 +0,77% 392,48K Beazley 666,00 -0,50 -0,07% 49,79K

5.240,0 +75,0 +1,45% 9,60K BP 508,90 +4,80 +0,95% 2,10M

American Tobacco

+19,0 +0,79% 362,89K

Group 106,60 +0,60 +0,57% 3,36M

3.186,0 +12,0 +0,38% 22,20K

Group 1.178,5 +17,5 +1,51% 129,80K

137,75 +1,70 +1,25% 1,51M

Cola HBC AG 2.730,0 0,0 0,00% 15,63K

2.290,56 +8,56 +0,38% 81,43K

Group 262,00 +0,20 +0,08% 146,12K

Intl 4.894,0 +17,0 +0,35% 13,76K DCC 5.805,0 +20,0 +0,35% 5,05K

2.834,8 -2,5 -0,09% 220,16K

3.850,00 +2,00 +0,05% 6,42K DS Smith 360,80 +0,80 +0,22% 97,15K

Mining 1.743,00 +37,00 +2,17% 17,85K

785,60 +3,60 +0,46% 77,14K

3.408,0 +10,0 +0,29% 30,79K F&C Invest 1.035,28 +3,28 +0,32% 28,63K Flutter Entertainment 16.280,0 +235,0 +1,47% 32,53K Frasers

326,80 -1,20 -0,37% 523,02K

2.313,0 +9,0 +0,39% 27,51K

Fresnillo 585,00
Hikma Pharma
Howden Joinery 914,00 +3,50
HSBC 695,74
IAG 185,00 +2,20
IMI PLC 1.860,00 +9,00
Imperial Brands 1.876,17 +9,67
Informa 853,20 +1,00 +0,12% 88,14K InterContinental 7.876,0 +84,0 +1,08% 24,30K Intermediate Capital 2.159,92 +5,91 +0,27% 12,32K Intertek 5.070,0 +15,0 +0,30% 5,36K J Sainsbury 276,52 +2,32 +0,85% 494,24K JD Sports Fashion 122,07 +1,87 +1,56% 2,08M Kingfisher 261,30 +3,40 +1,32% 308,20K Land Securities 685,00 +4,00 +0,59% 68,86K Legal & General 248,86 -0,04 -0,02% 1,13M Lloyds Banking 54,32 +0,38 +0,70% 13,37M London Stock Exchange 9.112,0 -50,0 -0,55% 29,35K M&G 205,50 -0,90 -0,44% 1,23M Marks & Spencer 273,55 +2,95 +1,09% 543,51K Melrose Industries 596,41 +0,81 +0,14% 349,68K Mondi 1.580,00 -6,00 -0,38% 63,65K National Grid 1.124,50 +12,00 +1,08% 591,79K NatWest Group 318,07 +0,27 +0,08% 1,16M Next 9.270,0 +66,0 +0,72% 19,22K Ocado 360,07 +6,27 +1,77% 624,35K Pearson 995,60 -4,40 -0,44% 51,02K Pershing Square 52,40 +0,30 +0,58% 1,05K Persimmon 1.427,5 +21,0 +1,49% 104,70K Phoenix 522,09 +6,09 +1,18% 219,57K Prudential 790,55 +2,75 +0,35% 419,01K Reckitt Benckiser 4.577,0 -19,0 -0,41% 223,90K Relx 3.453,00 +2,00 +0,06% 208,55K Rentokil 425,10 +4,50 +1,07% 218,12K Rightmove 540,80 -32,00 -5,59% 904,93K Rio Tinto PLC 5.651,0 +67,0 +1,20% 304,28K Rolls-Royce Holdings 439,30 +5,40 +1,24% 2,61M RS PLC 823,00 +0,50 +0,06% 26,77K Sage 1.198,00 -8,00 -0,66% 69,12K Schroders 368,9 +0,9 +0,24% 100,29K Scottish Mortgage 893,34 -0,66 -0,07% 205,69K Segro 895,63 +6,83 +0,77% 76,38K Severn Trent 2.624,0 +18,0 +0,69% 26,87K Shell 2.929,0 +20,5 +0,70% 559,18K Smith & Nephew 1.004,50 +3,00 +0,30% 80,77K Smiths Group 1.713,00 +11,00 +0,65% 47,46K Smurfit Kappa 3.740,0 -26,0 -0,69% 15,36K Spirax-Sarco Engineering 9.225,0 +140,0 +1,54% 114,31K SSE 1.823,00 +23,50 +1,31% 379,33K St. James’s Place 473,89 +3,89 +0,83% 131,62K Standard Chartered 766,80 +12,00 +1,59% 1,19M Taylor Wimpey 144,95 +1,75 +1,22% 1,33M Tesco 311,49 +1,29 +0,42% 1,16M Unilever 4.264,0 -2,0 -0,05% 164,16K Unite 980,00 +1,50 +0,15% 22,11K United Utilities 1.107,50 +5,50 +0,50% 33,79K Vodafone Group PLC 69,760 +1,680 +2,47% 10,14M Weir Group 2.112,00 -2,00 -0,10% 36,50K Whitbread 3.062,0 -1,0 -0,03% 28,48K WPP 836,00 +4,80 +0,58% 92,04K 3M 97,34 +0,99 +1,03% 1,91M 189,50 +1,50 +0,80 42336285 American Express 239,18 +2,94 +1,24% 2,72M Amgen 312,86 +5,55 +1,81% 2,92M Apple 184,57 +1,83 +1,00 47065372 Boeing 181,29 +0,94 +0,52% 4,37M Caterpillar 351,79 +7,29 +2,12% 2,70M Chevron 165,49 +2,95 +1,81% 4,87M Cisco 47,79 -0,21 -0,44 12204080 Coca-Cola 62,89 +0,04 +0,06% 7,05M Dow 59,46 +0,82 +1,40% 4,04M Goldman Sachs 455,78 +8,83 +1,98% 2,30M Home Depot 347,45 +8,62 +2,54% 2,68M Honeywell 200,63 +2,58 +1,30% 2,68M IBM 166,30 -1,93 -1,15% 3,18M Intel 30,09 +0,09 +0,30 44550595 J&J 149,90 +0,95 +0,64% 4,84M JPMorgan 197,53 +1,88 +0,96% 6,66M McDonald’s 267,95 -0,54 -0,20% 2,48M Merck&Co 130,27 +0,72 +0,56% 8,79M Microsoft 412,32 +1,78 +0,43 13934116 Nike 93,39 -0,20 -0,21% 5,17M Procter&Gamble 166,07 +1,00 +0,61% 3,10M Salesforce Inc 275,22 -3,75 -1,34% 3,99M The Travelers 219,48 +2,14 +0,98% 887,58K UnitedHealth 507,05 +3,84 +0,76% 2,21M Verizon 39,80 +0,32 +0,80% 8,86M Visa A 278,71 +1,52 +0,55% 3,47M Walmart 60,45 +0,36 +0,59% 10,34M Walt Disney 105,78 +0,34 +0,32% 14,01M M - Million Dollars Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. +28.63% 9.41M SiTime Corporation +28.29% 840,967 United States Cellular Corporation +27.67% 2.295M Zai Lab Limited +26.80% 3.667M Arhaus, Inc. +17.25% 2.718M Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. +14.70% 333,142 Playtika Holding Corp. +14.45% 2.701M AppLovin Corporation +14.45% 15.118M Upstart Holdings, Inc. +13.24% 10.219M GameStop Corp. +13.13% 24.828M EPAM Systems, Inc. -26.99% 4.982M Roblox Corporation -22.06% 69.697M Stevanato Group S.p.A. -21.59% 4.675M Duolingo, Inc. -18.01% 3.521M Paycor HCM, Inc. -15.66% 3.999M ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. -11.21% 5.274M Globant S.A. -9.35% 1.125M Exact Sciences Corporation -8.96% 10.578M GoodRx Holdings, Inc. -8.94% 4.185M Warner Music Group Corp. -8.64% 4.593M SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. -8.48% 6.389M Company Change net / % Volume MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR MONEY WITH US See our advert on previous page 0.86401 1.16202 US dollar (USD) 1.0782 Japan yen (JPY) .................................. 167.83 Switzerland franc (CHF) 0.9770 Denmark kroner (DKK) 7.4595 Norway kroner (NOK) 11.676 Units per € THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN’T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER DOW JONES Closing Prices 13 May NASDAQ Closing Prices 13 May
Closing Prices 13 May Company priCe(p) Change(p) % Chg. net Company priCe(p) Change(p) % Chg. net M - Million Dollars M - Million Dollars Most Declined Most Advanced Company priCe(p) Change(p) % Chg. net EWN 16 - 22 May 2024 II FINANCE 26 • Tel: +34 952 906 581
3I Group 2.810,00 -10,00 -0,35% 155,12K
Airtel Africa 119,28 +1,58 +1,34% 541,49K
Trader Group Plc 741,60 -6,60 -0,88% 150,92K
490,23 +1,63 +0,33% 318,46K B&M European Value Retail SA 542,19 +7,19 +1,34% 67,06K
Systems 1.397,49 +5,49 +0,39% 381,63K
-0,50 -0,06% 84,20K
+5,00 +0,86% 228,33K
473,96 +10,41 +2,25% 3,76M
plc 1.791,50 +11,00 +0,62% 349,80K
+0,39% 8,39K
+0,38% 41,01K
+4,84 +0,70% 2,07M
+1,20% 5,94M
+0,49% 24,51K
+0,52% 178,40K

Full throttle

TRAIN manufacturer

Talgo finished its 20232024 financial year with a €10.4 million net profit, quadrupling the previous year’s €2.4 million. The company expects a decision regarding a €619 million takeover bid from Hungarian consortium GanzMavag, a deal the Spanish government views with suspicion.

Off the list

OXFORDCANNABINOID TECHNOLOGIES, backed by rapper Snoop Dogg, is delisting in London, owing to the “continuous, irrational and regressive pressure” on its shares. It would have greater access to far more capital once it was private, the company said.

Lower profits

Shot in the arm

EWN 16 - 22 May 2024 FINANCE II 27
Doing well Wait a bit

Majority undermined



DELIGHTED to begin this week’s blurb by thanking the lady who wrote apologising for considering me a racist. The lady informed me that although she had perused the column for many years and often found the subject matter interesting, she had always judged a number of my comments to incorporate racial and biased cultural views, of which she totally disagreed; well not any more.

Watching the UK disintegrate into a society which she and many of her British friends no longer feel a part of, the lady had no hesitation in telling me that many of the forewarnings and premonitions I wrote about have indeed come true and therefore apologises unreservedly for often condemning many of my early subject matter and opinions.

Oddly this week I received a second letter from a gentleman who had also enjoyed the column for many years and actually congratulated me on my observations telling me it was a shame

they weren’t published in a few of the nationals in the UK.

He also wrote that he and many of his friends were actually frightened to express their own views in public, because these days you could actually be arrested for a vast number of personal opinions which don’t concur with the ‘woke authorities’ = the faceless individuals who seem to be somehow running the country irrespective of which government happens to be in power.

Wow, I don’t quite know how to react to letters of this ilk. I do of course thank the writers for their views, but feel utterly saddened that the British majority are being undermined and slowly but surely sucked into some form of non-British culturist state which is basically unworkable in the country their ancestors fought and died for.

Those of my (thankfully few) readers who still exist in some sort of cuckoo land and seem to endorse the changes that are being virtually forced on British residents, should perhaps write to me and explain their opinions on some 40 or more local town and city officials who were recently elected into office purely because they supported Gaza; and another, who at the announ-

cement of his victory, screamed Allah Akbar to chanting mobs of his supporters who voted him in.

I thought that officials who were voted in to British local council positions were put there to support local operations, ie make sure the buses ran on time, potholes were repaired or the local populace was suitably cared for; not elected because they supported a war taking place in an alien country thousands of miles away! Well, to this ol boy it is blatantly obvious that the idiot woke power mad brigade has finally and totally overstepped the mark.

The idea of creating a new voting mainstream in the UK by supporting and combining all the minorities, irrespective of their opinions or actions, is a ridiculous conspiracy that will utterly wreck the pride and ambitions of the true British public and is actually turning residents against the diversified cultures being forced on them; actions that could almost certainly lead to the violence and destruction I prophesied some 30 years ago.

Keep the faith

Love Leapy

Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

Most popular baby names in Germany

IN a recent report from the Society for German Language, Sophia emerged as the most popular name for girls, with Emilia coming in at a close second. Noah is continuing its reign as the most popular name for boys.

The list of names favoured by German parents remains steady, with names like Emma, Mia, Hannah, Leon, Paul, and Emil retaining their popularity.

Two new names have appeared in the Top Ten: Lia for girls and Liam for boys. Experts have observed a trend towards shorter names.

Regional variations painted a diverse picture of trends across the nation. In northern regions, Ida and Frieda are popular names for girls and Theo is a favourite for boys. In the south, Marie, Anna, and Leonie are on trend, while in the east, Mathilda and Charlotte are top picks. In the west, Felix and Jakob are names frequently chosen for boys.

The Association for German Language, with headquarters in Wiesbaden, has been carefully documenting and disseminating these trends since 1977.

28 16 - 22 May 2024 • Feature/News •
Credit: Pixabay
Popular baby names vary from region to region.

Lark in the Park

COMING up next for the International Theatre Studio (ITS) is their annual Lark in The Park in the beautiful amphitheatre at Parque Torre Leonera in Benahavis.

Bring a picnic and enjoy an evening of entertainment featuring the ITS Comedy Players performing some of your favourite TV Sketch Shows, before the talented MarLu finish the night with a combination of musical theatre and dance hits. Fiona Poole and Sheila Mellor held auditions for the new ITS Comedy Crew in April and now have a team ready to perform for the

Lark in the Park on Sunday June 2 at the Parque Torre Leonera in Benahavis. Access to auditorium is from 5.30pm and the show starts at 6pm. Lark in the Park is a magical early evening event held on a Sunday outdoors in the park. There is a main act performed by ITS members followed by musical acts, and dancing is encouraged. Everyone brings a picnic and refreshments, cushions, picnic blankets and folding seats are brought too. Candelabra is optional.

Free parking is provided by the Benahavis Town Hall in their underground car park. The producers for this wonderful event are PJ Lopez and Paloma Salgado. Fiona Poole is directing. Stage manager is Miles Rendle and front of house manager is Janet Barnett.

Entry to the event is by donation on the website - - the minimum donation suggested is €17.50 per person, more if you choose. Tickets are now available. Lark in the Park is a charity event and for 2024, ITS is supporting ADANA as well as starting their 50th Anniversary ‘Build a Stage’ fund to help find a permanent home for future productions.

Darkness Into Light 2024 unites the community

BIDDY MULLIGANS was the starting point for this year’s annual walk for Darkness Into Light. Dee and Dave welcomed the community and together they walked as the yellow Army.

The remarkable turnout for the Darkness Into Light walk on Saturday, May 11, illuminated the Costa del Sol with a profound sense of unity and solidarity. Community members, deeply touched by the impact of suicide, came together in force, demonstrating unwavering support for this vital cause.

At Biddy Mulligans and beyond, the local bars and restaurants united in a heartening display of camaraderie.

From Dempseys Bar in Dona Lola, The Irish Times in Calahonda, Eskina & El Cortillo, Alejandros, to Play Mijas, and many more, businesses lent their support, illustrating the power of community spirit.

Owners, staff, locals and customers all walked together and they created an atmosphere of warmth and compassion, fostering a deep connection among participants.

Every step taken during the walk was imbued with meaning. Those

who have been tragically affected by suicide walked with pride, honouring the memories of loved ones lost while offering solace to those still struggling. It was a poignant reminder of the importance of coming together to support one another in times of darkness.

The impact of the collective effort was palpable. Funds raised through the walk have made a tangible difference, contributing to the opening of a day centre in Estepona, a beacon of hope for those facing mental health challenges.

This achievement stands as a testament to the dedication and perseverance of everyone involved, especially Michael O’Halloran, whose vision continues to inspire.

Darkness Into Light is more than just a walk; it’s a symbol of resilience, compassion, and the enduring power of unity. Join us as we continue to turn darkness into light.

David Hart

STEP into a world of musical enchantment at Musical Nights on Saturday May 25. An immersive musical theatre experience where the whole bar becomes the stage at The Cazbah Live Lounge in La Cala de Mijas.

From the electrifying Grease to the timeless Les Miserables, the soulful Sister Act to the groovy Mamma Mia, as well as Chicago, Greatest Showman, Evita, Cats, Jesus

Christ Superstar, Blues Brothers and more immerse yourself in a spectacular showcase of Broadway’s finest. Featuring the wonderful performers Emma Prothero, Dahlia Helsby, Catrina Helsby, Aida Garner and Orla Jay. Doors open at 6pm and the show starts at 9pm for a night of music, magic, and memories.

Tickets are only €10 per person so reserve your seat now, call +34 602 535 710.

A night at the musicals
Photo: GoodFon CC Photo: Malaga Provincial Council

An evening to remember

David Hart

MANOLITO from the former Gipsy Kings is back. With his band they are visiting the Beach House Marbella again on Friday May 31 to show off some of their world hits, like Bamoboléo, Volare and Baila Me.

Russian salad competition

Manolo, whose real name is Phillipe Bourgues, was born in Avignon, France. His dexterity and passion for flamenco guitar, made him the protégé of world-famous flamenco guitarist Manitas de Plata (aka The Little Silver Hands).

Manitas became his mentor and together they shared stages performing and enchanting audiences. During the 1960s, Manitas De Plata, father of Gipsy Kings lead guitarist Tonino Baliardo and his cousin Jose Reyes, father of Gipsy Kings lead vocal singer Nicolas Reyes introduced the world to the gypsy rumba flamenco, performing in venues including Carnegie Hall in

New York City.

But you don’t have to travel to the USA to see him, for this event in

Marbella, the Beach House combines live entertainment with an unforgettable Flamenco show and a superb dinner.

The evening features: Manolo and Vito from the Gipsy Kings, support act Brazilian vocalist Felipe Madrid, a Flamenco Show and a three-course á la carte dining experience, all for just €155 per person. For reservations, see the website, phone: 952 839 458 or WhatsApp: 0034 617 946 239.

COIN Town Council and the CoinEmprende business association have launched the second Russian Salad Competition with the participation of more than 20 local bars and restaurants.

The initiative, which aims to promote local gastronomy, will run from Monday May 20 until Sunday May 26.

“This competition is a great economic boost for our local economy and especially for the catering and restaurant establishments in our town,” said councillor Ana Guerrero, adding that in Coin, “we have

great restaurateurs and restaurants, and the proof of this are the dishes that we will soon be enjoying.” The president of CoinEmprende, Lucía Ruíz, explained how the competition will work: “during this week, all residents will be able to try the best recipes from the establishments and vote for their favourite using a qr code that will lead them to a survey.”

Customers who participate by choosing their favourite Russian salad dish will be entered into a prize draw for a dinner for two valued at €100, and the restaurant chosen as the best Rus-

sian salad will receive a trophy for display in their establishment. The participating establishments are Bar Cafetería Jommara, Bar Cafétería Miravalle, Bar Compartir, Bar El Atún, Bar Mi Gente, Bar Zurich, Bodegón Casa Antonio, El Rengue, El Rincón de Carmen, El Rincón de la Plaza, Figón de Juan, La Barra de Casa Paco, La Biznaga, Marisquería la Jarra, Restaurante Casa Paco, Restaurante El Rincón de Julia, Restaurante J&S, Restaurante La Romana, Restaurante Silvia, Sapore Italiano and Venta Pedro Lucena.

EWN 16 - 22 May 2024 II SOCIALSCENE 30 Sponsored by www. elcor tijod eramiro. es C/ 11, s/n (Urbanizaci ón Guadalmina Ba ja) 29678 Marbella Málaga Phone: 952 888 077 Phone: 670 604 392
live music.
are a family-run business using quality products,
Open from Tuesday to Saturday, dinner
Kitchen open from 1 8.30 to 23.30, last ord ers 23:00. Ever y night with
and we love our job.
Photo: The Beach House

Bodega El Pimpi

Malaga’s highly acclaimed, historic Andalucian tavern, announces its next opening, in Puente Romano Beach Resort, Marbella.

BODEGA EL PIMPI, an icon of Malaga culture and gastronomy, spanning more than 50 years of history, will open this spring a new location in Marbella, in the award-winning Puente Romano Beach Resort.

This unprecedented expansion of El Pimpi, the first in its long and successful history, is an exciting and historic milestone. This emblematic Malaga bar & restaurant has remained almost unchanged since it opened in 1971, under the leadership of Pepe Cobos and Paco Campos from Cordoba. Considered an authentic gastronomic destination in the city, it has emerged as a place of pilgrimage for all those in search of the authentic flavours of Southern Spain.

There are many reasons behind the collaboration between El Pimpi, currently in the hands of the Cobos family, together with the actor Antonio Banderas, and Pablo Gonzalo, and Puente Romano Beach Resort. Firstly, both El Pimpi and Puente Romano Beach Resort have unconditional love for Andalucia: for its traditions, for its wonderful people and for everything that makes this region a uniquely charismatic and alluring place in the world. Also, both businesses have the common desire to celebrate and share the extraordinary richness of Southern Spain (the exceptional produce, time-honoured recipes, award-wining wines, and captivating music...), with the wider world. And, last but not least, both are committed to excellence, not only in execution of the project, but also creating experiences with soul.

The arrival of El Pimpi at Puente Romano will further strengthen the culinary offerings of the resort - which already boasts world-renowned restaurants such as Nobu, COYA, Cipriani and GAIA - by offering guests a truly local and unforgettable experience.

This exciting new culinary adventure is expected to attract both guests, residents of the province as well as international visitors, creating a new gastronomic destination on the Costa del Sol.

EWN 16 - 22 May 2024 SOCIALSCENE II 31 Sponsored by

Introducing Bite Kitchen

LOCATED just off the A7 with ample parking, Bite Kitchen is a culinary gem that’s making waves, especially among those with dietary restrictions. Its commitment to offering an exclusively gluten-free menu is a standout feature, and it doesn’t compromise on taste or variety.

Walking into Bite Kitchen, you’re greeted with a relaxed atmosphere and a classy environment that’s hard to find elsewhere. Whether you’re in the mood for a casual coffee, leisurely lunch or an evening meal, Bite Kitchen has you covered. The sunny terrace beckons for outdoor dining, while the option of air conditioning ensures comfort for those who prefer to dine indoors.

The staff at Bite Kitchen are a

highlight unto themselves. Friendly, attentive, and welcoming, they do their best to ensure your visit is memorable. Their positive attitude and genuine care for customer satisfaction shine through in every interaction, adding to the overall dining experience.

Besides delivering a gluten-free menu in a contamination free environment, they have also gone to additional efforts to be inclusive to those with other food preferences and as such, offer a range of vegetarian and vegan options which go way beyond just that plain salad!

Bite prides itself on providing delicious home-made, wholesome food which is made from fresh ingredients and packed with vibrant flavours. The menu is plentiful so there is so-

mething for every pallet. If that’s not enough, try their mouth-watering daily specials that will keep your taste buds on their toes and no - we haven’t even told you about their dessert menu yet! If that’s not enough, there is also an international wine menu, full bar (including a soon to be released cocktail menu), fresh juice and smoothies to wash it all down with. And let’s not forget about the Bite Bottomless Brunch - a tempting offer available every Saturday and Sunday.

For just €25.00 per person, guests can indulge in a brunch item of their choice along with two hours of bottomless cava and orange juice. It’s the perfect way to kick off a leisurely weekend morning or to celebrate something special with family and

friends. But don’t just take my word for it. The rave reviews from satisfied customers speak volumes. From the modern design to the friendly service to the amazing food, Bite Kitchen has won over the hearts of many.

Whether you’re a gluten-free / celiac diner, a vegan, or simply someone who appreciates good food in a welcoming atmosphere, Bite Kitchen is a must-visit destination and a sure to become a favourite haunt for locals and visitors alike.

This week, see the launch of our new Menu.

Urb. Jazmin de Miraflores Calle Jazmin, 29649 Mijas Costa 648 716 162

EWN 16 - 22 May 2024 II SOCIALSCENE 32 Sponsored by ADVERTISING

We have everything you miss from home and more

Wishing all our Norwegian customers

Happy May 17th

We have food from Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark.

C.Isidro Labrador,10 29640, Fuengirola , Malaga Opening Times: Monday – Friday 10.00am – 7.00pm Saturday 10.00am – 3.00 pm • Sunday Closed Telephone 952 199 148

Casa Nordica

LOCATED in the heart of Fuengirola, Casa Nordica is more than just a supermarket - it’s a treasure trunk for Scandinavians seeking a taste of home on the Costa del Sol. With a warm welcome and shelves brimming with familiar favourites from Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark, Casa Nordica is the go-to destination for those craving a little slice of Scandinavia.

As Friday May 17 approaches, Casa Nordica extends a special greeting to all our Norwegian customers in celebration of Norway’s Constitution Day. Whether you’re planning a festive gathering or simply seeking essentials for your party, Casa Nordica has everything you need to make your celebration truly memorable. From traditional treats



to party supplies, we’ve got you covered. Our supermarket is renowned for its wide selection of products, including gluten-free options and a popular baby food section, ensuring that every member of the family can find something to enjoy. But it’s not just about the products - our friendly staff are always on hand to offer assistance and recommendations, making your shopping experience a breeze in your own language.

So, whether you’re stocking up on your favourite Scandinavian snacks, preparing for a special occasion, or simply looking for a taste of home, Casa Nordica is here to welcome you with open arms. Come and experience the warmth, hospitality, and flavours of Scandinavia at Casa Nordica - your home away from home on the Costa del Sol.

C. San Isidro Labrador, 3, 29640 Fuengirola, Málaga Monday to Friday 10.00-19.00 Saturday 10.00-15.00 Sunday closed

Horsing around

A CHARITY night in aid of the horse charity Todos los Caballos del Mundo (All Horses of the World) is taking place on Sunday June 2 at Alhaurin Golf.

Featured is the dynamic singer Anny Ribera, and supporting are The Phoenix Singers. The evening concludes with dancing to DJ Al’s disco. Food is available but must be pre-ordered and will be served at 6pm promptly.

For menu and to order food please contact Alan on 711 088 107.

Todos los Caballos del Mundo raises awareness about animal abuse and cares for abandoned and abused horses. The shelter has more than 50,000 square metres of land, which makes it one of the largest shelters in Europe, but all that takes money to keep it running.

Concordia and Virginia, the two sisters who run All Horses of the World, are pioneers in the fight for the protection of horses and are dependent on the people who support them and believe in them. Support the association by having a great night out at Alhaurin Golf on Sunday June 2. Tickets are available at just €10 per person. Available by WhatsApp on 711 053 183 II SOCIALSCENE
Kevin Fraser Park Photo: Todos los Caballos del Mundo

Family brunch

CANDYPANTS Dubai are bringing their well-known Family Brunch Brand to the sunsoaked shores of Marbella, in collaboration with ClubsComplete Europe renowned for their fantastic kids’ extracurricular activities spanning an impressive 17 years worldwide.

ClubsComplete organise several camps around the world during school holidays every year. They gained their first partner schools in southern Spain in 2012 and now operate in several countries in Europe and the Middle East. Candy-

pants were winners of the Best Party Brunch 2023 from What’s On Awards and winners of Best Party Brunch 2022 by Time Out Awards. Mark your calendars out because, on Saturday May 18, they are launching in Marbella with the ultimate family bash at Jacks Smokehouse in Puerto Banus, and you won’t want to miss it. It’s shaping up to be a day of delicious eats, laughter, and all-around good times. So pack your sunscreen and your appetite because this isn’t just any brunch - it’s a family affair you’ll remember for years to come! See you there.

Charity tribute to the 80s

ON Saturday May 25, the 80s ‘movida’ (movement) of Malaga invites you to take part in a festive reunion at the Recinto Ferial in Torremolinos celebrating the new trends in clothes, attitude and music that arrived here in the 80s.

One of the pioneers of the movement in Malaga was José Juan Santamaría ‘Santa’ Segarra, whose bar offered concerts and a new modern atmosphere.

It was so successful that the owner opened another bar in Torremolinos called ‘La Cueva’. Santa, closed his premises after more than 20 years and unfortunately he succumbed to cancer. This event that bears his name will not only be a celebration of his life but will raise money for Cudeca to help in the Foundation’s fight against cancer.

On May 25, at the Los Amigos del Arte stand at the Torre-

molinos fairgrounds, Santa’s friends from the music scene of the time and many others from the current scene will come together for a concert in tribute to the man who was so influential.

The event will start at midday, there will be free paella from 2pm and musical performances. At the end, a jam session with some surprises from well-known artists will close the musical event.

EWN 16 - 22 May 2024 SOCIALSCENE II 35 Sponsored by
Photo: Facebook / Jacks Smokehouse Photo: JJ Santamaría Segarra / Fuzz Division

Singles mingle

MANY people are sick of swiping left or right and want to meet in real life, so Sol Events has planned a speed dating meeting for singles as a casual and fun way to meet other local international singles.

It’s on Friday May 24 at Le Grand Café in Malaga at 8.30pm where you’ll get the chance to meet many dates, each lasting around five minutes, plenty of time to see if there’s a spark. Ladies stay at the same table and gentlemen rotate. If it’s your first time and you’re feeling a bit nervous don’t worry, most people will be attending for the first time and the fantastic hosts are on hand to help everyone feel welcome and break the ice.

To maintain an equal ratio of men and women, this is a ticketed event. Tickets at €15 can be purchased online at and, please note that entry on the night will be based on the balance of attendees. To avoid the

possibility of being turned away for Speed Dating it is strongly recommended to secure your ticket in advance.

On arrival the hosts will give you a name badge and explain how the speed dating event works. You will have the first hour to mingle and enjoy your complimentary welcome drink as everyone arrives.

You will make a note of each date on your scorecard to hand in at the end and afterwards, feel free to hang out and hopefully get a chance to pick up where you left off with one or two of your favourite dates. And the organisers will contact you the following day with your matches.

Good luck!


David Hart

DIVE into the extraordinary spectacle of ‘Wonderland’ premiering on Thursday June 20 at Minnelli’s in Benalmadena. This unique spectacle melds the mystique of Victorian drama with the allure of cabaret, inviting you into a realm where dreams and reality intertwine. Prepare to be captivated by a gripping tale of Alice, trapped in a Victorian sanitarium, yearning to retreat into her own whimsical realm of Wonderland. As her journey unfolds, immerse yourself in a world where reality blurs and fantasies come to life before your eyes. This immersive experience is perfect for those who crave a theatrical experience that transcends

the ordinary through live singing, dance, magic, drag performances and more. Whether you’re a theatre enthusiast, a lover of cabaret, or simply seeking an escape from the mundane, Wonderland promises an unforgettable adventure featuring Chris Kidd, Laura Carter, Dafne Mugler, Talavera and Mikey Mathieson.

Secure your tickets now and become part of the enchantment! Don’t miss your chance to step into the magic of ‘Wonderland’.

Book your tickets now at https:// ticket packages are available from €10 up to the VIP package at €25 which includes a glass of cava on arrival.

Hog Roast

Brian Bamford

THE Foreign Residents Association of Estepona (AREME), is hosting a Charity Hog Roast on Sunday June 16, which is being held at Sol y Sierra, Parque Antena (Rita’s Bar) from 1pm to 6pm. There will be live music with Karen Danzig and a hog roast by the Marbella Hog Roast Company with all profits from the raffle going to AREME’s charity.

This year they are raising the money for the Estepona soup kitchen which cooks food for local families and offers a delivery service.

Karen Danzig is a British singer mostly known for her success in the Clubland genre of Dance music. Karen will be entertaining you as you enjoy great food.

Tickets are €30 from: info.areme2022@gmail. com, visit Rita’s Bar or contact Jim Stevenson on +34 677 866 953.

EWN 16 - 22 May 2024 II SOCIALSCENE 36 Sponsored by
Photo: Minnelli’s Photo: Shutterstock / Kzenon Photo: Marbella Hog Roast Company

Torremolinos 2024

COLOUR, joy and inclusion are the words with which Torremolinos will be most identified in Pride 2024, which will take place from Wednesday May 29 to Sunday June 2.

“This is not a party for the LGTBI community, it is a party that comes from the community, but for everyone, involving everyone, and that is how we feel”, declared the mayor, Margarita del Cid. Torremolinos is an inclusive municipality and one of the most eagerly awaited celebrations of the year is once again going to paint the streets with colour, diversity and, above all, equality.

declaration of intent that perfectly identifies the feelings of Torremolinos regarding diversity.

Join us for a Magical Breakfast with Elsa and Olaf at La Sala Puerto Banus

GET ready to experience the enchantment of a winter wonderland right here in Marbella! Join us at La Sala Puerto Banus on Sunday, June 30, at 11am for an extraordinary Breakfast event featuring Elsa and Olaf from the beloved movie ‘Frozen’. Set in our newly refurbished Live Lounge, this event promises a morning filled with magic and smiles.

Pride 2024 brings together around 40,000 people in the town every year.The official start of Pride will take place on Wednesday May 29 at midday, in the Plaza de La Nogalera, with the unfurling of the flag and the highlight will undoubtedly be the Pride Parade on Saturday June 1. Starting from Torremolinos Town Hall in Plaza Blas Infante, at 5pm there will be a large number of fun floats parading through the streets of Torremolinos, accompanied by thousands of participants and onlookers under the slogan ‘Embracing cultures, building bridges. Diversity is part of our DNA’. “The slogan is a

“Because this Pride is not only about sexual diversity; it is also about cultural and social diversity, understanding that everything that makes us different is an opportunity to learn, to connect, to exchange,” said the mayor. Music and dance transform the town into an open-air party, the programme planned for Pride 2024 in Torremolinos includes almost 40 activities not forgetting the Beach Party on Bajondillo Beach on Sunday June 2. According to Del Cid: “This year, Pride 2024 will be the first step in our candidacy to host Europride in 2027. This edition of Pride has had the collaboration of many people and entities and I would like to thank you all for your involvement.”

Families with children of all ages are invited to reserve a table and witness the magic as Elsa and Olaf entertain the little ones with a series of fun activities. Tickets are priced at just €25 each, which includes a delicious breakfast and a drink. Children under two can join in the fun free of charge. Please note that tickets must be purchased and paid in advance of the event. While the children enjoy their time with Elsa and Olaf, parents can relax and soak in the vibrant atmosphere of La Sala. This event is a wonderful opportunity for families to start their day with a touch of magic and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Don’t miss out on this magical morning!

To secure your spot for Breakfast with Elsa and Olaf, contact La Sala at or call 952 814 145

EWN 16 - 22 May 2024 SOCIALSCENE II 37 Sponsored by
Photo: Facebook / Turismo Torremolinos

Bar, Restaurant and Take Away s LA PARRA GOLD: The Backstreet Gem ADVERTISING FEATURE

SITUATED in the heart of Fuengirola, La Parra Gold is a hidden treasure that every visitor must discover. Known for its charming ambiance and delicious offerings, this local favourite is making waves, especially with the culinary delights provided by John The Fish.

John The Fish is renowned for serving the best Fish & Chips in Fuengirola, making La Parra Gold a must-visit for both locals and tourists. Operating from Monday to Friday, the restaurant opens its doors at 5pm and remains open until late, ensuring that evening diners can enjoy a leisurely meal. For those looking to host a private event, La Parra Gold is also open during lunch times, accommodating private groups, events, or parties with prior arrangements.

One of the standout features of La Parra Gold is its unbeatable takeaway special. For just €11, you can enjoy a generous portion of Fish and Chips with any side order, a meal substantial enough to share. Additionally, the menu boasts a home-made steak pie served with boiled potatoes, a hearty option that promises to satisfy even the most discerning palates.

Located conveniently in Los Boliches, La Parra Gold can be found between the Bell & Bottle bar and Woody’s Book Shop on Calle Poeta Salvador

Rueda, just behind the Ilunion Hotel. This prime location makes it an easy and accessible spot for a delightful meal.

To ensure a spot at this popular venue, it’s advisable to book a table in advance. You can make a reservation by calling 678 292 792. Whether you’re a local looking for a new favourite spot or a tourist seeking an authentic dining experience, La Parra Gold promises a memorable culinary adventure in the heart of Fuengirola. Come and taste the difference that has everyone talking!

Flamenco star

JUANFRA CARRASCO and El Perla are in concert at the Teatro Auditorio Felipe VI in Estepona on Saturday May 18 at 9pm.

Juan Francisco Carrasco, flamenco singer and composer, is better known in the history of the art of flamenco singing under his stage name Juanfran Carrasco. He started very young in his village, going on stage for the first time when he was only six years old and his professional career began at the age of 15, with his participation in the programme ‘Duende Flamenco’ on the regional television of Extremadura. At the age of 16 he took part in the prestigious Don Benito Flamenco Festival, sharing the bill with figures such as Luis El Zambo and Miguel de Tena.

Now he is coming to Estepona so get your tickets from the TAF Estepona website.

EWN 16 - 22 May 2024 II SOCIALSCENE 38 Sponsored by
Brian Bamford Photo: Facebook / Juanfran Carrasco

Dogs line up for charity

THE Fidelio Benalmadena Dog Shelter is organising a big charity event on Sunday May 19 from midday until 4pm with a dog model runway competition and a dog training demonstration. All funds raised go towards keeping the shelter open which is located at Cam. de la Fuentezuela in Benalmadena Pueblo near the footbal stadium and which is the venue for the charity day.

The founder and president of the Fidelio shelter is Helen Williams who has dedicated her entire life to running the dog shelter and who says, “by adopting you don’t save the world, but you save that dog’s world.” The dog shelter is non-profit and has saved the lives of

hundreds of dogs. They even send homeless dogs for adoption to places as far as Finland, Germany, Denmark, United Kingdom. The shelter is run strictly by volunteers and events like this are essential to help with running costs as they are financed solely through donations and events so they’re counting on your help. There are great prizes to be won on the day of the event including: a one month pass to a gym, pool and sauna; a massage, a family (and pet) photoshoot and one year’s pet liability insurance among others. Any donations of dog food or treats on the day are very welcome and for more information about the shelter see the website:

San Juan festival

Kevin Fraser Park

ALHAURIN DE LA TORRE is getting ready to celebrate its fiesta around San Juan Bautista, on the weekend of June 1 and 2 with the celebration of the Romería. There will be two days of tradition, fun and live music, an equestrian show, and numerous carts and floats are expected to be present. The departure from the church of San Sebastián to the esplanade of Arroyo El Pinar will take place from 6pm on Sa-

turday June 1. An hour before, at 5pm, will be the mass in honour of San Juan Bautista, enlivened on this occasion by the Ortigosa Brothers, the well-known Andalucian music duo who will also perform on the same night, at 10pm, at the Arroyo El Pinar. Live music will be one of the main attractions. In addition to the Ortigosa family, Las Chicas de la Farándula will perform on Saturday at midnight and on Sunday, María

de la Colina will entertain the crowds at 4pm and the Raya Real choir, from approximately 5.30pm onwards. DJ Eldrian will provide entertainment into the early hours of Sunday morning. There will once again be a public transport service so that local residents can attend the events without having to use their cars. Information about the different timetables and stops will soon be available on the town hall website and social networks.

EWN 16 - 22 May 2024 SOCIALSCENE II 39 Sponsored by
Photo: pxhere CC
Facebook / Alhaurin Town Hall

Join the fun at The Irish Times Bar

Your ultimate destination for entertainment and hospitality

LOCATED in the heart of Calahonda, the Irish Times Bar beckons with its vibrant ambiance and unmatched hospitality. If you’re on the lookout for a place where live sports, late-night fun, and a warm welcome converge, look no further. Here’s why the Irish Times Bar should be at the top of your must-visit list.

Calling all sports enthusiasts! The Irish Times Bar is your sanctuary for all things athletic. With five screens, including an impressive 200-inch display, you’ll never miss a single moment of the action, whether it’s football, rugby, or tennis. And to sweeten the deal, we offer complimentary hot snacks during half-time, ensuring you stay fuelled up for the excitement.

But the excitement doesn’t end with sports. Step into our modern and spacious bar, where comfort meets convenience. With air conditioning to keep you cool and plenty of seating, you’ll feel right at home.

Families are always welcome, and with amenities like a pool table and a slush puppy machine, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. For the summer we are thrilled to showcase our Cocktail Machine with a selection of cocktails for €7.50.

What truly sets the Irish Times Bar apart are our weekly events and specials. Experience the thrill of Monday Madness with hourly offers that’ll leave you delighted. Quench your thirst on Thirsty Tuesday with beer

buckets priced at just €10. And don’t miss out on our midweek pick-meup with Happy Hour deals from Wednesday to Friday, 5.00pm to 7.00pm.

As Calahonda’s premier late-night hotspot, the Irish Times Bar keeps the party going seven nights a week. From Thursday to Sunday, prepare to be dazzled by live entertainment that will keep you coming back for more.

For music lovers, our live performances every Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 10.00pm. We are delighted to announce the wonderful Terri & Ian will be back centre stage every Thursday.

Tuesday saw the return of the Pool competition. A great tur-

nout and the winner Rosanna MacConeghy walked away with €300.00, so if you’re up for a challenge, join us for our pool competitions, where the skill on display is nothing short of phenomenal. Check out Fb for the next competition.

Stay connected with the Irish Times Bar on Facebook to stay in the loop about upcoming events and competitions. Whether you’re seeking an electrifying match, a night filled with live music, or simply good company, the Irish Times Bar guarantees an unbeatable atmosphere, all at prices that won’t break the bank every day of the week.

Av. de España 18-19, Buenavista, Sitio de Calahonda, Mijas 722 766 277

EWN 16 - 22 May 2024 II SOCIALSCENE 40 Sponsored by

Summer Craft Market

THE Fuengirola Craft Market will be held for another year on the Paseo Marítimo de Los Boliches on the stretch between the arroyo Real and the monument to La Peseta. From June 14 until September 15 a total of 10 wooden huts will offer all kinds of artisan products.

“Artisan work is a more sustainable and environmentally friendly form of production as it is carried out manually and with natural materials,” said Francisco Javier García Lara, councillor for Commerce and Public Roads, adding that, “this market is also a tourist attraction and an added attraction for our Paseo Marítimo and

a great way to boost employment.”

The market features craft stalls and organic products that is usually open from 8pm until late into the evening.

On the stalls of the craft market you can find many local artisans and artists, confectioners and farmers with organic products.

It is a market that is very popular with both local residents and visitors to Fuengirola and is very important for all those artisans who work with traditional materials including metal, leather, glass and stone. “The market aims to be a showcase for these crafts which can be appreciated by our neighbours,” said García Lara.

20th anniversary summer party

Brian Bamford

CLUB DE LEONES, the German-speaking Lions Club in Marbella, is celebrating their 20th anniversary.

In keeping with the occasion, they are holding a grand celebration in a wonderful location, with great live music and even greater guests. It’s on Saturday June 8 on the terrace of the Hapimag Resort, on the Paseo in Marbella. It will be a charity gala in the style of a summer night party, with a summery, festive atmosphere and a summer night dress code. Guests will be greeted with music by Igor Saxofon from 7pm, after which cocktails will be served on the terrace.

The Hapimag kitchen is offering a Mediterranean buffet before the party begins. Them Fixation, Marbella’s No. 1 party band, will start the show complemented by two highlights: the Ultimate Cher, who will really heat things up, and Los Amanos, a duo with Lions member Dr Garbiel Grabowski featuring South American sounds for the soul.

There are five Lions Clubs in Marbella. With almost 60 members, the German-speaking club is by far the largest and most active of them. Why German-speaking? Many different nationalities live here on the Costa del Sol,

including many German-speaking people from Austria, Switzerland and Germany. Some spend part or all of their retirement here, others moved to the Costa del Sol a long time ago. This event is an opportunity to get together and also raise funds for charity. The admission price is €130, with the profits going to the children’s charity Cadi and, to help raise money for the Lions charities, there will also be a raffle on the night.

So, please register for the big party, for more information and bookings, email:

EWN 16 - 22 May 2024 SOCIALSCENE II 41 Sponsored by
Photo: Ultimate Cher Photo: Fuengirola Town Hall

Brian Bamford

‘A boho chic oasis’

ZOCO Café Marbella has opened its doors to offer an unparalleled dining experience in the heart of Puerto Banus.

Located within the Zoco Home showroom in Marbella, this restaurant presents itself as a bohochic, cosy haven where elegance and innovation merge to delight lovers of good food and interior design. With a careful selection of ingredients and a focus on healthy cuisine, Zoco Café Marbella invites diners on a sensory journey where every detail has been meticulously thought out. From the selection of organic coffee beans to the exquisite pastry options

and the light and fresh dishes by chef Paula MartínMateos.

“We want to offer more than just good food; we want to offer an immersive experience,” explained Johanna Weckström, founder of Zoco Café Marbella and Zoco Home, the leading European interior design and furnishing firm in the ethnic-Scandinavian style that houses this culinary corner at the entrance to Puerto Banus.

made desserts, such as carrot cake and pistachio cheesecake, are the icing on the cake of this new gastronomic corner.

Zoco Café Marbella is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm and Saturdays from 9am to 4pm, offering visitors the opportunity to enjoy its culinary delights in an elegant and welcoming atmosphere.

The menu offers a variety of natural and organic dishes, including breakfast options such as açaí bowls, avocado toast and eggs Benedict, as well as fresh salads, wraps and burgers for lunch. Home-

For more information and bookings, contact Zoco Café Marbella by email at N-340, Km 175, Local 2, C.C, Nueva Andalucía, 29660 Rimesa, 635 546 360

Photos: Zoco Home

Food fair in Mijas

THE Sabor a Malaga (Taste of Malaga) fair is coming to Mijas from Friday May 17 to Sunday May 19 following successful events held at the beginning of March in Torremolinos and in April in Benalmadena.

The President of the Provincial Council, Francisco Salado, said that, “we always go hand in hand with producers so that they can promote and sell their products,” adding that, “the Sabor a Malaga fairs on the Costa del Sol have always been successful.”

The fair, where market stalls will be selling local products each day, opens at 11am until 10pm on Friday and Saturday and 11am to 9pm on Sunday.

On Friday there will be a cooking competition, a wine tasting and a chance to learn about Malaga wines and, in the evening from 6pm, the Plaza Virgen de la Peña plays host to Flamenco dance performances and a Flamenco guitar concert. On Saturday at midday Sabor

a Malaga has organised a presention about the products of the fair to English-speaking visitors. Flamenco dance will once again entertain the crowds from 6pm and at 9pm the Plaza sees a concert by the Jocker Rock Band.

On Sunday the kids can enjoy a confectionery and bakery workshop and at midday there is a presentation and tasting of the best goat cheeses from the Malaga region. Chocolates Maychoco will be in the Plaza from 3pm with a presentation and tasting and at 8pm there is a concert from the music band of Mijas to close the fair.

A great weekend is in store for residents and visitors to Mijas, the sun will be shining and the weather is warm so don’t miss it.

Sponsored by

Michael Carrington COME on down, step up to the oche, and play darts at The Cazbah on Wednesday June 19 with La Cala de Mijas Lions.

Based on the old TV show Bullseye staring Jim Bowen. This event is a combination of darts and questions. Teams need to be one dart player and three quizzers. The entry tickets will be on sale soon at the Lions Charity shop. Make sure you bring your ticket with you as there is a free draw.

The actual game will start at 3.15pm but get there early to get a good view of the stage. For those of you who remember: “You can’t beat a bit of Bully” and “Have a look at what you could have won.”

Tickets are on sale at the Lions Charity Shop on Calle Torremolinos in La Cala at €10 per person. There will be a prize for one lucky ticket holder.

EWN 16 - 22 May 2024 SOCIALSCENE II 43
Photo: Facebook / Sabor a Malaga Aiming for a bullseye Photo:
Rawpixel CC

Ricky Martin at Starlite

INTERNATIONAL star Ricky Martin is returning to Starlite Occident on Thursday July 25.

BACK by popular demand, Ricky Martin returns to Spain in July 2024 with his new concert series ‘Ricky Martin Live 2024’ with performances in Sevilla, Madrid, Barcelona, Granada, Valencia and Palma de Mallorca. And the Starlite festival will be the venue for a concert in Marbella.

Since his last two completely sold out shows at Starlite, fans, through social networks, have been asking Ricky Martin to return to Spain and finally 13 concert dates during the month of July 2024 have been officially announced. Ricky, known for giving the best live performances throughout his successful artistic career, has already

started the preparation for the concerts, which will include his long list of hits accompanied by his band and dancers, together with a great production and staging.

Admired by millions around the world for his instinctive understanding of rhythm and performance, his unique voice and his activism, Ricky returns to the Costa del Sol’s most important boutique festival to delight audiences with his greatest hits.

Thursday July 25 will be a unique opportunity this summer to enjoy Ricky Martin’s great show in a privileged setting. Secure your tickets now via the Starlite website.

Magical ‘White Night’

MALAGA’s Noche en Blanco 2024 will be held on Saturday May 18 with the slogan ‘The Magical’ with a programme of 151 free activities between 8pm and 1am.

Most of the activities scheduled for this night revolve around the theme chosen by popular vote: ‘The Magical’. The full programme is available at the following link: www.lanocheenblanco There will be music in Patio de las Cadenas of Malaga Cathedral and in Plaza de la Merced. While in Plaza del Obispo, musical groups linked to the ‘Fundación Musical Málaga’ will perform, in Plaza de la Marina the ‘Orquesta del Soho’ will play, and in Plaza de la Constitución the ‘Orquesta Sinfónica’ perform a concert dedicated to famous soundtracks from television series. In Plaza de la Marina there is a tribute to the magic of Malaga’s sunsets with two musical performances: a selection of hits from the 80s and 90s by members of the Larios Pop del Soho Symphony Orchestra, from the Caixabank Soho Theatre; and a con-

cert by one of the most famous Spanish rock bands: La Guardia. Finally, one of the most eagerly awaited activities of the Noche en Blanco are the guided tours of the Alcazaba. Registrations can be made digitally through the Eventbrite website. Those interested will be able to choose one of the five available tours each hour between 8pm and midnight. And as is tradition on this night, the Malaga Tourist Bus joins in with the ‘Magic Walk’ featuring a panoramic tour of the city through an hour-long route. Around 40,000 flyers in English and Spanish will be distributed in hotels and in all tourist offices as Malaga invites visitors of different nationalities to enjoy this cultural night dedicated to ‘The Magical’.

EWN 16 - 22 May 2024 II SOCIALSCENE 44 Sponsored by

Italians say “I do” in the nude

Pandamonium in Chinese zoo

SOME people get married on a boat, some in a eld, some on a mountain, but there are also those who would like to do it naked by the sea, perhaps on a beautiful beach in Sardinia. Just a bouquet of owers for the bride and a bow tie for the groom, then nature will do the rest.

After receiving a request from a German couple, to be able to get married in the nude on the beach on the border of Is Arenas, the mayor of San Vero Milis, in the Oristano area, has decided to make this

wish come true. Luigi Tedeschi is obtaining the necessary authorisations so that the naturist beach of Is Benas can become a place where civil ceremonies can be o cially celebrated without clothes, so that those who wish can fully experience the culture of nudity.

There are many couples wishing to marry by the sea, especially from Europe where there are about 20 million naturism practitioners. In Italy, on the other hand, there are about 500,000.

For Tedeschi, this could be an important opportunity for the development of active and eco-sustainable tourism.

The initiative is supported and promoted by the Nudiverso association, which has always been committed to spreading and promoting nudist culture. “We are working to break down fences, in a peaceful coexistence between those who decide to wear a costume and those who choose not to wear one,” said spokesperson Pamela Deiana.

A PAIR of Chow Chows have been causing ‘pandamonium’ after being exhibited as panda dogs in the small Taizhou Zoo in China.

They appear quite oblivious to the fact that they have been dyed black and white with splodges of colour in order to make them appear as panda like as possible.

Whilst some visitors took it in good stead, others have reportedly complained that they have been deceived into believing that the zoo somehow

discovered a completely new breed which was related in some way to the Giant Panda.

According to a report in Global Times, the English Language media arm of the Chinese Communist Party, the Xiong Mao Quan (Panda Dogs) were unveiled for the May Day holidays with tickets priced at 20 yuan (€2.60) per adult and 10 yuan per child for entry.

A worker employed by the zoo told the Global Times that the zoo does not consider their scheme to be a case of fraud. “This

is just a new display we o er to visitors. We are not charging extra. The wording featuring Chow Chow dogs is correct and exactly describes what they are, so we are not cheating our visitors.”

Recently, a café in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, o ered to dye your pet dog’s fur with the classic black and white marking of a panda for only 1,500 yuan (€196).

The zoo claims that the dye is harmless but admits that this promotion has attracted more visitors than usual.

45 16 - 22 May 2024 • News •
NUDIST BEACH: There are many couples who wish to marry by the sea. The zoo insists they explain the animals are Chow Chows.
Credit: Global News/
Photo: Shutterstock / Alex Zabusik

Behind the scenes with Josh and Nish

Catherine McGeer

ON a sunny September morning in Albir on the Costa Blanca, the Euro Weekly News office is bustling with activity. The last scenes are being shot for the episode of Sky Max’s hit TV series Hold the Front Page featuring the dynamic duo of Josh Widdicombe and Nish Kumar are in the making.

Josh and Nish spent some time working as local reporters for the Euro Weekly News and their time on the coast of Spain is coming to an end. The crew meticulously arranges shots while animatedly chatting about the highlights of their time here.

Josh and Nish dressed in their cream linen suits and Panama-style hats patiently perfected their scenes entering and arriving at the office time and again. As the director gives a nod of approval, I seize the opportunity to sit down with the two British comedians. I am eager to find out more about their insights on the world of local reporting in Benidorm and the surrounding areas.

Tell me about your experience and what you enjoyed about it.

Josh: I’ve loved it I’ve had a really nice time. Slightly too hot at times, I’m not good with the heat I struggle with the heat but beyond that, I loved my time. As I said to Michel and Steven (the owners of the Euro Weekly News) the paper is central to the community and so multicultural.

Nish: It’s been interesting to see a side to Benidorm that’s actually people

We really enjoyed going up to Polop, it was nice to go up to the hills and see towns where people actually live, that was really lovely. It’s completely different. I guess there are two Benidorm’s, the one that people visit and the one that people live in. Benidorm is its own little place.

Is there anything you didn’t like?

Josh: I wouldn’t say the centre of the Benidorm strip on an evening is the best place to be when you have recently quit drinking! Let’s put it that way.

Nish: Yeah, it’s a boozy place but again that’s one of the two Benidorm’s, the tourist side is definitely a particular flavour.

Yes, Benidorm is unique to the rest of Spain but it is a really fun place.

Josh: I loved the TV show Eldorado back in the day so it was good to live it.

Nish: I have never heard of this TV programme!

Josh: Benidorm is like Eldorado but with less drama…

Nish: I was disappointed not to run into Ray Winston in orange underpants. Sexy Beast is really my version of English people living in Spain. I guess in retrospect it’s probably a good idea we didn’t run into any of them.

What surprised you the most?

Nish: Well I guess you have no sense of what people who actually live here are

keep my pink sunglasses.

Josh: I lost mine on day one.

So have you lost your sunny outlook on life then?

Josh: Well that’s what I’m blaming. I found the Euro Weekly News had a unique approach to the news in that it is good to be somewhere where there is positive news. It’s a good lesson to take into life but I’ll probably forget by the time I’ve landed in the UK.

like. So that was really nice and surprising and pleasant.

Josh: Yeah I thought meeting Colin (they are referring to one of the articles they wrote Dragtastic which appeared in the Costa Blanca North edition on October 4) was just incredible. You see a man who has come out here and created a totally unique life as a drag artist. Doing six shows a week, you are probably going to struggle to do that in the UK.

Nish: Yes, I don’t think the combination of horse sanctuary and drag artist is one that is very typical. It is quite specific and quite difficult to pull off and also just the fact that you can have that amount of farmland where those animals can safely live and then he can drive an hour and a half down the road and do a drag show is a very specific thing to be able to do.

Josh: I was also impressed at people drinking lager at breakfast!

Nish: Breakfast lager €1 a pint!

What was your favourite story that you covered?

Nish: Definitely Colin.

Josh: Colin as well, but I’ll say something else. Psychic dating was certainly a unique experience

So will you guys be keeping the pink sunglasses for life?

Nish: Yes I am definitely going to

The Euro Weekly News episode of Hold the Front Page aired on Sky Max on May 8 and for those who missed it, it should be available to see on catch up.

What was the difference between covering the local news in the UK and here in Spain?

Nish: It’s so hyper-specific. It isn’t just about an area, it’s about a specific community within an area. We always knew this was going to be an episode unlike any we’ve done across two series of the show.

Josh: Also, and I can’t emphasise this enough, Michel is the best-dressed editor we’ve worked with.

Were you scared of the nails?

Josh: They did initially but I’d say she’s not as scary as she tries to make out.

Nish: Yeah, she’s lovely.

Catherine: Yes, she is quite inspiring to work for.

Nish:Yeah great, I bet she is.

Josh: You’ll have to grow those nails out!

Catherine: I’m working on it!

46 16 - 22 May 2024 • Feature •
Credit: EWN
Josh and Nish with Michel and Steven and Lynn from the EWN team. Josh and Nish with Steven and Ben. Credit:

Norway May 17

MAY 17 is a day of significance for Norwegians worldwide. This cherished celebration marks the signing of Norway’s constitution in 1814.

One of the most iconic traditions is the wearing of the bunad, a Norwegian folk costume worn by men and women. Each garment features intricate details that reflect the wearer’s regional heritage. It is often teamed with silver accessories and buckled shoes. The costumes are often passed from generation to generation and become cherished family heirlooms.

Another prevalent tradition is the May 17 breakfast, which includes Champagne or sparkling wine with scrambled eggs and smoked salmon.

Peter Qvam, a school headmaster, is thought to have come up with the idea of holding a children’s parade as part of the celebrations in 1869. Qvam was a close friend of the author Bjornstjerne Bjornson.

Norway’s Constitution Day not only symbolises unity, but also resilience, in remembrance of the nation’s journey towards sovereignty.

Whilst the celebrations have evolved over the years, they remain a key part of the country’s cultural identity.

In 1906, King Haakon and Queen Maud introduced the custom of appearing on the Palace balcony to greet the children’s parade. This custom has been maintained ever since, except for 1910, when the Royal Family attended the funeral of King Edward VII, and during the Second World War years.

Today, the Royal Family gathers to greet the children’s parade from the palace balcony each year. Her Royal Highness Princess Ingrid Alexandra is the fifth generation to uphold this cherished tradition.


Speaking European –Jonas Olsson

JONAS OLSSON became familiar with the Torrevieja area through frequent visits with his golf-loving parents, soaking in the Spanish sun.

After years of such visits and the addition of two children with his partner, they seized the opportunity to relocate to the pleasant climate.

Jonas and his partner Caroline, who worked in the Swedish Health Service system for a long time as chiropractors, decided to pursue their dreams and open a clinic in the vici nity of Torrevieja. Despite the hurdles posed by Covid-19, they courageously pursued their vision and succeeded in establishing a thriving business, Swedish chiropractor in Los Dolses .

cultures and unfamiliar territories. Now, with his focus squarely on his children’s well-being, Jonas finds profound contentment in their happiness.

While missing family and friends back home is natural, Jonas draws strength from his prior experiences living abroad, which have equipped him to navigate new

Jonas Olsson has built a new life in Spain.

The change has brought Jonas immense satisfaction, not only for the weather but also for the quality of Spanish education, evident in his children’s multilingualism and seamless integration into Spanish culture.

“They have friends from various nationalities with whom they can enjoy spending plenty of time outdoors, which is incredibly enriching” Jonas said. Whilst life in Spain is clearly very different from Sweden, these are challenges that people are happy to encounter to discover another life philosophy.

47 16 - 22 May 2024 • News / Feature •
Credit: Zaid Ismail Flickr
Lively celebrations in Norway.

Glowing glamour

IN summer 2024, the allure of glossy skin and high-shine make-up finishes will continue to captivate beauty enthusiasts worldwide. This trend, which gained momentum in recent years, shows no signs of fading as individuals embrace a radiant and luminous complexion.

From dewy foundations to glossy lip glosses, the emphasis remains on achieving a youthful and healthy glow. High-shine finishes add dimension and depth to make-up looks, creating a mesmerising effect that catches the light and enhances natural features.

Whether opting for subtle shimmer or bold gloss, individuals are drawn to the effortless elegance and modern sophistication of glossy skin and high-shine make-up. As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of beauty trends, one thing remains certain, that the timeless allure of luminous skin and radiant finishes is here to stay.

EWN 16 - 22 May 2024 II HEALTH & BEAUTY 48 Sponsored by Shutterstock / Subbotina Anna

Daring hair trend

MICRO-FRINGES, the daring and dramatic hair trend, are capturing the attention of fashion-forward indivi duals worldwide. Characterised by their ultra-short length, these fringes sit well above the eyebrows and often feature a blunt, choppy finish that makes a bold statement. This edgy style draws inspiration from vintage looks of the 1950s and 1960s but with a modern twist, reflecting a rebellious, avant-garde aesthetic.

The rise in popularity of micro-fringes can be attributed to their versatility and the unique flair they add to any hairstyle. They can be paired with long, flowing locks, bobs, or pixie cuts, providing a striking contrast that enhances facial features. Celebrities and influencers have embraced this trend, showcasing the look on red carpets and social media, which has played a significant role in their resurgence.

Micro-bangs are not just a fashion statement; they allow individuals to express their personality and individuality. As more people seek distinctive styles to stand out, micro-fringes offer a fresh, eye-catching option in the evolving world of hair fashion.

Lifestyle choices

DEMENTIA, a debilitating condition affecting memory and cognitive abilities, can be daunting, but certain lifestyle choices can help mitigate its onset. Experts suggest a holistic approach focusing on both physical and mental health to keep dementia at bay.

Firstly, maintaining a healthy diet plays a crucial role. Foods rich in antioxidants, such as leafy greens, berries, and nuts, are essential, as they combat brain cell damage from oxidative stress. Additionally, regular intake of omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish like salmon and trout, supports brain health.

Physical activity is equally important; engaging in regular exerci-

se increases blood flow to the brain, which is vital for maintaining cognitive function. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, including strength training, which has been linked to improved brain health.

Mental stimulation is another key factor. Challenging the brain with puzzles, reading, or learning new skills can enhance neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to form and reorganise synaptic connections.

Lastly, social engagement and maintaining strong relationships contribute to emotional health and reduce stress, which can exacerbate dementia symptoms. Combining

these strategies offers a robust defence against the onset of dementia,

enhancing overall well-being and cognitive

EWN 16 - 22 May 2024 HEALTH & BEAUTY II 49

Relaunch of the House Beauty Salon

THE House Beauty Salon in Calahonda has just had a glamorous relaunch party, and we were lucky enough to attend the festivities. Anita and Thomas, the dynamic duo behind this beloved salon, have been revolutionising hair and beauty on the Costa Del Sol for over a decade. With their expertise and dedication, they’ve built a team of fully qualified staff who are committed to delivering top-notch service.

As summer approaches, there’s no better time to whip our bodies into shape, and The House Beauty Salon is here to help. Their newly improved salon offers an array of fantastic treatments, with staff readily available to answer questions and provide expert guidance. Using only the finest products, they offer everything from waxing to eyebrow shaping, lashes, body toning, and even laser treatments. And let’s not forget about the luxurious manicures, pedicures, and massages that are sure to leave you feeling pampered and rejuvenated.

While The House Beauty Salon originated in hairdressing, Anita, Thomas,

and their team are thrilled to venture into this next season with a renewed focus on comprehensive beauty services. Whether you’re in need of a quick touch-up or a full-blown makeover, you can trust The House Beauty Salon to deliver exceptional results with a touch of Mediterranean flair. Get ready to look and feel your best this summer with a visit to The House Beauty Salon.

C.C. Los Olivos, Local 8, 29649, Calahonda, Malaga • 951 666 774

SOMETIMES we forget to pay the required attention to our health thereby forgetting to perform routine health checks. In our clinic not only will you find the best health care professionals who can help you with this, but they also help you obtain results quickly. You will find the best professionals and the fastest results. Don’t leave it any longer, if you were thinking about having to visit a specialist, call us and let’s schedule an appointment for you!

Avenida de España 20, Local 5 sitio de Calahonda, Malaga. +34 952 933 377

Sweet solutions

REDUCING sugar intake is a vital step towards a healthier lifestyle, and making simple swaps can make a significant difference.

Instead of sugary sodas, opt for sparkling water infused with fruit for a refreshing and hydrating alter native. When craving a sweet

ned yoghurt with berries instead of reaching for sugary snacks. Replace sugary breakfast cereals with whole grain options topped with nuts and seeds for added nutrition and sustained energy. Additionally, swap sugary sauces like ketchup and barbecue sauce for homemade versions with less sugar or opt for herbs and spices to add flavour to meals. By incorporating these easy swaps into your diet, you can reduce your sugar intake and improve your overall health and well-being.

EWN 16 - 22 May 2024 II HEALTH & BEAUTY 50

Digital nutrition

ORDERING personalised vitamins online has revolutionised how we approach supplemen tation, offering convenience and customisa tion at our fingertips.

The process typically begins with an onli ne assessment, where users provide infor mation about their health goals, lifestyle, and dietary preferences. Based on this data, al gorithms generate personalised vitamin re commendations tailored to individual needs. This streamlined process eliminates the guesswork and ensures users receive vitamins that address their specific deficiencies and optimise their well-being.

Moreover, online platforms often offer subscription services, delivering vitamins directly to your doorstep on a regular basis, saving time and hassle.

However, potential drawbacks include the reliance on self-reported information, which may not always accurately reflect individual health needs, and the lack of in-person guidance from healthcare professionals. Despite these limitations, the ease and accessibility of

ordering personalised vitamins online make it a convenient option for those seeking tailored wellness solutions.

Crown comfort

IN the realm of personal care, the scalp often takes a back seat to other parts of the body. However, neglecting scalp health can have significant consequences for both men and women.

A well-nourished scalp is the foundation for healthy hair growth, as it promotes stronger, shinier locks and prevents issues like dandruff and scalp irritation. Furthermore, maintaining a healthy scalp can contribute to overall well-being, reducing the risk of discomfort and boosting confidence.

Simple practices such as regular cleansing, moisturising, and protecting the scalp from environmental stressors like the sun can go a long way in preserving its health. By prioritising scalp care, individuals can enjoy not just luscious locks, but also a happier, more comfortable lifestyle.

EWN 16 - 22 May 2024 HEALTH & BEAUTY II 51
Shutterstock/ kei907

BA disabled review

IT is di cult enough to deal with transit through most airports if you are healthy and t but for those with disabilities, ying can be a nightmare.

British Airways (BA) has not always been at the forefront of disabled passenger care but hopefully this is about to change as British Airways has created its new Customer Access Advisory Panel, aimed at engaging with members of the community to improve the endto-end experience for its customers with accessibili-

ty requirements.

The independent panel, comprised of individuals with both visible and non-visible disabilities, will come together every few months to provide invaluable feedback and discuss and review new initiatives, to ensure that British Airways’ products and services are designed and built with accessibility and inclusion in mind.

The panel is chaired by Mary Doyle, a proud wheelchair user and accessible aviation consultant who is

dedicated to providing organisations with practical support around inclusivity.

Other panellists include someone who is deaf, another who is blind, a frequent traveller who su ers from autism and another wheelchair user together with the editor of the Disability Power100.

As IAG, the parent of BA also owns Aer Lingus, Iberia and Vueling, it is to be assumed that similar regard for disabled passengers will exist in those companies as well.

Stop this nonsense!

YOU all know I’m not one to moan but sometimes even my sweet temperament is pushed to its limit. I was at the airport waiting to get a ight. I was helped all the way by special assistance and they left me by the gate in a little area where there are only three disabled seats. I parked my wheelchair next to them and then a perfectly healthy young woman came, sat on one and put her bags on another. She proceeded to get her phone out and started doing seles, obviously doing a TikTok or Instagram thingy. I gave her the Mr Grumpy stare but she was totally oblivious to the whole situation. I let it go because after many years of confronting these sel sh idiots you learn to choose your battles. This was one I wouldn’t win. Next, I get to the gate and get charged €46 for my carry on. Again I took it on the chin as I was never going to win a row with Ryanair (journey back cost €6).

Watching MasterChef the other day and a guy taking part was asked what


he did for a living. He replied, ‘I’m Head of Customer Success’. What on earth does that actually mean? So I google it – ‘Head of Customer Success leads the customer success function with a vision and strategy to provide customers with a voice, support, guidance, and knowledge resources that will facilitate the achievement of their business objectives using the organisation’s products and services and drive sales and increased revenue’. What? I still have absolutely no idea what he does for a living but the pay is over £80,000 a year. Not bad for a job that nobody has ever heard of! Utter nonsense! There are so many of these made up names now - fancy being Director of Happiness or Chief People Person - real job titles!! Solutions Specialist sounds interesting! Please stop this nonsense - it’s ridiculous. I went for a meal with my daughter. The ga was pretty dimly lit, or ambient lighting, as they would say. Anyway I couldn’t read the very small writing on the menu. So Sarah read it and ordered a sh dish that we said we would share as we were not that hungry. It was €47, except it wasn’t; it was €47 per person! She didn’t see the tiny p.p in the dark!

Phylloxera Festival in Catalonia

YET another unique and very enjoyable event in Spain is the Phylloxera Festival which takes place in Sant Sadurni d’Anoia (Penedes Catalonia) on September 7 and 8 each year.

It is held to mark the fact that at the end of the 19th century, the Catalan wine-growing regions su ered a major economic crisis due to the phylloxera, a tiny but enormously proli c insect that saw entire vineyards wiped out.

It was only in 1982, that a band of locals decided to host what was then known as the Phylloxera Show and since then it has grown spectacularly.

Now in its 43rd year, the festival sees 230 adults all dressed in bright yellow follow a giant moving insect which they eventually destroy with the application of more than 4,500 reworks.

There is a parade of the so called Seven Wise Men of Greece, a group of vineyard owners who decided to restock the land with vines imported from North America and it is thanks to their e orts that the new grapes were mainly suited to light wines which is why so much cava is bottled in Catalonia.

As with many Spanish festivals, wine (at least 200 bottles), music (at least 100 musicians) and dancing form a major part of the fun and it is even possible for visitors to pre-order and enjoy an inexpensive lunch box containing food and a small bottle of cava. Due to the volume of potentially dangerous reworks, the children have their own somewhat less hazardous parade and 240 of them take part, also dressed in yellow.

Gaudí’s never-ending saga

THE majestic Sagrada Familia in Barcelona still stands amid the cranes, a testament to Antoni Gaudí’s vision, but could the basilica’s 140year construction saga finally be nearing its end?

Well, maybe. The head of the Sagrada Familia foundation reckons we might be looking at wrapping it up in a decade. But there’s a catch: the city council needs to green-light the eyebrow-raising main entrance staircase.

Now, this staircase plan? It’s causing a ruckus. We’re talking about bulldozing three blocks of flats, sending about 1,000 families packing as well as businesses.

Naturally, feathers are ruffled and the basilica’s squabbling with the city council.

Currently, the spotlight’s on completing the central tower dedicated to Jesus, soaring 172.5 metres into the sky. They’re aiming at completing it by next year, coinciding with the centenary of Gaudí’s death and making the church Barcelona’s tallest building.

Some Gaudí buffs are even squa-

bbling over whether the staircase was part of the master plan. But the foundation is adamant: it was.

Funding? Entry tickets foot the bill for this saga that’s never-ending. Since 1882, they’ve been at it, weathering the storms of history, including a Civil War hiatus that left Gaudí’s blueprints in tatters.

Critics have had their say too. Orwell even branded it “one of the most hideous buildings in the world,” moaning about missed anarchist opportunities. Oh, the drama!

Nora Johnson’s 12 critically acclaimed psychological suspense crime thrillers, including the latest ‘The Couple across the Street’ (, all available online at Amazon etc. Profits to Cudeca cancer charity.

52 16 - 22 May 2024 • Feature/News •
John Smith
Credit: British Airways Credit: British Airways
Credit: Ajuntament Sant Sadurni d’Anoia
The new Customer Access Advisory Panel.
all about destroying the giant insect.
MY OPINION Mike’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.
Nora’s opinions are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.


MiColchón masters of rest continue to expand

WITH two additional showrooms in Antequera and Ronda, MiColchón now serves the entire province of Malaga.

The leading chain in the sector also expands its flagship store in Polígono El Viso (Maliga City), adding more than 1,500m2 to its showroom.

The mattresses, sofas and armchairs company will complete its expansion in Malaga Province with its two new openings with the MiColchón shop in Antequera being the first to open its doors in June.

This store is located in the heart of the town, in Calle Infante Don Fernando, and will offer a wide variety of furniture ideal to provide customers with perfect rest, maintaining the high standards that characterise the brand.

In addition, on the occasion of the inauguration, the com-

pany will offer a selection of gifts whilst stocks last as well as special discounts to customers during the first few days of opening.

The opening of the MiColchón shop in Ronda is expected to take place in the summer months, although the company hopes to have it up and running as soon as possible.

These two new establishments mean that MiColchón now has 16 outlets in the provinces of Malaga and Granada but these will not be the last, as MiColchón’s growth is based on ‘bringing the most advanced and healthy rest closer’, consolidating itself as one of the most important corporations in the rest sector with its own network of shops.

The imminent opening in the city of Granada and the ex-

pansion of MiColchón’s flagship shop in Los Vegas, located in the El Viso industrial estate in the city of Malaga, are part of the growth plans for 2024.

This extension will have more than 1,500 m2 of exhibition space, thus reinforcing the largest rest centre in Europe, as there will be almost 4,000 m2 dedicated to rest, sofas and armchairs.

It will be here where the company will present its product range, as the best waterbeds in the world, from Akva, will become available from MiColchón.

This means that most important global firms in the sector will be available to customers who can view and purchase a wide range of models manufactured by Tempur, Flex, Relax, Sealy, Hukla, Emma, Mash, Velfont, Nightland and,

of course, Nessen, the exclusive brand offering from MiColchón.

This range consists of beds and mattresses designed and manufactured to achieve the best rest according to individual needs based on the physiognomy or back ailment of each person. MiColchón also offers a wide variety of payment methods and an excellent delivery, assembly and collection service.

main point of value, they are experts in understanding personal ailments and advise their clients accordingly thanks to their deep knowledge.

MiColchón’s business philosophy is based on advising and recommending the best rest for each customer, with customer satisfaction as the main priority. The mattress specialists are the brand’s

In short, the firm is committed to innovation and a vocation for improvement, researching to adapt to all customer requirements from a therapeutic perspective that comprehensively assesses the person to find the mattress that guarantees their rest which is essential to achieve the best quality of life.

The two new shops join the existing shops in Malaga, Benalmadena, Fuengirola, Marbella, Estepona, Velez-Malaga, Torre del Mar and Motril • • Tel: 951 555 155

53 16 - 22 May 2024 • Feature •

Costa Blanca North A Marine Legacy

COSTA BLANCA became a pioneer of the Blue Flag; the Valencian Community now has the most Blue Flags in the world.

With a total of 159 beaches awarded the Blue Flag, the Valencian Community is at the forefront of the global marine environment as Spain continues to lead the way in Blue Flags with 730 destinations, followed by Greece, Turkey and Italy.

Nowhere else but on the Costa Blanca can you find the highest number of Blue Flag beaches. With the beaches of Cala de la Granadella and La Grava in Javea being recognised by the Association for Environmental and Consumer Education, the iconic Blue Flags throughout the region continue to represent the outstanding nature of the region.

Other locations on the Costa Blanca North include Cap Blanc, La Roda and L’Espigo in Altea, Llevant and Mal Pas in Benidorm.

Axarquia Motril airshow

THE International Air Festival of Motril will take place on June 9, 2024, and is a highlight in the airshow calendar. Featuring a diverse lineup of aircraft and demonstrations including combat planes, aerobatics, helicopters, and parachutists, it attracts everyone from aviation enthusiasts to families.

Notable participants include the Pilatus PC9M, SOLOTÜRK, HA-28 TIGRE, MUSTANG X-RAY, the Acrobatic Patrol of Morocco, and PIPER J-3 CUB. Besides aerial displays, the festival offers ground activities providing insights into aviation and opportunities to interact with pilots and teams. As one of Spain’s foremost air events, it significantly boosts tourism and the local economy, drawing thousands of visitors.

The International Air Festival of Motril promises a day filled with thrilling aviation spectacles against the backdrop of the beautiful coastal scenery, making it a must-attend event for everyone.

Mallorca Ironman 2024

ON Saturday May 11, Alcudia played host to one of the largest IRONMAN 70.3 events in the world. The town saw enthusiastic spectators lining the streets and beach to offer their encouragement to competitors, creating an electric atmosphere.

The race began within the tranquil waters of the Bay of Alcudia, offering a picturesque setting for the 1.9km swim sector. Athletes started and finished at Playa d’Alcudia. As competitors emerged from the swim, they were greeted by a cheering crowd lining the 100-metre stretch of IRONMAN red carpet.

Following the swim, athletes embarked on a challenging 90km bike ride, navigating through mountainous landscapes. The subsequent three-loop, 21.1km run unfolded along the scenic Alcudia Bay, culminating in a triumphant finish on the beachfront.

Costa Blanca South Seriously soaring

ALICANTE-Elche Miguel Hernández Airport achieved its best April on record, welcoming 1,590,828 passengers.

This marks the fourth consecutive month of record-breaking numbers, surpassing April 2023 figures by 10.8 per cent.

International travellers remain predominant, contributing 1,365,202 passengers, marking a 10.1 per cent increase. National traffic also saw a notable rise, with 223,594 passengers, up by 15.8 per cent compared to the previous year.

Breaking down international visitors by nationality, the United Kingdom topped the list with 552,320 travellers, followed by the Netherlands (102,913), Belgium (81,690), Germany (81,538), and Norway (71,056). For the first four months of the year, the airport handled a total of 4,819,105 passengers, marking an 18.5 per cent growth compared to the same period in 2023.

Almeria Sparkling coastlines

THIS summer, Almeria’s coastlines are set to sparkle with 35 prestigious Blue Flags, a notable increase from last year’s 33.

The Blue Flag mark of excellence, issued by the Environmental and Consumer Education Association (ADEAC), recognises the outstanding quality and services provided by the beaches, including lifeguard and first aid facilities, accessibility, and communication.

The distribution of Blue Flags across Almeria for 2024 is as follows: Roquetas de Mar (6), Adra (4), El Ejido (4), Mojacar (4), Pulpi (4), Almeria (3), Carboneras (3), Nijar (2), Balanegra (1), Vera (1).

The accolades extend beyond beaches to marinas, with new additions this year including the Marinas of San Jose (Nijar), Adra and Roquetas de Mar, bringing the total of Blue flags to 35.

This endorsement serves as a beacon of pride for local councils, confirming their dedication to environmental stewardship and excellent visitor experience along its diverse coastline.

Costa Calida Blue Flag beaches

AGUILAS proudly reclaims its title as the area in the Murcia Region with the highest number of prestigious Blue Flag awards, securing nine for its beaches and two for its sports ports. This year, the Murcia Region has garnered a total of 33 Blue Flags, just one fewer than last year. Of these, 27 are for beaches, while six will fly over sports ports.

In Aguilas, the Blue Flags will be on the shores of Calarreona, La Carolina, La Casica Verde, La Colonia, La Higuerica, Las Delicias, Levante, Matalentisco, and Poniente.

Lorca maintains its blue flag for Calnegre Cove. San Pedro del Pinatar maintains its three blue flags along with San Javier and Cartagena.

Unfortunately, the beaches along the Mar Menor will not bear the Blue Flag due to the ongoing environmental problems affecting the quality of the water.

• News from Our Other
Newspapers •
56 • Feature • 16 - 22 May 2024

The Spanish Portero

ONCE again I’m broaching the subject of Spanish traditions being forsaken in the name of progress. Nowadays it’s far more common to have an automatic ‘portero’ (doorman) than a physical person. This means that at the entrance to a block of apartments, at the outside door or gate, there will be a numbered panel with a code to gain access to the building. One can also let visitors in automatically by pressing a button from within the home. This is all good and well, but apart from terminating yet another career with innovation, so much else has been lost with it.

The ‘portero’ is one of the most established and traditional roles in Spain, often taken on by one of the dwellers themselves and hired by the community. No task is too menial, including the traditional opening and closing of the main entrance door, which is both to facilitate access to each neighbour and to determine whether an entrance should be denied. Having a doorman

obviously adds to a sense of security as this includes preventing the entry of street vendors, promoters and the like and stops people ‘parking themselves’ at the access gates or common spaces. They are always there and so are ideal to receive mail and packages and as they usually have keys to every apartment, can shepherd in repairmen and such.

The ‘portero’ is truly the heart and above all, the ears of the building. They know exactly what’s going on, with whom, where and when and are usually happy to share this information, making for some good gossip and much needed company in many instances. I hope they survive!

58 16 - 22 May 2024
Nicole’s opinions are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.
• Feature •
Out with the old (in with the new).


Fighting fleas

WHEN battling fleas in your home, opting for environmentally friendly methods ensures effective pest control without harming the planet.

Start by regularly vacuuming carpets, floors, and upholstery to remove flea eggs and larvae. Wash pet bedding and linens in hot water to kill fleas and their eggs.

Natural remedies like diatomaceous earth, a fine powder that dehydrates and kills

fleas, can be sprinkled on carpets and pet bedding. Essential oils such as lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus can also repel fleas when diluted and sprayed around the house.

LEAVING pets anywhere when you travel on holiday can be stressful. And many believe it is always best to keep them at home in their own surroundings if at all possible, ideally with a caring pet lover who’ll watch over them.

By joining a house-sitting platform like HouseSitMatch we can help you meet checked house and pet-sitters who will travel to your home and care for your pets for free!

Plus HouseSitMatch Saves Money because the Pet-sitting is Free!

If you use you find free checked pet-sitters who pay their way to stay in your home caring for your pets in your absence. It’s an arrangement facilitated by a managed online system.

Our house and pet-sitting works as an exchange of services - free accommodation for free pet care!

Additionally, consider using flea traps with light and sticky pads to capture adult fleas. By incorporating these ecofriendly practices, you can rid your home of fleas while preserving the environment.

A house-sitting platform like HouseSitMatch can help you find free checked pet-sitters.

HouseSitMatch is Safe - All Members Are Checked

All members are checked for safety, and you choose which house-sitters come to care for your pets in your absence. Your pets stay at home - Safe and Undisturbed

All pets benefit from staying at home, so their routines are undisturbed. Choose for affordable travel, home and pet care and peace of mind for you and your

Why join a house-sitting platform like HouseSitMatch

pets. If you’re travelling in 2024 join now and get organised today:

1. Register as a homeowner on

2. Choose a Premium account (£89 pa) to ensure you get help online

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4. Post an advert for the dates when you want to go away. Sitters apply and you choose.

How does it work?

Join our network for a small annual fee. You get ID checked for safety, then build an advert to find sitters. House-sitters see your advert, respond and you choose from the applicants.

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59 SPONSORED BY • 16 - 22 May 2024
Photo: Shutterstock/ UniqSnaps


61 16 - 22 May 2024 • Services •
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62 16 - 22 May 2024 • Services • REMOVALS & STORAGE EUROWEEKLYNE WS.COM Our business is to make your business the best business in town.
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63 16 - 22 May 2024 • Services •



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SWINGLES CASAS SL. For all your building needs. Visit www. for more details or call 635 999 765 / 666 960 262 (303441)

PLUMBING & GENERAL BUILDING All your plumbing needs. Bathroom, kitchens, tiling & painting. Benalmadena based, travel no problem. Glen 669 073 773 or Paul 642 098 115 (305519)

QUALITY renovation: Kitchens, bathrooms, tiling, windows, doors, plastering, Total property renovations  info@ 952663141 /670409759 Over 28 years renovating history in Spain (302479)


NEW REJAS, GATES, Carports & Fencing, repairs & alterations. Work Guaranteed. Reliable. 19yrs on Coast. Steve the Welder. Call/WhatsApp 655 040 648 (305688)



SPECIALISTS, FULL OR PART CLEARANCE. ALL FURNITURE WANTED, WE PAY MORE. TEL 634 324 914 OR EMAIL houseclearanceman@hotmail. com (305116)

PRIVATE collector will buy your Gold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel - 678 716 693 (288662)

ALHAURIN FURNITURE EMPORIUM Buyers & Sellers of quality furniture. Top prices paid. Also buy cars, campervans, boats & bikes. 697 511 071 (304691)




COLLECTIVE CALLING are urgently requesting donations of clothing, homeware & furniture, so if you are having a House Clearance, Please call us for FREE COLLECTION. We sell good quality items, which then supports low-income families and the homeless in the community. These items can be dropped directly to our charity shop Tienda Solidaria: Av. Pablo Ruiz Picasso, 4, San Pedro de Alcantara, alternatively, call us to arrange collection on +34 711 006 961 (295137)


APEX CHIMNEY SERVICES, professional chimney sweeping and smoke testing. NACS Qualified. Clean and efficient Tel: Bob 696 320 202 (304443)


BENALMADENA Elim Family Fellowship. Elimfamilyfellow or call 951 912 525 or 952 446 627. (10011)

LA CALA – Encounter Church (Elim). Family friendly church with kids activities. 11 am Sundays at the Cazbah Live

May 2024

Lounge, Av de Jerez, La Cala 29649. Rev Dave Hodgson 695 115 496 (10012)

THE Ark Christian Church. We meet at The Ark Christian School, Calle Río Darro 2 y Plaza Juncal, 29651, Mijas Costa (the road behind the Mijas Aquapark) on Sundays at 11.00am. Pastor, Andrew Seale Tlf 682 713 491 www. (293850)


ADVANCED Cleaning Services. Professional carpet, upholstery cleaning, 27 years experience, wet/dry clean.  Honest, reliable service 678 808 837 / 952 669 701 or email  acservs@ (290189)

UPHOLSTERY including leather cleaned also carpets. 685 524 921 (290189)

STARLIGHT Property Cleaning & Maintenance. All types of cleaning. Any size of property. All Areas. Residential & Holiday Lets. 682 636451 www. (304520)


RAINBOW PINTURAS. Spray painting, professional finish of kitchens, doors and furniture. All aspects of interior/ exterior paint and decorating under taken. Call/Whatsapp: 628066308  www. Facebook. Instagram: rainbowpinturasmalaga (304244)


BLOCKED DRAINS? Leak detection, CCTV survey, root removal, Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 / (1296197)


ALL TYPES OF ELECTRICAL work, re-wiring, fault finding. Certified, Reliable & Guarantee. Frank Tel or Whatsapp 650 561 629 (305657)





MARBLE FLOORS polished high shine non-slip. Fast Service Reliable, family-run business. TERRACOTTA CLEANED and sealed. No job too small. Cleansol 10am – 10pm 7 days all areas. 952 930 861 / 607 610 578 Discount code: EWN 1 CLEAN (206437)



WANTED Gold, Silver, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel678 716 693 (288662) FURNITURE

FURNITURE wanted, same day collection, also house clearance and removals. Also buy cars, campervans, boats & bikes. 697 511 071 (304691)



IRIS-IRRIGATION and landscapes. TRENCHLESS NO DIG Irrigation installation, Cables, Fibre Optic, Electric & Lighting Cables. New Installations & problem-solving. Turf (supply and laying). Garden constructions. Tree surgeon. Clearing. Astro Turf (Free Quotation) 676 747 521 (303376)


ELECTRIC GATE/GARAGE DOOR automation repaired. Free, no obligation quotation. Call Colin - 636 394 641 (304223)


ELECTRIC GATES/Garage Doors. Intercoms/access control systems and replacement remotes. New installs and repairs. For all your electric gate and garage door requirements call us on 605 356 469/952 786 178. The Garage Door Co & 2 Way Gates. (303198)


GLASS CURTAIN repairs, specialist in replacement of discoloured plastic strips that act as a seal between the glass panels. Call Julian 655 825 931 (303730)


HANDYMAN: General Building work, painting, wall/roof waterproofing & other jobs. Call Michael 622 755 666 (300004)


Fires:  Electric, Gas.  Quality guaranteed.  EnviroCare.  All areas covered.  952 663 141 / 670 409759.  info@ www. (305304)



VINYL SOLUTIONS WHY REPLACE WHEN YOU CAN RENOVATE? Modern adhesive vinyl coverings in hundreds of styles and designs can renovate a tired kitchen, bathroom, wall panels, bedroom wardrobes, fridge doors. Turn a tired looking wood designed kitchen into a modern solid colour or metallic look without painting or replacing. Work carried out on site with 10 year warranties Contact Ian 644 546 176 for design brochure and samples. (305399)


HOT TUBS new used, bought, sold, hired. Also move & repairs. Used good Hot Tubs for sale. 691 973 131 / +44 7836 379122 (304541)


ALHAURIN FURNITURE EMPORIUM furniture wanted, same day collection, also house clearance and removals. Also buy cars, campervans, boats & bikes. 697 511 071 (304691)


MOTOR INSURANCE . For the most competitive quotes in English call Linea Directa on 952 147 834, you could save as much as 30% and you can transfer your existing no claims bonus. Call Linea Directa on 952 147 834 for motor insurance with a human voice in English from Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm and save money now! (200726)

STAY SAFE! Abbeygate Insurance Call 971 277 455 For your security www. (305719)



ENGLISH LOCKSMITH emergency & appointment, locks changed, patio doors & windows secured. All locks supplied insurance approved. Fast & reliable service. No hidden extras or nasty surprises. 657 466 803 (305380)


RELAXING Massage for Men & Couples. Feel free from tension & stress Call Dany 603 202 758 (305703)

SAN PEDRO. Sandra. Professional relaxing, tantric massage. Young, slim, work alone, unforgettable moments. Nueva Andalucia. 641 346 278

PURE RELAXATION in Nueva Andalucia with attractive independent masseuse. Tantric and other special massages in private apartment. For gentlemen and couples, with no rush attention to your needs 656 350 401

SAN PEDRO DE ALCANTARA – Camila Masseur 33, Slim, pretty – private apartment –Call 603 804 443 (305954) t4

ENGLISH ELEGANT independent & affectionate lady in late 40s, gives a sensual golfers massage to relieve tension in her discreet private apartment. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call 680 177 569 (303249)

MARBELLA CENTRE - the ideal place for relaxing massage in the city centre. Available 24h and prices from €50. For reservations and information call 620 366 817. (302600)

PROFESSIONAL MALE muscled masseur. Full-body relaxing, deep tissue and therapeutic massage. In/ outcalls. WhatsApp me 607 595 906 (304067)

BENALMADENA lovely lady, offering you a very relaxing body massage. Call for an appointment 634 209 427 (300047)

FUENGIROLA. Japanese Shiatsu & Zen Ki relaxing and therapeutic massage. Excellent service guaranteed. Home Visits. WhatsApp for appointment 693 988 340 (305599)

MARBELLA Private Villa: DANIELA from Colombia 19yrs Masseur. New on the Coast. IncallsOutcalls 24hrs. Tel. 617 79 16 44 (305966)

AT MY Wellness Massage

Studio your first visit will be the first of many. Tel: +34 623 492 262 (304620)

JAPANESE massage. Marbella. Relaxing, less stress. 664 177 216 (MI 559)

MARBELLA Tantric ritual massage with aromatherapy to leave completely renewed. 642 751 070 (2907)

MARBELLA IRINA Russian Masseur, model, slim, Russian, Spanish, English. Incalls & Outcalls 24hrs. Tel. 680 55 46 14. (305966)

NEW IN FUENGIROLA . Carla beautiful mulatto 19 years old relaxing massage 672 055 839 (FU 3257)

SARA Venezuelan, professional relaxing therapeutic & sensitive massage. I can visit you. For more information contact me 632 770 051 (303021)

MARBELLA  Masseur, massage, jacuzzi, outcalls 24hrs. Incalls & Outcalls. 24hrs. Tel. 617 79 16 44 (305966)

NEW IN FUENGIROLA. 4 friends, private villa, massage and relax 672 055 839 (FU 3257)

FILIPINA/Thai, exclusive prostatic, deep, hard, soft massage pleasure to body mind therapy, exotic proffessional relaxation, clean, good atmosphere. Elviria. Marbella. 604 457 672 (MI 584)

MARBELLA BELINDAColombian Masseur - blonde long hair, Incalls & Outcalls 24hrs. Tel. 680 55 46 14 (305966)

NEW IN FUENGIROLA . Sara, 19 years old Colombian, massage and relax, total discretion. 672 055 839 (FU 3257)

BOLICHES : Celina Https://

Elegant loving kind lovely delightful lady for educated very discreet, respectable gentleman. Unique relaxing moments, hot sensual massages, private quite place. Enjoy full deep complete, excellent treatment, special attention of your needs and total satisfaction. Demanding impeccable hygiene. Previous appointment 11am/6pm. 622 210 797 (FU 3241)

MARBELLA ALICIA Spanish professional & relaxing Masseur.. Incalls & Outcalls. 24hrs. Tel. 617 79 16 44 (305966)

ASIAN lady tantric sensory generate self esteem body technique, fantastic relaxation massage Marbella. 671 442 664 (MI 584)

VANESSA Benalmadena excellent massage services. Relaxing & therapeutic. Home premises. Call me 624 811 098 (300001)

MARBELLA SANDRA Spanish Masseur and Amalia - duo massage & relaxing. Incalls & Outcalls. 24hrs. Tel. 680 55 46 14 (305966)

ASIAN Touch Oriental European massage, prostatic, tantric, very relaxing relief pain stress, private luxury. Elviria. Marbella. 604 473 831 (MI 584)

ASIAN MASSUER offers relaxing full body massage. Home Visits. WhatsApp 641 980 066 for details (304011)

OLGA Mature Masseure relaxing & sensitive. Outcalls & Incalls. 24 hrs. Marbella –Tel: 632 467 580 (304040)



Brazilian 45yrs Slim Mature Masseur. Relaxing Massages. Best relax guaranteed. Tel: 617.818.615 (305174)

ORIENTAL ladyboy pretty professional traditional, tantric massage relieving. Marbella. 604 428 812 (MI 584)

ASIAN PROFESSIONAL Massage, sensual, relaxing & therapeutic, to release tension & stress. Fuengirola. Call 613 592 062 (304091)

ASIAN ladyboy and gay, authentic professional/ traditional massage therapy unique treatment, clean atmosphere. Marbella. 603 257 690 (MI 584)

GENESIS blonde explosive masseur, men and women, from Venezuela. 24 hoursoutcall / incall - visa & amex - Tel. 680 55 614 (304861)

CASSIE. Mature English lady. Discreet and clean. Fuengirola. 667 914 732 (FU 3031)

FILIPINO MASSAGE CENTRE , where hearts of Asian proffessional massage daily. 604 421 973 (MI 584)

BARBARA mature masseur educated 42yrs, private, 24hrs, Marbella. Tel 613 213 030 (304740)

CRISTINA and MIA - duo masseurs on holiday in Marbella - infall & outcalls 24hrs - visa & amex - Tel. 680 55 614 (304861)

THAI Benalmádena Costa. Body-body full massages. Visits, hotels. Whatsapp 689 387 448 (MI 583)

FUENGIROLA. Marisa, 38 years old, mature, all kinds of massages. Only WhatsApp. 631 659 408 (FU 3225)


Pretty Masseur, Slim 45yrs Relaxing Massage, Guaranteed relax - Tel: 634.703.111 (305174)


Heated pool, Jacuzzi and private bar. Inland private retreat with a full massage service. 662 913 428 (FU 3247)

EVA, JAMAICAN full body professional massage, discreet, San Pedro de Alcantara, Marbella 613 211 041 (305894)

MARBELLA French professional masseuse Curvy friendly charming and elegant 722393835 (305751)


BENALMÁDENA. FRIENDLY attractive masseuse, relieve muscle tension. From 50€. 613 106 153 (FU 3248)

FUENGIROLA. Beautiful Venezuelan Ladyboy massage and relax Violeta. 660 867 374 (FU 3253)

Hi! My name is Elisa, a professional masseuse Sensual and fun Whatsapp on: 611 232 220 (305557)

MIA , Brazilian brunette, offers relaxing sensual massage, to release tension. Whatssap: 613 976 350 (305558)


FUENGIROLA . Excellent company, massage and more... Blond, tall, pretty lady. In/outcalls 657 697 397 (FU 3236)

SPANISH Masseur offers sensual massage outcalls only Benalmadena-Marbella 100€/h 603844254 (305556)


FUENGIROLA . Elegant masseuse, tantric, relaxing and sensitive massage. Carolina. 634 797 230 (FU 3245)

more. You will be happy. 60 1 hour. Book now: 658 145 296 (300287 )

BARBARA Mature Slim Maseure. Prostatic & Relaxing Massage. Private. Estepona. Call 613 213 030 (300271)

VICTORIA Slim Brunette – all massages in Estepona and

Sotogrande. Call 627 112 036 (300271)

SHAVING & Massage sensitive area by mature Japanese masseuse. Fuengirola. 610 396 186 (FU 3246)

MASSAGE and fun!!! Genuine trained exotic Male tantric masseur. 602 098 606 (FU 3252)

VANESSA . Los Boliches. Paseo Maritimo, private apartment. Massage deep tissue, tantra and many

MASSAGE EWN 16 - 22 May 2024
II 67 If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161

BEST MASSAGE EVER ! Really good deep tissue massage and full body relaxing massage. For more information send WhatsApp Angela 695 044 464 (300257)

EXOTIC Naturist Tantric Masseur unique luxurious massage for ladies/ couples. Marbella. 629 503 670 (FU 3256)

PROFESSIONAL Tantric masseur Daniel, full body, natural relaxing. Whatsapp 646 898 339. Torremolinos (FU 3255)

SPANISH Masseuse, 38 years old Fuengirola, relaxing and sensual massage 641 572 565 (FU 3258)


BRAZILIAN lady wltm man 48-85 A drink friendship? 616801141 (305751)


GOLD & SILVER Bought & Sold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel - 678 716 693 (288662)




ACE OF SHADES - Don’t let the bugs get you! Available in enrollable, slider and pleated. Large choice of colours including wood effect. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / (101730)

MOSQUITO Screens for windows, doors and a high-quality sliding patio door screen. All finishes available. Quick service. All areas covered. Call Julian 655 825 931 (303730)

MOSQUITO screens, sliding, pulldown, pleated, colours, call Mosquito Nick 647 072 861 (304439)

WANTED, wanted, wanted!! All cars, all years, all models… from exotic to classic. Spanish, English, Dutch plated. Call us on 951 977 329 or 606 647 597. (304490)


FORD FOCUS 1.6td, 2010, 148,000kms, silver grey, manual, ITV, FSH. Lovely car. €3,950. Call 687 474 407 (300283)

FORD FOCUS Ghia Estate, 2005, 2ltr td, 190,000kms, 6 speed light blue, ITV. Lovely car. €2,950. Call 602 533 508 (300283)

WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet

insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our philosophy has always been to offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 952 147 834. (200726)


ENGLISH bodyshop, fully equipped, Mijas Costa. No Job Too Small. 952 667 074 (305106)


CARS TRANSFERRED, history checks, Imports and Embargo problems. Change of use and lost papers. Change your car to Spanish plates, simple efficient service. Cars bought and sold. Please call 678808837 or email  carsinspain@live. (290189)


CARS , Vans, Bikes wanted. Any Reg, Anything Considered Call or Whatsapp 687 049 592 (305254)



EURO CAR Established since 1998. All Cars / Commercials wanted, runners or no-runners. Cash. Buyer Collects. Transfer included. 605 109 796 (304099)


EDS?  We have the solution, K amagra pills & jells, Cialis, Si denafil, over 7 products for men & ladies, mixed trial packs.Free delivery throughout Costa del Sol. WhatsApp or call 603 117 394


UK & IRISH Passport renewals including photos. Complete Service. Cath’s Cards. 952 885 759. www. (305529)


COCKROACHES , ANTS, insects, fleas, mice, rats,

wasps, termite specialists. Fumigations, bars, restaurants, houses, etc. Sanitary department officially registered certificates. Serving the coast since 1985. Only legal English owned pest control company on the coast. If you want the best then phone N.P.S. Paul 676 700 370 (303636)



Loving care for cats and dogs TEL 646 066 351 (302996)


CAT & DOG World Kennels and Cattery. 952 112 978 / 630 197 435. www. (300036)


ACE CHARITY ‘El Refugio’ in La Cala de Mijas is a registered charity. We have on average 275 dogs in our care and we receive no help from the town hall or the Andalucian government. We desperately need foster homes and adoptants for our many dogs, especially the small ones and puppies who do not do well in a big shelter. We are grateful for any help offered, including donations of food and blankets. Visiting times are from 13.00 to 15.00 and you can always turn up or make an appointment by calling Denise on 669 018 736. Our website is www. where you can view all the dogs in our care. (93320)

ADANA THE ANIMAL SHELTER IN ESTEPONA. We always need volunteers to walk and socialise with our dogs and help with cleaning. We also need good homes for our animals that you can see on Kennels open every day 10-1.30, Camino de Casares, near Parque de los Pedregales, Estepona. (5 minutes from the Poligono) For more information call 952 113 467, available from 10.00am until 2.00pm. (93319)

ANIMEX Foundation offers free will upgrading when leaving something for abandoned animals. Contact animexfoundation@gmail. com or call 692 166 434 now for this absolutely free service (288287)

ARCH - The Andalusian Rescue Centre for Horses, registered charity 8448, is open to visitors on the first Sunday of each month from 10 am until 2pm. Working closely with the Spanish authorities, we rescue,

rehabilitate and rehome abused and abandoned horses and donkeys. Come and meet our current rescues, learn about our work and how you may be able to help. Run solely by a small team of dedicated volunteers, the Centre is located between Alhaurin el Grande and Coin in Comm. de Viña Borrego behind Venta Miralmonte. For more information and directions see our website, our Facebook page Centro Andalusi de Rescate de Caballos or tel. 711070099 (93322)

SEPE the horse and donkey charity is open to the public at weekends from 10.00 to 5.00. Volunteers are much needed in all departments and are welcome at any time. For our riding for the disabled classes, we are also in need of extra helpers. We are nationally registered by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior (164640) but only with your support can we give the equine a voice. If you can just commit to 2 or 3 euros a month it will really help make a difference. You can find us at Lauro Golf Equestrian Centre, Alqueria, Alhaurin de la Torre. Tel. 608 258 950 www. (93321)

SOS ANIMAL REFUGE we have dogs, young and old looking for homes. Some of our dogs have been with us for some time and would love to find a cosy spot to curl up in and a knee on which to rest their heads. If you have room in your heart and home we would love to hear from you. We do not put our dogs to sleep - no matter how old, they are safe with us. For day to day needs and to pay for veterinary care, we much appreciate the support we receive. We desperately need items to sell on our market stall to help raise funds and are happy to come and collect. So, if you are having a clear-out, please contact us on 605 227 155. If you would like to know more about rehoming, please call 653 257 875. Visit our website www.sos-animals. org or please phone Sandy on 952 385 923 or 666 814 056 if you would like to make a donation or help in any way. (93317) PLUMBING

PLUMBING . Leak detection & blocked drains. Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 / (1296197)


Costa del Sol Property Sales & Long term rentals wanted. All areas / All budgets / All types. Spain +34 951 708 422. UK +44 208 144 5008. Email info@intermarbella. com (305258)

PRIVATE BUYER looking for properties between Marbella to Malaga at realistic prices. Quick decision and cash purchase if suitable. Any condition but must be legal. Call or Whatsapp 0034606 526 618 (305263)

Thinking of selling your property or interested in a current valuation? We have clients actively looking for properties from Torremolinos to Calahonda. List with us and let us sell your property.  Call Joe 626 864 683 (305376) PROPERTY FOR SALE


Costa del Sol Property for sale. All areas / all budgets / all types. Spain +34 951 708 422. UK +44 208 144 5008 Email info@intermarbella. com (305258)

SELLING UP?? Why not give us a call and let us give you an honest and realistic valuation of your property. List with us and let us take the stress out of selling your home. No sale no fee!! English agent on the ball with clients waiting. Please call 685 524 921. (290189)

If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161 EWN 16 - 22 May 2024 II CLASSIFIEDS 68



Cleaning & Maintenance All Areas. Residential & Holiday Lets. Persiana repairs, Decorating, Electrial & Plumbing repairs. 682 636451 www.starlight-spain. com(304520)



Costa del Sol Property Long Term Rentals All areas / All budgets / All types. Spain +34 951 708 422 UK +44 208 144 5008. Email info@ (305258)

BANUS  2 bedrooms, long term, sunny, walking distance to big yatchs, pools, parkings.  bravoelezovic@ +34637 439 222 (305948)


15 CUBIC metre van returning to the UK 31 May 2024. Space available each way. Tel. 639 928 090 (305057)


MAN & VAN , 20€ ph. Removals, Rubbish & House Clearances. Paul 634 112 677 (294214)

2 MEN, Van €30 p hour. House Clearances & Storage. 651 081 610 (304603) Tel David 696 810 618 (301418)

STORAGE, Storage, Storage. Man & Van Services. Call/ Whatsapp 690 155 340 (304667)

MAN AND VAN removals / storage service. House clearances Collections and deliveries Waste removal NO JOB TOO SMALL Call Mike on 604 380 570 (304093)

A&J REMOVALS For all your clearance, delivery and removal needs. Moving never looked so good. Call us on 662534877 (305213)





JDS EURO TRANSPORT & REMOVALS - Regular trips throughout Europe. Call or WhatsApp Julian 0044 7884 908 929. See Facebook Page for recommendations (304139) Tel David 696 810 618 (301129)

STORAGE Tel David 696 810 618 (301129)


ACE OF SHADES - PERSIANA (security shutter) electric and manual, various colours available including wood effect, we also offer a repair service. Make your home more secure! Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@ (101730)

ROLLER shutter repairs, 7 days a week, conversion from manual to motorised, new installations. All areas covered. Coast and inland. 655 825 931 (303730)


NEED DRESS Alteration & Sewing machine lessons. Elviria Area. Lorena. Send WhatsApp Text to 627 638 552 (305897)


SOLAR Hot Water heating: FREE HOT WATER.  28 years installation history in Spain. Envirocare. All areas covered. Quality guaranteed. 952 663 141/ 670 409 759  info@ envirocarespain.comwww. (305304)


CURTAINS, blinds, cushions and much more. Free estimates and home visits. Tel 657 369 343 or rosannacarmella8@gmail.

com (304143)


3 IN 1. Nurse 17 years experience , Cleaner, Home help. English / Dutch speaking. Limited slots available €30 per hour. WhatsApp or Call 690 849 277, 24 hours (304638)


POOL MAINTENANCE , & Repairs, including heaters & regrouts. Friendly & reliable service. Malaga to Estepona & inland areas. 678 791 495 / 951 536 389 www. (304345)

SWIMMING Pool Heating Pumps, Pool Covers, Rollers, Filtration Systems.  28 years installation history in Spain. Envirocare.  All areas covered.  Quality Guarante ed. 952663141/6704097 59 info@envirocarespain. com www.envirocarespain. com (305304)


OFFICIAL TRANSLATIONS All Languages. 952 789 204 Mobile 654 613 094 sanpedrotranslations@gmail. com (305305)


REPAIRS to TV’s , LCD, LED, -Videos, Hi-Fi, & Microwaves, Mag Boxes, UK channels installed. 35 years experience. Free Estimates, Can Collect. John 952 491 723 or 600 706 201. (305655)


ADVANCED Cleaning Services. Professional carpet and upholstery cleaning, 28 years experience, wet/dry clean.  Honest, reliable.  678 808 837 / 952 669 701  acservs@outlook. com (290189)

16 - 22

UPHOLSTERY including leather cleaned also carpets. 685 524 921 (290189)

CARPETS AND SOFAS cleaned. Reliable, fast service. Family run. Cleansol 952 930 861 / 607 610 578. 10am - 10pm 7 days, all areas Discount Code: EWN 1 CLEAN (206437)


ELECTRIC & Gas Water Heaters.  Quality Installations.  28 years installation history in Spain.  EnviroCare.  All Areas Covered. 952 663 141/670 409 759  info@ envirocarespain.comwww. (305304)



If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161

May 2024

Electric car sales

DESPITE the ongoing demand that drivers should be gea ring up to buying electric cars, the most recent figures published in Europe for 2022 suggest that there is a long way to go.

The Eurostat figures of number of cars registered by country has been reviewed and compared to the number of electric cars registered by and whilst Scandinavia and Norway in particular come out top, the figures are still low.

Norway leads the way for electric vehicle use by far, with 20.12 per cent of all registered vehicles (just over three million) being electric but moving on

to second place the percentage plummets with Denmark second at just 4.02 per cent and Sweden third at 3.97 per cent.

When one looks at the larger countries, the figure for Germany is 2.08 per cent and the UK 1.93 per cent.

In Spain, although there are many councils obtaining electric vehicles for workers and Local Police and with heavy promotion from the government, the percentage is well below 1 per cent although the Sta -

tista global data and business intelligence platform forecasts that this figure will grow dramatically over the coming years. Readers of Euro Weekly News have already had their say with some 88 per cent who commented indicating that they were opposed to being forced to buy an electric car and want to stay with diesel or petrol due to cost and because they don’t believe that they are significantly more damaging for the planet than electric.

70 • Motoring • 16 - 22 May 2024
Credit: Mariordo CC
Electric cars come in different sizes for different ranges.

Mercedes Benz C-Class premium motoring


MERCEDES BENZ has long been at the forefront of pre mium motoring and its latest range is no exception. My con centration here is the C-Class saloon range that offers plugin hybrid petrol and diesel power units. Prices start from £45,180 for the AMG Line which comes with standard features such as LED lights with adaptive high beam assist, keyless start, navigation with smartphone inte gration, cruise control, automatic wipers, climate control and heated front seats.

My test model was at the higher end of the range, the AMG Line Premium Plus with diesel power under the bonnet and priced at £52,590. While it may carry the AMG name the AMG Line versions have all the styling cues, but the mechanical side of things remains unmolested in terms of power. The 1.9-litre diesel in the test car produces 265 hp and being die-

you would be hard pressed to tell it’s a diesel providing the not inconsiderable accelerative capacity. Also the mid 50s fuel economy is impressive for a car of this class.

Inside it makes a pleasant change to find a car, especially a German model, that isn’t graced with a surfeit of sombre tones, most often black or grey. Lightening up my test car’s interior, and adding a dash of additional class, were

tobacco coloured centre seat panels and matching door cards. With the rest of the interior in darker colours matched to the external grey paintwork it made for a nice contrast.

On the road the C-Class is a refined and smooth drive with plenty of power in reserve should you require it. A sleek style, despite being a saloon, makes for a striking look and doesn’t really com-

promise headroom access to the rear as is the case with many rakish saloons. The suspension draws a nice line between being compliant enough to soak up the bumps but with enough control to deal with twisty tarmac. Add driving modes of Comfort, ECO, Sport, Sport+ and Individual and you can see why it makes for an exemplary sports saloon.

Mercedes has had a reputation of being slightly more sedate than some rival German competitors but has more than levelled the field with the C-Class AMG Line models. It’s also a somewhat more individual choice with less aggressive styling, an altogether more-subtle approach.

71 16 - 22 May 2024 • Motoring •

Olympic Exclusives

THE top sports fans are spending up to €463,870 on limited edition Olympic packages to gain access to exclusive events.

These packages are part-owned by the associates of Rafael Nadal and LeBron James. They offer personal meetings with top athletes, a visit to the Athletes’ Village and ‘the chance to attend the Opening Ceremony’.

The managing director of GR8 Experience, Barnabas Carrega, told the Press that he is “very selective” in choosing the athletes he works with: “Some athletes with a huge name but (might) not have the charisma needed for the clients.”

Yet, the International Olympic Committee spokesperson stated that customers who purchase hospitality packages outside of the official channels run “the risk of not having their tickets or packages delivered or being denied access by the Paris 2024 Organising Committee.”

Barnabas Carrega hinted there is still a limit to access the exclusive experiences as they cost a lot of money.


AWFL Over 50s

Internacionales Mollina 0 v 10 Real Calahonda Mollina rode the storm for the first 10 minutes but, once the first goal went in, it was pretty much a one-sided affair, with Sean McVitty controlling much of the action for the visitors, accurately feeding his forwards who freely exchanged goal scoring opportunities. Calahonda remained alert throughout and, apart from creating many chances themselves, also pounced on several defensive errors from the hosts to eventually reach double figures. Mollina consistently tried to make a game of it but, in truth, on this occason were outclassed. Real Calahonda scorers were Gary Robertson (5), Tommy McMillan (4) and Trevor Bailey.

task and enabled the hosts to cruise into the Final.

Axarfusion Cup Over 60s Semi-Final

Malaga 2 v 2 Real Calahonda (Malaga win 2 v 1 on penalties)

In fact, this should have been played at Real’s home ground, but the playing surface was deemed unfit and so they graciously gave up home advantage in favour of safety. Calahonda began brightly and deservedly took the lead before the break with a fine strike from Carlos Jimenez. Early in the second half, Steve pulled Malaga level but this equaliser was soon nullified when Colin put the visitors back in front.

Axarfusion Cup Over 50s Semi-Final

Malaga 6 v 0 Real Calahonda Malaga celebrated their recent league triumph by putting themselves into the Cup Final by beating close rivals Calahonda by a decent margin. They got off to a

flying start with two well-taken goals from Pedrin, which put them well on top. Further goals from Pedrin (2) and Fran followed before half time. The visitors came out fighting after the break and tried hard to claw their way back. However, a stalwart defence and a further goal from Fran for Malaga made it an impossible

Real then turned on the pressure and looked to be in the driving seat to reach the Final, when Mark Sergeant scored the second equaliser with a great goal following a free kick. Full time saw the game go to penalties and, with misses on both sides, it was left to Sergeant again to calmly score the final spot kick and send Malaga into the Final.

72 16 - 22 May 2024 • Sport •
Malaga Over 50s captain, Fran.

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