Costa Blanca South 20 – 26 June 2024 Issue 2033

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WEEKL Y Costa Blanca South - Issue No. 2033 20 - 26 June 2024 YOUR PAPER IS INSIDE

Charity champion


would like to say congratulations to Maria Wilson, President of the AACC Orihuela Costa and Maria and the Pink Ladies.

Maria has been awarded a BEM (British Empire Medal) in this year’s King’s Birthday Honours.

The BEM is awarded for an achievement or contribution of a very ‘hands-on’ service to the community and Maria has been recognised for her outstanding contributions to charity fundraising.

Her dedication spans over a decade of tireless efforts, during which she has raised funds for the AACC and promoted early detection programs in Orihuela Costa.

Maria’s advocacy for early detection is deeply personal, stemming from her own experience in 2010 when a routine mammogram at Torrevieja Hospital detected

two malignant lumps.

Following her mastectomy, Maria and a group of friends established the first Maria and the Pink Ladies fundraising group, initiating the inaugural ‘Walk for Life’ along the Torrevieja promenade.

• Maria and the Pink Ladies & Panthers have collectively raised an impressive €576,515, all of which has been donated to AACC (and previously AECC).

• The presentation of Maria’s BEM by the British Ambassador will be held on the Orihuela Costa. Additionally, Maria will be invited to attend a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace next year, further recognising her significant contributions to charity.

• Maria’s well-deserved recognition with the BEM is a testament to her unwavering dedication and the profound impact of her charitable endeavours. Well done, Maria, on this remarkable achievement!

Costa Blanca South • Issue No. 2033 • 20 - 26 June 2024 FREE FREE FREI GRATIS GRATIS GRATIS GRATIS GRATUITO VRIJ
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Riga beckons


has begun selling tickets for a new air route from Alicante to Riga as part of its winter schedule in Spain.

This new route brings the total number of routes from Alicante to 18 and marks the seventh international connection from Norwegian’s base in Riga, Latvia.

“Alicante, located on the Costa Blanca, is a popular winter destination for Europeans seeking to escape cold weather.

“We are excited to offer direct flights from Riga to Alicante and hope more people from Alicante will visit the Art Nouveau capital of the Baltic States,” said Magnus Thome Maursund, Norwegian’s Commercial Director.

The new seasonal route between Riga and Alicante will operate from late October to late April,

with two weekly flights on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

This route complements other connections from Alicante to various European destinations, including Haugesund, Bergen, Stavanger, Ålesund, Trondheim, Oslo, and Torp/Sandefjord in Norway; Goteborg Landvetter, Stockholm/Arlanda, Stockholm/Skavsta, and Växjö in Sweden;

Copenhagen, Aarhus, Billund, and Aalborg in Denmark; Helsinki in Finland; Munich in Germany; and Riga in Latvia.

Norwegian launched its first route to Riga in 2005 and has since expanded its network from the city.

With this new route, Norwegian now offers direct flights from Riga to Oslo, Trondheim, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Tivat, Corfu, and Alicante.

Touring triumph

SINCE its launch in October, the guided tours of the Alicante bullring have attracted more than 15,000 tourists.

The figures have been confirmed by Pedro Gracia, director of ToroShopping, the leading company in managing tourism at the bullring.

Visitors from 140 nationalities, including Polish, English, German, Italian, French, and Dutch citizens, have shown keen interest in this service.

The peak months for tourist visits to the Alicante bullring have been March, February, April, and May.

Mayor Luis Barcala emphasised that this initiative aims to showcase the rich heritage and traditions of the century-old bullfighting arena to the public. The tours

are managed professionally with explanations provided in multiple languages to cater to diverse visitor interests and inquiries.

He highlighted the significance of these tours in enhancing tourism by promoting local history and cultural traditions, especially during the winter season.

The audio guides are available in Spanish, English, Polish, French, and soon Italian.

The virtual reality component allows participants to witness the bull’s journey from the pen to the arena and immerse themselves in the bullfighting experience.

Tickets for the tours can be purchased through

2 20 - 26 June 2024
• Local News •
GUIDED TOURS: Have attracted more than 15,000 tourists. Norwegian Airlines has started a new route to Riga. Image: Norweigan / Facebook Image: Alicante City & Beach

Papa John’s

THE Papa John’s pizzeria brand continues its expansion by opening a new location in Torrevieja, its 93rd restaurant in Spain. The new pizzeria on Calle Apolo, 26 offers eat-in, takeaway, or home delivery.

Visit to Sevilla

SANTA POLA was represented by mayor, Loreto Serrano, at the 16th Spanish Network of Cities for Climate held in Sevilla. Among other initiatives to combat climate change, a guide has been presented for municipal policies and local action plans.

Pool open

SAN FULGENCIO is now summer-ready! The municipal pool has officially opened and is available Tuesday to Friday from midday until 8.00pm, and on Saturdays and Sundays from 11.00am until 8.00pm.

Staying put

ELCHE’S mayor, Pablo Ruz, has announced the Ministry of Health’s commitment to maintaining two SAMU ambulance units in the city throughout the summer, along with a Basic Life Support (BLS) unit.

Journey in time

ASPE, like many historic towns in the Alicante Province, is rich with traces of its past.

Petroglyphs found in two caves date back approximately 40,000 years to prehistoric times.

During the Bronze Age (3000 to 800 BC), the area around Aspe saw increased activity, with significant archaeological discoveries at Tabaya and Muron de la Horna, notable sites in the Valencia Province.

The Iberians later established a community three kilometres from the current town, near the River Castle, naming it Aspis.

The Romans subsequently moved the community to its present location, renaming it Laspis.

From the eighth to the 17th century, Muslim rule brought several advancements, including an advanced irrigation system that boosted agriculture.

The Aljou and Fauqui ditches are enduring reminders of these innovations. However, the expulsion of the Moors led to a severe economic

downturn, leaving Aspe nearly deserted and its agricultural activities paralysed.

The town began to recover when town officials offered free land to attract new settlers.

This revitalisation led to a diverse local economy.

Agriculture remained vital, but

GACHAMIGA, a classic dish from Aspe, is often hailed as the greatest peasant dish of all time.

It was a staple for shepherds and peasants, made from a ordable ingredients that provided the energy needed for a hard day’s work.

The ingredients are simple: our, olive oil, garlic, water, and salt.

Other ingredients, such as liver, sausages, or potatoes, can be added according to local customs, giving the dish a more yellow appearance.

To prepare gachamiga, start by adding an abundant amount of olive oil to a frying pan and frying a whole

NATURE lovers will enjoy Aspe’s Natural Park of Los Algezares which features a diverse environment with materials like clays, loams, and plaster.

These soft rocks, eroded by heavy rains, create a rugged landscape dominated by ravines.

The area supports desert-like scrubland, known as espinar, lled with a variety of shrubs, esparto grass, and other herbaceous plants.

This landscape also includes olive trees, carob trees, and Aleppo pine reforestation.

new industries such as shoe manufacturing, rubber, plastic, and furniture production emerged.

More recently, the construction and tourism sectors further bolstered Aspe’s economic health.

The Mercado de Asbastos has become one of the most significant food markets in the region.

Gachamiga glory

head of garlic until golden.

Remove the garlic from the pan.

Next, add the our to the oil and stir until it begins to colour.

Gradually add water, stirring continuously until the our is fully dissolved and the mixture reaches a medium consistency.

Continue stirring to ensure it cooks evenly, which is crucial for achieving the right texture.

Historic strongholds

ASPE’S rich history is symbolised in its ag and coat of arms, featuring an image of three castles that played pivotal roles in the town’s past.

One signi cant historical site is the Castillo del Río, an Islamic forti ed area from the 12th-13th century.

Located three kilometres from Aspe, it stands on the left bank of the Vinalopó River, south of its con uence with the Tarafa River, on a 246-metre-high hill.

Rather than being a traditional castle, Castillo del Río is a forti ed town built during the

Almohad era, with walls and 12 towers.

The elongated layout covers about 7,000 square metres and is divided into two sections. Numerous excavation campaigns at this site have revealed remarkable archaeological nds, including one of only two Arab ploughs discovered in Spain, now displayed in the Archaeological Museum of Alicante (MARQ).

In 2001, Castillo del Río was declared a Site of Cultural Interest.

In contrast, much less remains of the Aljau Castle. Built in the 15th century on a small hill for defence, only some walls stand today.

The remains were discovered by accident in 2009 during road construction.

Along the Vinalopó River and its ravines, you’ll nd reed, oleander, and taray, while the plaster-rich areas support gypsophilous thymes.

The fauna in Los Algezares is diverse.

Amphibians like the common frog and natterjack toad thrive here, as well as reptiles such as the viper snake, ladder snake, and ocellated lizard.

Birds of prey, including buzzards and owls, are common, along with smaller birds like the titmouse, warbler, and grey woodpecker.

Waterfowl such as the red sh and stilt can be easily spotted near water bodies.

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NIBS EXTRA Image: Aspe Turismo
FOR MORE NEWS STORIES 3 20 - 26 June 2024 • Local News •
Castillo del Rio. Image: Aspe Turismo

Awarding Almoradi

ALMORADI has been honoured with the ‘Promotion of Agriculture’ Award for its National Artichoke Congress.

This award recognises Almoradi’s efforts to bring artichoke cultivation closer to consumers and elevate its status, increasing its value.

The artichoke has become a star product in top restaurants nationwide, thanks to this significant gastronomic festival.

The event highlights the diligent work of the council in promoting the Vega Baja region and acknowledging its farmers.

Organised by ASAJA Alicante, the Awards have celebrated the exemplary work of farmers and ranchers in the pro -

vince for 14 years, recognising their resilience and daily efforts to develop the agricultural sector.

In his speech, José Vicente Andreu, president of ASAJA Alicante, confirmed: “We are the province that receives the most tourists in the State.

“Let us turn those who visit us into ambassadors of our territory, our way of life, our landscapes, and our culture.

“Let us make known our wines, our olive groves transformed into oil, the Vega Baja orchard and its artichokes, the emblematic crops of the Mountain regions, our livestock that end up as delicious cheeses, and the quality of our honey.”

Healthy envy

THE VisitElche tou rism campaign has kicked off in the Madrid metro to promote the allure of Elche’s beaches, aiming to establish Elche as a coastal tourist destination.

The campaign exclusively highli ghts the Arenales coast and operates under the intriguing motto ‘Healthy Envy’, chosen by the Elche City Council.

count of 5.5 million.

Running until July 15, the campaign features around 20 large displays installed at major metro stations, including Callao, Sol, Plaza de España, Nuevos Ministerios, and Príncipe de Vergara. Sol station alone boasts an average monthly passenger

Elche mayor Pablo Ruz commented on the initiative, stating, “This is an unprecedented, very intense campaign that we believe will be very beneficial for our city and municipality.”

“Millions of passengers, not just those at Sol station, will be able to appreciate the beauty of Elche.”

“Screens showcasing our city’s charm, particularly our beaches, are placed in 20 stations across Madrid.”

The mayor added: “This campaign is about updating our message and being ambitious, which is why it’s crucial for Elche to have such a prominent presence in the Madrid metro.”

PINOSO proudly announces that Casa de la Arsenia Oil Mill has achieved prestigious recognition at ‘The World Stars of Olive Oil 2024’ in London. Their Ma’Sarah Picual Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Olive Oil Organic Extra Virgin Ma’Sarah Lecciana have both been awarded Platinum Medals, the highest honours bestowed by the Global Olive Oil Stars. These awards reaffirm the excellence of Casa de la Arsenia’s oils in this renowned competition. Both oils are part of the Ma’sarah line, distinguished for its organic, early-harvested, single-varietal oils crafted from olives of distinct varieties such as Arbequina, Lecciana, Picual, and Alfafarenca.

The attainment of these Platinum Medals underscores Casa de la Arsenia Oil Mill’s commitment to producing exceptional quality oils, further enhancing its reputation in the southern region of Pinoso.

4 20 - 26 June 2024 • Local News •
Image: ASAJA Alicante / Facebook Efforts rewarded.
Platinum perfection
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More than homes

IN the south of the Alicante Province lies a remarkable architectural complex: the Rodeo Caves in Rojales.

These caves, totalling 15 in number, are more than just homes carved into the rock; they are historical and cultural treasures waiting to be explored.

Excavated between the 18th and 20th centuries, the Rodeo Caves narrate the story of Rojales’ past and its inhabitants.

Murcian miners, seeking better shelter than the flimsy reed and mud houses, cleverly car -

ved their homes directly into the rock.

This underground urban fabric, complete with access platforms and small gardens made from excavated earth, served as the living quarters for generations of Rojales residents until the early 20th century.

Today, the Rodeo Caves have been transformed into the Municipal Underground Habitat Ecomuseum.

This project has turned the caves into a cultural centre with craft workshops, galleries, and

exhibition rooms.

Visitors can explore the Artisan Souk, which offers original works of art and artisanal pieces for purchase.

Each cave house has been carefully restored, preserving its original structure while adapting it for its new cultural and tourist purposes.

The restoration project also includes a tourist information point, enhancing the experience for visitors eager to learn about the history and heritage of Rojales.

Flying the flags

SANTA POLA’S beaches have received 17 certifications attesting to their high quality.

Among them, all seven urban and six natural beaches hold both AENOR and Qualitur Flag certifications.

Additionally, four bathing areas have been awarded the prestigious European Blue Flag.

Among municipalities in the Valencian Community, Santa Pola ranks second for the most Qualitur Flags awarded by the Department of Tourism. This recognition underscores the meticulous management of the coastline, with every beach meeting rigorous standards for quality and sustainability.

Flags were raised at 13 beaches: seven urban (Tamarit, Playa Lisa, Gran Playa, Levante, Calas de Santiago Bernabeu, Varadero, and Calas del Este) and six natural (El Pinet, La Gola, Calas de l’Aljub, Bancal de l’Arena, Calas del Cuartel, and La Ermita).

Furthermore, the beaches of Calas de Santiago Bernabeu, Varadero, Calas del Este, and La Ermita have earned the coveted Blue Flag designation.

In addition to these beach certifications, Centro Azul Flags were ceremonially presented to the Salt Museum and the Marine Research Centre (CIMAR).

5 20 - 26 June 2024
• Local News •
Image: Comunitat Valenciana High quality beaches.
Image: Ayuntamiento de Santa Pola
Rodeo Caves.

Skyrocketing success

ALICANTE-Elche Miguel Hernández Airport achieved its highest monthly passenger count in history this May, registering 1,749,487 travellers.

This number surpasses the previous record set in July 2019 by 1.6 per cent and represents a 16.6 per cent increase compared to May 2023.

International passengers remained the majority, with 1,511,567 travellers, marking a 15.8 per cent increase.

National traffic also saw significant growth, with 236,354 passengers, reflecting a 22.6 per cent rise from 2023.

Among international travellers, the United Kingdom contributed the most passengers in May 2024, with 596,238 travellers.

The Netherlands followed with 105,755 travellers, Germany with 104,503, Belgium with 87,167, and Poland with 74,982.

In terms of flight operations, the airport managed a total of 11,019 movements in May, making it the busiest May on record and showing a 14.6 per cent increase compared to the same month in 2023.

ALICANTE AIRPORT: Plays a key role in Mediterranean travel.

For the first five months of the year, Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández Airport handled a total of 6,568,592 passengers, an 18 per cent increase compared to the same period in 2023.

From January to May, the airport operated 41,848 flights, which is 15 per cent more than during the same months of the previous year.

The airport’s growth underscores

its role as a key hub in Mediterranean travel, benefiting from increased tourism and connectivity across Europe.

The surge in passenger numbers, especially from key markets like the United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands, highlights Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández Airport’s growing importance in regional and international air travel.

Buzz off

DURING the summer in the Valencian Community, the tiger mosquito becomes a major problem as temperatures rise.

Ministry of Health data shows that this insect affects about 85 per cent of municipalities, totalling 464 out of 542 localities across Valencia.

The impact is spread out: Valencia has 244 affected areas, Alicante 133, and Castellón 87.

The mosquito is found in both coastal and inland areas, affecting towns of all sizes and landscapes.

Health officials stress the urgent need to eliminate places where the tiger mosquito breeds as the best way to prevent diseases like dengue, chikungunya, and zika, which the mosquito can spread through bites.

A new campaign has been launched to get residents involved in fighting the mosquito problem.

Ruth Usó, the director of Public Health, emphasises that combatting the mosquito is a shared responsibility.

The campaign highlights that 70 per cent of tiger mosquito breeding happens on private properties. Key advice includes regularly removing any water containers that can collect even small amounts of water.

This means emptying water from plant saucers weekly, checking and cleaning drains and gutters regularly, draining inflatable pools, and using chlorine to clean ornamental water features.

6 20 - 26 June 2024
• Local News •
Image: Aena / Facebook

Nature at night

ORIHUELA Tourism has unveiled an exciting initiative for July.

They are now offering a series of night routes to showcase the rich biodiversity and natural landscapes of Orihuela.

“We have prepared some truly refreshing routes for the month of July,” announced Orihuela Tourism councillor Gonzalo Montoya.

“This initiative aims to promote nature tourism during summer nights, providing a cooler alternative to the daytime heat.”

Orihuela, known for its biological diversity and valuable natural landscapes, provides an ideal setting for these activities.

Visitors will have the chance to explore and appreciate the area’s environmental wealth.

The councillor added: “We have dedicated these routes to nature, highli-

ghting the flora and fauna of our municipality, a tourist aspect of our land that we want to emphasise.”

Key locations include the Protected Landscape of Sierra Escalona, the Palmeral of Orihuela, and the underwater Posidonia meadows in Cabo Roig, forming a mosaic of unique ecosystems.

Each route will be guided by a local biodiversity expert equipped with specialised tools, such as ultrasonic bat detectors and thermal cameras, to facilitate detailed and respectful observation of wildlife.

For more information, visit the website o rihuela or WhatsApp (+34) 673 836 385.

7 20 - 26 June 2024
• Local News •
Image: Ayuntamiento de Orihuela Unveiling an exciting tourism iniative for Orihuela.

Talk & walk

ON Sunday, June 23, the long-awaited charity walk will take place at the Asoka Orihuela Animal Protection Centre.

Accolades galore

The animal rescue centre is located on Camino Lo Arques s/n in the San Bartolomé district.

Asoka Orihuela has organised three sessions for participation in this ‘Talk & Walk’ charity event.

The schedule includes a talk in Spanish at 10.30am followed by a talk in English at 11.00am.

This will be followed by the chance to take a rescue dog for a walk!

Those interested in participating can register in advance by emailing asokaorihuela@gmail. com.

The aim of the event is to raise awareness about animal rescue and protection in the municipality, focusing on adoption, shelter, and volunteering for abandoned animals, as well as the management and maintenance of the municipal animal protection centre.

Participation requires a donation of €5.

This day offers an opportunity to spend a pleasant morning learning about the important work carried out by the staff and volunteers, helping the animals, and possibly finding a pet to adopt.

THE MARQ exhibition ‘The Legacy of the Qin and Han Dynasties, China. The Warriors of Xi’an’ has earned a new accolade.

The incredibly popular exhibition won gold at the Ephemeral Architecture Design Awards of the Valencian Community.

This recognition adds to the exhibition’s long history of awards and honours.

The Design Association of the Valencian Community (ADCV) praised the exhibition’s discourse and the unique interaction it created between the warrior sculptures and visitors.

This award joins a list of several others the exhibition has received.

Curated by Cambridge University professor Marcos Martinón-Torres and designed by Elche architect Ángel Rocamora, the exhibition has drawn a record 280,682 visitors in less than a year, making it the most viewed exhibit in the history of the Alicante museum

8 20 - 26 June 2024
• Local News •
Take a rescue dog for a walk. Image: Asoka Orihuela - Página / Facebook

The Spanish government announced its intention to end Spain’s golden visa. Once ratified, non-EU nationals will no longer be able to obtain residency and freedom of movement in Spain simply by buying Spanish high value property. While this sounds like bad news for UK nationals hoping to move here, other visa options are available if you intend to retire in Spain. The non-lucrative visa approach is cheaper as you don’t need to spend a set amount on a property and can choose to buy or rent whichever home you want.

Current rules

The golden visa offered a flexible residence option for third-country nationals who can make a substantial capital investment in the country. For some, the key attraction is being able to come and go as they please.

The common way to qualify is through purchasing property worth at least €500,000. Other pathways include buying shares in a company or making a deposit in a Spanish bank of a €1 million+ or investing in a new business offering significant local benefits.

Eliminating the Golden Visa Spain’s Council of Ministers

How does closing the golden visa impact UK nationals?

agreed to eliminate the golden visa at an April cabinet meeting. They believe this will help ease housing shortages and make homes affordable again for local residents.

Spain has also been under pressure from the European Commission, which wants to clamp down on such residence schemes because of security concerns.

We do not yet know when the change will take effect. The amendments to the law need to be agreed on and ratified and a timeframe

established. Currently the golden visa route remains open, but bear in mind that buying property, applying, and getting it approved is a lengthy process.

Non-Lucrative Visa

The non-lucrative visa is the residence approach most retired UK nationals take since Brexit. It entitles you to reside in Spain without carrying out any gainful (work or professional) activity, provided you have sufficient and guaranteed means to live on.

A key requirement is to provide proof of sufficient financial means to cover the expenses of residing in Spain, or confirming you have a regular source of income. If your monthly pension income does not reach the minimum, having sufficient deposits in a Spanish bank account may cover you.

You also need medical health insurance from an insurer in Spain,

medical check records and clean criminal records.

Your initial visa lasts for one year, at which point you renew it for two years. You’ll need to provide similar documentation again. After five years you can apply for a permanent residency permit, if eligible.

While the golden visa did not commit you to spending more than a few days a year in Spain, the non-lucrative visa commits you to being resident, which generally means spending 183+ days here each year.

You are expected to register as a tax resident – your worldwide incomes, gains and wealth will be subject to Spanish income and wealth taxes and the succession tax rules.

Making the most of Spain

When moving to Spain, you need to adjust your financial affairs to suit your new situation. You will benefit from planning ahead to un-

derstand the tax implications and utilise opportunities to save tax by restructuring your affairs before you change residency.

Take advice from a cross-border tax and wealth management specialist, who understands the residence and tax rules in both Spain and UK and the interaction between them. You may be surprised by how much tax a strategic and compliant financial plan could save you.

The tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any statements concerning taxation are based upon our understanding of current taxation laws and practices which are subject to change. Tax information has been summarised; an individual should take personalised advice.

Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you on the Blevins Franks news page at www.

9 20 - 26 June 2024 • Feature •

BIKERS from different parts of Spain and Belgium gathered for an event organised by the Santa Pola Moto Club.

This event, held over the second weekend of June, was the fifth round of the 2024 Spanish Mototourism Touring Challenge Cup and took place on the Paseo Adolfo Suarez in Santa Pola, under the name Flamingos 2024.

Fifty federated riders from various parts of Spain participated to score points in the Motorcycle Tourism Championship of the national and Madrid federations. They were joined by federated Belgian pilots

Bikers galore

competing in the Belgian International Touring Championship, along with non-federated entrants who completed the navigation route and regularity test.

Saturday, June 8, was very active with many participants, but Sunday, National Motorcycle Day, saw less activity due to return distances, weather warnings, and election day, leading to reduced participation.

In total, 125 bikers registered for the event. Along with curious on-

lookers and passers-by, they enjoyed concerts by Blacknight and Noname, which enlivened the afternoons of both Saturday and Sunday.

Egg-citing news

ON June 18, Arenales del Sol received exciting news: a turtle had come ashore, laid over 100 eggs, and returned to the sea.

The turtle’s tracks in the sand were clearly visible, surprising many morning walkers on the beach.

The first to notice these unusual marks were members of the coastal cleaning service.

The spawning area was initially cordoned off with tape and garbage cans.

Technicians from various organisations, including specialists from

Tennis triumph

THE team of over-30s veterans from the Torrevieja Tennis Club has claimed the title of champions of the Valencian Community.

The final took place on Sunday June 16 at the CD Saladar facilities, where the Torrevieja players demonstrated their skill and determination once


Over the past eight years, the veterans have competed in six finals, with this victory marking their third championship win.

This impressive achievement underscores dedication and competitive spirit.

the Oceanogràfic and the University of Valencia, technicians from the Elche City Council, and representatives from Ecologistes en Acción, were called in to study the area and ensure the process could continue undisturbed. For safety reasons, the technicians relocated more than 100 eggs to another point on the Elche coast.

Summer is the nesting season when female turtles come ashore to lay their eggs in suitable spots.

It is crucial that these turtles are not disturbed during this time.

If you see a turtle coming ashore, the best course of action is to call 112, which activates the Stranding Network, composed of the University of Valencia, the Generalitat, and the Oceanogràfic Foundation.

12 20 - 26 June 2024
• Local News •
Turtles on shore. Image: Oceanogràfic València Image: Ayuntamiento de Santa Pola SANTA POLA: Fifty riders took part from all over Spain.

At its best

Flying Dutchman

IT’S a little known secret that Las Ramblas golf course is also the home to the acting troupe known as ‘The Ramblas Players’. Whilst there are golfers amongst them - their attention was turned for one weekend to providing a night of fun and laughter for packed audiences, indeed, both nights were a sell out - a testament to their fame amongst the locals. Just to add some extra spice to the event, the €15 entrance fee also included wine and paella! Does it get any better?

And so it was - treading the boards under the directorship of Jacs Boswell (Broadway next ???) - the actors treated us to a highly entertaining evening relating the story of how Bottingham police station was saved from closure by some ace detective work smashing the (now notorious) Ditchford gang.

The rehearsals clearly worked as there was only the odd amount of ad libbing here and there as the actors played their

parts to perfection. Jacs had them well drilled! This was local theatre at its best. A great time was had by the audience and by the look of it the actors too. Well done to everyone who took part - hats o to Madam Director and we all look forward to the next production which is already being worked on. Remember the name - The Ramblas Players.

ON June 15 and 16, the regional championship for the Flying Dutchman class took place with five boats competing in ideal conditions.

Both days saw stable winds, with a southeast breeze on Saturday and an east wind on Sunday, averaging eight to 10 knots.

Crews from Club Nautico Altea and Real Club Nautico Torrevieja completed all six races with the Torrevieja crew finally emerging as champions.

The competition was tight, with the Romero-Moreno crew leading initially but tying at eight points with the Martinez-Ruiz crew.

In the final race, Martinez-Ruiz secured the win, breaking the tie and claiming first place, leaving Rome-

ARE you looking to beat the heat in Guardamar del Segura?

The municipal pool is now open for the summer season. Here are the details:

ro-Moreno in second.

At the end of the month, the fleet will head to Club Nautico Altea for the YUASA regatta, a preparatory event for the European Championship in the Bay of Cadiz in October 2024.

The CV crews aim to place in the top 10 of the continental rankings.

Fancy a dip?

From June 16 to 30 and September 1 to 15, the pool is open on weekdays from 11.30am to 2.00pm and from 5.00pm to 8.00pm.

On Saturdays and Sundays, it’s open from 11.30am to 8.00pm, with free entry until full capacity is reached.

During the peak season, from July 1 to August 31, the pool hours are from 1.00pm to 8.00pm on weekdays and from 11.30am to 8.00pm on Saturdays and Sundays. The general admission fee is €2.00.

14 20 - 26 June 2024 • Local News •
Image: Real Club Náutico
Competition was tight. RAMBLAS PLAYERS: Providing fun and laughter.

Parking revolution

ELCHE’S mayor Pablo Ruz has announced a significant initiative to address the city’s parking concerns by creating 650 new free parking spaces across va-

rious areas.

This decision follows the reversal of a previous government plan aimed at reducing 1,500 parking spots, primarily in Carrús, which had raised concerns among residents.

“We are committed to resolving this issue that worries the people of Elche,” the mayor stated.

“In the coming months, we will introduce 650 new parking spaces, leveraging our city’s resources and expertise to address the decline in neighbourhood parking availability in recent years.”

The implementation of this plan has already commenced on Calle Josefina Manresa, where 120 new spaces have been created

HEAVY storms in June have added 10 hectometres of water to the Segura River’s reservoirs, according to the Segura Hydrographic Confederation.

Despite this increase, the Region of Murcia and southern Alicante still face a significant water shortage.

The Segura basin now

using battery-powered row parking solutions.

Future expansions are scheduled for areas like Carrús, El Pla, and Altabix.

The mayor emphasised the broader impact of this initiative on urban sustainability, noting, “While promoting the creation of new par king spaces, we also aim to enhance green areas and mitigate the summer heat.”

He also highlighted the

integration of this measure with the promotion of underground parking facilities.

Watered down

has 264 cubic hectometres (hm³) of water, which is 23.2 per cent of its capacity.

The largest reservoir, Cenajo, holds 60 hm³, or 14 per cent of its capacity.

The Pedrera reservoir gained 2.5 hm³ this week, reaching 21 per cent of its

capacity, thanks to water diversions from the Ojós weir. To manage flooding, the Confederation used infrastructure like the Orihuela siphon.

In Beniel, river flow peaked at 60 cubic metres per second, compared to

the usual five cubic metres per second. Some of this extra water was stored in the reservoirs.

Additionally, La Pedrera receives water from the Torrevieja desalination plant and the Tajo transfer, which is performing well during the irrigation season.

16 20 - 26 June 2024 • Local News •
Image: Ayuntamiento de Elche PARKING SPACES: Committed to resolving the issue.

ON the morning of Saturday, June 15, the medical team at the University Hospital of Torrevieja performed an emergency cesarean section on a pregnant woman.

The lady was carrying triplets at only 29 weeks of gestation.

Each of the three babies, weighing less than 1kg, required immediate resuscitation and stabilisation by the hospital’s pediatric team.

The complexity of this case necessitated the exceptional collaboration of multiple medical teams.

The pediatric team that had just completed a 24hour shift joined forces with the incoming relief

Keeping cool Pinoso Pride Miracle triplets

ELDA has announced the upcoming opening of the municipal summer pools at San Crispín.

The pools will be open from 11.00am until 8.00pm every day until September.

María Gisbert, counci llor for Sports, confir med: “We are pleased to offer this service.”

“As in previous years, the prices will remain affordable, and payment will be accepted via bank card.”

The covered pools at San Crispín have consis tently attracted a large number of visitors, with over 25,000 people attending last year, a trend they hope to continue.

team, the on-call team, and two additional residents to ensure the newborns’ stability.

Due to the lack of a neonatal ICU at Torrevieja Hospital, coordination for transferring the newborns to the General Hospital of Elche, the designated reference centre, was essential.

The transfer operation was completed around 7.00pm, with both the mother and the three babies in stable condition.

This case underscores the dedication and extraordinary efforts of the medical staff at Torrevieja University Hospital in providing the best possible care in critical situations.

In addition to regular access, the facility will host intensive swimming sessions in July, Monday to Friday, with various pricing options including family discounts.

The councillor stressed the comprehensive effort involved in managing the pools, which includes lifeguards, monitors, maintenance personnel, administrative staff, and local police ensuring safety and optimal conditions.

The councillor added: “Recognising the upcoming hot summer, we invite everyone to visit and enjoy these facilities.”

ON July 6, Pinoso will celebrate Pride Day with its fourth Fiesta of Fun at Parc de Santa Catalina in Guany.

The event promises a full day of diverse activities to commemorate this occasion.

In the morning, starting at 10.30am, there will be a CrossFit session organised by the Regidoria d’Esports i DIMOVE Elx, aimed at promoting inclusion and normalisation for LGTBIQ+ individuals through sports and culture.

Participation requires registration due to limited spots available.

Later in the evening, the festivities will continue with a family-friendly theatre performance beginning at 8.30pm.

Throughout the evening, there will be a bar service offering a variety of drinks and snacks, including montaditos (mini sandwiches or a slice of French stick with a topping) and local delicacies such as embutidos (mini sausages and other meat products).

Partygoers can also enjoy wine tastings and a selection of vermouth.

18 20 - 26 June 2024 • Local News •
TORREVIEJA HOSPITAL: An emergency cesarean section was carried out. Image: Torrevieja San GVA Image: Ayuntamiento de Elda


Jasmine Harman, A Place in the Sun

Donna Williams TENACIOUS TV presenter

Jasmine Harman is a classic example of how the confidence of youth can lead to life changes that shape an entire future.

Euro Weekly News had the pleasure of chatting with her at the opening of the brand new A Place in the Sun Currency office in Dehesa de Campoamor.

Originally from Hackney, East London, Jasmine spent several years working in the Algarve as a marketing manager for a golf and health spa, writing for a local paper and hosting her radio show. This was her first foray into the world of broadcasting, and it seems her friends were keen on her doing more. She

explained, “I was ready for a new adventure, and my friends suggested I be a TV presenter.”

On a night out and after quite a few margaritas, this sounded like a great idea to Jasmine and the very next morning, she handed in her notice. Putting her showreel together, she sent one of her tapes to a production company. This turned out to be the very production company that was making A Place in the Sun.

Asked if she believed that fate stepped in, she considered this and explained that while she does believe in fate, she also believes that, as individuals, we have quite a big say in our own fate and the ability to manifest what we

want in life. She explained, “I may be a bit of a hippie at heart, but I believe in it because I have done it many times and experienced it.”

Having dedicated two decades to the show, Jasmine is deeply moved by its impact. She cherishes how it guides people to their next big adventure - not just those who appear on the show but also the viewers who are inspired to move abroad. She shared, “While meeting people at the new office today, I must have had at least 30 come up to me and tell me they are here because of A Place in the Sun, and I love that.”

Jasmine has found her place in the sun and lives with her husband, Jon, and their

two children in Estepona in Costa del Sol. Asked what she found most challenging about the move abroad, she said, “I think I was unprepared for the fact that you have to start everything again from scratch.

“So back in London, I had built up social networks and a service list - doctors, etcand yet, moving here, I had

to start again without knowing where to begin.”

Nine months on, and thanks to the support and friendship of her local community, she feels very settled. She loves how the lifestyle lends itself to a more relaxed existence and how she can do Zumba on the beach, swim in the sea or even a river, and walk her dog in the mountains.

20 20 - 26 June 2024 • Feature •

Dutch integration Bottle caps

THE new Dutch coalition’s plan to include Holocaust on the list of compulsory subjects for newcomers has been widely discussed by the public.

Many question; is it a welcome or a warning?

The BBB parliamentarian, Mona Keijzer, introduced the idea that stricter requirements should be imposed on integration of newcomers, sharing some of the darkest times in Dutch history.

According to Keijzer, many immigrants in the Netherlands come from Muslim countries, where, she believes, the “hatred of Jews is almost part of the culture”. She highlighted the importance of these lessons today; “It is important that lessons about the Holocaust are not stuck too much in the past.

After all, the most important lesson is about the present, namely that we turn a blind eye when Israel slaughters Palestinians.”

A NEW EU directive approved a new policy that requires all bottle caps to be attached to containers containing less than three litres.

The rule officially starts on July 3; however, the policy was announced by the EU in 2018.

In anticipation of this change, some companies have alre ady embraced sustainable practices. This pioneering initia tive aims to reduce plastic waste by 10 per cent, addressing the excess of plastic pollution that takes over beaches and oceans.

Supporting these EU measures, the Spanish Waste Law also promotes the reduction of was te through various initiatives. The law empha sises reducing waste ‘through the sale of bulk products, [and] the sale and use of reusable con tainers or devices’, encouraging a shift towards more sustainable consumption.

The new regulation has sparked a mix of cele bration and frustration among citizens across Europe, impacting their daily consumption of plastic bottles.

A resident from Greece shared their ob servations, reflecting on the environmen tal benefits of the new regulation: “Has anyone else noticed that European wa ter bottles have changed to a cap that doesn’t detach when opened? It reduces

litter and makes them easier to recycle.”

In contrast, a UK resident responded to the tweet with a different perspective: “We have had them in the UK for most of last year. It is definitely high up there in the most annoying inventions the world has ever seen.”

In Spain, residents have also voiced their common frustrations on social media. On Facebook, people commented Euro Weekly News platform announcing the bottle cap regulation, expressing mixed feelings. One user remarked, “A good idea in theory, but they are terrible!” Some users recalled past transitions in packaging design in Europe. One reader noted, “They did it with ring-pulls on drinks cans in 1989 and it reduced the amount of waste in the environment... and we all got used to that, same here

This change aims to prevent what seems like a small pollution problem but that can contribute significantly to the more than 850 million tonnes of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere in 2019 due to plastic waste, according to Euronews.

As the implementation date approaches, and companies and the population go through the adaptation process, the conversation around sustainability and practical usability takes another step forward in Europe.

22 20 - 26 June 2024 • News •
Plastic water bottle with opened cap. Credit: EWN Media Group Mona Keijzer speaking. Credit: Mona Keijzer, X

Football heroes

FOOTBALL isn’t just about money and the Foundation created by Cadiz Football Club has just purchased an 88-year-old woman’s flat to save her from being evicted.

Maria Muñoz Ladron de Guevara is an ardent Cadiz fan and was heartbroken when was informed she was going to be evicted from her flat where she had lived since 1967 and first moved in with her late husband.

The local community rallied around her and the ‘Adopt a Grandparent’ initiative

played a crucial part in Maria’s story, as they managed to collect hundreds of signatures in support.

Eventually, the Plataforma de vecinos y amigos de El Populo appealed for help to the Cadiz CF Foundation as she couldn’t afford to purchase the flat so the Foundation took it over, paying out €147,000 and gave her a contract at her original monthly rental price of €97.

The owners of the club personally turned up at her house and said the house was hers and “will always be hers”.

23 20 - 26 June 2024 • News •
Maria and her family after hearing the good news. Credit: the Plataforma de vecinos y amigos de El Populo Facebook

A Place in the Sun Currency

A PLACE IN THE SUN CURRENCY has come to Costa Banca with the opening of a brand new office in Dehesa de Campoamor. A whole host of people, including British, Irish, and Scandinavians, attended the opening to chat with experts and meet Jasmine Harman, presenter of A Place in the Sun.

As a licensed part- ner of the TV

tion company of the same name, A Place in the Sun Currency is committed to delivering top-tier currency exchange services tailored to client needs. They are there to help overseas property buyers, owners and sellers transfer money internationally and make their money go further.

Whether sending a one-time payment for a property or setting up regular overseas transactions, their experts are on hand to provide assistance every step of the way, making the process as convenient as possible. In doing so, they ensure

funds reach the right destination, at the right time, at a highly competitive rate. Transferring large sums of money is a serious business and can be complicated, and when that involves a currency exchange, even more so. One of the biggest concerns is the total sum that ends up being the final price paid owing to exchange rate fluctuations. While A Place in the Sun Currency offers exchange rates far superior to the banks, their experts can also alleviate this concern by setting up a Forward Contract. This means that the buyer knows exactly how much they will have to pay when it comes to making the final transfer. After all, no one would buy a property without knowing how much they are

paying for it.

Before using their services, clients need to register at aplaceinthesuncurren Once they’ve completed this step, they can place an order at their convenience, knowing that their funds are being managed securely and that they’ll receive regular updates. This includes emailing a proof of transfer which can be forwarded to a property agent, solicitor or notary. As a responsible business, A Place in the Sun Currency always conducts thorough checks to ensure money is being transferred to a reputable company, safeguarding its client’s interests.

All client payments are handled through UK and EU bank accounts held with Barclays Bank plc and Banco Sabadell. They are FCA-regulated and HMRC registered in the UK, and Bank of Spain regulated in the EU, as a money service business, having been established over 15 years ago.

A Place in the Sun Currency is part of the group that operates A Place in the Sun Live exhibitions and aplaceinthe

Costa Blanca Office: Balcon del Mar, Avenida de Las Adelfas 16c, 03189 Cabo Roig, Alicante Tel: 0034 966 548 523

24 20 - 26 June 2024 • Feature •


LA CRUZ AZUL: Comprehensive and compassionate care for the elderly

LA CRUZ AZUL specialises in home care for the elderly, boasting over 30 years of experience. Their mission is to provide comprehensive services addressing all patient needs, ensuring well-being and quality of life within the family environment.

La Cruz Azul stands out for its extensive range of services tailored to the diverse needs of the elderly:

Healthcare: The team includes healthcare professionals offering specialised medical care at home, such as medication administration and vital signs monitoring.

Personal and Domestic Care: Assistants help with daily activities like personal hygiene, mobility, and household tasks, fostering independence and comfort.

Psychological and Social Support: Recognising the im-

portance of mental health, La Cruz Azul provides mediation psychology for families and emotional support for patients,

promoting a healthy emotional environment.

The quality of

La Cruz Azul’s services is supported by continuous training of their assistants. Caregivers receive specific training in first aid, chronic disease management, and effective communication with patients and families.

Operating throughout Spain, La Cruz Azul serves a wide

commitment to excellence has been nationally recognised, establishing them as a leader in home care for the elderly. The organisation has received numerous accolades for their compassionate approach and ability to tailor to individual needs.

La Cruz Azul’s approach prioritises patient well-being and dignity, reflected in personalised care plans developed in collaboration with patients and their families to ensure all needs are efficiently and respectfully met.

La Cruz Azul is a standout choice for families seeking comprehensive, professional care for their elderly loved ones. Their dedication, experience, and patient-centred approach make them leaders in the home care sector.

For more information on their services and how they can improve the quality of life for the elderly, visit their web:


Speaking EuropeanDesiree Maas

“Now and then, I go back to the Netherlands to visit family and friends, but after a few days I just want to go back. The moment I land and drive home in Spain, I am happy,” said Desiree, a real estate agent who moved from Rotterdam to Spain.

DESIREE made the life changing decision in 2019 and moved to Spain on her own, expanding her work in the real estate market with the 4 You Estate company.

In Denia, Desiree has constructed a beach house, where she gets together with her Spanish, Va lencian, Dutch, English and French friends.

She speaks five languages, including Spanish. She shared; “I think it is essential if you live in another country that you speak the language, especially if you work

there as well.”

In a lifestyle of vibrancy and diversity, Desiree encourages all those considering moving to Spain to not doubt their decision: “Life is so much better in Spain than say, in the Netherlands, or in Northern Europe.”

She advised newcomers to “get good guidance,” highlighting the kind spirit of both the Spanish and expat community, who will be happy to welcome foreigners.

26 20 - 26 June 2024 • Feature •

The longest walk

PORTUGAL has an exciting new plan in the works: a circular hiking trail spanning the entire country, measuring 3,000 kilometres in total.

Named Palmilhar Portugal, this trail promises an all-encompassing view of the nation for those adventurous enough to complete it.

While the exact nish date remains uncertain, the rst section is set to debut in July, starting in Alenquer, just north of Lisbon.

From there, the trail will wind through Alentejo in central Portugal before reaching the northern region of Trás-os-Montes.

This ambitious undertaking will involve one-third of Portugal’s municipalities and may cost up to €3.5 million.

What sets this trail apart is its accessibility, even for hikers with mobility limitations.

The brains behind this endeavour is Ricardo Bernardes, a communication design consultant who was struck with inspiration while hiking and desiring a way back to his starting point without retracing his steps.

While Portugal attracts many tourists, particularly during the summer,

most tend to concentrate in Lisbon and along the Algarve coast. This leads to overcrowding in these areas, leaving other parts of the country overlooked.

The circular hiking route aims to change this by distributing tourism more evenly and bene ting lesser-known communities along the way.

For comparison, Canada boasts the world’s longest non-circular walking trail, the ‘Great Trail’, stretching 24,000 kilometres from coast to coast, unveiled in 2017.

Hot Rodent Men

THE latest trend among Gen Z is the ‘Hot Rodent Men’, a term gaining traction online as the new standard of desirability.

But what exactly does it mean, and why the sudden interest?

‘Hot Rodent Men’ or ‘sexy rat boyfriends’, as they’re playfully referred to in certain corners of the internet, represent a subset of men who are currently capturing attention.

These individuals typically possess features resembling mice or rats: slender frames, angular facial structures, prominent ears, sunken or beady eyes, unkempt hair, and paleness that could be misconstrued as a sign of calcium deficiency. However, it’s not solely about physical appearance.

There’s a certain vibe associated with being

a Hot Rodent Man, suggesting a non-threatening, safe presence coupled with the potential for creativity and emotional depth.

While personality traits associated with Hot Rodent Men may not be explicitly defined, there’s an implication that they possess qualities beyond traditional notions of masculinity and attractiveness.

It’s akin to the millennial ‘hipster’ or ‘indie guy’ archetype.

So, who fits the bill?

Celebrities like Matt Healy from the band 1975 and Jeremy Allen White from The Bears are cited as exam-

These individuals may not adhere to the conventional Hollywood heartthrob mould represented by stars like Chris Hemsworth; instead, they offer a different kind of appeal, one that celebrates uniqueness and individuality over conventional beauty standards.

27 20 - 26 June 2024 • News •
Image: Palmilhar / José João M Henriques / Facebook
A circular 3,000km hiking trail. Jeremy Allen White

Counterfeit goods


ALONG the Costa Blanca, undercover police patrol the streets to ne shoppers purchasing from unlicensed vendors.

Talyta Franca, Class 2026, Northwest University of Qatar

These illegal sellers, called ‘manteros’ or blanket sellers, because of the usual blanket they put on the streets to show their products, offer items like shoes, watches, sunglasses, bags and others at lower prices.

pay taxes, which is unfair to legitimate businesses.”

However, falling for these attractive and cheaper products in Spain can now result in a fine of up to €200.

This initiative is part of a larger effort to curb illegal street selling. The purpose behind this regulation is to prevent the impact on legitimate business in the country.

Luiza Golin , an 18-year-old from Italy, said she knew about this police action: “That’s why they have the blankets, so when the police come they can put everything together and run.”

Although she was informed about the regulations, Luiza says she still is divided about whether she thinks it’s fair or not. “I understand both points of view. It’s terrible that people just want some income to sustain their lives, but it’s also unfair to local shops and small businesses that lose customers to the cheap prices of street sellers.”

A 39-year-old local seller from Finland, who preferred to not share their name, and has lived in the area for four years, expressed a different view: “We sell clothes and other items at flea markets, and the manteros affect our business. They don’t

When asked about the police fee for the population, the seller said: “The €200 fine is good, but it targets the buyers, not the sellers. If nobody buys from them, they’ll have to find other work. It’s important to focus on both the sellers and the buyers.”

The restrictions are endorsed by the 19-year-old Swedish Tova . “I think that you absolutely shouldn’t buy from them, I’ve never done it myself,” she said. Despite her stance, Tova expressed empathy for the sellers, recognising that their circumstances might be challenging. She also highlighted “The police should raise awareness to this new regulation so that tourists are fully aware of it.”

Francesco, 26, originally from Italy, affirms “In Italy, we have also lots of these people, usually immigrants as here,” and he adds “This new rule is right, because it’s not fair for who is doing the job correctly, in accordance with the law, paying a rent and electricity for the store, compete with people who are almost ‘cheating’ and selling on the streets with no costs.”

However, the Italian also disagrees with the fee “I don’t think that the fine for the client is correct, because people are always seeking for the best deals, and if they find something very cheap in front of their face, why wouldn’t they go

28 20 - 26 June 2024 • Feature •

Half a million euro heist

AT least €500,000 worth of luxury goods were stolen in a heist pulled o in the night at the Bulgari shop in Via Condotti in Rome.

Like the plot of a lm, the thieves started from the basement, drilling a hole in the service rooms of an adjacent shop, and entering the Bulgari store shortly after midnight.

The shop’s security system sounded the alarm, but, althought the police took less than seven minutes to respond, it then took three to four minutes to open the shop door, meanwhile the thieves ed the scene.

The initial estimate is a €500,000 haul, but it is possible that amount

could rise. The case is being investigated by the Rome police, who have been trying to identify the gang. Camera footage has been acquired and the possible route of the criminals analysed.

The thieves reportedly entered from a basement underneath the building adjacent to the shop. On inspecting the area, the o cers discovered that an old sewer tunnel had been used. The route was checked with the help of the re brigade, to hunt for anything that could be used to trace the perpetrators.

According to the investigators, there were at least three thieves. Two of Bulgari’s four internal security cameras captured the burglars.

Denmark pulls ultra-spicy noodles

DANISH authorities have stopped the sale of three popular Korean noodle products, warning that their extreme spiciness could land consumers in the hospital. The products in question, made by South Korean brand Samyang, include ‘3x Spicy & Hot Chicken’, ‘2x Spicy & Hot Chicken’, and ‘Hot Chicken Stew’.

The Danish National Food Institute found that the total capsaicin levels in these noodles were so high they could cause acute poisoning.

This led to an official recall announcement advising people to avoid these products. Parents were specifically warned to call a poison hotline if their children showed any ill effects after eating the noodles. However, the institute reassured that if no acute symptoms appear, there’s no need to worry.

The reason behind the recall isn’t entirely clear.

A Samyang Foods official told the Korea Times that the Danish authorities likely acted out of concern over the excessive spiciness, not due to any quality issues with the products. Samyang plans to closely examine Danish regulations and respond accordingly.

Social media users have reacted by mocking Denmark’s perceived low tolerance for spicy food, with jokes that even cardamom might be too hot for Danish tastes. This isn’t the first

time Nordic cuisine has been teased, but the recall has had serious implications for the brand. Samyang Foods, whose products are widely popular and profitable globally, is now dealing with this unprecedented recall. Despite their popularity, this marks the first instance where their noodles were pulled from shelves for being too spicy. Samyang aims to better understand and comply with local regulations in their export markets.

29 20 - 26 June 2024 • News •
Photo: Flickr CC / Carlo Raso
BULGARI SHOP: Thieves entered from an adjacent basement.
Image: Facebook/ Samyangfoods
KOREAN NOODLES: Feeling the burn.

Euros in Portugal

THE Algarve is gearing up for a summer of football fever and family entertainment. Two major events will bring fans together.

In the heart of Faro, the capital of the Algarve, a giant screen has been erected near the bandstand and Jardim Manuel Bivar. This free-to-attend fan zone promises to be the place to be for all Euro 2024 matches, with large crowds expected, especially when Portugal takes the field.

But football is just the beginning. The organisers have planned “much more entertainment” throughout the summer, extending all the way to September 7. Visitors can expect a vibrant mix of concerts, food stalls, festivals, and even a Ferris wheel, all thanks to a partnership with Correio da Manha newspaper.

Meanwhile, in Olhao, the Nautical Association of the Port of Recreation (ANPRO) is hosting the Marina Fan Fest throughout the Euros. A giant screen will be the centrepiece, recreating the electrifying atmosphere of a football stadium. Attendees can participate in games and contests to keep the energy high between matches.

Portugal kicked off their Euro campaign on Tuesday, June 18 at 8pm against Czechia. Fans can return for further action on Saturday, June 22 at 5pm when Portugal faces Turkey, and on Wednesday, June 26 at 8pm for the final group stage match against Georgia.

King Felipe VI Tenth Anniversary

JUNE 19, 2014, was a momentous day in Spain’s history. It marked the accession of a new King and Queen, King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia.

Now, a decade later, and to mark their 10th anniversary, they have once again stepped out onto the balcony of the Royal Palace to witness the solemn changing of the Royal Guard, with their daughters, Princess Leonor, the Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofia, alongside them.

Later that day, they presented the Order of Civil Merit to 19 citizens who, according to the Royal Household, “carry out their lives and ordinary professional work in an exemplary manner, at the service of society.”

The ceremony was held in the Salon de Columnas of the Royal Palace, and the Princess of

Asturias bestowed the decoration on the youngest recipient.

In the afternoon, the Princess of Asturias and the Infanta Sofia embarked on a special tour of the Royal Collections Gallery. They were accompanied by

40 young people who participated in the competition ‘What is a king for you?’ organised by the Spanish Institutional Foundation (FIES).

As a gesture of appreciation to the public, the Royal Guard band performed a concert in

the Plaza de Oriente, open to all. The evening was brought to a grand close with a final performance by renowned violinist Ara Malikian, who serenaded the crowd from one of the balconies of the Royal Palace.

30 20 - 26 June 2024 • News •
Audience with the King and Queen of Asturias, the Princess of Asturias and the Infanta Sofia.

Ambassador’s Summer Soiree

WE were privileged to be invited to the Ambassador’s residence on Thursday, June 13, 2024, in honour of King Charles III’s birthday on June 15. The anticipation of visiting the Ambassador’s residence always brings a tingle of excitement and a distinct sense of British pride, distinct from our usual European identity.

Despite the very humid but comfortably warm late 20-degree weather in Madrid, our spirits were high as we set off, reporter in tow. After undergoing thorough security checks amidst a sea of Guardia Civil Police, we were welcomed with a cocktail and a refreshingly chilled glass of water with orange slices.

The Spanish echelons of society, elegantly dressed as only Madrileños and wealthy foreigners can, were in attendance. The distant sound of a brass band added to the ambiance, creating the charming illusion of an English garden abroad - a thrilling and somewhat disconcerting experience.

The garden buzzed with activity, filled with people and cameras, and the audience was liberally peppered with various groups in uniform. Hugh Elliott, the British Ambassador to Spain, took to the stage and conducted his speech fluently in Spanish. Within minutes, his quick wit had everyone smiling, showcasing his excellent storytelling skills. The Ambassador graciously thanked everyone for their assistance during his unique but arduous time in office.

Ambassador Elliott’s role began amidst the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, followed immediately by the execution and implementation of Brexit - never an easy task for a British Ambassador in Spain. He navigated through the war in Ukraine and Russia, and more recently, the horrendous massacre in Israel on October 7, 2023. Though these topics made for sombre listening, they were addressed with sympathy, empathy, and a complete understanding of all events and repercussions.

band, a wave of pride and patriotism swept over us. Thanks were given to supporters, sponsors, and collaborators, including the suppliers of oranges and orange gin from Huelva and Sevilla. The Ambassador drew a fitting analogy between his role and marmalade, symbolising his love for both coun tries and his professional ability to integrate the requirements of his native land into his work in Spain.

The evening’s food was prepared by English chef Marc Fosh, a master of fusion cuisine. Marc Fosh, once a columnist for the Euro Weekly Newspaper during his time as resident chef at the world-famous REED HOTEL in Mallorca, has been an acquaintance for more than 20 years. His culinary talents were once again on display, delighting everyone despite some unconventional combinations. The beer taps flowed, and the gin and tonic barsquintessentially English yet favoured by the Spanish - were popular spots for conversation.

As the cake to celebrate King Charles’s birthday was wheeled out, the music played softly in the background. The event was a roaring success, with guests lingering long into the night, enjoying the ambiance and each other’s company.

For a girl from Rochdale, standing in this same spot some 10 years ago, I had the honour of meeting the then Prince, now King Charles, discussing the challenges of life facing a foreigner abroad. Celebrating the King’s birthday in such a setting reaffirmed my belief that an Englishwoman abroad can always succeed through hard work, integration, and embracing European thoughts.

It’s not goodbye to Hugh Elliott but adiós and muchas gracias for all that you have done for us in these difficult and unprece- 32 20 - 26 June 2024 • News •

Alcohol at altitude

A NEW study by German researchers suggests indulging in a pre- ight drink could pose a surprising risk to your heart health, particularly if you plan to catch some sleep during the ight.

The study, published in the medical journal Thorax, found that the combination of alcohol consumption and the low cabin pressure experienced at cruising altitude can negatively impact the cardiovascular system, even in young and healthy adults. Participants who consumed alcohol before simulated sleep in a low-pressure environment mimicking an airplane cabin exhibited decreased blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) and increased heart rate.

The risks associated with alcohol on airplanes go beyond just heart health. The drier cabin environment can lead to dehydration, worsening the e ects of alcohol. Additionally, the lower cabin pressure may contribute to faster intoxi-

cation. “While a single drink for a healthy person is unlikely to cause major harm,” explains Dr Nadia Elmenhorst, lead researcher on the study, “The combination of alcohol and reduced oxygen levels can put a strain on the heart, especially for those with pre-existing conditions.”

The study underscores the potential dangers for passengers with heart or lung problems. The observed e ects could exacerbate existing symptoms and potentially lead to health complications during the ight.

So, what are some healthier alternatives to a pre- ight drink? Opting for water or hydrating beverages like fruit juice can help combat dehydration and ensure your body functions optimally during the ight. Relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation can also help manage stress and anxiety, often the reasons people reach for a drink before a ight.

Royal family can vote

JUNE 9 was considered Super Sunday in Belgium as there were three separate elections taking place, Regional, National and European.

Belgium has a record of having one of the highest European Election turn outs and didn’t disappoint this year with just under 90 per cent of the electorate taking part.

This included more than 800,000 young people who attended the polls for the rst time and included the four young Royals, Princess Elisabeth, Prince Gabriel, Prince Emmanuel and Princess Eléonore, who voted in Leken, a district of Brussels.

The three eldest were able to vote in each election, but 16-yearold Princess Eléonore could only vote for the European Parliament


It has now been revealed that because of a possible breakdown of procedures not only 16-year-olds but also EU passport holders may have ended up voting in all three elections and if that is proven to be the case, there may need to be further elections held in some areas.

In the event, as far as the European Elections are concerned, of the 22 seats allocated to Belgium, 14 were taken by centre or right wing

parties with two being held by the Greens and six by socialists.

Although technically, members of the British Royal Family are allowed to vote in UK elections (unless they have also entered the House of Lords), unwritten rules ensure that the monarch and senior members of the Royal Family who might ascend to the throne do not vote as the monarch is supposed to remain neutral and above partisan politics.

33 20 - 26 June 2024 • News •
Choose healthy options for a smooth flight. Heir to the Belgian throne Princess Elisabeth cast her vote. Credit: Belgian Royal Family X

Costa Blanca Property Supplement:

An ideal introduction to living in this special area

IF you’re considering purchasing property in sunny Spain, whether for relocation or a change of scenery, you’ve come to the right place.

Explore a collection of articles that aim to simplify the process of buying real estate in Spain.

From the busy city streets to the tranquil shores of the Costa Blanca, the area offers a diverse range of landscapes and lifestyles to cater to every preferen-

ce. Whether you envision a charming villa situated in the hills or a modern apartment with a view of the Mediterranean, these articles are tailored to provide essential insights and practical guidance.

We cover important topics such as navigating legal requirements, understanding local real estate trends, and discovering hidden treasures that could soon be your new home.

Each article is crafted to empower you, the prospective buyer, with the knowledge needed to make well-informed decisions and confidently embark on your journey to owning property in Spain.

Inside you will find a collection of useful articles and advice from local companies which will help you find your dream property and discover a range of services you may need.

Fully authorised to operate in Spain | Currency transfers you can trust PROPERTY SPECIAL THE PROPERTY PULL-OUT

BEING the second generation, we are a dynamic and professional company.

We will help you find the right home on the Costa Blanca for your family with professionalism and honesty.

Our extensive portfolio of homes allows us to offer you the sale and rental of homes in Campoamor, La Zenia, Playa Flamenca, Cabo Roig, Villamartín, Torrevieja, La Mata.

New construction homes, second-hand homes such as apartments with sea views, luxury chalets, bungalows, duplexes with a plot.

For rent we can offer you long-term rentals such as holiday rentals in Orihuela Costa, whether it is a villa, apartments or townhouses.

Real estate investment products such as hotels, lots, petrol stations, being able to help you manage them.

If you plan to sell a home in Orihuela Costa or Torrevieja, Ibero Homes is your real estate agency in the south of the Costa Blanca.

We will carry out a totally free appraisal of your home and we will propose a professional business plan to sell your home in the shortest possible time.

Through our commercial network of agents both nationally and internationally in France, Norway, Belgium and Russia.

We have clients looking to buy their home on the Costa Blanca.

We have our after-sales service through which we will help you in any incident that occurs after the purchase as well as the changes, modifications or reforms that you want to undertake.

In the south of the Costa Blanca, Orihuela Costa and Torrevieja we have a microclimate that gives us more than 335 days of sunshine a year and enviable temperatures throughout the year.

You will find beaches of fine sand that have the highest international award, the Blue Flag.

A good number of 18-hole golf courses and very well connected by road, rail and two international airports from which to fly anywhere.

Av. de las Adelfas 18, BAJO | 03189 Dehesa de Campoamor | Alicante | 609 681 505 |

Urban Living

URBAN living often means adapting to smaller living spaces, but with smart design solutions, even the tiniest apartments can be both functional and stylish. Here are some strategies to maximise small spaces in city homes:

Multifunctional Furniture

Investing in multifunctional furniture is key. Look for pieces that serve multiple purposes, such as a sofa that converts into a bed, or a dining table that doubles as a workspace. Foldable and stackable furniture can be tucked away when not in use, freeing up valuable floor space.

Vertical Storage

Utilising vertical space is essential in small apartments. Shelving units that reach up to the ceiling provide ample storage without occupying floor space. Wall-mounted storage solutions, like pegboards or floating shelves, can keep essentials organised and accessible while maintaining a clean, uncluttered look.

Built-In Solutions

Custom built-ins, such as window seats with storage underneath or built-in bookcases, make the most of every nook and cranny. These tailored solutions often blend seamlessly with the architecture, enhancing both function and aesthetics.

Light and Colour

Light colours and ample lighting can make a small space feel larger. Opt for a light colour palette for walls and furniture to create an airy, open atmosphere. Mirrors can reflect light and give the illusion of more space. Maximising natural light with sheer curtains or strategically placed furniture also helps.

Declutter and Organise

A minimalist approach to belongings can dramatically increase the perceived space. Regularly declutter and keep only what is necessary. Use storage boxes, baskets, and organisers to keep items neatly stowed away.

Ibero Homes!
your dream home with

Streamlining your transition to Spain: A

Guide to help you obtain a Non Lucrative Visa

Q . Hi Alex. Firstly tell me a bit about yourself and your firm.

A. My name is Alejandro Sanchez Garcia and I’m the managing director of Legal and Tax In Spain and SG International Legal & Tax Services, a firm of solicitors and accountants. We’ve been helping expats since 1999 with all types of legal and fiscal queries. We help people looking to purchase a property in Spain either as a holiday home or on a permanent basis. We also help people wishing to set up businesses and we give basic and complex tax advice.

Q. Can I just move to Spain if I want to start a new life there?

A. Unfortunately it’s not as simple as that. If you’re retired or won’t be working when you come to Spain and you have a British or any Non

Why the Costa Blanca?

THE Costa Blanca South, particularly the Alicante Province, offers one of the healthiest climates globally, as recognised by the World Health Organisation. This is attributed to its mild weather yearround and low humidity levels, influenced by the drying effect of the salt lakes.

The climate has proven beneficial for individuals with conditions like arthritis, as the absence of cold and dampness alleviates symptoms, prompting many to relocate or invest in holiday homes in the area. The region boasts a subtropical Mediterranean climate, providing approximately 3,000 hours of sunshine annually and an average temperature exceeding 20°C.

Sea breezes cool the summer heat, while surrounding mountains shield from cold northern winds in winter, resulting in up to 325 sunny days each year. The Costa Blanca spans 200 kilometres of coastline in Alicante, earning it the moniker ‘The White Coast’.

Its stunning beaches, including Guardamar Del Segura, La Mata, La Marina, and Orihuela Costa

EU Passport, first of all you will need to have a Non Lucrative Visa (NLV) in place. You need to be aware that if you apply for the NLV you will become tax resident in Spain and will have to present a tax return in Spain. You pay taxes based on ALL your worldwide income. It is important BEFORE applying for the NLV that you organise a TAX PLAN with our chartered accountant’s team.

Q. Are there any specific requirements to get the Visa? How can I get one?

A. Yes, you need to be able to show that you have no criminal record and also that you don’t suffer from any diseases that could have serious health consequences. You’ll also need to take out prívate health insurance or, if you’re a UK pensioner, you can provide the S1. You also need to show that you have sufficient financial means to support you and your family once you’re in Spain. We prepare all the paperwork ready for you to present your application at an appointment at the Spanish Consulate office nearest to where you live in the UK (either London, Manchester or Edinburgh).

Q. What happens afterwards?

A. Once your Visa has been approved it gets stamped in your Passport. You will then be able to enter Spain. You must do this within a maximum

of three months. Upon arrival you need to register your address in the municipality where you’ll be living and you’ll get a certifícate known as a Padron. Within one month of arriving in Spain you must have an appointment at a specified Police station or Foreigner’s Office in the región where you live in order to register your fingerprint and obtain your TIE card (foreigner’s identity card).

Q. I don’t speak Spanish. How can I get the TIE card?

A. Don’t worry - we organise everything for you and will guide you through all the steps of the application process.

Many thanks for this interesting information Alex.I’m sure it will be of great benefit to our readers.

T 687 069 460 | legalandtaxin

Resorts, offer ample options for relaxation and recreation. Golf enthusiasts will find a diverse selection of courses in the Costa Blanca South catering to all skill levels.

From beginner-friendly courses to championship-level venues like Las Ramblas, Dehesa de Campoamor, Villamartin, La Finca, Las Colinas, and La Marquesa, there’s something for everyone.

The affordability of properties in the Costa Blanca South makes it an attractive option for buyers seeking holiday homes or permanent residences.

Buyers often find they can get more value for their money compared to other regions.

EWN 20 - 26 June 2024 II PROPERTY SPECIAL 6
Anna Ellis

Smart Homes: The Future of Real Estate

Highlight properties equipped with the latest smart home technology, making life more convenient and connected

IN today’s fast-paced world, smart home technology is revolutionising the real estate market, offering unprecedented convenience and connectivity. Modern properties are increasingly being equipped with advanced systems that integrate seamlessly into everyday life, enhancing comfort, security, and efficiency.

Imagine controlling your home’s lighting, heating, and security systems from a single device, whether you’re at home or miles away. Smart thermostats learn your schedule and adjust temperatures for

optimal energy savings, while intelligent lighting systems can be customised to create the perfect ambiance for any occasion.

Security is bolstered by smart locks and surveillance cameras that provide real-time alerts and remote access.

Voice-activated assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Home allow homeowners to manage various tasks hands-free, from setting reminders to playing music. Smart kitchens feature appliances that can be controlled remotely, such as ovens that preheat

Sustainable Homes: Eco-Friendly Real Estate Trends

SUSTAINABLE homes are at the forefront of modern real estate, reflecting a growing demand for environmentally responsible living spaces. These properties are designed with a focus on minimising their ecological footprint, utilising green building materials, energy-efficient systems, and innovative design practices to create healthier and more sustainable living environments.

One of the most significant trends in sustainable home construction is the use of eco-friendly building materials. Recycled steel, reclaimed wood, and bamboo are popular choices that reduce waste and lessen the impact on natural resources. These materials are not only sustainable but also durable and aesthetically pleasing, providing a unique and attractive appeal to modern homes.

Energy efficiency is another cornerstone of sustainable homes. High-performance insulation, energy-efficient windows, and solar panels are increasingly common features. Solar panels, in particular, harness renewable energy from the sun, significantly reducing reliance on nonrenewable energy sources and lowering

utility bills. Some homes are even designed to be net-zero, producing as much energy as they consume.

Water conservation is also a critical aspect of sustainable home design. Lowflow fixtures, rainwater harvesting systems, and drought-resistant landscaping help to minimise water use. Smart irrigation systems that adjust watering schedules based on weather conditions further enhance water efficiency.

Indoor environmental quality is prioritised through the use of non-toxic paints, natural ventilation systems, and advanced air filtration. These features ensure healthier indoor air, reducing the presence of allergens and pollutants.

Sustainable homes not only benefit the environment, but also provide significant long-term savings for homeowners through reduced energy and maintenance costs. As awareness of environmental issues grows, these eco-friendly real estate trends are setting new standards for the industry, making sustainable living an achievable and desirable goal for many.

before you arrive home or refrigerators that notify you when supplies are low. The integration of these technologies not only adds convenience but also increases the property’s value.

Buyers are increasingly seeking homes with smart features, recognising the long-term benefits of energy efficiency, enhanced security, and the sheer convenience of a connected lifestyle.

As technology continues to evolve, smart homes represent the future of real estate, setting new standards for modern living.

EWN 20 - 26 June 2024 II PROPERTY SPECIAL 8

The solution that best fits your needs

TOTAL ACCESS offers expert solutions for individuals facing accessibility challenges at home. This rapidly expanding Alicante-based company specialises in addressing the needs of individuals with conditions like arthritis, wheelchair users, or those who struggle with stairs.

They source their high-quality products from top manufacturers in the Netherlands, Germany, and the UK, and have a dedicated team of skilled installers to ensure efficient and professional installation of your new equipment.

The company’s portfolio includes stairlifts, home lifts, platforms, and even swimming pool

lifts, all designed to enhance the quality of life for those finding daily tasks increasingly difficult. A recent client, Mr Timms, engaged Total Access to make his home fully accessible for his wheelchair-bound grandson, enhancing their family gatherings.

From installing a heavy-duty horizontal platform at the entrance to a portable pool hoist and a small ramp in the living room, Total Access provided tailored solutions to eliminate the barriers in Mr Timms’ home. The company stands by its reliability, often completing installations in just one day, and offers insured work to alleviate any concerns.

Minimalist living

MINIMALIST living, characterised by simple and elegant interior design, emphasises the beauty of simplicity and the function of space. This design philosophy strips away excess, focusing on the essentials to create environments that are both serene and sophisticated.

Central to minimalist interiors is the concept of ‘less is more’. Spaces are uncluttered, each item chosen for its functionality and aesthetic appeal. Clean lines, neutral colour palettes, and natural light dominate, creating an atmosphere of calm and openness. Fur-

niture in a minimalist home is often sleek and functional, with a preference for quality over quantity. Pieces are strategically placed to maximise space and flow, avoiding overcrowding and ensuring that each item has a purpose.

Materials play a crucial role in minimalist design. Natural elements such as wood, stone, and metal are favoured, adding texture and warmth

Clients can expect a home visit from Total Access to assess their needs and receive an immediate, personalised proposal, with consideration for financial constraints and potential financing options. With a unique confidence in their service, Total Access allows customers to retain 10 per cent of the cost for two weeks post-installation to ensure complete satisfaction.

Visit their showroom in Callosa d’en Sarrià, Alicante, or contact them on 900 525 920 or via email at For a comprehensive overview of their services and the latest equipment, explore their bilingual website at

without overwhelming the senses. The use of these materials in their most natural state enhances the simplicity and elegance of the space. In addition, the minimalist approach often includes smart storage solutions to maintain an organised and clutter-free environment, reinforcing the notion that every item has its place.

The beauty of minimalist living lies in its ability to create spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also promote mental clarity and well-being. By reducing visual noise and emphasising order, minimalist interiors foster a sense of tranquility and focus. This design style encourages mindful living, where the emphasis is on appreciating the quality and craftsmanship of a few well-chosen pieces rather than the accumulation of many.

In essence, minimalist living is about creating harmony and balance through simplicity. It is a celebration of space, light, and form, where elegance is achieved through restraint and thoughtful design choices.

EWN 20 - 26 June 2024 II PROPERTY SPECIAL 10

Ever Expanding Horizons with 5 Real Estate

IN the property industry evolution is key and 5 Real Estate stands at the forefront of transformation and growth. Our unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation has paved the way for the continued exciting expansion of our network.

We are thrilled to announce the opening of three new offices in Pinar de Campoverde, Pilar de la Horadada, and Rojales, marking our continued commitment to serving our clients across the Costa Blanca and Murcia Region, with unparalleled professionalism and expertise.

Why Choose 5Real Estate?

At 5 Real Estate, we pride ourselves on the principle of a Fixed Fee from only €999, with no added commission, ensuring

our clients enjoy the most cost-effective real estate transactions in Spain. The strength of our brand and value proposition set us apart from the norm when buying and selling your home, offering a straightforward, transparent process with no upfront fees or hidden costs.

We are very optimistic about the outlook for 2024 and beyond. We’re not just growing; we’re setting new standards in real estate service excellence.

The Ideal Time to Act

With spring upon us and summer not far behind, there’s never been a better time to enter the market. Whether buying or selling, leverage our expertise and market insight to make informed decisions. Last year alone, we saved our

Prefab loan

MODULAR houses are gaining popularity in Spain due to their quick construction time and costeffectiveness compared to traditional homes.

If you’re considering financing a modular home, it’s important to understand that mortgages for prefab homes differ from traditional mortgages.

To build a prefab house in Spain, you need to buy a plot of land that is legally buildable and purchase the modular house, which will then be installed on the purchased land. Paying for a prefabricated house involves similar steps to purchasing any other type of home. The primary difference is that it is advisable to buy the land first.

clients over €2.7 million in added commissions, compared to traditional estate agency charges of 5 per cent.

Join the ranks of satisfied clients, who have registered hundreds of 5-star reviews with Google, and chose 5 Real Estate for a seamless, cost-effective real estate experience.

Embark on Your Real Estate Journey with 5Real Estate

At 5 Real Estate, your property dreams are our mission. With innovative solutions, a fixed fee structure, and an expanding network of offices, we are your go-to real estate partner on the Costa Blanca and Murcia Region. Don’t wait - discover how we can help you,



Pinar de Campoverde:

Located at the foot of the Sierra de Escalona mountain range, just 10kms from the coast, this charming village offers a diverse selection of properties. If you are interested in selling or buying here then visit our new office at Avenida Reina Sofia, 8 where a warm welcome awaits you.

Pilar de la Horadada:

This southern gem in Alicante is a hotspot for expatriates and property seekers alike. With a range of affordable properties, your perfect match is waiting. Alternatively, if you are seeking to sell then find out more by visiting us at Calle Mayor 17 we’re here to help!


Experience the heart of traditional Spain in Rojales, a vibrant community with a mix of nationalities and a wide selection of properties to fit every budget. Explore our listings starting at around €60,000 for apartments up to villas from €150,000. If you are in the market to sell, then the best place to start is our office at Calle Francisco Serrano, 7.

Once you own the land, you can apply for a mortgage to cover the construction costs, which increases the likelihood of loan approval as the bank will need to lend less money. Mortgages for prefab houses share many conditions with traditional mortgages. Typically, the mortgage will not exceed 80 per cent of the house price, requiring you to cover the remaining 20 per cent and an additional 10 per cent for completion costs.

The key difference is that a construction loan is required for a prefab house.

Construction loans are specifically designed for individuals building their homes. The bank releases funds progressively as construction milestones are achieved. Not all prefabricated houses qualify for a mortgage.

To be eligible, a prefab house must be considered real estate, which means it must have a foundation securing it to the land, be located on urban land, have a building permit, comply with local regulations, be supervised by an architect, and be registered in the Land Registry.

EWN 20 - 26 June 2024 II PROPERTY SPECIAL 12
965 999 059 | |
Our New Locations:
Image: Las Casas Modulares / Facebook

Specialists in all Gate Automation Systems

THE Gate and Garage Door Company are based in the Costa Blanca South and have been working with automatic security roller shutter doors and gates including gate automations for over 30 years, they can supply and install or supply only a wide range of remote-controlled gates or roller doors as well as bespoke aluminium car ports in the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida.

Their popular Insulated Aluminium Security Automated roller shutter door is fully remote controlled with emergency access override and Anti-lift security feature built-in including a Safety obstacle detection sensor.

This Roller Shutter door can be used as a new replacement garage door,

George Cunningham

ALICANTE ranks fifth in Spain’s luxury real estate market, experiencing significant growth alongside the nationwide expansion, which encompasses approximately 41,000 properties. Among the provinces, Alicante stands out for its particularly robust growth. The Balearic Islands lead the market with a 24 per cent share, followed closely by Malaga at 22.5 per cent, Madrid at 12 per cent, and Barcelona at 11 per cent.

Alicante secures a 10 per cent share, marking a notable increase in real estate investment in regions previously considered less prominent. The luxury real estate market in Alicante attracts substantial foreign capital, although Spanish buyers also play a significant role. European investors, notably from Germany, Great Britain, Sweden, Russia, and Switzerland, are prominent contributors.

Additionally, there is a growing trend of purchases by US citizens and, to a lesser extent, Mexican buyers. Single-family homes, often situated on the beachfront or in mountainous areas, are the most sought-after properties in this market. Buyers, typically aged between 40 and 50 and often holding executive positions in large corporations, seek either secondary residences or holiday homes.

In the dynamic Spanish real estate market, the Costa Blanca region stands out for its continuous growth. British developer Taylor Wimpey España reports a remarkable 40 per cent increase in housing reservations in the area compared to 2023. This surge is driven by clients from 17 different nationalities, underscoring the rising popularity of the Costa Blanca for both residency and investment purposes.

security glass curtain protection shutter, replacement entrance gates, outside pool kitchen/bar shutters.

Electric Gate Automation Systems for residential sliding gates and double opening gates and garage doors.

We only use the best systems that are available including the full safety anti crush obstacle detection built in as standard with options for Wi-Fi mobile phone remote controls and battery backup for emergency.

Five-year warranty as standard with all our installations .

To book a free no obligation fixed price quotation please email sales@tggdc. es or Call/WhatsApp +34 608 208 170 or 644 585 312.

Luxury living

Calle Extremadura 7, Catral | 03158 Alicante | 608 208 170 | |
Image: Vitaly Shiryaev /

ARE you dreaming of sunny skies and siestas, contemplating a fresh start in the vibrant landscapes of Spain?

Whether it’s the bustling streets of Valencia or the serene beaches of the Costa del Sol, making the leap to living in Spain is as thrilling as it is significant.

One of the most crucial steps in this journey? Ensuring your legal affairs are in order, particularly when it comes to purchasing your new home in Spain.

At My Lawyer in Spain, we understand that moving countries can be daunting, especially when faced with navigating unfamiliar legal systems.

That’s why our team of seasoned legal professionals is dedicated to smoothing out the process, making your transition as seamless and stress-free as possible.

Choose My Lawyer in Spain

Why choose My Lawyer in Spain? Here are just a few ways we stand by your side:

Communication is key, and our multilingual team is here to converse in your language, ensuring you fully understand every step and detail of the legal processes involved.

From obtaining your NIE (Foreigner’s Identity Number) and residency, to comprehensive tax advice and property purchase processes, we’ve got you covered.

Looking to rent before you buy? We’ll walk you through understanding rental contracts. Thinking about the future? Let’s discuss Wills and long-term life planning in Spain.

With 15 offices strategically located throughout mainland Spain and the Islands, our experts are readily available, no matter where you choose

Key Values

Understanding different property valuations is crucial when dealing with property in Spain.

TWO key values to consider are cadastral value and market value. Cadastral value, known as ‘valor catastral’ in Spain, is the administrative value assigned to a property by the property registry. It determines property taxes and aims to ensure fair taxation. Factors influencing cadastral value include location, construction quality,

to call home. This extensive network allows us to offer insights and advice tailored to the specific region you’re moving to.

At My Lawyer in Spain, you’re not just another case number. We pride ourselves on building personal relationships with our clients, providing personalised support that considers your unique circumstances and needs.

Embarking on your Spanish adventure should be exciting, not overwhelming. With My Lawyer in Spain, you gain more than just legal assistanceyou gain a partner who is as invested in your dream as you are.

Don’t let the complexities of legal procedures dampen your spirits.

Reach out to us at enquiries@ and mention Euro Weekly News for a consultation.


Let us help you pave the way to a joyful and secure life in Spain. We’re more than just your lawyers; we are your partners in making your dream a reality.

Welcome to your new life in Spain with My Lawyer in Spain at your side.

Costa Blanca Office: La Marquesa Commercial Centre Office 4C Calle Miguel Ángel Jimenez, Ciudad Quesada, Rojales 03170 Alicante

Javea Office: Centro Comercial Arenal, Avenida del Pla 126, Office 2.17, Javea 03730

Costa Blanca Office & Javea offices: 966 943 219 Find out more at

land value, property age, renovations, historical significance, and surrounding changes.

The value is adjusted annually based on government budgets but doesn’t reflect market dynamics. To prevent it from exceeding 50 per cent of the market value, a market coefficient of 0.5 is typically applied.

Market value, on the other hand, is what a

buyer is willing to pay for a property in the current real estate market. It fluctuates based on market conditions, demand, and economic factors, making it a crucial aspect of property transactions.

Understanding these valuations helps in making informed decisions when buying, selling, or owning property in Spain.

EWN 20 - 26 June 2024 II PROPERTY SPECIAL 16

SPAIN has long been a dream destination for British expats, offering sunny weather, beautiful beaches, and rich cultural experiences. Whether you’re searching for a holiday home, retirement spot, or a new start, buying property in Spain can be both exciting and complex.

Here are some top tips on how you can simplify the process and save money. Before you start your property search, setting a realistic budget is crucial. Take into account additional costs like legal fees, taxes, and maintenance. Also consider the exchange rate between the pound and the euro, as this can have a significant impact on your budget.

Think about your long-term plans, whether renting out the property, using it as a holiday home, or living there permanently. Planning your finances effectively can help ensure your Spanish property remains a sound investment. Spend time in your chosen area to understand the local lifestyle and amenities. Speak with other expats and locals

Top tips for British expats buying property in Spainy

for insights into the community and property market.

Opening a Spanish bank account is advised for managing propertyrelated expenses, such as utility bills and taxes. It simplifies transactions and ensures compliance with local banking requirements.

Navigating the legalities of buying property in Spain can be challenging, especially with language barriers and local laws. It’s essential to hire an independent lawyer specialising in Spanish real estate to help you understand the legal aspects and verify property ownership. If you need a mortgage, research options available to expats. Spanish banks offer mortgages to non-residents, but terms and interest rates vary. Compare different lenders and seek professional advice to find the best deal. Finally, understand the tax implications of owning property in Spain, both locally and in the UK. Consult with a tax advisor to ensure compliance with tax laws in both countries. With careful planning and

Brits abroad

OVER the past year, there has been a notable surge in British interest in property in Spain.Taylor Wimpey España reported a remarkable 120 per cent increase in British reservations in April 2024 compared to the same period in 2023.

Data from Spain’s Colegio Registradores further reveals that Britons surpassed all other foreign nationalities in terms of home purchases in Spain in 2023. They accounted for 9.53 per cent of all foreign buyers throughout the year, contributing

the right support, buying a property in Spain can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, allowing you to enjoy the Spanish sunshine in no time. While this may sound daunting, Currencies Direct is on hand to help you secure a competitive exchange rate and help simplify the purchase process with our revolutionary PropertyPay service.

With PropertyPay there is now a way to streamline the end-to-end payments process, eliminating the need for traditional methods and their associated hassles.

At its core, PropertyPay is a free, secure, and 100 per cent digital service that offers instant* fund transfers and disbursements between buyers and sellers. Unlike conventional methods that can take days to process, PropertyPay ensures that transactions are executed swiftly and efficiently, saving both time and money for all parties involved.

Learn more by contacting Currencies Direct via phone on +34 800 880 895, or email propertypay@ Alternatively, pop into your local Currencies Direct branch and speak to one of our multilingual experts to discover how PropertyPay could help you make significant savings when purchasing a property in Spain.

*The transfer of funds between buyer and seller can be instant if both have an account with Currencies Direct Spain, E.D.E., S.L

Visit us at our Spanish offices in Costa del Sol, Costa Almeria, North Costa Blanca and South Costa Blanca.

Telephone UK +44 (0) 207 847 9400 Spain +34 950 478 914

to 14.98 per cent of all homes sold in Spain. This positive trend has extended into 2024. New homes are particularly in demand.

February 2024 figures from Spain’s Consejo General Notariado (General Council of Notaries) indicate a 9.7 per cent increase in total sales compared to the previous year, with new home sales surging by 20.83 per cent.

As the appetite for properties in Spain grows, so do prices, which rose by 5 per cent overall in the year leading up to February 2024, with a more

significant increase of 7.5 per cent observed for new homes. “The heightened demand for new homes reflects a growing appreciation for their energy efficiency compared to older properties. This trend benefits both the environment and buyers seeking to reduce their energy consumption.”

“Increasingly, our buyers are actively seeking ‘A’ rated properties, a preference that we accommodate through our fabric-first approach to designing and constructing new homes,” stated the Sales and Marketing Director of Taylor Wimpey España.

EWN 20 - 26 June 2024 II PROPERTY SPECIAL 18
Image: Taylor Wimpey España / Facebook

Trash talk

THE rubbish tax, also known as the waste collection tax, is a charge imposed by local councils to cover the costs associated with collecting, cleaning, and recycling waste from streets and public roads.

Property owners are usually responsible for paying this tax, which varies in amount and is determined annually by each local authority.

This tax covers various services, including waste collection, cleaning of rubbish bins, and subsequent recycling treatment in specialised recycling centres.

It’s important to note that the tax is applied once the waste collection service begins at a property.

The amount of the rubbish tax is set by each local council and can differ from one municipality to another.

Property owners typically pay the tax annually, with the first payment based on the months the service will be used during the year. Subsequent payments are made on a yearly basis, with the specific date determined by the local council. The deadline for paying the rubbish collection tax varies depending on the municipality and is set by the local council.

There is no fixed date for payment, with deadlines typically ranging from a few weeks to a couple of months.

For example, in Barcelona, the tax is paid from 1 May to 30 June, while in Madrid, it is paid from 1 October to 30 November.

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Anna Ellis
Olaf Speier /

Hot Market Alert!

IF you’ve been thinking about selling your property, there’s really never been a better time. Every potential property seller dreams of a sellers’ market, and right now, that’s what we are seeing here on the Costa Blanca. We are experiencing unprecedented demand from buyers from all around the world, together with a limited supply of properties for sale.

And with more buyers competing for fewer properties, this really is the right time for you to achieve the best price for your property in the shortest time possible. In this current sellers’ market, the opportunity to achieve a swift and profitable sale has never been better. With demand far exceeding supply, today’s property sellers have a unique window of opportunity to maximise their returns. By selling your property NOW, you too can take full advantage of the high demand.

And with Vistacasas by your side, you can be assured of enjoying a

great selling experience.

Choosing to list your property with Vistacasas means you are partnering with a team of dedicated professionals committed to achieving the best possible outcome for you. Our extensive market knowledge, innovative marketing techniques, and personalised service ensure that your property will stand out and attract serious buyers.

Don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what some of our clients have to say…

“A team of professionals. You can see that they have been in the region for a long time and they know themselves. After a few days the house was sold.”

“We were recommended to Vistacasas by friends who sold their property through them. We found them very professional and friendly. Our property sold in 12 days!”

“We recently had to sell my parents property in Villamartin. Vistacasas were recommended to us, and we found them to be very professional, and helpful throughout the very emotional process, our property was sold

for full asking price within two days. The video and photos of the property were so professional and absolutely stunning. I was allowed to download the video to keep as a memory of the good times spent with my parents and family, we send our best wishes to the new owners. Thank you to all the team and Vistacasas.”

Don’t miss out on this golden opportunity. Act now and you too can sell your property in a red-hot market. Opportunities like this don’t happen often. The current real estate market is buzzing with activity, with high demand and limited inventory driving up prices. This sellers’ market presents a unique opportunity for homeowners to secure top dollar for their properties.

Selling with Vistacasas means you are bringing a wealth of experience and local market knowledge to the table. Our team of seasoned professionals understands the nuances of the current market and we employ data-driven strategies to position your property for maximum visibility and appeal. We will give a precise valuation together with a strategic marketing plan that ensures your

LAST year, the Euribor rate exceeded 4 per cent, as the housing prices continued to rise, leading to stagnation in the sector.


home stands out to serious buyers. The time to act is now. This is an unparalleled opportunity to achieve outstanding returns on your property. Don’t miss out on this moment - list with Vistacasas and let us help you navigate this exceptional market to secure the best possible price for your home.

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Mortgage market

However, 2024 appears improved; iAhorro mortgage director, Simone Colombelli, had previously predicted this year to be the one of “recovery” for Spain’s mortgage market.

This year, Fotocasa revealed that from June, the market will be able to see that “access to housing improves as the conditions for access to mortgage credit are lowered.”

Idealista, for its part, noted that in 2024 “interest rates are beginning to reflect the drop in the Euribor, as well as the greater competition between banks. This strong mortgage war is being fought fundamentally in fixed and mixed mortgages, which continue to dominate the market.”

Throughout the past two years, both clients and banks preferred mixed mortgages to a fixed or variable one, since the rise in the Euribor made variable mortgages more costly.

Mixed mortgages on the other hand, have a fixed initial period, lasting from three to 15 years and a second variable period until the end of the term, providing a certainty in a remaining fee despite the Euribor rate rise.

EWN 20 - 26 June 2024 II PROPERTY SPECIAL 20

Moving made easy....

SIMPLIFY your move with Economy Move: A stressfree solution for UK and European relocations.

Moving often feels like a daunting task, whether one is relocating within the UK or making a cross-border move to or from Europe. However, Economy Move is dedicated to transforming the moving experience from a stressful ordeal into a seamless, worry-free process. Economy Move understands the challenges that come with relocating.

This commitment is reflected in their dedication to taking the stress out of moving, ensuring a smooth transition whether transporting a single box or an entire household. Their team of experienced professionals handles every aspect of the moving process, providing peace of mind from start to finish.

With offices in both the UK and Spain, Economy Move has established itself as a leading specialist in UK and European relocations.

The primary base in Blackpool, Lancashire, is complemented by additional storage facilities and

Wall Colour Trends:

A Fresh Palette for Modern Living

IN 2024, homeowners are embracing a vibrant yet harmonious palette for their interiors, reflecting a desire for tranquility, creativity, and connection. This year’s trends in wall colours bring a mix of bold statements and soothing hues, catering to diverse tastes and lifestyles.

Earthy Tones and Nature-Inspired Shades Earthy tones continue to dominate, with shades like terracotta, warm beige, and deep olive green bringing the outdoors in. These colours provide a grounding

expert drivers stationed in Bedfordshire, ensuring comprehensive coverage and efficient service across regions. Economy Move offers a range of services tailored to meet unique needs. Regular trips between the UK and Spain make this company a go-to for European relocations. Clients can enjoy up to four weeks of free storage in Spain or the UK, providing flexibility and convenience during the coordination of their move. Fully compliant with all import and export requirements, Economy Move handles the intricate details, including all paperwork, ensuring a hasslefree experience.

The company has a UK and European operators licence and each vehicle displays a green badge to prove its legality. Clients consistently praise Economy Move for value, service quality, and commitment to communication: “Amazing Value, Great Service,” “Cheaper Than Driving Myself,” “Kept in Contact Throughout the Process,” “Economy Move Took All the Stress Out of My Move,” “Their Drivers Are So Friendly and Helpful.”

Economy Move is more than just a removal company; it is a dedicated partner in the moving journey. The experienced team, competitive pricing, and comprehensive services ensure that every move is handled with the utmost care and professionalism.

Furthermore, Economy Move provides insurance options for added peace of mind, covering potential risks and ensuring that clients’ belongings are safeguarded throughout the entire moving process. This comprehensive approach underscores Economy Move’s commitment to excellence in every aspect of their service.

To experience a first-class moving service, contact Economy Move for a free quote and see how they can assist with the next relocation.

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Let Economy Move make your next move the best move!

effect, creating a serene and comforting environment. Nature-inspired hues, such as soft sage and muted moss, add a touch of tranquility and are perfect for living rooms and bedrooms.

Bold and Vibrant Colours

For those looking to make a statement, bold colours like rich navy, deep emerald, and vibrant mustard are in vogue. These colours add depth and character to any space, making them ideal for feature walls or accent areas. They can be paired with neutral furnishings to balance the intensity and create a sophisticated look.

Soft Pastels

Soft pastels are also making a comeback, with colours like blush pink, light lavender, and baby blue adding a touch of elegance and calm. These hues are perfect for creating airy and open spaces, making them ideal for smaller rooms or areas lacking natural light.

Warm Neutrals

Warm neutrals such as creamy whites, soft taupes, and gentle greys offer timeless appeal. These colours provide a versatile backdrop that complements various styles, from minimalist to rustic. They’re perfect for creating a cohesive look throughout the home.

Metallic Accents

Adding metallic accents in shades of gold, silver, and bronze can elevate wall colours, giving rooms a touch of luxury and sophistication. These accents can be used sparingly to highlight architectural features or create a focal point.

The 2024 wall colour trends offer something for everyone, from the bold and adventurous to the calm and understated. By incorporating these colours, homeowners can refresh their spaces and create environments that reflect their personal style and the latest in interior design.

EWN 20 - 26 June 2024 II PROPERTY SPECIAL 22


ATTENTION all James Blunt fans.

Prepare for an unforgettable evening with James Blunt at the Alicante Bullring on July 19!

Secure your tickets now, make sure to grab yours before they sell out! James Blunt is an English singer, songwriter, and musician. His journey into the spotlight began after serving as a reconnaissance officer in the Life Guards regiment of the British Army during the 1999 Kosovo War as

James Blunt

part of NATO. Post-military life saw Blunt’s rapid ascent to fame in 2004 with the debut album ‘Back to Bedlam’, featuring the global hits ‘You’re Beautiful’ and ‘Goodbye My Lover’. The album sold over 12 million copies worldwide, dominating the UK Albums Chart and reaching number two in the US.

‘You’re Beautiful’ topped charts in 13 countries, establishing ‘Back to Bedlam’ as the best-selling album of the 2000s in the UK and one of the top-selling albums in UK chart history.

Having sold over 20 million records worldwide, Blunt’s talent has garnered numerous accolades, including two Brit Awards (Best British Male in 2006), two MTV Video Music Awards, two Ivor Novello Awards, and five Grammy Award nominations. In 2016, the University of Bristol honoured him with an Honorary Doctorate of Music. The venue is the Plaza de Toros de Alicante, located at Plaza de España, nº 7 and 8, 03012 Alicante.

For additional information, email i nfo@laplazaali or call (+34) 652 525 094.

Simple Minds

THE iconic band Simple Minds will be rocking the Alicante Bullring on July 20 as part of the Alicante Goldest concert series.

Fans in Spain can look forward to an unforgettable performance by this legendary Glasgow group.

Known for their major hits like ‘Don’t You (Forget About Me)’ (1985), ‘Alive and Kicking’ (1985), ‘Mandela Day’ (1989), and ‘Belfast Child’ (1989), Simple Minds have sold over 60

CIRQUE DU SOLEIL, which translates to Circus of the Sun in French, stands as one of the entertainment industry’s most triumphant theatrical producers.

It seamlessly blends elements of circus arts, acrobatics, and dance into mesmerising performances.

Currently, Cirque du Soleil boasts a workforce of 5,000 employees, with 1,300 of them being talented artists, spread across five continents.

And now, Cirque du Soleil’s beloved Alegría has been revamped and is heading to Alicante!

Immerse yourself in this classic show, set in a crumbling kingdom where change is brewing.

Alegría has been transformed into a timeless masterpiece by Cirque du Soleil, perfect for a new audience.

In the heart of a kingdom without a king, Alegría witnesses the clash between the old guard and a fresh movement hungry for optimism and renewal.

On one side, there are the aristocrats and their self-proclaimed king, a deluded figure clinging to power.

On the other, a grassroots movement rises to challenge the status quo. Experience the magic on July 16 at 6.30pm at Bajo la Gran Carpa, Playa San Juan, Alicante.

To book tickets, head to the website

million records worldwide. The concert will be held at the Plaza de Toros Alicante, located at Pza. de España nº 7-8, 03004 Alicante.

You can reach the venue by bus on lines 01, 03, 04, 8, 24 (Plaza de Toros) or by TRAM on lines L1, L2, L3, L4, L9 (Mercado).

For more information, visit eventsmarenos, email info@ eventosmarenostrum. com, or call (+34) 695 201 966.

Cirque du Soleil

Image: James Blunt / Facebook Image: Cirque du Soleil / Facebook Image: Simple Minds / Facebook

Blackwood’s Challenge

ARE you looking for an exciting adventure? Can you solve the puzzles and escape in time?

Odyssey Escapes welcomes you to their escape room experience in Torrevieja. Join Blackwood, the landowner, to banish the spirits of children and unravel the mysteries of the orphanage.

The escape room is available in both English and Spanish. For more information and reservations, visit or call (+34) 672 856 941.

Motown & Soul

GRAB your dancing shoes! The Orange Bar in Orihuela is hosting its Motown and Soul Night, adding a little Northern Soul to the mix to liven things up. Enjoy all your favourite hits

from over the years. The event starts at 7.00pm on Friday, June 28. The kitchen will be open as usual until 9.00pm, and the bar’s delicious fish and chips will be available from 1.00pm on the day. Tables are getting booked up, so pop in to make a booking or telephone the bar directly on (+34) 644 347 281.

The Orange Bar is located on Entre Naranjos, Vistabella Golf, Calle Melocotonero, Orihuela 03319, near Los Montesinos, San Miguel.

Lady Jazz

AT Quesada’s Restaurant Budapest, Saturdays evenings are reserved for Live Music with the Fantastic Lady Jazz. The music kicks off at 7.30pm sharp.

Located at Avenida del Mar 2, the restaurant offers an evening menu as well as an à la carte menu. Reservations are a must!

Indulge in the Chateaubriand for two, served with oven-roasted vine tomatoes, sautéed vegetables, fresh mashed potatoes, homemade chunky chips, mushrooms, and three home-made sauces (peppercorn, béarnaise, and garlic butter sauce). Plus, enjoy a glass of cava, all for just €90.00 per couple.

To book your spot or for further details, call the restaurant on (+34) 966 717 406 or WhatsApp Teresa on (+34) 634 328 466.

EWN 20 - 26 June 2024 II SOCIALSCENE 62
Image: ABBA Elite / Facebook


Step back in time

John Smith

WHEN is a castle not a castle? When it’s the walled village known as Castellar de la Frontera.

The castle stands on a hill with steep slopes in the heart of the Los Alcornocales Natural Park in Cadiz with views that stretch as far as Gibraltar.

It was first built by the Moors in the 13th century and is irregular in shape, full of defensive elements and encloses a small village.

There is now a first class hotel which serves Castellar which has been created through the renovation of the Alcazar.

Walking through the huge gateway to the Castle is like walking back to a much older part of Andalucia which saw invasion by the Moors and recapture by the Christians.

The castle was declared a Site of Cul-

tural Interest in 1949 and a Historic-Artistic Monument in 1963 and is now also part of the Most Beautiful Towns in Spain collection.

Apart from the hotel, points of interest are the Torre del Homenaje, the town hall, the Baroque-style Church of the Divine Savior, the Cancón and the Cistern and guided tours are carried out departing from the Information Point after seeing the scale model of the Castle that is located there.

Whilst in the original village nestled within the walls of the citadel, there was little room for expansion, so a new town Castellar Nuevo was created about eight kilometres away from the castle and was completed in 1972.

It now offers all that you would expect from a modern town and sits well with its ancient counterpart.

63 20 - 26 June 2024 • Feature/News •
Credit: Mike Workman/Shutterstock
The ancient Castellar de la Frontera.



On the ball

ALEX SCOTT, former Arsenal and England footballer and now a BBC sports commentator has been named Marks & Spencer’s ambassador for fitness war. The retailer added Puma and Reebok as part of its Brands at M&S strategy in February and the Alex Scott alliance is expected to attract still more customers.

Cellnex exit

CELLNEX, Spain’s telecommunications infrastructure company no longer has major shareholders from its own country after Criteria, Caixabank’s holding company sold its 2.64 per cent stake for €613 million. The private placement was carried out by JP Morgan as Criteria reportedly restructures its assets.

Everybody out

THE MAJORITY of Harland & Wolff employees in Belfast voted in favour of industrial action as the management seeks to reinstate a five-day week instead of the present four. The amount of work has increased as the company prepares to start work on a £1.6 billion (€1.9 billion) supply ship for the Royal Navy.

SEPI success

SPAIN’S state-owned industrial holding company

SEPI finished 2023 in the black for the third consecutive year. Last year’s profit of €10 million profit was 76 per cent down on 2022’s earnings of €43 million although Correos, Tragsa and Grupo Navantia amongst others contributed to record revenue of €5.9 billion.

Paying out

BRITISH biotech company

Novacyt reached a settlement with the Department of Health and Social Care to avoid a court case. Novacyt shares plummeted as the company agreed to pay the government £5m (€5.9m) compensation for supplying defective Covid-19 tests during the pandemic.

has been paid out by Spanish insurance companies since 2019 to cover flooding and other disasters including the destructive storms of October 2023.

No Ealing comedy for JLP

THE John Lewis Partnership (JLP) is forging ahead with projects to build hundreds of rental properties on retail sites.

Diversifying away from high street retail at John Lewis stores and Waitrose supermarkets entails a £500 million investment in building 1,000 homes at three locations that was first announced in December 2022.

In West Ealing, one of these locations, 96 per cent of the residents allegedly oppose plans for a tower block on an existing Waitrose site. A campaign group last year accused JLP of “breath-taking arrogance” in ignoring concerns regarding the

height of the future development.

Citing Ealing Council’s failure to come up with a reply, John Lewis has launched a legal appeal and the project will be reviewed by a planning inspector.

The appeal move had

REPSOL will supply the electricity needed for Microsoft’s Spanish operations over the next 12 years.

The US technology giant intends to source all of its energy from renewables by 2025 and after signing six power purchase agreements (PPAs) with Repsol, Microsoft will receive the output of three windfarms and three solar energy plants. All are expected to be operational by December 2025.

Collaboration between Repsol and Microsoft began three years ago, but the new agreement to supply 230 megawatts of power dwarfs the original 90-megawatt

Madrid for ING


ING has chosen Madrid for its European headquarters, Spain’s Financial daily Cinco Dias revealed on June 12.

The bank has been present in Spain since 1999 and in recent years has focused on consolidating its corporate banking division, whose revenue grew by 21 per cent to €208 million in 2023.

While ING declined to comment, Cinco Dias disclosed - without quoting sources - that the new centre would be operational by the end of 2024 or in early 2025.

not been taken lightly, Katherine Russell, JLP’s Build-to-rent director said.

“We believe we have strong grounds to be successful, given the opportunity to transform an under-used brownfield site close to the publicly-funded Crossrail station,”

Russell said.

“All political parties agree there’s a desperate need for more housing and local investment to spur economic growth,” she added.

The 428 homes in West Ealing would generate an estimated £8 million (€9.5 million) in council tax each year, and boost the local economy by an annual £45 million (€53.4 million) in consumer spending.

Only 83 of the West Ealing properties would be affordable, JLP confirmed on June 11, compared with the partnership’s earlier commitment to 20 per cent, after initially maintaining that it intended to deliver 35 per cent.

Microsoft-Repsol tie-up

deal. This latest announcement has been prompted by Microsoft’s

Better than before

DEPARTMENT store El Corte Ingles reported revenues of €16.33 billion for its 2023-2024 financial year ending February 29.

This was 5.4 per cent more than in 2022-2023, while earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) of €1.08 billion were up 13.6 per cent on the previous year, the company announced on June 11.

The net profit of €480 million was less than half of the record €870 million posted last year, when El Corte Ingles sold its insurance business to Mutua in an operation fetching €550 million. For this reason, the company drew attention to a recurring net income which grew by 73,7 per cent, year-on-year, to €359 million.

huge energy needs which have grown exponentially with advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud technology.

These have led to the US company’s $2.1 billion (€1.95 billion) investment in Spanish infrastructure based in Madrid and Aragon, which was announced in February 2024.

Meanwhile, Repsol and Microsoft will collaborate on accelerating Repsol’s digital transformation and energy transition.

Going public

RASPBERRY PI shares soared 40 per cent when they started trading on the London Stock Exchange on June 11.

The Cambridge-based company’s shares reached 392p (€4.65) in early trading compared with the initial public offering price of 280p (€3.32).

Raspberry Pi, which produces affordable computers the size of a credit card, has sold 60 million of the devices in more than 70 countries since the first was put on sale in 2012.

The business is a subsidiary of Raspberry Pi Foundation, a UK charity founded when the company was founded in 2008 to promote interest in computer science amongst children.

ZEGONA, which completed the €5 billion purchase of Vodafone España in May 2024, has made 36 per cent of its staff redundant.

The move by the ‘buy-fix’ British company that affects 1,198 employees was announced on June 12, and the works committee is now in talks with the new owners to negotiate the redundancy terms.

The Vodafone España dismissals follow those of Telefonica España which has made 3,421 people redundant in 2024, and Avatel where up to 693 job cuts were announced on June 4.

ACCORDING to the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), 65 per cent of pensioners are now paying income tax compared with 48 per cent in 2010.

The income tax threshold for pensioners has remained at £12,570 (€14,883) since 2022, the IFS said, and once a pensioner’s income is just £1,067 (€1,264) a year more than the state pension, they will be liable to tax. At the same time, the state pension has risen by £3,700 (€4,381) to £11,502.40 (€13,624) since 2010 thanks to the triple lock.

DAME ALISON ROSE, former NatWest chief executive who left under a cloud following the Nigel Farage de-banking scandal, has joined Charterhouse Capital. Rose will be a ‘senior adviser’ in her first post since she resigned from NatWest in 2023.

Private equity firm Charterhouse, owner of consumer, healthcare and services companies and a former co-owner of Saga and AA, was accused of having left Saga “weakened, debt-ridden and starved of investment.”

64 • 20 - 26 June 2024
€3.58 billion STAT OF WEEK
Telecoms cutback Taxing ordeal A new role
KATHERINE RUSSELL: JLP’s Build-to-rent director credit: John Lewis Partnership Photo credit: CC/Natalia Corcobado Pinilla REPSOL: Fossil fuel company moving into renewables.

3I Group 3.045,00 3.050,00 3.044,50 13,22K

Group 2.578,4 2.588,0 2.578,4 5,42K Airtel Africa 119,25 119,50 118,89 104,63K Anglo American 2.373,5 2.377,5 2.372,0 33,12K Antofagasta 2.029,00 2.038,00 2.029,00 7,90K Ashtead Group 5.439,0 5.454,0 5.435,0 13,14K Associated British Foods 2.495,9 2.501,0 2.495,9 3,34K

12.548,6 12.562,0 12.544,0 14,11K Auto Trader Group Plc 823,40 823,40 822,40 7,00K Aviva 477,90 477,90 477,20 77,24K

B&M European Value Retail SA 464,79 466,30 464,79 14,94K

BAE Systems 1.338,65 1.340,95 1.338,65 49,71K

204,30 204,45 203,75 326,92K Barratt Developments 491,00 492,80 490,90 19,20K

Beazley 655,50 655,50 655,50 5,23K

Berkeley 5.060,0 5.070,0 5.060,0 568,00

BP 460,00 460,15 459,65 241,69K

British American Tobacco 2.410,3 2.411,0 2.408,0 19,75K

BT Group 140,14 140,14 139,84 580,96K Bunzl 2.932,6 2.936,0 2.932,6 4,26K

Burberry Group 989,4 991,2 989,4 16,66K

132,68 132,68 132,60 34,92K

Cola HBC AG 2.703,8 2.705,5 2.703,8 1,22K

2.223,00 2.220,98 20,76K ConvaTec Group 254,20 254,20 254,20 12,59K

Intl 4.131,3 4.143,6 4.131,3 2,67K

5.585,0 5.585,0 5.575,0 663,00

863,00 863,00 863,00 634,00

Diageo 2.602,5 2.604,5
Diploma 4.169,18
DS Smith
EasyJet 449,82 450,80 448,90
Entain 662,54 662,54
Fresnillo 544,50 544,50 544,50 13,11K Glencore 451,40 451,45 451,40 148,38K GSK plc 1.610,70 1.613,00 1.609,50 41,84K HALEON 327,17 327,20 326,80 61,23K Halma 2.649,8 2.659,0 2.647,0
Hikma Pharma 1.975,00 1.977,00 1.975,00
Howden Joinery 871,71 873,50 870,86 8,70K HSBC 685,50 685,50 684,30 203,55K IAG 164,80 164,90 164,35 40,27K IMI PLC 1.782,53 1.789,00 1.789,00 3,67K Imperial Brands 2.002,36 2.005,00 2.002,32 11,81K Informa 845,80 848,80 845,80 9,24K InterContinental 8.204,9 8.216,0 8.204,9 1,48K Intermediate Capital 2.208,00 2.208,00 2.206,00 4,56K Intertek 4.770,1 4.780,0 4.770,1 3,54K J Sainsbury 260,14 260,20 260,14 16,67K JD Sports Fashion 120,75 120,75 120,25 40,92K Kingfisher 250,02 250,20 250,02 26,25K Land Securities 626,00 627,00 625,00 5,98K Legal & General 226,96 227,20 226,65 259,69K Lloyds Banking 54,44 54,52 54,41 936,42K London Stock Exchange 9.486,0 9.486,0 9.481,0 6,62K M&G 201,67 201,91 201,59 28,57K Marks & Spencer 297,00 297,60 297,00 37,01K Melrose Industries 603,80 604,60 603,40 25,37K Mondi 1.471,50 1.471,50 1.470,00 3,42K National Grid 884,43 886,19 883,80 86,42K NatWest Group 310,40 310,40 309,69 79,16K Next 9.050,0 9.050,0 9.037,6 1,13K Ocado 361,11 362,80 358,60 19,85K Pearson 951,84 952,94 951,84 4,93K Pershing Square 4.287,67 4.288,90 4.276,00 1,85K Persimmon 1.430,1 1.431,0 1.429,5 8,34K Phoenix 483,00 483,60 483,00 21,90K Prudential 703,36 703,36 702,20 88,33K Reckitt Benckiser 4.419,0 4.428,0 4.419,0 15,69K Relx 3.579,07 3.584,00 3.577,92 47,74K Rentokil 451,00 452,50 451,00 34,14K Rightmove 554,00 554,20 552,20 8,84K Rio Tinto PLC 5.139,0 5.149,0 5.132,0 43,93K Rolls-Royce Holdings 456,20 457,40 455,55 317,93K RS PLC 703,34 705,50 703,34 3,60K Sage 1.062,13 1.064,00 1.060,54 23,66K Schroders 373,4 373,8 373,4 4,73K Scottish Mortgage 902,78 907,00 902,02 51,19K Segro 909,40 912,60 909,40 11,00K Severn Trent 2.477,3 2.479,0 2.476,0 5,50K Shell 2.713,5 2.714,9 2.713,2 58,11K Smith & Nephew 1.001,50 1.001,50 1.000,50 19,37K Smiths Group 1.688,60 1.691,00 1.688,55 10,07K Smurfit Kappa 3.566,0 3.566,0 3.566,0 1,46K Spirax-Sarco Engineering 8.541,8 8.550,0 8.550,0 671,00 SSE 1.771,05 1.774,50 1.771,50 14,75K St. James’s Place 523,60 524,50 523,50 13,04K Standard Chartered 728,40 728,40 727,00 27,48K Taylor Wimpey 149,17 149,55 149,14 87,73K Tesco 313,30 313,90 313,10 116,93K Unilever 4.453,3 4.457,9 4.453,0 39,05K Unite 915,02 917,50 911,00 2,36K United Utilities 1.035,40 1.039,50 1.035,00 13,05K Vodafone Group PLC 69,260 69,280 69,196 512,77K Weir Group 2.018,00 2.018,00 2.016,00 2,79K Whitbread 2.925,4 2.932,0 2.925,4 2,39K WPP 739,26 741,20 739,26 8,81K 3M 100,90 101,42 99,31 2,65M 183,66 183,66 182,23 25,38M American Express 224,82 225,64 221,34 2,34M Amgen 298,62 299,74 295,90 1,68M Apple 212,49 215,17 211,30 69,87M Boeing 177,27 180,29 175,23 5,06M Caterpillar 321,47 322,68 315,85 4,16M Chevron 152,57 153,29 151,97 6,12M Cisco 45,68 45,71 44,97 14,82M Coca-Cola 62,55 62,69 62,09 8,14M Dow 55,02 56,08 54,59 3,41M Goldman Sachs 446,46 448,18 439,34 1,53M Home Depot 346,84 347,50 341,69 2,56M Honeywell 208,53 208,68 206,01 2,21M IBM 169,21 169,47 167,23 2,74M Intel 30,45 30,56 30,23 27,38M J&J 145,54 145,97 144,49 4,04M JPMorgan 193,78 194,86 191,42 6,84M McDonald’s 253,58 253,62 250,61 2,76M Merck&Co 129,48 129,87 128,65 5,77M Microsoft 442,57 443,14 436,72 13,53M Nike 93,39 94,78 93,30 6,79M P&G 166,79 166,93 165,25 3,66M Salesforce Inc 231,94 235,25 229,20 8,32M The Travelers 205,85 207,17 202,73 1,75M UnitedHealth 497,12 497,85 491,73 3,03M Verizon 39,67 39,84 39,45 10,38M Visa A 270,66 271,55 269,27 8,50M Walmart 67,02 67,11 66,31 12,55M Walt Disney 99,97 100,38 99,25 7,02M M - Million Dollars Adobe Inc. +14.51% 14.847M Coeur Mining, Inc. +7.09% 9.564M Freedom Holding Corp. +6.04% 515,062 Hasbro, Inc. +6.00% 4.202M Shopify Inc. +4.59% 17.916M Rubrik, Inc. +4.47% 1.255M R1 RCM Inc. +4.41% 3.232M Grupo Financiero Banorte, S.A.B. de C.V. +4.27% 18,712 MongoDB, Inc. +4.04% 1.882M Insmed Incorporated +3.72% 3.3M RH -17.08% 3.994M MSC Industrial Direct Co., Inc. -10.42% 2.506M Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. -9.44% 4.108M PENN Entertainment, Inc. -8.66% 9.35M Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated -8.06% 3.138M SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. -7.88% 3.083M Affirm Holdings, Inc. -7.57% 8.057M Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. -7.49% 21.409M Liberty Energy Inc. -7.47% 3.993M Carnival Corporation & plc -7.45% 2.974M Carpenter Technology Corporation -7.25% 1.133M Company Change net / % Volume MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR MONEY WITH US See our advert on previous page 0.84433 1.1844 US dollar (USD) 1.0699 Japan yen (JPY) .................................. 168.39 Switzerland franc (CHF) 0.9530 Denmark kroner (DKK) 7.4603 Norway kroner (NOK) 11.456 Units per € THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN’T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER DOW JONES Closing Prices 17 June NASDAQ Closing Prices 17 June LONDON - FTSE 100 Closing Prices 17 June Company priCe(p) Change(p) % Chg. net Company priCe(p) Change(p) % Chg. net M - Million Dollars M - Million Dollars Most Declined Most Advanced Company priCe(p) Change(p) % Chg. net EWN 20 - 26 June 2024 II FINANCE 66 • Tel: +34 965 994 830
Compass 2.220,98
2.601,5 47,64K
4.177,68 4.167,34 2,98K
354,66 356,40 354,66 21,08K
660,80 10,60K
3.719,0 3.731,0 3.717,0 8,79K
Invest 1.002,54 1.010,00 1.002,54 6,09K
Entertainment 14.035,0 14.155,0 14.015,0 1,44K

No change


value-added tax on basic food items in Spain was due to end on June 30 but will continue, the government announced. Superreduced staples will remain at 0 per cent and pastas and oil at 5 per cent.

Flying high

HIGHER interest rates and more clients enabled digital bank, Starling, to post pre-tax profits of £301.1 million (€356.4 million) for its last financial year, compared with 20222023’s £194.6 million (€230.5 million).

Revenue grew from £452.8 million (€536.3 million) to £682.2 million (€807.9 million).

Virgin looks at Gatwick

WITH a third Heathrow runway unlikely for some time, Virgin Atlantic is considering a return to Gatwick where it operated until 2020.

The airline left the airport during the pandemic and, speaking to the Telegraph in early June, Gatwick’s chief executive Stewart Wingate said he would welcome Virgin Atlantic back “at the earliest opportunity.”

Virgin Atlantic’s chief executive Shai Weiss said the company had not ruled out cities like Bristol

and there could also be more flights from the air-

No Naturgy takeover

THE joint takeover of Spanish power company Naturgy by the Emirates-owned utilities group Taqa and Caixabank’s holding company, Criteria, has been called off.

The €25 billion transaction fell through following Taqa’s refusal to water down conditions which were unacceptable to Criteria.

According to sources close to the negotiations that were quoted in El

Mundo , the group headed by the UAE’s Investment minister Mohamed Hassan AlSuwaidi would only consent to a deal that would have given it a 51 per cent share of the company.

With a 49 per cent holding, Criteria would have had to accept a secondary role, which neither its chairman Isidro Faine nor its chief executive Angel Simon were willing to accept.

line’s Manchester hub.

Growth at Virgin Atlantic’s main base at Heathrow is still the preferred option, although the carrier is aware that the opportunities for this are restricted, as London’s principal airport operates at practically full capacity.

“We’ve picked up slots and we’ve purchased slots, but it’s a limited pool and very expensive,” Weiss said. “And it’s unpredictable because you have to rely on the slots becoming available.”

The airline would continue to ask Heathrow to agree to plans that would provide Virgin Atlantic with a dedicated terminal at the airport, he added.

He also announced that the company has set its sights on increasing revenues by 20 per cent more above the forecast £3.5 billion (€4.15 billion) for 2024.

Liquid gold

OLIVE oil is the main reason why Spain’s 4.7 per cent food inflation rate outstripped the eurozone’s 2.7 per cent average in April, the Bank of Spain’s Economy and Statistics director Angel Gavilan said. “Not only do we consume more olive oil, but it is also one of the food items whose price has risen most,” Gavilan maintained.

Crystal clear

DESPITE Severn Trent’s 60,000 sewage spills in 2023 - an increase of 30 per cent on the previous year - the company’s chief executive Liv Garfield received £3.2 million (€3.8 million) via a pay rise, bonus and other benefits. Her generous remuneration was made possible by Severn Trent’s “strong performance” in 2023 the company said.

EWN 20 - 26 June 2024 FINANCE II 67
Photo credit: CC/Eric Salard LONDON HEATHROW: Main base for Virgin Atlantic.

Funny ol’ life ennit?



WHAT a week that was. The bright event was the visit of my wonderful Irish side of the family, including my three delightful Great Grandchildren. I wish you all God speed and a safe journey back to the Auld Country. They did, however, somewhat surprisingly inform me that immigration in Ireland is now becoming a resounding problem and that many of their most beautiful country hotels are actually being used to accommodate immigrants.

Ah well, join the club, a disastrous woke organisation run by a bunch of naïve numbskulls that will, if not checked, create the downfall of western civilisation as we know it.

What makes me laugh is that during many of the so-called political public discussions, one of their main arguments is that the UK needs the immigrants to help run the overstretched NHS, when in fact the glaringly obvious reason for the overload is because of the exorbitant numbers of immigrants that are using it; including

I understand some flying in purely to have babies on the cheap!

Just recently I was contacted by a 79-year-old British lady reader, who informed me she simply couldn’t wait during a recent A&E appointment. Apparently the waiting room was completely packed to overflowing with children and their parents, all ethnic and speaking in different languages. As there was nowhere to sit (and none offered), after five hours, plus the information that it would probably be extended to 10, she simply gave up.

What a disgraceful state of affairs to be in and under Labour it will undoubtedly be worse. The recent TV debate, which included the incredibly lowbrow Angela Rayner, was a case in point.

Do the public not realise that with Labour voted into power, this incompetent individual could be the UK’s representative in discussions and meetings with many ultra-intelligent leaders the world over? And she can’t even pronounce the word ‘nuclear’? She would probably take her associate Dianna Abbott with her, googling the difficult words as they go! Anyway, I don’t actually care anymore.

I also discovered this weekend that I have in fact won €15 million in a lottery. A game of chance I have no recollection of, but nevertheless is being kindly held for me by the American Ambassador to Nigeria, who wants to arrange a meeting to hand it over.

He will be arriving in Spain next week and has requested I send my address and phone number so he can ‘deliver the package in person.’

Before I do that, I must urgently (‘before time will be against us’) send $280 to the cargo registration officer, a Mr Nwabundo Iscanyi Benjami in Lago Nigeria. The letter is actually signed by Ambassador Ms Catriona Laing CB herself, so it’s obviously genuine.

Subsequently this column will unfortunately be my final offering, as I could, by the time it is published, be off on a well-deserved golfing trip to Honolulu aboard my new private jet. On second thoughts, I will more likely see y’all next week.

Funny ol’ life ennit? Don’t weaken. Keep sending those emails and whatever ya do.

Always Keep the Faith Love leapy leapylee2002@

Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

Royals in the US

THE Dutch royal couple arrived in Atlanta on Sunday June 9 for a four-day visit to the United States; King Willem-Alexander co-piloted the plane.

The couple visited the famous hub for hip hop icons, the Patchwerk Recording Studio in Atlanta and attended an exhibition of Dutch artists.

The King and Queen paid tribute to Martin Luther King while visiting his grave and learning about the history of the church where he served as pastor.

King Willem-Alexander called the experience “deeply moving,” as they uncovered the American heritage.

They also visited the East Flatbush neighbourhood of New York, finding out about the real lives of people in the city’s streets.

This royal visit acted as part of a formal trade mission to Georgia and New York, including the infrastructure affairs minister, Mark Harbers and trade minister, Liesie Schreinmacher.

68 20 - 26 June 2024 • Feature/News •
Credit: Koninklijk Huis, X
The royal couple at Martin Luther’s grave.

Brexit border chaos Holiday loan

ALMOST every third of Swedish families aim to save money this summer; a significant change from last year.

Many are taking out personal loans to afford a holi day.

A recent survey by Länsförsäkringar showed that Swedish families with children are spending an ave rage of 18,522 SEK (€1,646) on summer holidays this year, and 20 per cent are considering taking out a personal loan to afford it.

that you borrow for a lifestyle that you cannot afford.”

He argued that summer holidays are “Not a necessity for survival,” and that “it is better to take out a loan for things you need; a car or a new freezer.”

A private economist at Länsförsäkringar, Stefan Wesberg emphasised the dangers of taking out loans for holidays; “There is a risk

Figures from the Financial Services Agency show that the total amount of debt nationwide is now at a historical high, increased by 15 per cent from 2023. At the same time, the prices of accommodation, restaurants and travel have grown in prices; Swedish economists advise families to book flight and train tickets as early as possible and abstain from travelling altogether if they don’t have sufficient funds.


lorry drivers could start turning down UK jobs owing to unreasonably long holdups at border inspection posts.

Transport en Logistiek Nederland (TLN), an association that represents 5,000 Dutch haulage companies, reported waits of more than four hours on reaching Britain.

Some drivers said they had been delayed for up to 20 hours owing to the post-Brexit checks on plant and animal products that came into force on April 30.

Elmer de Bruin, TLN’s International Affairs manager, said the facilities on the British side of the Channel “left a lot to be desired” as most of the inspections were carried out at facilities which offered only water, with no chance of finding coffee, let alone a meal.

Nor are holdups limited to Netherlands lorries, the Guardian learnt. An Italian driver delayed at the Sevington border post for 55 hours was advised to walk to MacDonald’s, more than 1.5 kilometres away, if he wanted to eat.

Inspections are carried out in locations adjoining ports that include Killingholme, near Grimsby (Yorkshire), Harwich (Essex) and Felixstowe (Suffolk) although the biggest is government-run Sevington (Kent) which covers imports entering via Dover, approximately 35.5 kilometres away.

“We’re not against the new border model, it’s here and we respect that,” De Bruin told the Guardian. “But we want to improve the supply chain, because in the end it benefits the British consumer.”

70 20 - 26 June 2024 • News •
Photo credit: CC/Tim Sheerman-Chase
SEVINGTON: Lengthy checks for lorries entering the UK at Dover. Families want to go on holiday. Credit: Brian Summers, Flickr

Miracle landing for Palma flight Tourists flock to Viking sites

TOURISTS are flocking to Denmark to visit its newly UNESCO-listed Viking fortresses. Last year, five Viking fortresses across Denmark - Aggersborg, Fyrkat, Nonnebakken, Trelleborg, and Borgring - were added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Constructed between 970 and 980 CE, these monumental ring-shaped fortresses share a uniform geometric design, reflecting the strategic military planning of the Viking Age.

Denmark served as a central hub for Viking expeditions, which were characterised by sea travel, trade, exploration, and conflict. The Viking Age brought significant change to Scandinavia, including new settlements and established trading routes. With these developments came the need for improved defences, leading to the construction of these impressive fortresses under King Harald ‘Bluetooth’ Gormsson.

The fortresses were strategically positioned near important land and sea routes, using the natural topography for defensive purposes. Despite their scale and sophisticated design, the fortresses were short-lived, potentially serving as defensive structures for only about 10 years. They were intended to protect the local population and support the army, enabling Harald Bluetooth to deter attackers and respond to threats effectively.

Denmark’s latest UNESCO World Heritage Site includes the well-preserved Trelleborg fortress, which

is a popular tourist attraction with its adjacent museum and reconstructed Viking village. Aggersborg, the largest fortress, features extensive timber streets and numerous houses.

Fyrkat, located in Jutland, includes a reconstructed longhouse and evidence of a diverse population. Nonnebakken, hidden beneath modern Odense, is named after a 12th-century nunnery. Borgring, near Copenhagen, remains a focal point for ongoing archaeological research.

The UNESCO designation is expected to further boost tourism.

AN Austrian Airlines flight from Palma de Mallorca to Vienna had a harrowing experience after encountering a severe thunderstorm near Hartberg, Austria. The Airbus A320 aircraft, caught in heavy hail, sustained significant damage but thanks to the skilful ac tions of the pilots, landed safely at Vienna Schwe chat Airport.

The incident occurred at an altitude of approximately 6,000 metres. While approaching Vienna, the cockpit crew reported ly encountered a thunderstorm that wasn’t detected by the weather radar.

Upon landing, the extent of the hail damage became evident, with the aircraft’s nose, fuselage, and windows, particularly those in the front cabin, showing clear signs of impact.

In a statement, Austrian Airlines

confirmed the events: “Flight OS434 from Palma de Mallorca to Vienna encountered a thunderstorm cell on approach to Vienna, which the cockpit crew said was not visible on the weather radar. The aircraft, an Airbus A320, sustained hail damage to the two front cockpit windows, the nose, and some panels.” The severity of the situation necessitated a Mayday call. Thankfully, the pilots managed to land the plane safely, ensuring the well-being of all passengers onboard.

“The aircraft was able to land safely at Vienna-Schwechat Airport,” the airline stated. “All passengers on the flight were uninjured.”

An Austrian Airlines technical team were currently conducting a thorough assessment of the aircraft’s damage to determine the necessary repairs.

71 20 - 26 June 2024 • News •
Step back in time at Denmark’s Viking strongholds. Image: Wikipedia/ Thue C. Leibrandt The damaged Austrian Airlines plane. Credit: Portugal Safe Communities/fb

Choosing the correct sunscreen

IT is well-documented that wearing sunscreen is the best defence against sunburn, which can be quite unpleasant in itself, without the possibility of it leading to skin cancer. When it comes to choosing the correct sunscreen, what factors should be taken into consideration?

One of the first things to consider is the product’s level of protection against UVA and UVB rays. Accor-

thing experience is to include regular beach or pool dips.

The next thing to focus on is the sun protection factor (SPF), which can range from SPF 2 to 50+. So, how exactly is the right choice made, and is enough information available to help with this? One way to decide is to consider how quickly the skin burns in the sun unprotected. So, for example, if it starts to turn red

sunscreen would ‘theoretically’ protect it for 30 times longer, equating to 300 minutes.

However, this is on the assumption that a correct amount of product is applied evenly all over the body. According to New York City dermatologist; Valerie Goldburt, this means applying two millimetres of cream for every square metre of skin. In reality, nobody puts it on like this because to do so would leave a visible layer. Her expert recommendation is to use an SPF 50 to ensure at least a couple of hours of protection, even if

A frosty revival

THE iconic frosted lips of the 90s are making a stylish return. This nostalgic trend, characterised by its shimmery, pearlescent finish, is being embraced by modern beauty enthusiasts. Celebrities and make-up artists are reviving the frosted lip, blending contemporary techniques with retro flair.

Achieving this look involves choosing light, pastel shadesthink frosty pinks, icy nudes, and soft lilacs. Pair these with a glossy top coat to enhance the shimmering effect. The key to mastering the frosted lip is balance; a natural, understated eye make-up complements the bold lips perfectly. Whether you’re reliving your youth or trying this trend for the first time, frosted lips add a touch of vintage glamour to any make-up routine.

EWN 20 - 26 June 2024 II HEALTH & BEAUTY 72

Trim Tummy Tips Movements getting slower

TACKLING stubborn stomach fat, often referred to as apron belly, can be challenging but achievable with the right exercises and consistency. Simple exercises that target the abdominal area can help reduce this type of fat effectively.

One of the most effective exercises is the plank. Holding

cial exercise is the bicycle crunch. Lying on your back, bring your knees to a 90-degree angle and alternately touch each elbow to the opposite knee in a pedalling motion. This engages the upper and lower abdominal muscles, enhancing fat burning.


cardio into your routine is also crucial. Activities like brisk walking, jogging, or cycling boost your metabolism and burn calories, contributing to overall fat loss, including the stomach area.

Combining these exercises with a balanced diet and adequate hydration can accelerate results. Consis

AS human beings age, it is common to notice a natural decline in the speed of their movements. Recent research suggests that this slowdown in older adults may be partly due to the higher energy costs associated with their movements compared to younger individuals. This groundbreaking finding offers new insights into the physiological changes that occur with ageing. Scientists have dis covered that older adults expend more energy when perfor ming physical tasks, which may contribute to their slower pace. This increased energy cost can make every day activities more challenging and tiring for the elderly. Un derstanding this phe nomenon is crucial as it sheds light on the broader aspects of

ageing and mobility.

Importantly, these findings could pave the way for the development of new diagnostic tools for neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis. By recognising the hei-

ghtened energy expenditure as a potential early indicator of these conditions, medical professionals might be able to diagnose and treat these diseases more effectively and at earlier stages.

EWN 20 - 26 June 2024 HEALTH & BEAUTY II 73

Writing history

ONE of the most visited websites of our time, Wikipedia, acts as the memory cell of human history, but how much is actually omitted?

Just under a fifth of Wikipedia’s content, including biographies, centres on women and just 15 per cent of the site’s volunteer editors are female.

This information may appear shocking, and it did to Patricia Horillo, the founder of Wikisfera; an alternative Wikipedia, which presents more than just the surface of history.

“Wikipedia is powered by humans, so it is vulnerable to human biases,” stated the Wikimedia Foundation. “It is also a reflection of the structural and historical inequalities women experience around the world.”

Addressing this issue, a dozen women got together in Madrid’s La Fabulosa bookstore, creating Wikipedia entries about women who shaped the world.

“We’re writing history today, right here,” said Encina Villanueva, one of the writers.

While Wikisfera welcomes people of all backgrounds, the majority of the volunteers are women between the ages of 40-60s. “These are the women who have time, often they don’t have children or dependents,” said Patricia Horrilo.

She confessed that she finds the low numbers of women’s contributions “terrifying”, but believes that women have the power to write history.

Deadly ride

IN June 2023, seven people were left injured and one dead in a shocking accident on the Jetline ride at Gröna Lund Park, Stockholm.

A year later, the park’s CEO, Jan Eriksson, finally announced the closure of Jetline; “With respect for the accident and everyone involved, we´ve decided to close Jetline for good. It’s important for those affected and their families, and for us at Gröna Lund.”

A faulty arm support was the cause of a tragic death. The manufacturer was found working with a subcontractor without the park’s knowledge; the subcontracted lacked formal qualifications, resulting in

errors in production.

The park was criticised by the Swedish Accident Investigation Authority for not checking the ride sufficiently upon receiving it.

Eriksson admitted; “We have fully assisted SHK’s investigation and welcome their final report. We’ve been working in- tensi-

vely since the accident to ensure our routines and way of working on all attractions is up to scratch.”

Despite their efforts, however, the park has been suspected of crimes, including aggravated involuntary manslaughter, aggravated causing of bodily harm and causing danger to

74 20 - 26 June 2024 • News •
Wikisfera working session. Credit: Patricia Horrilo, Facebook Jetline ride. Credit: Gröna Lund, Facebook

Volcanic vistas!

FANCY a trip to a volcanic wonderland? Tourists are slowly making their way back to La Palma following the volcanic eruption that rocked the island in September 2021. Yet, the eruption’s scars still run deep on this lesser-known gem of the Canary Islands.

The devastation speaks volumes: homes, schools and businesses reduced to rubble. Plus extensive damage to roads, banana plantations and vineyards, painting a grim picture of the aftermath.

However, amidst the destruction, nature’s resilience shines through. With lava flows reshaping the landscape, dramatic new vistas have formed. Collapsed dwellings stand side by side with untouched homes. Remarkably, a cemetery partially covered in lava escaped further harm.

For La Palma, tourism takes a backseat to agriculture, but a local resident sums it up perfectly. “We might be the Canary Islands’ secret, but our nature is unlike anything else. The global spotlight brought by the


eruption has finally shed light on our island’s hidden treasures.”

The road to recovery is long, but the indomitable spirit of the Palmeros, the island’s residents, is strong. With tireless work and entrepreneurial zeal, La Palma will rise from the ashes, more stunning and resilient than ever. So why not consider a visit and be part of its inspiring story?

And as before, many thanks for all your welcome emails to my website! So pleased you enjoy my column! Nora Johnson’s 12 critically acclaimed psychological suspense crime thrillers, including the latest ‘The Couple across the Street’ (, all available online at Amazon etc. Profits to Cudeca cancer charity.

Nora’s opinions are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers,

76 20 - 26 June 2024 • Feature •

Last-minute trip Value for money

Linda Hall

THE famed dark blue passport ‘requesting and requiring’ that the bearer is allowed to ‘pass freely without let or hindrance’ no longer opens so many doors.

And at £88.50 (€104.51) for an online application following last April’s price rise, a UK passport isn’t exactly a bargain.

Tank, a digital marketing agency, recently ranked the 10-year UK passport against 131 others, combining data from the Henley Passport Index with price and years of validity.

They found that it will take a Briton to 192 visa-free countries, but a 10-year Spanish passport costing £25.80 (€30) is better value as it gives access to two more.

Spain, along with France, Germany,

pan, Singapore, tops the Henley Passport Index list with 194 countries, although there is a considerable difference in cost.

Of the European countries, a German passport costs £60.21 (€69.50), although France charges more at £73.97 (€86) and Italians pay a whopping £98.21 (€116). Of this, €42.50 goes on the passport itself and €73.50 on an administrative stamp.

UK PASSPORT: Gives access to 192 countries.

The best value of all comes from outside Europe, with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) charging AED65 (€16.55) although this provides entry to no more than 184 visa-free countries.

Not mentioned in the Tank survey but occupying 106th and last position on the Henley Passport Index, comes Afghanistan, giving access to 28 countries for five years at a cost of $120 (€111.94).

Anna Akopyan

THE continuing rainfall and low temperatures in the Netherlands have led to many residents fleeing the country, and booking last-minute trips to exotic lo cations.

In search of the sun, the majority of Dutch residents choose countries including Spain, Turkey, Egypt and Greece, revealed the Holiday Monitor of Review.

The authority stated that bookings to these countries were 2.5 times higher in May and June than last year, and most were made at the last minute. The booking site, Zoover, stated that the number of last-minute bookings is now 142 per cent higher than last year.

“We are seeing a huge increase in search behaviour for sun destinations. Of course, that has to do with the weather,” stated Zoover. While there are fewer trips to France, Germany and Belgium, 34.22 per cent of people in the Netherlands make Spain their top pick, while 26.41 visit Turkey, 20.66 per cent visit Greece and 12.76 per cent opt for Egypt. These destinations are also popular due to their affordability; Zoover shared that the majority of travellers going to Turkey in 2024, were 3.5 times more likely to stay at a three-star hotel, choosing the pleasant weather over accommodation, considering warmth the largest luxury.

77 20 - 26 June 2024 • News •
Photo credit: Flickr/Neil Young
Resting on the beach. Credit: Jumilla, Flickr

Got to write it down

DOES this happen to anyone else? We sit down to watch a movie or a crime documentary, which we have probably taken a good 40 or 50 minutes to choose. It might be a four or five parter or a two hour movie. About 15 minutes in, or sometimes less, one of us will say, “I think we have seen this already.” The other will say, “I don’t think so.” “Yeah we have, I’m sure.” Well what happens then? I can’t remember but I’m sure we have seen it. Then we have a few minutes of challenging each other to remember what happens next but absolutely can’t.

This carries on all through the first episode, which ends on a bit of a cliff-hanger, and then we say, “Do you want to watch the next part?” Why? We know we have seen it but neither of us can remember how it ends or what happens next so we watch that too. This was the situation last night. We watched two hours of a documentary that we are both totally convinced we have seen before. We have Netflix, Prime, HBO Max, an IPTV box with

literally thousands of movies, series and live TV and yet tonight, like a pair of daft old codgers, we will watch the third and final part and as it finishes both declare, “Oh yeah, I remember it now!” Got to start writing stuff down.

I watched Soccer Aid last week and I had this thought. It raised £15 million and it was played at Chelsea FC at Stamford Bridge, which happens to be owned by Todd Boehly, who is worth £6.1 billion. Why doesn’t he just write a cheque and be done with and let the money raised be used to help solve some of the homeless (have to call it unhoused now) that they have in the UK right now and folks that are struggling? That way all the aid money gets sent abroad to help there and the UK gets helped too. I’m sure he is very charitable, but it wouldn’t hurt to let everyone know.

Newly crowned Miss Maryland USA is a military wife and the first Asian American and transgender woman to win the title. I have so much to say about this but I will get into trouble. But I will definitely talk about it on Talk Radio Europe with Giles Brown the next time I’m on.


Mike’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

Not tickled pink

AN unauthorised visit to a beach on an uninhabited island has cost influencer Rogeria €1,800.

The Brazilian who now lives in Dubai, has built up a following of 35,000, all of whom clamour for her videos of visits to exotic and hard-to-access locations.

This time she trespassed on the Spiaggia Rosa, a beach of protected pink sand on Budelli, an uninhabited island off Sardinia in a Maddalena archipelago which is a national park and a marine reserve.

Visits to Budelli have been restricted since 1994 but an undeterred Rogeria hired a boat and, ignoring all of the signs that warn off visitors, she disembarked on the pink beach. She later posted a video of her footprints in the sand, accompanied by a soundtrack of La Vie en Rose.

Her photos and videos of the visit were met with horror by environmentalists and irritation by Sardinia residents who would like to visit the beach but cannot do so.

The area’s coastguards had no difficulty in identifying the location and the boat which Rogeria hired, after which police traced her to Dubai. Here she learnt that she must pay a €300 fine for landing on the Spiaggia Rosa and another €1,500 for entering the waters of the La Maddalena marine reserve without authorisation.

The Pink Beach sand is a pale orange-pink colour thanks to Miniacina miniacea, a single-celled organism which lives in Posidonia seagrass, and whose crushed fragments have washed up on the shore and accumulated over the course of time.

Short on spinach

DUE to the ongoing rains, the Netherlands face a dire shortage of vegetables, including potatoes and spinach; the supermarket shelves appear emptier with every grocery visit.

“The plants and seeds are rotting away. Sugar beat, corn for animal feed, and spelt are also doing badly. That means crops will be down and everything will be more expensive in the supermarket,” shared Judith van de Mortel from HAS Green Academy to the Press.

growth due to the consistent rain.

Spinach grower Edwin van Uijen, reinforced;

“the spinach still in the field has had it. The soil is too wet so the roots die and then the crop fails.”

As spinach takes four to five weeks to reach maturity, Dutch farmers are “still starting up,” the

The situation could be improved if the Netherlands were to import spinach from abroad, but as Ton Slagter, from LTO (A farming lobby group) shared, it is too late; “They are not geared up for it. We’ll have to make do with the spinach we grow here.”

He shared that the domestic spinach harvest is now at between 60-70 per cent of its normal levels, causing a real concern for the food market.

78 20 - 26 June 2024 • Feature/News •
Photo credit:CC/ Esetto
PINK BEACH: Visits to the distinctive Budelli beach are off-limits. Spinach in short supply. Credit: Yaroslav Shuraev

Costa del Sol An unforgettable night • News from Our Other 6 Newspapers •

THE Collective Calling Gala Dinner held on Friday June 7 at the stunning Cortijo de Cortes was an incredible success.

From the elegant red carpet entrance to the mesmerising performances of Mark Shurey on guitar, a spectacular horse show in the bullring, and a vibrant Flamenco Fusion Show, the night was nothing short of magical!

The organisers are thrilled to announce that they raised an impressive €14,000.

Collective Calling wanted to give a heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended and made this night so special with a special shoutout to headline sponsor, Opulence Global, and main sponsors, Homerun Brokers Marbella Real Estate, Svoy Group, and BRIGHT Marbella.

They are incredibly grateful to all the local businesses on the coast that generously donated auction and raffle prizes to help reach the huge total.


Hot, hot, hot

SUMMER arrived with a bang in Velez-Malaga with the area experiencing some of the hottest temperatures in Andalucia. On Saturday June 15 thermometers reached 36.8 degrees Celsius, the highest in Andalusia and the fourth highest in Spain.

Then again on Sunday June 16, Velez-Malaga hit the third-highest temperature in Spain.

This summer is already scorching, and you don’t need to wait for Thursday, June 20, when it officially begins in Spain at 10.51pm. The ‘terral’ wind, a warm and dry breeze from the interior, pushed temperatures in Velez-Malaga to some of the highest in Spain. By midnight, it was still 27.6 degrees, the third highest in Spain that night. Such nights are referred to as ‘equatorial nights’ and can lead to increased sleep disorders.


Blondie: Still Punk

BLONDIE kicked off the Mallorca Live Festival on Thursday June 13 with a performance that defied expectations and reaffirmed their status as musical innovators. Led by the ever-iconic Debbie Harry, the band delivered a powerful set that blended classic hits with newer material, showcasing their enduring legacy and ability to evolve.

Blondie emerged from the New York underground scene, leaving an indelible mark on punk and new wave. But unlike many of their contemporaries, they haven’t been confined by their ground-breaking moment. They’ve grown and adapted, mirroring the ever-changing landscape of music and New York City itself.

With over 40 million albums sold and countless accolades, including a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction, Blondie’s continued relevance is a testament to their enduring legacy. As Debbie Harry herself says, “We are always very interested in what was going on around us... being in the moment.”

Costa Blanca North Fortune found

A TOURIST in Benidorm stumbled upon a wallet brimming with cash and did the right thing by handing it over to Local Police. The remarkable story unfolded recently along Levante Beach, where the honest finder spotted the wallet and immediately alerted patrolling officers. Inside, they discovered approximately €6,300 in bills and bank cheques, but no identification.

Benidorm’s Local Police launched a search, eventually tracing the wallet’s owner - a tourist from the Basque Country - within two hours. The owner expressed immense gratitude to both the police and the conscientious tourist.

The incident, hailed by police with a touch of humour on social media, highlighted the area’s efforts to promote honest behaviour among visitors. ‘Found!! If this wallet was also yours... you’re too late. We’ve returned it to its owner with over €6,300 inside. Cheers to the good people who visited Benidorm and alerted us’, the police posted online.


Albox landfill

AT one time, landfills were seen as the best way to dispose of rubbish but over the years it has become apparent that they are an environmental time bomb. Better ways of disposing of rubbish see a need for recycling and even food is now often used to either feed animals or in the case of used oil, it becomes bio-fuel.

A statement to a parliamentary committee of the Junta de Andalucia by Regional Minister for Sustainability, the Environment and the Blue Economy, Ramón Fernández-Pacheco revealed that since 2019, his department had spent €29.4 million on cleaning and sealing of landfills.

His latest target is the disused dump in Albox for the reasons of environmental cleansing and reduction in health risks with €3.9 million being set aside to pay for what is expected to be a 24 month operation. Once the work has been completed and the area deemed fit for use, a monitoring and control plan will be put in place.

Costa Calida Lavender Festival

MORATALLA gears up for a vibrant summer with the ‘Lalavand’ Lavender Blossom Festival, set to infuse the town with cultural, gastronomic, and nature-focused activities. Anchored within the ‘Moratalla, Territorio Lavanda’ (Mortalla Lavender Territory) project, the festival aims to enliven the northwest region of Murcia. Scheduled from June 15 to September 28, ‘Lalavand’ promises an array of events: sunset concerts in the lavender fields, workshops on lavender cultivation, culinary experiences, guided tours, artisan markets, and more.

At the festival’s unveiling, Tourism, Culture, Youth, and Sports councillor Carmen Conesa, along with Juan Francisco Martínez from the Tourism Institute and Moratalla Mayor Juan Soria, highlighted its role in boosting the local economy.

The programme includes a range of cultural celebrations like traditional Murcian music and the Farmers Parade, alongside environmental initiatives such as ‘basuraleza’ cleanup.

82 • Feature • 20 - 26 June 2024

Clip, treat, repeat

CLIPPING your dog’s or cat’s nails at home is essential for their comfort and health. Overgrown nails can cause pain, injuries, and infections. To begin, gather a high-quality pet nail clipper and styptic powder to stop any accidental bleeding.

Start by getting your pet accustomed to having their paws handled. Gently press each toe to extend the nail. For dogs, trim just below the quick, the pink area

containing blood vessels. For cats, trim only the sharp tip to avoid cutting into the quick. If unsure, clip a small amount at a time.

Create a positive experience by rewarding your pet with treats and praise. Use calm, reassuring tones to keep them relaxed. If your pet shows signs of distress or if you feel uncertain, consult a veterinarian or professional groomer. Regular nail maintenance

Law for Cats New

FROM Monday June 10, millions of cat owners in England face the possibility of a hefty £500 fine if their pets are not microchipped. This new legislation aims to ensure that every pet cat is chipped before reaching the age of 20 weeks. According to the animal charity Cats Protection, more than two million cats in England remained unchipped just two days before the law’s enforcement. With an estimated nine million pet cats in the country, this means up to 2.2 million cats are still unchipped, leaving their owners at risk of penalties. The government hopes that the mandatory microchipping will help reunite

Clara found free checked pet-sitters to care for her dog

LEAVING pets anywhere when you travel on holiday can be stressful. And many believe it is always best to keep them at home in their own surroundings, if at all possible, ideally with a caring pet lover who’ll watch over them. By joining a house-sitting platform like HouseSitMatch we can help you meet checked house and pet-sitters who will travel to your home and care for your pets for free!

Plus HouseSitMatch Saves Money because the Pet-sitting is Free!

If you use you find free checked pet-sitters who pay their way to stay in your home caring for your pets in your absence. It’s an arrangement facilitated by a managed online system. Our house and pet-sitting works as an exchange of services - free accommodation for free pet care!

HouseSitMatch is Safe - All Members Are Checked

All members are checked for safety, and you choose which hou-

Clara wants pet-sitters to care for her dog to be as loving as she is.

se-sitters come to care for your pets in your absence.

Your pets stay at home - Safe and Undisturbed

All pets benefit from staying at home, so their routines are undisturbed. Choose Housesitmatch. com for affordable travel, home and pet care and peace of mind for you and your pets. If you’re travelling in 2024 join now and get organised today:

1. Register as a homeowner on

2. Choose a Premium account (£89 pa) to ensure you get help online.

3. Create a profile with photos of your pets and home

4. Post an advert for the dates when you want to go away. Sitters apply and you choose.

How does it work?

Join our network for a small annual fee. You get ID checked for safety, then build an advert to find sitters. House-sitters see your advert, respond and you choose from the applicants.

Trustpilot Testimonials - 4.9 /

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My neighbours tell us Harry had plenty of walks… Sherel and John looked after Harry early April. They sent photos and mails to inform us how he was getting on. My neighbours tell us Harry had plenty of walks. Sherel and John are very nice people, and we highly recommend them as excellent sitters. Tom C - Homeowner in Mojacar, Spain

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Need a pet or house-sitter? House-sitting is a win-win, free house and pet-sitting exchanged for free accommodation! Reader exclusive offer - 20% Off Any New Membership Register as either house-sitter or homeowner. Get a 20% discount - Use coupon code PERFECT20.

thousands of lost pets with their owners more efficiently and act as a deterrent against pet theft.

Microchipping provides a permanent method of identification, making it easier for shelters and veterinarians to track down an owner when a lost cat is found.

Owners who have not yet complied with the new law will be given a 21-day grace period to have their cats microchipped. Failure to do so within this timeframe could result in a fine of up to £500.

This move underscores the importance of responsible pet ownership and aims to enhance the welfare and safety of cats across England.

83 SPONSORED BY • 20 - 26 June 2024 PETS


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J & J PAINTERS. Inside - outside - clean - fast - low cost. Torrevieja - Orihuela Costa and surrounding areas. Tel: 650 363 159 (304595)


PRIVATE collector will buy your Gold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel - 678 716 693 (288662)

OVER 400 DVD’s for sale. As new. €300 ONO. 0044 7971 459588 (WhatsApp) (305596)


LOOKING for silent partner in private care home, near Alicante.50k buy in, 50 %. 20 k net per year return. Call 747 4382 25. (305759)


PRIVATE CARE HOME Full Board and Care. Also, Dementia care. British Owned near Alicante. Luxurious Villa. €1,200 per month. Call 747 438 225 (305685)


ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS IS ALCOHOL COSTING YOU MORE THAN MONEY? Drinking to excess not only affects your health it can spill over into every other aspect of your life - damaging everything that is important to you. English-speaking AA meetings are held throughout

the Costa Blanca from Valencia City to Murcia. Anyone wishing to attend a meeting or discuss a possible drinking problem contact Costa Blanca North: 648 169 045 or Costa Blanca South: 625 912 078 or Costa Calida 679 385 105 All calls are treated in the strictest confidence. AA in German: 645 456 075; Spanish: 679 212 535; Flemish: 635 047 053; and Scandinavian: 659 779 222. (93323)

CAMPELLO CONTRA CANCER in conjunction with AECC Association Español Contra Cancer. Please support your local Cancer charity and if you wish to obtain literature or simply talk to someone. Please contact Mina or Trisha. Tel 650 071 278 or 610 921 413 e-mail aecc_campello@ (95475)


Help and support is just a phone call away, Avda Rio Nalón, Tel: 693 275 779 (95462)

CHURCH SERVICE IN ENGLISH Tel: 950 617 549 www.givinglight. com.(10006)

FREEMASONRY Are you aware that Freemasonry is thriving on the Costa Blanca? There are various Lodges meeting up throughout the Valencia region. If you already are a Mason or simply wish to know more about Freemasonry in Spain please contact  sec@glpvalencia. com Tel 600 841 064 (95477)

HELP VEGA BAJA. We are a non-profit making organisation that helps and supports anyone, without prejudice, in times of need or crisis within the Vega Baja area. Our offices are based in San Miguel at Calle Lope de Vega 46 (Tel 966 723 733), Torrevieja at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia 4 (Tel 965 704 282). We are online at www.helpvegabaja.

com and also on Facebook. You can email the San Miguel Centre at We also have a 24-hour Emergency helpline which is available to both members and non-members on 966 723 733 (95456)

INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY, TORREVIEJA Calle Beniajan 16, Torrevieja 03185, Alicante Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday morning Services at 11.00am. All nationalities welcome - Contact 966 752 543 / 966 799 273. For other church matters phone: 966 799 273 / /617 215 463 www. (95476)

LA SIESTA EVANGELICAL CHURCH on Urbanisation La Siesta, Torrevieja is a friendly, English-speaking church. For more information, including details of our services, see our website (10005)

PHILIP SCOTT LODGE No 10671 of the RAOB. Please call the secretary, Colin Bird on 693 287 614 for further information. (95459)

PILAR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH. All welcome from any church background or none. For further information, Reg No: 2009-SG/A (95463)

ROYAL Air Force Association Costa Blanca Registered Members Group:  The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the Royal Air Force Association and the RMG can be made via the RAFA website uk. Tel:0044 800 018 2361. (238593)

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION - Why not make this year the year you volunteer? See how you can help either as a caseworker (with full training) or as a Telephone Buddy. We also visit beneficiaries who are housebound or in hospital. If you feel you could support us here in Spain, and you have a Spanish phone number then why not email us for more info tbuddyhhvisits@ If you or your partner served or are serving, and you feel you need help or support then contact us using the details on the card, we are here for the small things as well as the big, sometimes talking to someone is the first step to feeling more in control. It can be a personal need or some help with your home or information on what or who to speak to on a medical issue, we help with signposting if we cannot help directly, just call and have a chat with Pam who will try to guide you to where you need to be. If

you would like to go to a branch meeting then find your nearest one at, http://branches.britishlegion. - covering from Punta Prima to San Javier. More info can be found on branch website www. (95457)

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Gran Alacant & La Marina Branch. For info, contact the branch Secretary at granalacant.secretary@rbl. community

ROYAL MARINES ASSOCIATION (Costa Blanca) The aim of the Association is to bring together not just ex Royal Marines, but ex Service personnel with an affinity to the Royal Marines. For further details contact Hon Sec P S Wilkins Tel: 966 194 158 email: (10004)

THE ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION TORREVIEJA Branch (RNATB) meets throughout the year on the 1st Wednesday of each and every month at 1700. Currently this is at the Lakeview Bar & Restaurant, Calle Toledo 16, Ciudad Quesada 03170, Alicante. Or contact: The Chairman, Tony Jenkins. Email ChairmanRNATB@  Mob: +34693866709 or +4470576117222 (What’s App). The Treasurer, Carl Louden. Email  Mob +34678518202 (What’s App). The Secretary, Steve Hemigfield. Email SecretaryRNATB@gmail. com Mob +34 711011372 (What’s App) (95455)

STROKE ASSOCIATION Spain (formally known as Torrevieja stroke support) Our aim is to help and support stroke survivors and their carers, with rehabilitation, speech therapy, OC therapy and a very active social group. For info please contact 653 588 475 English and 620 907 474 Spanish or email strokesup portgroup@, website: We are always looking for volunteers who have the skills and knowledge to support. (95473)

THE ANGLICAN CHURCH, La Fustera. For more info: contact Frank Bentley on 966 495 188. (95461)

THE BAKER Foundation Spiritual Centre Playa Flamenca. Calle Luis Gordillo, 1 Playa Flamenca Alicante 03189. You can join us on Facebook, The Baker Foundation spiritual centre. Or contact Linda Schug Tel. 606 990 665 for more details (95458)

THE PATIENCE LODGE No 2177 of the R.A.O.B Please call Secretary Dave Tonge on 688 704 091 for further information. (253807)

THE SPIRITUALIST CENTRE, Benijofar meets at Hamilton’s Bake House, 62 Calle Vicente, Blasco Ibañez, Benijofar 03178.  We hold

a Sunday Sevrice at 11.30am. For further information: www.  Telephone 711 060 171. Email martindroute66@ Fiscal G54713789

MOVERS AND SHAKERS We are a non-profit organisation that supports people and their families with neurological diseases such as; HUNTINGTON’S, ATAXIA, MOTOR NEURONE, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS and PARKINSON’S. Our MOVERS AND SHAKERS CLUB held every Friday @ 1pm – 3pm, is a chance for members to meet up socially, for a drink and a chat on a full range of topics and to exchange ideas and information. The club is held at O’Briens Bar in El Raso, Guardamar del Segura (except July and August). For more details, contact Marion Smith on 711 008 250, or email: marion., or you can find us on Facebook : fb@movers and shakers es (295976)


MR FIXIT. For all your electrical, plumbing, general & appliance & boiler repairs. No call out charge. 698 320 434 (294864)


WANTED Gold, Silver, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel - 678 716 693 (288662) or email tracey@ (305650)


SERVICES. Car, Home, Business, Travel, Life, Funeral, all insurances available. Policies in English. BEST rates, covers & service. Immediate quotes. Tel 961 129 215 / 622 275 561, (WhatsApp) info@beneficialinsuranceinspain. com or visit for online quote. (303245)

STAY SAFE! Abbeygate Insurance Call 971 277 455 For your security www.abbeygateinsure. com


FRENCH, ELÉGANTE, slim, Sophie, 3 languages spoken. Experienced in a large variety of full body massages. Villamartin apartment or can travel to all areas. 693 357 526 (303965)

EXPERIENCE the best with a 1hr unique massage with Veronica. Shaving or permanent hair removal available. For appointments call 679 292 678 (303934)

MAGIC TOUCH, French, speaks 3 languages, professional masseuse, tantric. Apartment in Villamartin and home visits. Tel 693 357 526 (303833)

CLASSIC MATURE SPANISH LADY, Playa Flamenca area, private premises, all massage services from 50€. Ana 657 603 495 (305450)


GOLD & SILVER Bought & Sold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel - 678 716 693 (288662)




Conversions Costa Blanca, contact 698 320 434. (295479)



OR VISIT www.sosinsuran
MOTORING WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our philosophy has always been to 88
20 - 26 June 2024 CHARITY

offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 952 147 834. (200726)


MOTORHOME / Campervan wanted. Left or right hand drive.

Cash waiting for right van. Tlf 650 722 905

MUSIC FOR SALE 2 brand new Grundig Hi-Fi speakers 50watt, 26 x 18cm. €25. 699 321 591 (304542)


PIANO, Keyboard, Organ, Qualified Teacher. Please call 606 984 535 (303913)


KAMAGRA Gold 100mg, Kamagra Jellies, Super Viagra & Cialis (Weekender) available. Collection

or delivery. Roy - 613 584 915 (295447) tp EDS?  We have the solution, Kam agra pills & jells, Cialis, Sidenafil, over 7 products for men & ladies, mixed trial packs.Available by mail-order. WhatsApp or call 603 117 394


DRIVING LICENCE Exchange + Vehicle Transfer Service. No trip to tráfico, registered DGT representative. Orihuela Costa and Surrounding Area 691 961 315 victoria.scott1985@ (300296)


TAILOR-MADE in durable canvas, made to measure pergola covers, cushions, sails, umbrella, spa and CAR COVERS. Mazarron based, and reaching Almeria to Costa Blanca, plus mail order.  Google: WhatsApp: 667 879 399 krugercanopies@ (290152)



CENTRE. We aim to rescue HORSES. If you would like to DONATE please call 965 967 033 or or call Sue 652 021 980 (95706)

GATAMI ORGANISATION, to help kittens and cats, looking for good homes, also spaying wild cats in the community. Kittens require adoption, fully vaccinated, de-wormed, de-flead. volunteers to Tel Anna: 966 806 976 / 654

729 977 (95709)

P.E.P.A. VOLUNTEERS & FOSTER HOMES URGENTLY NEEDED. By fostering an abandoned dog or spending a few hours each week on our telephone helpline, you could help save the lives of many animals. Please call: 650 304 746. For more information browse our website: www. (95708)

SPAMA GANDIA SHELTER. Dog and cat rescue registered charity, La Safor area. 500 animals awaiting rehoming. Phone Gail 962 896 118. Visit our website for directions. www.spama. org and view our new blog at



MR FIXIT. For all your electrical, plumbing, general & appliance & boiler repairs. No call out charge. 698 320 434 (294864)


POOL MAINTENANCE Repairs, Spares and Leak Testing. Call 865 758 056 / 676 945 360 www. (294924)


PRIVATE Investigator, Debts Collected, Bad Tenants, Solicitor Services. 747 438 225 (305759)

If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161


POOLS. New construction only. All sizes economy to luxurious. 10 year guarantee. Call Andy 747 438 225 (300298) WANTED


ALMOST three-quarters of UK drivers lack confidence when driving abroad, according to a recent AA survey.

As England and Scotland’s elite footballers and Great Britain’s athletes prepare to compete in two major sporting events in mainland Europe this summer, many UK

Driving dread

Europe, down from over 50 per cent six years ago. Only 17 per cent (down from 41 per cent six years ago) said they enjoyed driving in Europe, and a

quarter (down from half six years ago) said they found European roads to be in better condition than those in the UK.

Almost a third (30 per

cent) of respondents avoid driving abroad altogether.

Younger drivers (18-24) are the least confident about driving in Europe (6 per cent), while confi-

90 • Motoring • 20 - 26 June 2024

BYD reveals prices for SEAL SUV

CHINESE car maker Build Your Dreams (BYD) has made a strong start in Eu rope with its three EV cars and has now revealed prices for its first plug-in hybrid in Europe. The rather strangely titled SEAL U DM-i. is a five-seater SUV.

As with all hybrids, whether plug-in or self-charging, they are practical for longer range anxiety-free journeys. BYD say that their new SUV pro duces a quiet, smooth ride that feels more like that of a pure-electric vehicle, with powerful acceleration and performance to match.

Offered in two trims Design (all-whe el drive) on the road (OTR) price is €47,291/£39,905 with the Boost (front-wheel drive) OTR priced at €39,351/£33,205 in a choice of four exterior paint colours, namely Delan Black, Time Grey, Snow White, and Tian Qing. BYD’s PHEV technology prioritises electric power with minimal reliance on fuel and comprises of a highly integrated

Engine (two variants depending on trim choice - Design or Boost). The Electric Hybrid System intelligently switches between EV and HEV to prioritise electric propulsion whenever possible. The engine charges the battery so electric driving is always available, with battery charge further assisted by regenerative technology.

The AWD Design version features two

and 120 kw rear and a 18.3 kwh BYD Blade battery, complemented by the in-house developed 1.5-litre four-cylinder turbo powered petrol engine. When working in conjunction with the two electric motors, the maximum torque is 550Nm. There is also the Boost trim front-wheel drive option, powered by a 1.5-litre hybrid engine producing maximum torque

of 300 Nm. The single motor Boost offers an electric driving range of 80km/49.7 miles (WLTP combined) and a total range of 1079km/671 miles when fully charged/fully fue-

BYD say that the interior has a premium and refined feel, and from my experience of the standard Seal EV was the case, with vegan leather upholstered seats, wrap-around multi-colour ambient lighting, crystal ‘water-droplet’ gear shift and a large 39cm/15.6-inch rotatable touchscreen. A panoramic electric sliding sunroof adds a final airy touch to the in-

The intelligent cockpit system is operated via the central touchscreen, offering smart 4G connectivity and a range of infotainment, with OTA updates. There’s a premium 10 speaker audio system and features such as Head-Up Display and Intelligent Voice Control are standard, plus two front charging points (one of which is wireless) and two rear USB charging points.

91 20 - 26 June 2024 • Motoring •
Image: TravnikovStudio /

Paris lights up

IN under 50 days, Pa ris and France will host their third Summer Ga mes, marking 100 years since their last hosting.

With less than two months to go, the city is getting into the Olympic spirit, highlighted by the installation of the Olympic Rings on the Eiffel Tower.

“In the world of the Games, we call these giant Rings ‘Spectaculars’, and I can’t think of anything more spectacular than the Eiffel Tower.

“The Eiffel Tower is Paris, it’s the face of France. We wanted to offer a sight to remember,” said Tony Estanguet, President of Paris 2024.

Every Olympic Games features the Olympic Rings in an iconic location of the host city: Tower Bridge in London in 2012, Madureira Park in Rio in 2016, and Odaiba Bay in Tokyo in 2021.

For Paris 2024, the Eiffel Tower will play a central role.

It will host beach volleyball at the Eiffel Tower Stadium, judo and wrest-

ling at the Arena Champ de Mars, and road cycling at the Pont d’Iéna. The Tower will also be the backdrop for Champions’ Park at the Trocadéro, celebrating the Games’ champions.

Additionally, the design of the podiums and medals has been inspired by the Tower, each containing a piece of its original iron.

Football frenzy

OVER the next month, 24 teams will compete for the UEFA EURO 2024 championship title.

Among the contenders are football powerhouses like England, France, Portugal, host nation Germany, and the reigning Euro 2020 champions Italy.

A total of 51 matches are being played from June 14 to July 14.

The initial games of the tournament have already delivered excitement.

Germany secured a commanding victory over Scotland with a 5-1 scoreline. Switzerland triumphed over Hungary with a 3-1 win. Spain dominated Croatia with a threegoal lead, the Netherlands emerged victorious with a 2-1 result against Poland and England beat Serbia 1-0.

On June 15, the Berlin Olympic Stadium hosted the UEFA EURO 2024 for the first time.

Five more matches, including the final on July 14, will follow.

The Brandenburg Gate will become the largest football goal in the world, and a fan zone stretching nearly to the Victory Column will feature 24,000 square metres of artificial turf.

A recent survey by the German National Tourist Board predicts over three million additional international overnight stays.

More than 90 per cent of international visitors plan to extend their stay beyond the matches.

Specifically, 38 per cent plan to spend up to three nights in host cities like Berlin.

Fourteen per cent aim to explore the cities and their surroundings for three days, and 40 per cent plan to stay at least four nights in Germany.

This survey covered key markets like the UK, France, and Spain.

92 20 - 26 June 2024 • Sports •
Image: visitBerlin / Julia Rathke / Facebook

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