Costa Blanca South 27 June – 3 July 2024 Issue 2034

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MORE than 7,000 revellers flooded the streets of Elda for their Moors and Christians’ festivals which took place over five days starting from June 12.

As the Moors and Christians’ festivals in Elda come to a close, we spoke with Aitana Cerdán to understand their significance.

Fifteen-year-old Aitana, a resident of Elda, has been actively participating in the Moors and Christians’ festivals for the past seven years.

“For me and for the people of Elda, the Moors and Christians’ festivals are much more than just parades and dinners,” Aitana says.

“It’s hard to describe the feeling in words, but it’s about the whole town coming together. The streets of Elda are filled with a wonderful sense of community and tradition. It’s an incredible feeling.”

Over the years, Aitana has paraded with different comparsas (troupes), each offering a uni -

que experience.

Aitana adds, “While the main elements of the festival have stayed the same, there have been significant changes over time.

“For example, the date of the celebration has moved from the beginning of the year to June when it’s a little warmer.

“The number and variety of participating groups have also increased, adding more colour and vibrancy to the event.

“Some people think the parties are just one big party,” Aitana jokes.

“While it’s true there’s a lot of fun and celebration, most participants feel a deep passion and enthusiasm for the festivals.

“It’s about the connection between people, the gatherings, and the parades. Very few people aren’t genuinely festive. It’s much more than just a party; it’s a celebration of our culture and community spirit.”

Community Spirit

Costa Blanca South • Issue No. 2034 • 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2024 FREE FREE FREI GRATIS
Aitana Cerdán.
Image: Noelia Abenza
All about community spirit.

Citizenship boom

has been a significant demographic shift in foreign-origin individuals.

IN 2023, Alicante set a record for the highest number of nationalisations of foreign-origin individuals as Spanish citizens, signalling a significant demographic shift.

The National Institute of Statistics (INE) reported that 10,851 individuals in Alicante acquired Spanish citizenship, surpassing the previous record of 7,387 in 2014 and marking a notable increase from 7,014 in 2022.

This is the highest figure recorded since INE began tracking the-

se statistics in 2013.

Nationwide, Spain saw 240,208 nationalisations, a decade-high, with the Valencian Community setting its own record at 25,119.

This trend occurs amid a declining birth rate in Spain, leading to an ageing population and potential long-term decline.

Despite fewer births, the number of Spanish citizens has grown due to nationalisation.

In Alicante, 3,343 of those nationalised were born in Spain,

representing nearly 31 per cent of the total and outnumbering those born in Colombia, Morocco, and Venezuela. These new citizens are predominantly children of foreign parents who have obtained Spanish citizenship, highlighting a key dynamic in Spain’s demographic evolution.

The naturalisation of foreign-origin individuals and their Spanish-born children is helping to counterbalance the declining native birth rate.

Tropical nights

SUMMER has begun, and forecasts predict hotter weather with more frequent and intense heatwaves.

The University of Alicante’s Climatology Laboratory has expressed concern about ‘tropical nights’, where Mediterranean temperatures, currently around 24ºC, may rise to 28ºC.

Against this backdrop and amid ongoing discussions on climate change, tourism in provinces like Alicante is preparing for potential shifts in visitor patterns as people seek cooler destinations.

CaixaBank Research’s recent ‘Tourism Sector Report’ for the latter half of 2024 provides insights that offer some reassurance for Alicante Province.

The report indicates that foreign tourists show varied behaviours in summer, depending on whether they are regular visitors or occasional tourists.

Alicante, popular among foreign residential tourists in Spain, benefits from high repeat visitation rates in summer, approximately one in two foreign travellers return.

However, for those without residential ties, the likelihood of returning drops significantly to 14 per cent under normal conditions and even further to 12 per cent during heatwaves.

The impact varies by nationality, with British tourists (a key market for Costa Blanca) showing the most sensitivity to extreme heat, with a 34 per cent drop in repeat visits during heatwaves.

North American tourists also decrease significantly by 42.5 per cent under similar conditions.

INE data from 2022 indicates Alicante Province housed about 76,739 British residents.

Applying CaixaBank Research’s estimates, this suggests around 5,300 British residents may opt for cooler destinations away from the mainland during the hottest summer months.



Day of music

ORIHUELA has organised its Youth Bands Meeting for June 30 at the La Lonja Auditorium. The event will bring together prominent bands, including musicians from Orihuela, La Aparecida, Benferri, and Albatera.

Aspe savings

THREE years ago, Aspe was awarded funds for an electric police patrol vehicle, which has turned out to be a great investment for the police. Apart from minimal expenditure on maintenance or repairs, the ecological initiative has also led to savings in fuel.

Dolores Pride

DOLORES celebrates Pride Day on June 29. Carmenchu Gil Rodriguez, councillor of Equality, said: “For us, it is an honour to make visible the demands of the collective, demands of equality and freedom, to live and be free, unrestricted.”

Trip to London

ALICANTE continued its commitment to capturing the MICE market (congresses, meetings, events, and incentives) at an important fair held in London on June 19 and 20.

Alicante chronicles

ALICANTE’S earliest settlers lived on Mount Benacantil, where the Santa Bárbara Castle now stands.

This area was ideal for living because it was close to the sea and o ered a safe, elevated location.

While no remains have been found, it’s believed that Iberians once lived here.

Another important area was Benalúa, where the Roman city of Lucentum existed, which is the direct ancestor of modern Alicante.

The present-day city started to form when Muslims arrived and built it near the castle.

In 1246, Alfonso X of Castile conquered the area, and in 1308, Jaime I made it part

of the Kingdom of Valencia.

In 1490, Ferdinand the Catholic declared Alicante a city.

Alicante became a key port for Castile, boosting trade and growth.

Castle charms

PERCHED atop Mount Benacantil at a height of 166 metres, the Castle of Santa Barbara is one of Spain’s largest medieval fortresses, o ering breathtaking views of Alicante’s picturesque bay.

The castle has three distinct enclosures from di erent periods, showcasing its rich history.

Visitors can explore interior exhibitions, stroll along pathways with stunning views of Alicante, enjoy gastronomic delights, attend concerts, or engage in theatrical visits.

It’s recommended to spend at least

one or two hours at Santa Barbara Castle to fully experience its charm.

Alternatively, you can join a onehour guided tour led by o cial guides who provide insights into the castle’s history.

Exploring the old dungeons, cistern, and former hospital requires booking an o cial guided tour in advance.

Guided tours in English are available.

Reservations for guided tours can be made in person at the castle’s information point, with a limited availability of 30 places per tour.

Sweet mysteries

THE exact origins of El Turrón (nougat) are uncertain and, contrary to popular belief, it did not originate in Italy.

It is widely accepted that nougat, a traditional Christmas sweet, has its routes somewhere in the Mediterranean basin.

There are many stories about the history of nougat.

Some say it comes from a Barcelona pastry chef named ‘Turró’, others from an Arab cooking contest, and even a Scandina-

vian princess’s recipe.

Various cultures have claimed to have invented it, and throughout history, nougat has made its mark on global gastronomy, sweetening palaces across continents.

Nougat is the quintessential sweet of Alicante, known for its exquisite, artisanal production.

For Nougat to qualify for the Denomination of Origin (D.O.) of Nougat from Alicante and Jijona, it must contain at least 60 per cent almonds and 10 per cent honey.

The production of Alicante nougat begins with toasting dried almonds in rotating drums.

ALICANTE is renowned for its lively festivals, with one of its most cherished traditions being the ‘La Peregrina’ (pilgrimage) of Santa Faz.

This annual event on Costa Blanca takes place two Thursdays after Holy Thursday, starting at Alicante’s San Nicolás Cathedral and ending at the Monastery of Santa Faz, home to the revered relic known as Santa Faz.

This relic is believed to bear the imprint of Christ’s face, used to wipe his face on his way to Calvary, and is one of only three recognised by the Catholic Church.


However, its coastal location made it vulnerable to sea attacks. In 1691, the French navy bombarded Alicante for seven days.

Later, during the War of Succession, the English destroyed part of the Santa Bárbara Castle.

In the War of Independence, Alicante served as the temporary capital of the Kingdom when Valencia was occupied.

Alicante began recovering in the 18th century, but its true growth came in the 19th century. The arrival of the railway in 1858 connected it to central Spain, boosting its port and making the city more cosmopolitan.

During the pilgrimage, participants carry long reeds adorned with rosemary branches on the roughly two-hour journey.

The atmosphere is festive, with opportunities to rest, enjoy local sweets and wines, and browse craft stalls set up along the route.

Upon reaching the monastery, pilgrims attend a large mass.

For those not participating in the religious service, outdoor festivities are held around the monastery.

The Santa Faz pilgrimage ranks as the second largest in Spain by attendance.

The Euro Weekly

By the next century, it was Spain’s third most important
Alicante chronicles.
Dried toasted almonds.
Image: Alicante City & Beach

Sailing Champ

ADRIANA CASTRO from Torrevieja has achieved notable success in the ILCA 6 Spanish Championship.

Adriana skilfully secured second place overall in the women’s category and claimed the Spanish titles in both the sub-21 and sub-19 divisions.

Additionally, Leo Griñan has earned a place in the European Championship after finishing third in the men’s sub-19 category.

The championship, held from June 18 to 21 in Gerona’s waters, featured participation from four athletes representing the Real Club Nautico Torrevieja (RCNT): Adriana Castro, Leo Griñan, Ascensión Roca, and Milosz Krolikows-

ki, amidst a field of 130 competitors from 10 different autonomous communities.

Adriana’s achievements in the Under-21 and Under-19 categories have secured her a spot to represent Spain at the prestigious World Sailing Youth World Championships 2024.

This global event will be hosted on Lake Garda, Italy, from July 13 to 20, 2024, gathering top sailing talents under the age of 19 from 75 countries worldwide.

Her participation marks a significant opportunity to compete at an international level and showcase her sailing prowess on a global stage.

A royal cheers

PINOSO wines have achieved a significant milestone with the inclusion of TRIGA 2022 white wine in the menu for the 10th anniversary of His Majesty King Felipe VI’s proclamation.

This honour elevates Pinoso to international acclaim for its distinguished wi nes.

Mayor Lázaro Azorín expressed his congratulations to Bodegas Volver for this prestigious recognition, emphasising their dedication and passion for crafting exceptional wines.

He stated, “This achievement reflects your hard work and commitment.

“Pinoso takes pride in being associated with a wine of such high calibre.

“This recognition is not just a milestone for Bodegas Volver, but for our entire beloved town of Pinoso.”

He continued, “We are grateful for promoting the name of Pinoso globally and enhancing the prestige of our local products. Congratulations on this well-deserved success!”

TRIGA Blanco is crafted from 100 per cent

Chardonnay grapes with D.O. Alicante by Bodegas Volver.

This intense yellow wine boasts aromas of toasted French oak barrels, floral notes typical of Chardonnay, and hints of butter.

Its palate is characterised by remarkable intensity and persistence, showcasing the excellence of Pinoso wines.

TWELVE companies in Alicante have recently been awarded the prestigious Sicted Tourism quality certificate, further bolstering the city’s reputation for excellence with a total of 128 accreditations.

The Sicted certification involves a rigorous audit process that evaluates various aspects of business management including customer service, accessibility, and adherence to best tourism practices.

Ana Poquet, councillor for Tourism, said “the tourism sector’s dedication to achieving excellence, which enhances the quality of our city’s offerings.”

The newest additions to the Sicted network in Alicante include Casa Alberola Apartments, restaurants Abarrote, Chaflán (Luceros and O’ Donell), La Disfrutona, Miami, and Palmitas, tour guides AlicanTours, Levante Guides, and Levanteguides. com, travel agency Blue Valley Travel, and experiences company Royaldelux.

Among the notable local services holding this recognition are the beaches, Santa Bárbara Castle, and its tourist offices.

Image: Real Club Nautico Torrevieja
Achieving success.
Pinoso wines.
Image: Ayuntamiento de Pinoso

Musical Jove Altea

TO demonstrate its ongoing commitment to young people and creators, Altea Town Council has organised the first ‘Trobada Musical Jove Altea’ for Friday July 5.

This event will allow young musicians from the municipality and the Marina Baixa region to present their musical creations to the public in the amphitheatre of the Placa de l’Aigua.

Ten musical groups will perform on the day: Bandeta la Marina, Noraila (Pop-Rock), Cyfeillion (Punk-Rock), Crimson (Pop-Punk Rock), Las novias de Aaron (Rock-Pop), Milonary (Reggaeton), Sara Gessed (HipHop), Malaguenyos Crew (HipHop), Dj Kay (Electro-House) and Jaume Soriano (saxophonist).

German Manjon and Pepa Victoria Perez are leading the initiative from the Councils of Youth and Culture, respectively, and they are excited to provide a space for these young musicians who are starting out in the world of music.

German Manjon pointed out, “This initiative was born out

of a proposal to offer space for young groups from Altea and the region to showcase their music to the public for the first time.”

Pepa Victoria Perez added, “We had this demand from young people to make themselves known and to find a space

where they could interact, so we have made the Placa de l’Aigua available to them by coordinating the resources of the two councils.”

Entry is free with an electronic ticket, available from www. , and the event is scheduled to start at 8pm.

Hikers rescued

ON Friday June 21, the Provincial Consortium of Firefighters acted swiftly to rescue three hikers from the Puig Campana mountain. Firefighters were initially called upon to rescue two girls in their 20s when they became lost while hiking in the mountain. Less than an hour later, a further report was received from a man in his 40s who had become disorientated while disembarking the summit. The first warning was received at 1.43pm, and the Provincial Consortium helicopter, operating with remarkable efficiency, was despatched. It successfully reached the two girls and pulled them to safety via a triangle and a sling.

The helicopter, heading to San Vincente del Raspeig fire station, was then called into action again when a second alert was received at 2.50pm.

In order to provide assistance as quickly as possible, the aircraft turned around and landed at the heliport in Finestrat, leaving the rescued girls in the care of the Guardia Civil. It then returned to the mountain, successfully locating and rescuing the German man. He was taken to Coll del Pouet where his wife was waiting for him. Fortunately, all three hikers emerged from the ordeal unscathed, a testament to the swift and effective response of the emergency services.

Firefighters rescue two stranded girls and a man in Puig Campana
Trobada Musical Jove Altea will include a saxophonist.

San Juan dream

AMONG the top beaches attracting property purchases are locations in the Valencian Community.

Playa del Zapillo in Almeria, San Juan Beach in Alicante, La Malagueta Beach in Malaga, and Xeraco Beach in Valencia are prominently featured.

According to data from the Fotocasa real estate portal, Lastres Beach in Asturias tops the list this year as the most popular area in Spain for purchasing a home, based on search activity.

El Palmar Beach in Cadiz and Mogro Beach in Cantabria closely follow suit.

Playa España in Asturias, Agua Amarga Beach in Almeria, and Granada Beach in Granada complete the top 10 list.

This trend underscores the northern region of Spain as the preferred location this year for buying property near scenic coastlines.

“For the first time, two Atlantic coast beaches are leading in searches on our portal for buying homes nearby,” remarks

María Matos, Director of Studies and spokesperson for Fotocasa.

She notes that the north of Spain, with its increasingly warm summers, is emerging as an appealing option compared to the hotter climates of the south.

Enhanced high-speed train

connections to northern regions are also attracting more buyers looking for second homes.

Living close to the beach has become highly desirable, and Spain’s extensive coastline continues to attract both national and international buyers seeking respite from the summer heat.

Past & present

NEARLY 3,000 people visited the new Museum of Villena during its open-door weekend following the official opening on June 17.

A total of 2,780 entries were recorded, allowing visitors to explore the Villena Treasure and a collection of archaeological and ethnographic pieces displayed in the museum’s various rooms.

The museum, housed in the early 20th-century electro-flour building, opened its doors to the public for the first time in eight years.

The museum will offer free admission throughout July.

During the opening weekend, 78.5 per cent of visitors were from Villena, 14.2 per cent from the rest of the Valencian Community, 5.75 per cent from other regions, and 1.26 per cent from abroad.

Visitors enjoyed the museum’s new permanent exhibition, which showcases the different stages of the city’s development from the Paleolithic to the Modern Era, along with ethnographic heritage pieces displayed in one of its rooms.

The museum also features paintings by Villena artist José García Hidalgo, on loan from the Prado Museum.

Additionally, the museum displays the temporary exhibition ‘Villena, Past in the Present’ by the Villena Photographic Group.

TOP IN VALENCIA: San Juan beach in Alicante.

Global appeal

ALICANTE concluded its Hogueras festivities with record-breaking attendance and a hotel occupancy rate exceeding 93 per cent.

La Nit de la Cremà, held in the early hours of June 25, marked the end of the Bonfire celebrations, which saw over 1.5 million visitors.

The festivities also achieved full capacity in the accommodation and catering sectors, with more than a million people participating in the main events daily.

Cristina Cutanda, Councillor for Festivals of the Alicante City Council, praised the festival’s unique global appeal, noting the historic records in hotel and restaurant occupancy.

She also highlighted the absence of significant incidents and the high artistic quality of the monuments as notable aspects of the 2024 Bonfires.

The response from both residents and visitors during the main days of the Bonfires

exceeded expectations, the councillor stated.

Participation in the different events held during the holidays has been massive.

The streets have been packed, with records of more than a million people per day

This sentiment is echoed by figures from the Provincial Association of Hotels and Tourist Accommodations of Alicante (APHA)

and the Hotel and Tourism Business Association of the Valencian Community (Hosbec), which confirmed near-full capacity in hotel accommodations and apartments over the weekend.

Additionally, the Alicante Restaurant Association (ARA) reported surpassing last year’s figures, with most city restaurants fully booked.

Image: Ayuntamiento de Alicante / Facebook
Alicante celebrated the Hogueras festival.

DURING the summer season, safety measures at Arenales del Sol beach and the entire Elche coast will be significantly strengthened, with more than 50 personnel dedicated to public safety.

patrol on foot or bicycle along the shoreline.

Premier attraction Beach patrol

Elche municipality will deploy a total of 46 officers from the Local Police and six from Urban Mobility along its nine kilometres of beaches. This security opera-

tion will run from July to mid-September, seven days a week, from 9.00am until 7.00pm.

The Maritime and

Tourist Assistance Unit (GRUMAT) is crucial to these efforts, consisting of an inspector, two officers, and 17 agents who

They also conduct surveillance from a boat positioned about 200 metres offshore.

The Air Resources Unit (UMAE) supports these operations with aerial surveillance, monitoring beach capacity to prevent overcrowding, assessing water conditions, and conducting maritime rescues, with one officer and one agent.

In addition, the security team includes two canine units and 22 officers from the Territorial Community Police Unit.

They complement the efforts of rescue, first aid, and cleaning services that have been active since June 1.

Shopping vouchers

CALLOSA DE SEGURA has requested €230,474 from the Provincial Council for consumer spending campaigns.

The Provincial Council, which has allocated €20 million for the entire province, approved this request based on the town’s population of around 20,000 residents.

Following discussions, Callosa de Segura has planned two consumption voucher campaigns.

THE Moors and Christians’ festivals continue to establish themselves as one of Elda’s premier tourist attractions.

During the festivities, nearly 600 visitors passed through the Elda Tourist Info Office, averaging almost 100 visitors daily.

Councillor for Tourism, Rosa Vidal, highlighted the diverse origins of the visitors, noting that in addition to local residents, the office assisted people from the Valencian Community, Andalucia, the Basque Country, Madrid, Catalonia, Castilla León, Murcia, and Castilla La Mancha.

The first will take place in September, aligning with the post-holiday period and the increased spending associated with back-to-school preparations.

positive impact of the consumption bonus programme on Callosa’s local economy.

International visitors from countries such as France, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, Poland, and Argentina were also in attendance.

The second campaign is scheduled for mid-November to mid-December, aiming to support residents during high-consumption periods due to the upcoming Christmas season and the December long weekend.

The Department of Commerce, Hospitality, and Activities emphasises the

OVER the weekend of June 21-23, the 11th Santa Pola Grass Handball Tournament hosted 1,100 athletes.

The tournament featured 120 teams across 11 categories, with 350 matches played and the support of 80 volunteers, taking place at the Manolo Maciá stadium.

Borja Merino, councillor for Tourism, expressed his satisfaction with the event, highlighting its alignment with the town’s strategy to extend the tourist season.

In both campaigns, the spending power is doubled, with 50 per cent funded by the Provincial Council and the remaining 50 per cent by the residents.

This initiative creates a beneficial synergy among all participants, aiding small businesses and providing financial relief to many families struggling to make ends meet.

Sports surge

He noted, “Hosting such a significant sporting event generates substantial economic benefits by attracting hundreds of visitors to Santa Pola from areas

like Valencia, Alzira, Canals, Puerto Lumbreras, Cieza, Murcia, and Monóvar.

“We continue to support sports because it also promotes health.”

The primary interest of these tourists centred around the event programmes and parade routes. In addition to local and regional visitors, Elda welcomed a group of international journalists who came to cover the festivities.

This group included representatives from Petit Journal (France), Express News (United Kingdom), New Herald (United States), and Voyage Magazine (Bulgaria).

This effort aims to advance the future declaration of the Moors and Christians’ festivals of Elda as an event of International Tourist Interest.

Beach patrol

Kelly Saunders is safe

KELLY SAUNDERS has been reunited with her family thanks to the support of the local community.

Originally from Brighton and now living in Rojales, Kelly was officially declared a ‘missing person’ last week after she was last seen on Thursday, June 13, at a tobacconist in Torrevieja. Two days previous, she had also been seen leaving Quesada Fish and Chips at 9.52pm.

Alan Heath, a concerned neighbour, was quick to notice something amiss when he discovered Kelly’s cats left unattended.

This unusual behaviour sparked a widespread social media campaign, reflecting the community’s growing concern and desperate hope for her safe return.

Upon learning of Kelly’s disappearance, her mother and sister, Lynsey, immediately flew to Spain. They, along with the Local Police, meticulously reviewed Kelly’s last known movements.

In their quest for answers, they also sought the help of Euro Weekly News, whose web article garnered over 15,000 views, a testament to the community’s support for Kelly and her family.

The news came in the early hours of Thursday June 20 that Kelly had been found, safe and well. She was reunited with her family, and Lynsey and her mum would like to express their extreme gratitude for all the help, support and concern shown.


THE Rock’n’Pola festival will take place at the El Palmeral Auditorium on July 5 and 6, featuring 10 bands with diverse musical styles.

From Celtic music to thrash metal, including punk-rock, alternative metal, symphonic gothic metal, and hardcore, Santa Pola will resonate with rock sounds during this well-established festival.

Festival councillor Nely Baile emphasised the festival’s growing reputation as a must-attend summer event on the coast, noting its unique offering of free entry and an artisanal market.

She stated, “We are grateful for the great commitment shown by the participating bands.

“We receive many requests from bands, even from other countries.”

She added: “With a li-

mited budget, we have managed to provide two intense days of performances by 10 groups.”

Baile also highlighted the festival’s origins and ongoing mission to support local talent, saying, “The festival initially aimed to provide a platform for local groups that had no other venues to perform.

“We continue this philosophy by making room for new bands at Rock’n’Pola.

“This year, we have four new local groups and six other bands presenting their latest works.”

The programme promises a wide variety of music to cater to all tastes.

Kelly Saunders is back with her family
MUSIC FESTIVAL: A must-attend summer event.
Credit: Kelly’s family

Bare essentials

TAN: There are many beaches to choose from.

THE beaches around Torrevieja are popular for sun-seekers, but if you’re into getting an all-over tan, there are nearby spots to check out.

José Mancebo, who heads the Costa Blanca Tourist Board, says places like Portugal and Greece have similar beaches, and Alicante Province is no exception, boasting some of Spain’s top nudist beaches.

If you’re keen to avoid those tan lines, Playa Els Tossals in Guardamar del Segura is a top pick,

just a short 20-minute drive from Torrevieja.

It’s one of Alicante’s biggest nudist beaches, stretching 1,600 metres.

Nearby, Playa del Rebollo in Elche offers even more space.

Another choice, El Carabassí beach in Elche, is about 40 minutes by car from Torrevieja.

It’s got rocky spots, dunes, and lots of sandy areas, plus pine forests to enjoy.

The southern end near Santa Pola is especially popular with nudists.

These spots in Alicante are perfect for nudist fans, offering plenty of room and beautiful scenery away from the usual crowds.

Orihuela Pride

ORIHUELA is gearing up to celebrate Pride Day on June 27.

Agustina Rodríguez, the coun

LOS MONTESINOS has launched a mobile application called Cadastro-App, now available to residents.

This app introduces a new channel of communication between residents and local authorities, promising benefits for the entire community.

The Cadastro App personalises information on all of a resident’s properties for personal use, allowing users to add their photos, sketches,

Welfare and Equality, affirmed the commitment to commemorate this day annually to raise awareness about the LGBTQ+ community’s situation and emphasise the importance of safeguarding the human rights of all individuals, regardless of sexual or emotional diversity.

The aim is to foster a diverse municipality where everyone feels included and their rights are protected, echoing the motto of the ‘Orihuela Includes’ council.

Land App

and annotations. The App provides instant updates on cadastral changes that may affect properties, enables users to locate their plots via their mobile devices, and allows them to consult land values for the most representative crops or uses in each area.

In addition to the Pride Day celebrations, the councillor announced the exhibition titled ‘The Sports Closet Opens Its Doors’, scheduled to run until July 4 at the ‘Alameda del Mar’ Civic Centre in Orihuela Costa.

This exhibition consists of 17 informational panels focused on emotional and sexual diversity in sports and physical education. It aims to highlight LGBTQ+ visibility in the sports world, featuring insights from over 400 elite athletes who have shared their stories.

Agustina Rodríguez, the councillor for Social Welfare and Equality.


TORREVIEJA has just raised its rst Smoke-Free Beaches ag at Cabo Cervera Beach.

In addition to Cabo Cervera Beach, another ag will be raised at the Ciudad Deportiva’s outdoor pool, reinforcing the prohibition of smoking in this area.

Informational signs will be prominently displayed at beach entrances to inform visitors of the smoke-free policy.

The council plans to expand this pilot project to other beaches in Torrevieja in the near future.

THE restoration of Aspe’s Cross of Orihuela (Cruz de Orihuela) is set to commence in the final week of June, with completion targeted by mid-July, before the arrival of La Virgen de las Nieves.

This project, costing €40,000, aims to restore the monument by cleaning the pedestal thoroughly and replacing damaged elements

The initiative aims to create clean, safe, and welcoming beach environments for all visitors, promoting activities such as swimming and outdoor sports in a tobacco-free atmosphere.

Rather than sanctions, the emphasis is on educating beachgoers about the bene ts of a smoke-free environment.

The council claim that cigarette butt litter remains a signi cant issue on beaches, impacting both aesthetics and marine life.

“Removing this litter is crucial for maintaining pristine shorelines and protecting the environment.”

Cherished site

such as the quadrangular base and access steps.

Aroa Miralles, the councillor for Heritage, emphasised the significance of this restoration, noting, “Although the current Orihuela Cross dates back to 1969, its historical roots trace back to 1529

according to some historians, underscoring its considerable historical value.”

She highlighted its religious importance as a pulpit used annually on August 3 for the entrance of Our Lady of the Virgin of the Snows into Aspe, making it a cherished site for all.

Pride Party

FOR another year, Rafal will celebrate LGTB+ Pride Day with a lively party.

‘Rafal with Pride’ is scheduled for Friday, June 28, in the Plaza de España, beginning at 10.30pm.

Rafal’s councillor for Equality, Laura Velasco, describes the event as a fun and festive occasion aimed at uniting all residents of Rafal in an inclusive celebration.

“We want to normalise the coexistence of all groups and demand equal rights for everyone, regardless of their sexuality.

“It’s about

embracing love in all its forms,” the councillor confirmed.

The celebration will feature various DJs from the municipality, all with extensive experience.

They will play an array cing and enjoyment. The evening promises a variety of entertainment that will delight attendees, with lighting effects, stilt walkers, balloons, and many more surprises in


A fun and festive
de Rafal

Vintage vault

IN a recent archaeological find near Sevilla, researchers have uncovered what appears to be the oldest preserved wine in liquid form, dating back approximately 2,000 years.

The discovery took place in 2019 at a Roman necropolis in Carmona, associated with the ancient town of Carmo in Hispania Baetica.

The necropolis, remarkably intact, revealed a family mausoleum where urns containing cremated remains were placed in niches along the chamber walls.

One urn in niche 8 stood out: made of lead and sealed with a glass jar (‘olla ossuaria’), it contained cremated bones, a gold ring depicting the god Janus, and an astonishing five litres of well-preserved reddish liquid.

Published in the Journal of Archaeological

Science: Reports, researchers noted that the liquid, identified as wine through plasma mass spectrometry analysis, remained preserved within the urn.

This finding contrasts sharply with nearby niches under similar environmental conditions, which were dry.

The presence of liquid wine in the urn suggests its ceremonial use in Roman burial rituals,

aiding the deceased in their journey.

This discovery surpasses previous finds of ancient wine, such as in Speyer, Germany, where it was contained in a glass jar from the fourth century AD. Unlike those findings, the Carmona discovery marks the first instance where ancient wine has been chemically identified in its liquid state rather than through absorbed residues.

€3 homes

IN 2019, the village of Sambuca di Sicilia in southern Italy gained international attention by selling homes for as little as €1.

These kinds of schemes have become a popular method for revitalising rural towns with declining populations, aiming to attract new residents and prevent empty homes from falling into disrepair.

While similar initiatives failed in other areas, Sambuca’s e orts were met with an overwhelming response.

Buyers from the United States, the Middle East, and beyond ocked to purchase these homes, injecting approximately €20 million into the local economy.

Now, Sambuca is o ering more houses for sale.

However, potential buyers should note

that there are some conditions and the starting price has increased.

This round, 10 homes are available with a starting bid of €3.

Located in the town’s historic Saracen district, these structures are reported to be as sound as those previously sold.

Abandoned after a 1969 earthquake, these houses belong to the local authorities, streamlining the sales process compared to areas where councils must mediate between private owners and buyers.

The available properties are two to three-bedroom houses, no larger than 80 square metres, constructed from honey-coloured stone.

Featuring two or three oors, some of the buildings also have terraces.

ANCIENT URN: Contained well-preserved liquid.
Image: Universidad de Cordoba
SAMBUCA DI SICILIA: The village is putting more houses up for sale.
Image: Comune di Sambuca di Sicilia

Seine’s Olympic problem

LATEST analyses showed the Seine’s water is currently too dirty for Olympic open-water swimming events.

On June 21, not much over a month before the start of Paris Games on July 26, Marc Guillaume - the State’s repre-

sentative in the Paris region - revealed that water samples collected on June 16 did not meet the required standards.

The region’s weekly report blamed unusually wet weather for the presence of two types of faecal bacteria, inclu-

ding E. Coli. Rain, together with increased flow into the river, little sunlight and lower than usual temperatures all contributed to the poor results, the statement said.

Four sections of the Seine had an unacceptably high E. Coli concentration between June 10 and 16 although city hall and the Olympics organisers have admitted that the Seine’s condition has always been a touch-and-go issue.

Test events for the swimming marathon were called off in August 2023 owing to the condition of the water, as well as the swum stages of the triathlon and para-triathlon

BELGIUM’S second-largest solar park covering an area of 303,864 square metres will be located at Ostend-Bruges airport.

By spring 2026, when all the panels have been installed and connected, the photovoltaic power station will produce more than an annual 37,000 megawatts

on two of the four days when the heats were held.

Should the worst come to the worst and there is too much pollution for swimmers, events will not be relocated, the authorities announced. Instead, they would be postponed for some days until the Seine water was safe.

Whatever the state of the water, the athletes will not be obliged to share the Seine with invasive wildlife, although the River Brigade has in the past been called on to remove a python, a crocodile, a snapping turtle and a pacu, a fish which is a distant cousin of the piranha.

PARIS OLYMPICS: Open water swimming will be held in Seine.

But a River Brigade spokesperson explained all were there only because they were dumped by unprinci-

Double role for runway

of electricity, energy company EnergyVision announced.

Initially this will supply electricity for the entire airport site, explained Eric Dumas, chief executive of Ostend-Bruges airport, with the remainder going

to approximately 10,000 homes in the immediate area.

“It is absolutely important to also let our neighbours benefit from power from our own region,” Dumas said, as Ostend mayor Bart Tommelein symboli-

pled owners divesting themselves of former pets once they were too big or too difficult to handle.

cally activated the first panel.

If all goes according to schedule, the first families could be using green electricity as early as September. “By autumn, enough solar panels will already be operational at the airport to generate 10 megawatts of power,” Dumas added.

Trelawney Bresic BARCELONA is making a dramatic shift in its housing market.

By November 2028, the city plans to ban short-term tourist rentals in a bid to tackle soaring housing costs and make apartments more accessible to residents.

This move targets over 10,000 existing short-term rental licences, aiming to curb the trend blamed for a decade of rising rents and property prices. The

Barcelona to ban short-term rentals

city hopes this will free up housing options for locals who have struggled to find affordable housing.

While hotels are expected to benefit from the reduced competition, opponents of the ban, like Apartur, a tourist apartment association, fear negative consequences. They express concerns about potential job losses, increased po-

verty, and a surge in illegal rentals. This decision reflects a growing tension in popular tourist destinations. Barcelona has already been tightening regulations on new tourist apartments and tackling illegal ones. The city is attempting to strike a balance between the economic benefits of tourism and the well-being of its residents.

Barcelona is taking drastic action to facilitate more affordable housing for residents.

Quirky Belgian Laws

BELGIUM, a country known for its rich his tory and cultural di versity, also boasts some of the most unusual laws you might ever come across. From bizarre bans to peculiar permissions, these laws paint a fascinating picture of Belgian legal idiosyncrasies.

Firstly, hosting a home poker game could land you in trouble as gambling is illegal in such settings. Meanwhile, night-time police raids are prohibited, ensuring peace after dark. In a surprising twist, a specific rule permits driving straight into oncoming traffic under certain conditions, adding to the quirky road laws.

Dutch royals are allowed on the Belgian throne, maintaining a clear separation between neighbouring monarchies. Surprisingly, personal possession of cannabis is allowed, reflecting a more lenient stance on recreational drug use.

The Belgian flag itself is deemed unconstitutional by law, a rare oddity in national symbols. Also, no

Historical ties linger as the Belgian King retains the power to mobilise troops in the independent Congo, harking back to colonial times. The GAS

laws impose strict bans on certain civil and social behaviours, while dogs and oxen are legally permitted to propel army vehicles, highlighting an old-world charm.

Farm laws allow residents to keep their last cow, pig, goats, sheep, and chickens, ensuring sustenance. Interestingly, only the elderly, disabled, women, and children can gather leftover crops, reflecting archaic social structures. Wives possess the unique authority to sell their husbands’ commercial goods.

Some of these laws result from mistranslations, while others have been recently abolished. Nevertheless, they offer a quirky glimpse into Belgium’s legal landscape, blending the bizarre with the historical.


Primark in Portugal

PRIMARK, the budget clothing retailer, announced a massive €40 million investment to expand in Portugal. This news coincides with Primark celebrating its 15th anniversary in the country.

“We’re thrilled to share our investment plan and enter four new cities,” said Nelson Ribeiro, Head of Sales at Primark Portugal, during a recent press presentation. The expansion plan includes four brand new stores in Guimaraes, Viseu, Covilha, and Montijo. Additionally, Primark is completing the expansion of its popular Colombo store in Lisbon, o ering shoppers an even larger space lled with clothing, homeware essentials, and beauty products at a ordable prices.

The new stores, ranging from 1,630 to 2,460 square metres, will be strategically located in popular shopping centres and retail parks. The Montijo store, opening later this year at Alegro Montijo, is already accepting applications, with recruitment for other stores expected to begin in the coming months.

This expansion is expected to create over 500 new jobs, adding to Primark’s existing workforce of more than 1,700 employees across Portugal. Primark is known for its diverse workforce, employing people from over 11 nationalities. With 10 existing stores and four new ones on the horizon, Primark is poised to become even more prominent.

Firework fools

THIRTEEN people who let off fireworks from their yacht began a forest fire on Hydra, an island near Athens.

The boat’s occupants, who are all Greek citizens, reportedly tried to stem the blaze which began late on the night of June 21 but fled once it was obvious that the fire was out of control.

Giorgos Koukoudakis, Hydra mayor, said he was “outraged”, and would take legal action against the “irresponsible” people who had devastated Hydra’s only pine forest.

In an interview with Greece’s public broadcaster, ERT, Koukoudakis also called on the authorities to designate fire-free zones and to create more firebreaks and roads through forests.

Hydra’s fire brigade explained on social media that the pine forest’s inaccessibility had pre-

vented them from reaching the area by land. Instead, they had to get the flames under control from the beach, while helicopters helped to douse the fire from the air.

Following a mild winter and temperatures that reached 44 degrees in some areas in mid-June, fire is an ever-present risk.

Officials said 64 forest and brush fires broke out in Greece in the 24 hours between late on June 21 and June 22. High temperatures and strong winds

complicated the task of controlling them, with a volunteer firefighter losing his life in Ilia on the Peloponnese peninsula on June 21. In a bid to eradicate negligence, human error and arson, the government has introduced fines of up to €200,000 and prison terms of up to 20 years.

Arson is an ever-present problem, and at least 79 people were arrested in Greece in August 2023, charged with provoking destructive fires.

Primark makes fashion and home-ware affordable.
HYDRA, GREECE: Pine forest destroyed by stray fireworks.

Fizzy to flat

GERMANY is considering implementing a sugar tax on soft drinks, inspired by the UK’s successful initiative.

This proposal, originally put forth by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, has gained support from nine states: Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Lower Saxony, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saxony, Thuringia, Saarland, and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

However, it has also sparked con ict between di erent levels of government.

The UK experience, where a sugar tax was linked to preventing thousands of childhood obesity cases within ve years according to studies from the University of Cambridge, serves as a model for Germany.

Public health con-

Sugar tax to be introduced on soft drinks.

cerns like obesity and diabetes are driving the proposal.

Previous voluntary agreements with beverage manufacturers to reduce sugar content have had limited success, leading to this shift toward a direct tax approach.

Economic studies, such as those from the Technical University of Munich, suggest signi cant bene ts from

a sugary drinks tax in Germany, estimating potential savings of up to €16 billion over 20 years. Advocates, including Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, argue that any additional revenue generated should be reinvested in promoting healthier diets, potentially through subsidies like reduced VAT on fresh fruits and vegetables.

Beach bummers

RECENT research by easyJet Holidays reveals that many Brits are increasingly irritated by various behaviours while on beach holidays.

A survey of 2,000 adults highlighted that despite 68 per cent planning to take a beach holiday this year, encounters with poor beach etiquette often spoil their relaxation.

Key annoyances include noisy portable speakers, overhead drones, seagull feeding, and social media enthusiasts staging elaborate photoshoots.

Over half of respondents

find drones intrusive, and 45 per cent blame social media for disrupting the serene beach environment.

Sunlounger reservation tactics also frustrate many, with nearly half of the respondents feeling that unoccupied loungers with towels can be claimed after just one hour.

The survey identified the top 20 beach annoyances, ranging from noisy children and littering to unruly dogs and disruptive stag or hen parties.

Despite these annoyances, many (45 per cent)

avoid confronting offenders directly, while 50 per cent would be willing to pay more for a beach holiday free from such disturbances.

Michael Whitehall, easyJet Holiday’s Beach Ranger said: “Nothing spoils a holiday faster than bad beach etiquette.

“Whether it’s shaking sand from towels everywhere or treating the beach like their own private nightclub, we’ve seen these issues all over the world.

“It’s time to put a stop to them.”

Image: Andrii Spy_k /
Beach etiquette.

What foreigners like

WITH its passionate flamenco, delicious tapas, and storied past, Spain’s culture attracts and holds on to its foreign residents.

As a result, many expats find themselves deeply connected to the unique experiences and quality of life that Spain provides.

The usual sunny climate, with an average of 3,000 hours of sunshine per year, seems to be the key factor for many expatriates and immigrants deciding to move to the country.

On the Euro Weekly News Facebook page, responses like ‘Sunshine all summer’ and ‘The weather’ were extremely popular when people were asked what they would bring from Spanish culture if they had to move back to their country of origin.

Complementing the love for summer wea-

ther is Spain’s daily rhythm, characterised by the famous siesta. Today, this tradition is embraced by many. As one reader noted, “For my part, siesta is a necessity... sunshine too.” Another added, “The relaxed culture with a glass of wine after work.”

The country’s cultural emphasis on community and healthcare also stands out. “Their flexibility and solidarity” was mentioned by some readers, reflecting the community and supportive nature of Spanish society.

Interestingly, a significant number of readers expressed a strong commitment to Spain, indicating they had no plans to return to their countries of origin. Statements like “Not going back to the UK for any reason, my life, my home is in Spain,” and “Not planning on returning to the UK! Loving living in Spain!” reveal a deep sense of belonging and contentment with their lives in the country.

SPANISH CULTURE: Walking in the sun.

UK visitors

WITH the UK’s departure from the EU, the landscape has changed, and citizens are now subject to the rules applicable to non-Schengen members.

For those visiting residents in Spain, beyond a valid passport, most other documents that may be asked for are pretty standard and include, for example, valid travel insurance or evidence of return or onward journey.

However, the UK government website stipulates that an invitation or proof of address, such as a ‘Carta de invitation’ comple-

ted by hosts, may also be required if staying with a third party, friends, or family. This o cial document was introduced as a requirement on January 1 2022. However, it would appear that many UK tourists have neglected to have it, perhaps because evidence suggests that it is rarely asked for, if at all.

For those who prefer to err on the side of caution, an o cial Letter of Invitation can only be obtained by the property owner or holder of the rental contract where the visitor will be staying. According

to the Spain Immigration Service website, the rst step is to make an appointment (cita previa) on the SEDE - Administraciones Publicas in the relevant province.

A completed invitation form and a Tasa 790 012 printed, paid, and stamped by the bank will be required. The current cost is €75.05, with a further admin fee upon collecting the o cial letter - currently €6 to €7, depending on the police station. Further details can be found on the Spanish Service Immigration website.

Beating the heat

SPAIN is gearing up for the summer, and with it comes heatwaves with temperatures which can soar above 40°C (104°F). Here are some tips to stay cool and ensure everyone’s safety during the heatwave: Drink plenty of water throughout the day, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Avoid sugary drinks and excessive alcohol, as they can dehydrate you further. During the hottest parts of the day (typically between 12pm and 4pm), stay indoors in air-conditioned spaces or find shady areas outdoors. Wear loose, lightweight, and breathable clothing made from natural fibres like cotton or linen. Light-coloured clothing reflects heat, while dark colours absorb it.

Provide ample fresh, cool water. Ensure your pets have constant access to clean water throughout the day. Avoid walks during the hottest part of the day. If you must walk your dog, choose shady paths, and keep walks short. Provide shaded areas with good ventilation for your pets to rest.

Prepare sensibly for Spain’s rising temperatures.

Regularly check in on older adults who live alone to ensure they are staying hydrated and cool. Assist them with tasks like closing curtains or blinds during the day and opening windows at night for cooler air.

By following these tips and looking out for each other, we can all navigate any heatwaves safely and comfortably.

Never leave pets unattended in parked cars. Even with the windows cracked open, the inside of a car can quickly become a deadly furnace.

Remember, even if the initial weather brings storms, the scorching temperatures are just around the corner. Be prepared!

Foreign travel advice for UK visitors to Spain.
Credit: Bradley Hook/Pexels

Couple in wrong country From China to Spain

FOLLOWING Spain’s announcement to eradicate the golden visa scheme, non-EU nationals began rushing to purchase Spanish property; many of the buyers are from China.

The golden visa is the only way for foreign, non-European nationals to obtain all the benefits of Spanish residency, without having to pay tax or permanently reside in Spain.

In China, a rise in investments in Spain has been seen ever since the government’s announ-


Long Fang, CEO of Bafre Inmobilaria, revealed to Spanish Press; “We’ve noticed growing demand,” and highlighted that Chinese buyers especially desire to obtain the golden visa, “that facilitates entry and exit when travelling for business or tourism with the family.”

The majority of Chinese buyers chose to purchase several cheaper apartments and rent them out, while others purchase industrial properties to set up

businesses. There are however, some who invest into luxury properties such as the Chinese buyer who recently bought a €975,000 chalet in Madrid.

The Foreign Ministry recently reported in the golden visas by Transparency International, that China, after Russia, had the most nationals striving for the visa.

A total of 2,712 visas were issued to Chinese nationals since 2019; of these, 99,33 per cent were through property purchases.

ANDREW GORE and his wife Victoria were in for a shock on their way to a family holiday in Spain to celebrate Andrew’s 47th birthday. The couple, from Mountain Ash, Rhondda Cynon Taf, ended up 1,500 miles away from their intended destination after being mistakenly placed on the wrong flight.

Their trip to the sunny Costa Brava was disrupted when they boarded a Ryanair flight at Bristol Airport believing they were flying to Barcelona. However, upon landing, they discovered they were in Kaunas, Lithuania, a city in Eastern Europe.

The mistake stemmed from a miscommunication during the boarding process. Andrew and Victoria, who rely on special assistance due to Andrew’s amputation and Victoria’s autism, were ushered onto the wrong plane. Despite checks by ground staff and cabin crew, the error went unnoticed until the plane touched down.

“We were told our family was definitely on the flight,” recounted Andrew Gore. “We relaxed, thinking everything was fine.” He continued, “When I woke up and saw it wasn’t Spain outside, I knew something was wrong.”


The couple described the experience as a nightmare. While Ryanair eventually rebooked them to Barcelona, it involved an overnight stay in Riga, Latvia, a 150-mile Uber ride, and a two-day wait for their luggage. “It was surreal,” said Andrew. “Our family was worried sick, and we were exhausted. Even though they got us there eventually, the stress of the situation lingers.” Both Ryanair and Bristol Airport have launched investigations into the incident.

Speaking European –

Tova Lind

AT just 19 years old, Tova Lind has already embarked on a remarkable adventure, leaving behind her homeland of Sweden to follow her passion for horses in Spain.

Talyta Franca, Class 2026, Northwest University of Qatar Fresh out of Mälardalens Ridgymnasium, with a major in agriculture and horse knowledge, Tova’s love for equestrian activities, especially show jumping, has always been a driving force in her life.

Tova’s journey to Spain began when a school friend mentioned a job opportunity that see med made for her. “She thought it would be perfect for me, and I didn’t want to spend the winter in Sweden,” Tova says.

Relocating to a new country can be an intimidating challenge for many young Europeans. For Tova, however, it was an exciting one. “At first, it was hard just having the guts to get out and do stuff,” she admits.

The language barrier remains a significant hurdle for Tova, as English is not widely spoken in her field. “In my line of work, there aren’t a lot of people who know any English, so communication has been difficult from time to time,” she says.

Making friends has been a mixed experience but although she doesn’t have family in Spain, her boss and her housemates have become like an extended family.

Looking ahead, Tova hopes to remain in Spain for the long term, but wishes to visit Sweden more frequently. “I’ve been back twice since I moved,” she says.

Andrew and Alice Gore discovered they were on the wrong flight on landing.
GOLDEN VISA: Flying from China to purchase property in Spain.
Credit: Greece-China news, Pexels
Credt: Alice Burnette/fb
Tova Lind

Is it good or bad for us? VOX Pop

AS Arti cial Intelligence (AI) is set to become a more integral part of people’s everyday lives, we asked our readers if they thought AI was good or bad for society.

Georgina Doran from Ireland, now living in Albir had this to say, “Technology is exciting and we must embrace change or we will be left behind. However, it is crucial to ensure that AI is developed and used in an ethical and responsible manner. She continued “it is like anything, everything is ok in moderation. Society creates original ideas with feelings and this is something that AI can’t achieve.”

Ingrid Moya Martinez, who moved to Benidorm from Cuba has mixed feelings about AI, “I believe AI has positive aspects for society as well as negative ones. For example, as a positive, I believe that with AI you can obtain faster and more efficient results, you can automate many processes and thus maintain more optimal and detailed control. She went on to say, “In short, it would develop technology in an extraordinary way, which leads to a fairly important disadvantage and that is that jobs would decrease considerably.”

David Van Dyke , originally from Rotterdam and now living in Albox said, “to be honest I don’t quite understand what impact it is likely to have on my life. Maybe some of the stories I read will have been created by AI, but hopefully it’s not going to be like the film The Matrix where Artificial Intelligent robots conquer the world.”

Rosalinda Garcia , who came to Spain from England at a very young age, was scathing in her views on AI, “It has been present for much longer than we know and they have told us. Little by little they are making it known to the world’s population and we no longer know what is real and what is a lie and this is dangerous to society.”

David Collada , a Cuban who has lived in Spain for more than 20 years and is a regular user of AI, feels it is good for society: “I am precisely quite immersed in this AI; I think of this technology as a revolution more like the industrial revolution or the internet revolution. It will streamline many processes, and like any revolution, at first, it will destroy many jobs, but in the long run, it will create many more.”



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Vista Casas understands the value of your time, offe ring a streamlined process to maximise your visit to Spain.

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Coming a cropper in Matera

PARKOUR enthusiasts

Team Phat damaged a building in Matera, a city in southern Italy continuously occupied since the 10th century BC.

Parkour, for the uninitiated, entails negotiating obstacles in a manmade or natural environment, usually by running, jumping, vaulting or climbing. Few local or municipal authorities encourage it, owing to the physical risks involved and potential damage to public and private property.

That is what happened in Matera in April, as shown in a video detailing the London group’s Matera mishap that was recently seen by a wider public thanks to a report by the US news channel, CNN Travel.

Devon McIntosh, one of the free-runners, mis-timed a landing as he jumped between buildings and crashed down, taking some masonry with him. After inspecting his injuries, he

and the group were relieved to find he was comparatively unharmed, but were less concerned about damage to the building.

An unseen Team Phat member suggests “hiding the evidence” and the party move off, leaving later that day for Naples.

According to the June 19 CNN Travel report, the news channel contacted Matera police for a comment and was waiting for a reply.

Team Phat will definitely not be visiting Venice where they have been banned since March 2023, after one of them jumped

into a canal.

City mayor Luigi Brugnaro later commented on X that had earned a certificate for stupidity. “We are trying to identify him to denounce him and his companion who made the stupid video for social media,” he said.

Matera has a population of 60,403 and most of its districts and habitable caves carved from the area’s soft limestone have been restored since the 1950s onwards. It has been a UNESCO Heritage Site since 1993 and is said to be the world’s third-oldest city after Aleppo and Jericho.

MATERA: Continuously inhabited since the 10th century and the world’s third-oldest city.
Photo credit: CC/Holger Uwe Schmitt


In theory

DUBLIN resident Alina Glont was accused of posing as a theory driving test candidate, enabling others to obtain licences between September 2019 and June 2021. The 42-year-old faces charges of conspiracy following an investigation launched in March 2021 by the Garda National Economic Crime Bureau (GNECB).


AN Education Inspectorate report found that a third of secondary school pupils considered that they did not belong at school or felt that they could not express themselves there. The same recently-released study found that one-10th of primary and special needs students also expressed similar sentiments.


Show’s over

THE iconic Normandie cinema in the capital’s Champs-Elysees, once famous for its gala premieres, closed its doors on June 13 after 90 years. Cinema chain UGC blamed the decision to close the Normandie on a decline in business and a ‘very steep’ rise in the rent charged by the building’s owners, the Qatari royal family.

Barcelona start

PLANS are already being made for the 2026 Tour de France bicycle race which, after years of negotiating by Barcelona City Council, will start in the Catalan capital. The choice was announced on June 18, when mayor Jaume Collboni also revealed that three stages would be held in Catalonia between July 4 and 6.


Too hot

AGRICULTURAL output fell by 1.8 per cent in 2023 owing to weather conditions affected by climate change which brought widespread flooding and wildfire last summer, Statistics Agency (Itstat) revealed. Wine and fruit production were the worst-affected with respective reductions of 17.4 and 11.2 per cent.

Not needed

MORE than 100 people have launched a collective lawsuit to fight construction of a bridge over the Messina Strait connecting Sicily and mainland Italy, arguing that it would be “unconstitutional and unfeasible” and a waste of public money. Critics also said the bridge increased the risk of mafia infiltration into the mainland.



Special brew

THE Westmalle Brewery in Kempen Abbey, one of four run by Trappist monks, opens to visitors for the first time on September 25 and 16, although the 750 available tickets sold out immediately. Westmalle’s 50 employees, supervised by the abbey community, produce an annual 120,000 litres of Extra, Double and Triple Beer.


Road closed

TROLLSTIGEN, the winding mountain road and pass that is a major tourist attraction in More og Romsdal near Mold, remained closed for several days following a rockslide that damaged a car on June 16. The popular route had already suffered various rockfalls last spring and its reopening was delayed until June 7.

No pause

NORWAY has increased controls over adoptions from abroad but will allow them to continue pending a government review into the legality and ethics of past adoptions. Although the Child Welfare Services had recommended a halt, Children and Families minister Kjersti Toppe said she saw no need for an interim pause.


Not suspicious

FIRE broke out at offices in Bagsvaerd leased by pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk, makers of weight-loss drug Wegovy. Apparently caused by gas canisters on the roof, this was the third recent blaze to affect the company’s premises although investigators have ruled out criminal activity or a link between the fires.

Going under

KING FREDERIK inaugurated the first phase of the future 18-kilometre Fehmarnbelt road and rail tunnel below the Baltic linking southern Denmark and northern Germany on June 17. Once completed in 2029, the rail crossing will cut the present 45-minute sea journey by ferry to around seven minutes by train.


In trust

A FORMER deputy bank manager from Cartaxo (Alentejo), who is now in Brazil but unlocatable by the authorities, is being tried in absentia for diverting €576,000 from clients’ accounts to his own. The six customers whose cash was siphoned off told police that they had “total confidence” in him at the time.

Flower power

UNIVERSITY OF PORTO (FCUP) researchers are investigating the possible health benefits of edible flowers, in particular carnations and pansies. They are now looking into the best way of eating them in order to maximise the benefits of what the FCUP team described as a possible “new trend in dietary patterns.”


Jab offer

THE Social Affairs and Health ministry announced that bird flu vaccines will soon be available for people considered to be at risk from the disease. Those in line for the jab include vets and staff working with poultry or fur animals, as well as those people who would be most vulnerable if they contracted avian influenza.

Big anniversary

TURKU, Finland’s oldest city, is to have a museum focusing on History and the Future to celebrate its 800th anniversary in 2029. The new museum’s design competition was won by Finnish firm, Sigge Architects, who city mayor Minna Arve said had exemplified the values of a city that always looked to the future.


Work it out

THE minimum salary for obtaining a work permit will inevitably rise after Statistics Sweden (SCB) updated the average basic salary to 35,600 kronor (€3,168) a month. As the work permit threshold is based on 80 per cent of the average wage, it will now be necessary to earn at least 28,480 kronor (€2,535) a month.

Why not me

AHMADREZA DJALALI a Swedish-Iranian doctor from the Karolinska Institute has spent 3,000 days in an Iran prison, accused of espionage. Following the recent release of two Swedish citizens in a prisoner swap, Djalali accused Sweden’s prime minister of leaving him behind and excluding him from the deal.


New angle

LUFTHANSA subsidiary, Lufthansa Technik, which maintains, repairs and overhauls civilian and commercial aircraft, hopes to get involved in providing the same services for military aircraft. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has created new business areas while boosting established companies, the parent company said.

Amazon staff

AMAZON announced a €10 billion investment supporting the expansion of its logistics network and cloud infrastructure across Germany. The online giant is also creating 4,000 new jobs and by the end of this will have 40,000 permanent employees in roles of all kinds at all levels in more than 100 German towns and cities.


Fine signs

A SURVEY by the AD newspaper and Autotrack found that fines for ignoring road signs excluding speeding and parking, had practically doubled over the past 10 years, rising from 420,000 in 2014 to 763,000 in 2024. Of these, 79,600 went to Amsterdam, followed by Rotterdam (45,600) and The Hague (27,900).

Keen to stay

A HUMPBACK whale seen swimming close to the Netherlands coast was not necessarily confused, as some animal-lovers feared. A Dolfin SOS spokesperson who saw the whale said a humpback could easily navigate shallow coastal waters and, if food was plentiful, it was likely to remain some time.

TRAPPIST BREWERY: Traditional methods and updated equipment.
Photo credit: Westmalle Brewery

Lucky clover

ACCORDING to superstition, a five-leaf clover is considered luckier than a four-leaf clover.

By that standard, Yoshiharu Watanabe, who cultivated a record-breaking 63-leaf clover, might be the luckiest person alive.

Yoshiharu, a 45-yearold resident of Nasus hiobara, Japan, has been cross-pollinating clovers (Trifolium repens L.) in his garden since 2012. “Since the number of lea ves has increased year by year, I have been aiming for the Guinness World Records title ever since,” he stated.

The previous record was set in 2009 by Shigeo Obara from Hanamaki City, Japan, with a 56-leaf clover.

Yoshiharu maintains several clover patches in his garden and explained, “Clover is a common plant found everywhere, so whenever I saw a four-leaved, five-leaved, or se-

Yoshiharu began considering breaking the world record.

“I had to triple the number of leaves to try and beat it,” he recalled. “It didn’t seem that easy, yet the leaves kept growing in numbers; I thought I might eventually be able to break it.”

ven-leaved clover near paddy fields or parks, I took it back home.

The plant is pretty strong and you don’t have to do anything to it, so I just left them, then they just prospered.”

After discovering a 20leaf clover in his garden,

Yoshiharu is thrilled to have earned the world record, expressing his joy: “People say that a four-leaved clover brings you happiness, so it would be great if this 63-leaved clover would bring surprise and pleasure to people.”

Ambassador Reception

MR HUGH ELLIOTT, the British Ambassador for the past five years, and his wife are preparing to depart for London to assume a new role in the Foreign Office. During his tenure, Mr Elliott has significantly contributed to diplomatic relations between the two countries.

A reception was held at the Ambassador’s residence in Madrid to mark the occasion and, in particular, to thank the British Community Organisations for their collaboration and support over the last five years. The gathering in the sunlit gardens, created a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Guests enjoyed a glass of something cool and refreshing, together with some delicious canapes.

It was a truly intimate affair, with around 50 invited guests, including representatives from politics, the British Consulates, and

the many charities that support the English-speaking community in Spain. Charities that included Samaritans in Spain, who were privileged to share a conversation with the Ambassador in which he divulged that he had gifted King Felipe with some jars of marmalade that he had made to mark the 10th anniversary of his reign. A gift he said “that symbolised the British-Spanish relationship that he had enjoyed over the years.”

During his heartfelt speech, the Ambassador expressed his deep appreciation for all those present, sharing he had gained a profound understanding of the diverse range of organisations established to support UK residents over the past five years. He also took a moment to commend the Consulates for their exceptional work, especially during the challenges of Brexit.

Image: Guinness Book of World Records
Breaking the record.
The British Ambassador, his wife and representatives of the Consulates.


IT’S amazing how time has flown, Punjabi Palace I at La Marquesa in, Quesada, situated at the bottom of the golf course is in its 10th year and Punjabi Palace II in Cabo Roig has recently celebrated its sixth year and both restaurants are going from strength to strength.

If you’ve not been to the La Marquesa restaurant, then you have been missing out on a treat, as the regular diners can vouch for a wonderful view of the golf course, along with a large enclosed outside terrace that is perfect for the cooler nights and opens up for a spot of al fresco dining in the summer.

Not surprisingly they are very proud to have been awarded the TripAdvisor Excellence award three times and have been culinary award winners, as well as being voted as the best Indian restaurant and a finalist in the same category.

The two Punjabi Palace restaurants are synonymous with serving up superb quality food coupled with outstanding service and a friendly atmosphere for you to enjoy your lunch or dinner. That’s why they get so many repeat customers, not

only English and Spanish but Scandinavian, Swedish, Norwegian, French, Italian and German all come back for an evening of amazing food and the wonderful atmosphere.

Both restaurants are open seven days a week from noon till 3pm when you can enjoy the popular lunchtime special for only €12.95 per person and then 6pm till late, except Tuesdays when they open at 5pm. At Punjabi Palace I the large outside terraced area is perfect for Birthdays, Parties and Weddings etc. They even cater for the younger ones and have a varied Children’s menu. There is also a takeaway service available.

You can call the restaurants on the following numbers and also make reservations via Facebook, booking is highly recommended.

Punjabi Palace I - La Marquesa Golf, Quesada Tel: 966 714 963

Punjabi Palace II - CC Lomas de Cabo Roig Tel: 865 754 972

80s & 90s fun

THE Festival of the 80s to the 90s is set to take place in Alicante on

This event is part of the larger ‘25 Cities - 25 Festivals’ series, which celebrates retro music and culture across the globe.

The festival will be held at the Port of Alicante, from

Enjoy seven hours of nonstop entertainment, featuring live performances by singers and dancers who will bring popular hits from the 80s and 90s

The festival also includes tributes to iconic cinema soundtracks, now considered timeless anthems.

Food trucks will be on-site, offering a variety of options such as hamburgers, paninis, potatoes, popcorn, waffles, and ice cream.

A selection of drinks will also be

For those wanting to capture memories, a photocall area will be set up with props and backdrops featuring well-known characters from

Under 18s are allowed to enter for free, provided they are accom-

panied by an adult.

Tickets for the event can be purchased online via Redsys using a credit or debit card.

After completing the purchase, an email will be sent containing the tickets.

For any inquiries or additional information, participants can contact the organisers via email at info@ .

Musicals magic

MUSICAL fans are in for a treat with fabulous tunes from West End shows including Miss Saigon, Les Miserables, Blood Brothers, and more.

On Saturday, June 29, Stevie Spit & Nikki G bring their amazing Musical Night, hailed as one of the best shows around.

If you haven’t seen it before, don’t miss this incredible opportunity to enjoy all your favourite mu-


sical songs.

Tickets include a two-course meal and show for €20 or a three-course meal and show for €25.

Dinner starts at 7.00pm followed by the cabaret at 9.00pm.

The event will be held at Spanglish, Urb Las Terrazas de la Torre, Calle Fernando Alonso 1, Torre-Pacheco.

For more information, visit the bar or call (+34) 618 882 962.


GLAMOUR Glamour Fashion Shows is hosting a Pop-Up Shop at Neo’s Bar on Friday, July 5, starting at 11.00am.

Explore the latest in fashion trends and vibrant summer colours! Head over for a relaxed browse and perhaps enjoy a leisurely lunch at the bar.

Visit Neo’s Bar at Avenida Mar 82, 03187, Los Montesinos for more details.

You can also reach out via email at or by phone on (+34) 694 494 540.

Holi Party

GET ready for the Most Fun and Colourful Party of the Year: The Holi Party at Zenia Boulevard!

Starting at 7.00pm on June 30, the festivities kick off with a spectacular Bollywood parade winding through the streets, culminating at the Holi Party grounds.

Enjoy a lively Bollywood performance on stage, followed by a DJ spinning tunes to get everyone dan -


Then, at 7.30pm, brace yourself for the most colourful party of the year!

Experience an explosion of colours at the Ayuntamiento Car Park (Mare Nostrum Exit on Zenia Boulevard, near Leroy Merlin).

Tip: Wear comfortable clothing and expect to be covered in colourful magic powders!

Admission is free!

Anniversary celebrations

CASA India Restaurant Bar is celebrating its first anniversary with an evening of good food and entertainment.

Mark your calendars

for the best party of the year on June 30.

Join the celebrations at Casa India, Av. de la Constitución, 77, 30710 Los Alcázares.

Enjoy live music from Greg March, a singer and guitarist who will perform all your favourite songs.

For more information or to book your table, call (+34) 631 497 732.



LA ESTACION invites you to experience ‘Soulfully Yours’, featuring a fantastic live performance by an eight-piece soul and funk band.

Enjoy the soulful melodies of Motown classics, funky grooves, and disco hits, all accompanied by brass arrangements and vocal harmonies.

Join the fun on Sunday, June 30, for an unforgettable evening of music starting at 8.00pm.

To reserve your table, visit La Estacion at Alfredo Kraus, 2, San Fulgencio, La Marina, or contact via email at lastas hlamarina@gmail. com

You can also call La Estacion on (+34) 865 777 255.

Image: La Zenia Boulevard

Bus running

ALTHOUGH many will have heard of the Bull running of Pamplona, there is a slightly more unusual version that takes place in Torralba de Ribota (Aragon).

In the 1970s it appears that the council forgot to renew its bull running licence and therefore the local young men in particular were very disappointed.

One bright spark however worked out that the local bus could be driven at a speed similar to that of the bulls and the sport of Bus running of Torralba de Ribota was born.

It takes place in early August each year in Spain as part of the San Felix Festival and at first those organising the festival were a bit embarrassed to include it in the list of activities, but

now it has found an audience and has become almost a rite of passage for local teenagers, male and female.

At 8am on the penultimate day of the festival, those taking part gather by the municipal pavilion and wait to hear the sound of the motor approaching, then as it arrives, hesitating until the last moment, they take off sprinting approximately 300 metres down the road with the bus on their tails. It’s all good fun, no-one gets gored (or run over) and the bus isn’t subject to any stress unlike the bulls in the streets of Pamplona.

So, slightly out of breath but delighted by their success in keeping ahead of the bus, the 50 or so youngsters taking part are then ready for the rest of the San Felix festivities.

Credit: Tourism Torralba de Ribota
Waiting for the run to start.



Election holdup

THE Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), which was scheduled to publish the findings of its review into the “debanking” of politicallyexposed persons (PEPs) by the end of June, will not do so until July. “We do not think it is appropriate to publish the review during the pre-election period,” the City watchdog said.

Think again

THE International Monetary Fund (FMI) warned Spain that the windfall tax on banks, and energy companies introduced during the cost-of-living crisis, should be “limited and temporary” or, if permanent “designed to minimise possible distortions.” The tax could also “discourage investment”, which was already weak, the FMI said.

New owner



Lansdown announced that it was ready to “unanimously recommend” its £5.4 billion (€6.4 billion) takeover bid by a consortium headed by the CVC private equity group. The London company has now extended the deadline for the consortium to make a firm offer by July 19.

Going public

FAMILY-OWNED, Barcelonabased bakery company Europastry plans to go public by listing on the Spanish stock exchange and putting 25 per cent of its shares on the market. The IPO offer will include new shares valued at around €225 million as well as existing shares, with the Galles family retaining control of the company.

Asda dip

ASDA was the only major supermarket in the UK to experience a decline during the 12 weeks ending on June 9, with a 4 per cent drop-off in sales. The market share of the chain owned by Mohsin Issa fell from 13.7 per during the same period in 2023 to 12.8 per cent this year.


market value for Banco Santander allows the Spain-based bank to overtake BNP Paribas (€66.88 billion) as the EU’s largest bank by capitalisation.

Back on top

THE London Stock Exchange (LSE) has regained its traditional ranking as the largest and most valuable in Europe.

In 2016, for instance, the LSE was worth $1.4 trillion (€1.3 trillion) more than Euronext Paris but was overtaken in 2022. That was partly due to the chaos caused by short-lived PM Liz Truss’s mini-Budget, allied to a weak pound, the spectre of recession and Brexit.

Now the LSE is back on top with listed companies worth $3.18 trillion (approximately €2.95 trillion) compared with the French market’s $3.13 tri-

llion (€2.9 trillion).

According to valuations based on Bloomberg data, London and Paris are still neck-andneck, but City experts called the latest figures “a milestone.”

They pointed out that

CHINA responded to EU tariffs on its electric vehicles (EVs) with an investigation into pork imports.

The country’s Commerce ministry announced on June 17 that it was launching an anti-dumping enquiry into imports of European pork and pork byproducts following complaints from its own producers.

Spain, which exports an annual €1.4 billion of pork to China, stands to lose most in a future crackdown, followed by the Netherlands which exports €560 million each year, Denmark (€513 million) and France (€260 million).

The probe will take 12 months to

Telecoms deal

VODAFONE GROUP raised €1.7 billion after selling 18 per cent of its stake in Indian telecoms infrastructure company, Indus Towers.

The Newbury-headquartered company had initially intended to sell 10 per cent of its 21.5 per cent Indus Towers holding but finally sold 484.7 million shares owing to robust demand from investors.

Funds raised would go towards “significant” repayments against an outstanding €1.8 billion in loans secured against Vodafone’s Indian assets.

the French market was tumbling owing to the uncertainty surrounding the snap generation election that a rattled President Emmanuel Macron called in the wake of the June 9 European elections.

As a result, the market

Pig of a

Follow-up thumbs-up

capitalisation of French companies fell by $258 billion (€340 billion), allowing London to regain pole position. Shares in Societe Generale and BNP Paribas have fallen by around 7 per cent, while France’s CAC 40 share index experienced its sharpest weekly fall since 2022.

Despite a number of companies that have chosen to list in the US, and others rumoured to be on the point of doing so, the “demise” of London’s stock market had been “massively overstated”, according to UK Chancellor Jeremy Hunt.


complete although this could be extended by a further six months if necessary, the ministry said, accusing Europe’s pork industry of creating over-capacity and benefiting from large subsidies.

The allegation mirrors the EU’s recent decision to impose additional tariffs of up to 38 per cent on China’s EVs. This “unfair” state support makes European EVs a less economically attractive option, Brussels maintains.

Another Ortega

MONEYVAL, set up in 1997 by the Council of Europe, ensures that member states are using effective systems to counter money laundering and terrorist financing,

Moneyval’s follow-up report on Gibraltar has placed it in the top 11 of the global network’s most compliant jurisdictions, with all 40 of the European Union’s recommendations rated as either Fully or Largely Compliant.

“Moneyval’s report, and our position with respect to the ratings achieved, are more evidence as to Gibraltar’s compliance in these areas when measured against the most stringent international standards,” Justice, Trade and Industry minister Nigel Feetham said.

“I am grateful for the continued work from all our stakeholders in this regard.”

TAYLOR SWIFT’S Eras Tour will boost the UK economy by around £1 billion (€1.18 billion) Barclays bank said. Its Swiftonomics report estimated that 1.2 million fans would each spend around £848 (€1,003.61) on tickets, travel, accommodation and merchandise to see Swift’s 15 UK performances this summer. This multiplied by 12 the amount usually spent on a night out, Barclays said.

“Swift’s supporters have such a strong connection to her that the desire to spend becomes even more powerful,” Peter Brooks, a Barclays’ behavioural scientist, said.

IAG, owner of British Airways, Iberia and Aer Lingus amongst other airlines, wants full control of Air Europa.

It now has offered Spanish tourism company Globalia €400 million for the 80 per cent that IAG does not already own and is willing to divest 52 per cent of Air Europa’s routes instead of the 40 per cent originally offered.

Brussels, which fears that the IAG takeover would create a monopoly, especially on routes to Latin America, said it would announce its decision on August 20.

SANDRA ORTEGA, Spain’s richest woman and elder daughter of Zara founder Amancio Ortega, must pay her former wealth manager Jose Leyte €1.6 million.

Galicia’s Upper Court of Justice reversed an earlier decision after Ortega sacked Leyte in November 2020, alleging “loss of confidence.” Leyte, who claimed a severance package of €1.6 million, was an executive and not a salaried employee, the court ruled, and the dismissal was in line with his contract.

Leyte’s November 2022 appeal was accepted, the earlier ruling was cancelled and a new hearing scheduled for May 2024, although its finding have only just been made public.

THE makers of the late Queen’s favourite marmalade has reported its first-ever loss owing to rising energy and raw materials costs. Wilkin & Sons, the owners of Tiptree Marmalade, blamed “practically all” of the company’s money problems on rocketing energy costs. These have increased the price of everything from ingredients and glass jars to packaging, company chairman Walter Scott said.

The company posted losses of £1.8 million (€2.13 million) compared with a £1.1 million (€1.3 million) in 2022, Scott revealed.

EURONEXT PARIS: French stock exchange overtaken by London
Photo credit: CC/Thomon
Photo credit : Pixabay/Mutinka RETALIATION: China investigating EU pork dumping claims.

4.459,0 4.391,0 718,72K

3.180,00 3.086,00 1,21M


Special offer

SAINSBURY’S will pay NatWest £125 million (€148 million) to take on the supermarket chain’s banking business with approximately one million customer accounts. The deal does not include the Sainsbury Bank’s brand, its cash machines, insurance or travel money divisions.

Drink up

IDILIA FOODS, owner of ColaCao drinking chocolate and Nocilla chocolate spread, is buying a 50 per cent stake in milkshake brand Cacaolat from the Damm beer company. No mention was made of the sums involved although the two companies will jointly manage Cacaolat.

Telegraph in trouble

THE Telegraph Media Group has lost £278 million (€329 million) in loans to the Barclay family.

The subsidiary of Jersey-registered Press Holdings, owned by Frederick Barclay, admitted these would probably never be repaid and had put the company £245 million (€290 million) in the red last year.

The future of the Telegraph and Spectator titles has been unclear since

June 2023 when they were seized by Lloyds bank after the Barclay family fai-

led to settle its £1.16 billion (€1.37 billion) debts. These were paid by a

Ferrovial is flying high

SPANISH company Ferrovial owns a 51 per cent stake in the New Terminal

One (NTO) consortium contracted to build and operate the new terminal at New York’s JFK airport.

Seven airlines - Air France, KLM, Etihad Airways, LOT Polish Airlines, Korean Air, EVA Airways and Air Serbia - have already signed agreements with NTO and will be using the new

terminal when the first phase opens in 2026. Although the project will not be completed until 2029, the consortium is now seeking tenants for the duty-free area, shops and restaurants.

In the meantime, Ferrovial announced on June 14 that it was selling 19.25 per cent of its London-Heathrow holding for £1.67 billion (€1.98 billion).

UAE-backed consortium whose hopes of buying the group foundered after UK government proposed a law banning foreign states or government officials from acquiring direct stakes in newspaper assets.

The Telegraph revealed on June 19 that attempts to trace the money via companies controlled by the Barclay family had not brought results and HMRC and the National Crime Agency had been in touch with the Telegraph Media Group.

The newspaper added that the Barclays had declined to comment and investigators had not revealed whether there would be an enquiry.

At the same time, turnover increased by 5 per cent to £268 million (€317.2 million) last year thanks to increased digital subscriptions and digital advertising.

Down again

INFLATION in the UK last May slowed to the Bank of England’s 2 per cent target for the first time since 2021, down from 2.3 per cent in April, the Office for National Statistics announced. Core inflation, which does not include volatile items like food, alcohol, tobacco and energy, fell from 3.9 per cent to 3.5 per cent.

Not yet

TENDAM, which owns Cortefiel, Women’s Secret and other labels, has dropped plans for an imminent listing on Spain’s stock market and will wait until after the summer. The company aimed for a market value of €2.5 billion but sources quoted in Spain’s financial media hinted that potential investors were not overly-interested in the offer.

Photo credit: Flickr/Ian McWilliams
TELEGRAPH: Increased turnover, but in the red.

Prepare for the worst



ONE of the lessons I have learned in life is that it is generally more advantageous to prepare for the worst. In my younger days, I was an avid flower child. I truly believed that love and peace was the answer to all our human shortcomings. (And still do.)

Unfortunately, I was rudely awakened by the fact that not everyone followed the same ideals. As reality slowly set in, and the rose coloured glasses subsequently misted up, I begun to realise that metaphorically, if I attempted to offer a bunch of flowers to an adversary bearing a Kalashnikov rifle, the one who walked away from the encounter would not be me!

Survival in the real world meant reluctantly discarding the floral specs and facing up to a future full of uncertainties. Twenty-five years ago I wrote that if the West didn’t curb the unchecked immigration from the Middle East, in a few years it would be too late. You should have heard the ridicule I received for that particu-

lar prediction, mainly from the mere handful of readers who consider my views reflect that of an elderly bigoted racist and are always inclined to shout the loudest. Well so be it. I simply cannot let this week pass by without a mention of a subject glaringly prominent on social media. A heart wrenching topic that has attracted thousands of comments from the ladies of Western society, but naturally received no mention whatsoever from the leftie woke controlled media.

The truth of the matter is that the ladies, particularly those who reside in the big UK cities, are becoming frightened to even walk down the street. Everywhere they go they are catcalled, followed and insulted by sexist comments from large numbers of men who now congregate in our towns and cities. Young men, none of whom, according to one extremely perturbed Lady, are of British nationality. Well of course they’re not.

The majority of these young immigrants hail from Islamic societies who consider any female not clad from head to foot, a loose woman. Sex objects to ridicule, insult (and possibly attack) with impunity. Never

forget this old ‘bigot’ resided in an Islamic country for eight years and can tell you that all of their women are considered second or third class citizens. Almost unbelievably these men, who are endangering and insulting the Western female, are those who the woke brigade want to integrate into a happily diverse and peaceful Western society! Ha, gimme a break. The truth of the matter is that these male immigrants and their ancestors have followed the Islamic teachings for thousands of years and it will NEVER happen. They actually want us to integrate into their culture and are hell bent and utterly supported by their peers in the quest.

When is the West going to wake up and drum out the woke imbeciles who are endeavouring to control our societies and will ultimately provoke utter disaster?

Let’s hope the ol boy’s majority of readers see fit to reply to this piece and not leave it to the leftie minority to once again voice their utterly unwelcome and immature reactions.

Keep the faith

Love Leapy

Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

What’s in a name

THE sharp-eyed and sharp-eared will have noticed that official announcements during the Euro 2024 football tournament refer to the Netherlands, not Holand.

Although many English-speakers still tend to use either or both of the names without giving the matter much thought, North Holland and South Holland are only two of the Netherlands’ 12 provinces.

It is also true however, that at one point Holland was more dominant as it was once the largest contributor to the overall economy and wealth of the Netherlands.

The country’s formal, official name is now Kingdom of the Netherlands and from January 1, 2020, the Dutch government announced that it would refer to itself only as the Netherlands, and not Holland.

Dutch companies and the Tourist Board followed suit and also agreed to stick to the Netherlands term, together with new logos incorporating the NL letters.

Nevertheless, the Dutch national side, having been referred to as Holland in the course of so many previous championships, is still nicknamed Holland.

NETHERLANDS: ‘Holland’ still a nickname for the national side.

Cutting edge chic

THE Bixie cut, a fusion of the classic bob and pixie cut, has emerged as a trendy hairs tyle in the fashion world.

This versatile look combines the best elements of both styles, offering the chicness of a bob with the edginess of a pixie. It featu res short layers and a slight ly longer length than a traditional pixie, often accompa nied by textured ends and face-framing pieces.

Celebrities and in fluencers have

popularised the Bixie cut, making it a go to choice for those seeking a bold yet manageable hairstyle. Its adaptability suits various face shapes and hair types, allowing for customisation to enhance individual features.

The Bixie cut is not just stylish but also practical, requiring minimal maintenance while providing a fresh, youthful appearance. Whether sleek and polished or tousled and playful, the Bixie cut is perfect for anyone looking to make a modern statement with their hair.

Quick lash fix

THE latest innovation in false eyelashes is revolutionising the beauty industry is the no-glue, no-magnetic eyeliner lashes. These new lashes, often referred to as adhesive strip lashes, feature a self-adhesive band that press on directly to the lash line without the need for messy glue or magnetic liners. This design offers a hassle-free application process, making it ideal for both beginners and seasoned make-up enthusiasts.

The effectiveness of the se lashes lies in their convenience and du rability. The self-adhesive strip is typically designed to be reusable, retaining its stickiness for multiple uses with proper care. These lashes are lightweight and comfortable, providing a natural look while enhancing lash volu me and length.

These no-glue, no-magnetic eyeliner lashes are particularly favoured for their quick application and removal, reducing the risk of irritation that can be caused by traditional adhesives. As a result, they offer a practical and efficient solution for achieving stunning, voluminous lashes with minimal effort.

Stylish shades

IN recent years, more men are embracing hair colouring as a form of self-expression and personal style. This trend reflects a broader shift in societal attitudes, where traditional gender norms around beauty and grooming are evolving. From subtle highlights to bold, vibrant shades, men are experimenting with a wide range of colours to enhance their appea rance or make a state ment.

Celebrities and influen cers have played a signifi cant role in normalising this trend, showcasing diverse and dynamic looks that ins pire their followers. Moreover, the rise of high-quality, ma le-friendly hair colouring products has made it easier for men to achieve profes sional results at home.

Hair colouring can cover greys, add depth and dimension, or simply provide a refreshing change. For many men, it’s about more than just aesthetics; it’s a way to boost confidence and express

Beauty roller rave

Healthy heat

CHOOSING the right oil for cooking is crucial for both flavour and health benefits. Among the healthiest options, olive oil stands out, particularly extra virgin olive oil, which is rich in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants.

SKIN rollers have become an essential addition to many skincare routines, offering a variety of benefits and types to address different skin needs. These handheld tools, featuring roller heads with tiny needles or smooth surfaces, enhance skin health and appearance.

One popular type is the derma roller, equipped with micro-needles that create tiny punctures in the skin. This stimulates collagen production, reducing fine lines, scars, and hyperpigmentation. Derma rollers come in various needle lengths for different skin concerns. Shorter needles are ideal for delicate facial areas, while longer needles suit thicker skin on the body.

Another type is the jade roller, known for its smooth, cool surface. Typically made from jade or other gemstones, this roller reduces puffiness, improves blood circulation, and enhances lymphatic drainage. Jade rollers also help with better absorption of skincare products when used after applying serums or moisturisers.

Lastly, the ice roller features a gel-filled roller head that can be chilled in the freezer. This type soothes irritated skin, reduces redness, and provides a refreshing, tightening effect.

Incorporating skin rollers into your routine can improve skin texture making them a valuable tool in modern skincare.

Coconut oil is another popular choice, known for its high content of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) that can boost metabolism and provide quick energy.

Avocado oil is lauded for its high smoke point and beneficial fats. It is packed with oleic acid, a heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, and vitamin E, which supports skin health.

Canola oil is often recommended for its low saturated fat content and a good balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, contributing to heart health.

Vivalia Travel and Costa Cruises: A Partnership for Unforgettable Vacations

IN a world where excellence in travel is paramount, Vivalia Travel and Costa Cruises have forged an exemplary partnership, offering travellers from Torrevieja and surrounding areas unparalleled experiences at sea. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Vivalia Travel has established itself as a trusted travel agency, always by the side of its clients, ensuring that every journey is a memorable and trouble-free experience.

The alliance between Vivalia Travel and Costa Cruises has been synonymous with success, thanks to the constant support from Costa Cruises, which provides us with the best prices in the region and recognises our dedication with awards for our commercial efforts. This support allows us to offer exclusive promotions that our clients deeply appreciate.

The frustration starts

I NEEDED to make an appointment to see a neurologist. I have private healthcare and I am also covered by national health. So I ‘phone the Xanit - and they deserved to be named. I pressed all the right buttons - 1 for English - and hear all the automatic responses. A person answers and asks, in Spanish, what I want and I ask for an English-speaking agent. I’m told to hold, which I do, and after five minutes or so get cut off. I then tried online - didn’t work. I tried their phone App - didn’t work. All together I invested six hours of absolutely wasted time and effort.

I decided that I would not be beaten. I’d drive to the hospital, see a manager and make an official complaint, and then also try and get an appointment. I get there at 16.05, go in and ask to see a manager, and was told, by a very nice bloke, that all the managers leave at four. How can a 24-hour hospital not have a manager there at all times? It’s nuts. I told him and he agreed. I then told

him I couldn’t get the App to work and he said. ‘Yes there are always problems with it.’ Then why doesn’t someone get it fixed? He reminds me that he’s not a manager but he would see if he could get me an appointment. I explained that I also couldn’t get through on the ‘phone. ‘Oh yes’, he said, ‘the problem there is that it’s not done locally anymore. It’s done through a central office in Madrid and even though it gives you all the English options to select, there are very few English-speaking agents to help.’ He then suggested that I put in an official complaint and promptly gave me a form, which he had very close to hand. All this automated stuff is great if it works. The problem is that it doesn’t or at least it doesn’t work all the time and that’s when the frustration starts. They spend millions setting all this stuff up and then let it loose on the public. I have been told by people I know who are in this business that they know it’s not working properly and try and fix it as the problems are pointed out by us the guinea pigs. My advice is don’t let it out until it works properly.


Currently, we are excited to present an exceptional promotion: an 11-day cruise aboard the Costa Favolosa, departing from Valencia on October 19 with optional coach transport from Torrevieja Area. This unforgettable journey includes visits to magnificent ports such as Cadiz, Lisbon, Malaga, and Gibraltar, returning to Valencia. Passengers will enjoy full board, which includes breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon tea, and dinner, with the additional option of unlimited beverages throughout the 11day voyage. Some may argue that cruise offers abound and that choosing a specific option doesn’t make a big difference. However, the difference with Vivalia Travel lies in our dedication to the customer. Our two-decade-long track record has taught us to anticipate and respond to

the needs of our travellers, ensuring that every experience is perfect, from booking to return.

At Vivalia Travel, together with Costa Cruises, we are proud to announce a special promotional campaign: for every new booking, we are giving away €100 to spend on board. This offer also applies to our eight-day Christmas cruise, from December 23 to 30, departing from Barcelona. We invite all interested parties to take advantage of the best prices in the area and contact us for more information via our email info@vivaliatravel. com, phone or WhatsApp on 691 493 977, and on our social media.

Don’t miss the opportunity to experience an exceptional vacation with Vivalia Travel and Costa Cruises. Embark on an adventure you will remember for a lifetime!


Money heist mystique!

FANCY a spot of Spanish TV?

Money Heist or La Casa de Papel became a global smash hit after Netflix scooped it up in late 2017. Remember those audacious Salvador Dalí-masked robbers in red overalls, waltzing into the Royal Mint and the Bank of Spain? That was Money Heist!

The show’s creator, Álex Pina, is now revisiting its most flamboyant character, Berlin.

Ignoring the awkward fact Berlin met his end in a hail of bullets in season two, he’s bringing him back in a prequel, titled simply ‘Berlin’.

Pina admits the new series partly aims to rectify past mistakes: ‘If we’d known we’d land on Netflix, we wouldn’t have offed him!’ Berlin in the prequel remains as suave, snobbish and scheming as ever, planning a Paris heist worth €44m, all the while grumbling about wife number three.

Pina puts Money Heist’s success down to its Spanish flair and emotional depth, a breath of



fresh air in a genre often seen as cold and technical.

He reckons viewers crave something truly different, like Money Heist or the Korean sensation, Squid Game.

As he gears up for his next project - a drama about the ultra-rich surviving doomsday in luxury bunkers - Pina hints it’ll be up to the public to let him know if they want more of the Money Heist universe. Watch this space!

Nora Johnson’s 12 critically acclaimed psychological suspense crime thrillers, including the latest ‘The Couple across the Street’ (, all available online at Amazon etc. Profits to Cudeca cancer charity.

Nora’s opinions are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

Rescued Beluga whales

TWO Beluga whales were rescued from the war-torn city of Kharkiv, Ukraine and safely transported to an aquarium in Valencia.

An international coalition of marine mammal experts from Oceanogràfic de Valencia, Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, and SeaWorld coordinated the operation, according to CNN.

The Belugas, a 15-year-old male named Plombir and a 14-yearold female named Miranda, reached Valencia on Tuesday evening, June 18, in fragile health after an exhausting journey, as reported by Georgia Aquarium.

Urgent Evacuation

Kharkiv, positioned near Ukraine’s border with Russia, has endured escalating Russian attacks. The Georgia Aquarium said in a press release that the city has been facing strong threat from arti -

llery fire, “with bombs dropping within a few hundred metres of the aquarium.”

The rescue effort began on Monday June 17, involving a 12-hour drive from Kharkiv to Odesa, followed by an expedited border crossing into Moldova, facilitated by European Union officials. From Chisinau, the Moldovan capital, the whales then flew with the team to Valencia.

From War Zone to Safe Waters

Keith Yip, an animal care expert at

SeaWorld, highlighted the difficulties in ensuring the whales’ well-being during the long and risky trip.

“The Belugas’ health and safety were our top priority, and these were challenging conditions, including rough roads, rising temperatures and the inherent risks of being in an active war zone,” said Yip.

The Belugas are now receiving specialised care for their trauma from a dedicated team in Spain, with two Ukrainian caregivers helping in their transition and

Beluga and operation team in Valencia.
Credit: Georgia Aquarium

Costa del Sol Multisensory classroom • News from Our Other 6 Newspapers •

A MULTISENSORY classroom has been opened in a nursery in Mijas

It is a place where children from zero to three years old can develop their social, emotional, motor, and cognitive skills.

The classroom was inaugurated on Thursday June 20 in the Europa municipal nursery school in La Cala de Mijas.

Ana Mata, mayor of Mijas said: “Through their senses, children understand the world around them better. With this multisensory classroom, this knowledge and discovery of the environment is enhanced, as it allows them to explore new sounds, textures, images, smells... Learning is more complete and fun for them.”

The room has a corner for each sense; a visual space, an auditory corner, an olfactory corner, a sense of touch space, a gustatory space, and a proprioceptive corner. Every corner has objects and activities for each child to explore.


Inclusive summer camp

VELEZ-MALAGA has launched inclusive summer camps to tackle the social exclusion of children with special needs. These summer camps provide a safe and adapted environment for kids with Special Educational Needs (SEN), ensuring family work-life balance during the summer of 2024. Led by Deputy Mayor Jesús Pérez Atencia and Social Affairs councillor Juan García, this initiative is seen as a model for comprehensive educational diversity support.

The main goal is to include children with SEN in regular recreational activities, ensuring their well-being and personal development in a safe, structured setting. The camps will be held at CEIP Axarquia in Velez-Malaga and CEIP Antonio Checa in Torre del Mar. These locations offer a familiar setting and specialised staff to ensure everyone’s care and safety.

Activities will include playgroups and outdoor activities. Children, aged six to 18 can choose activities based on their interests.


New Netflix show

BRITISH TV presenter and actress, Amanda Holden, is in Mallorca, filming her upcoming Netflix dating show, ‘Cheaters: Unfinished Business’.

‘Cheaters: Unfinished Business’ reunites ex-couples for a chance to rekindle their romance after infidelity. Co-produced by the team behind Love Island, the show promises to explore the complexities of love and forgiveness. Holden expressed her enthusiasm about the project, calling it a ‘dream come true’ and revealing her eagerness to work with experts to help couples navigate their emotional journeys.

Speaking of unfinished business, a public spat recently erupted between Amanda and Sharon Osbourne, after Amanda jumped to Simon Cowell’s defence having heard Sharon and Louis Walsh mocking him on Celebrity Big Brother. Amanda hopes to repair the relationship.

Amanda’s signature style and infectious energy are likely to make the show a must-watch.

Costa Blanca North Global appeal

ALICANTE concluded its Hogueras festivities with record-breaking attendance and a hotel occupancy rate exceeding 93 per cent.

La Nit de la Cremà, held in the early hours of June 25, marked the end of the Bonfire celebrations, which saw over 1.5 million visitors.

The festivities also achieved full capacity in the accommodation and catering sectors, with more than a million people participating in events daily.

Cristina Cutanda, councillor for Festivals of the Alicante City Council, praised the festival’s unique global appeal, noting the historic records in hotel and restaurant occupancy.

She also highlighted the absence of significant incidents and the high artistic quality of the monuments as notable aspects of the 2024 Bonfires.

Participation in the different events held during the holidays has been massive. The streets have been packed, with records of more than a million people per day

Almeria Starved of fuel

THE only way that so-called ‘narco boats’ can cross into Spanish waters carrying cargos of drugs is if they have plenty of fuel.

An operation undertaken by the Guardia Civil and the Spanish Tax Agency which has lasted for nearly a year has finally closed one major ‘pipeline’ in Almeria.

Some 50 people known to be members of the ‘Clan de los Lateros’ have been arrested and the entire platform for fuel supply for illicit traffic along the Mediterranean is considered dismantled.

The headquarters of the fuel suppliers was identified as being in Puente del Río, Adra and after the long investigation was complete, officers swooped and seized firearms, €700,000 in cash, expensive cars, a fuel tanker and some 25 boats as well as 40,000 litres of fuel.

Amazingly, one of the leaders of the illegal operation was actually in prison and issued encrypted instructions over a mobile phone that he hid in his prison cell.

Costa Calida Ladies Day

MABS Mazarron, a non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting cancer patients and their loved ones, celebrated a successful Ladies’ Day event on June 21. The event, held to raise funds for their cause, surpassed expectations by collecting over €800. The highlight of the day was a vibrant fashion show organised by MABS Mazarron, showcasing local style and creativity. Attendees also participated enthusiastically in a raffle, with prizes generously donated by local businesses. The atmosphere was further enhanced by a heartfelt performance from The Harlequin Choir, adding a musical touch to the occasion.

Funds raised during the event will contribute directly to MABS Mazarron’s mission of providing practical assistance and emotional support to people affected by cancer in the community. The organisation expressed gratitude to all participants, volunteers, and sponsors whose contributions made the day a remarkable success.


Doggy discomfort

YOUR dog or cat pressing their head against a wall is not a laughing matter, it more than likely needs your help.

It may look like your pup is being told off or performing a party trick, but the reality is that it is probably due to something more sinister.

They are trying to relieve the pressure from their head and an urgent trip to the vet is what is needed to relieve the poor animal from its pain.

Many conditions could lead your pet to adopt this unusual behaviour, but it is usually due to some form of neurological disorder: Head trauma from a fall or a car accident can result in brain bleeding.

Salt imbalances are one of the reasons; dogs require a high level of salt to function and a lack of this leads to the swelling

of cells, including brain cells.Your pet can suffer from human conditions including brain tumours and strokes.

According to South East Veterinary Neurology, “Out of all the neurological problems that affect dogs, especially older dogs, brain tumours are one of the most common.”

Lead poisoning or other toxins can also prompt this kind of pain relief method.

And finally, rabies and parasites are common reasons for your doggy’s discomfort.

The majority of these conditions do have cures, but only if caught and treated with enough time.

These problems tend to be accompanied by other symptoms therefore any behaviour that you consider out of character is worth checking out with your vet.

Cats can learn tricks too

CONTRARY to popular belief, cats can learn tricks just like dogs. While felines are often seen as more independent and less trainable, with the right approach and patience, they can perform a variety of tricks, enhancing their mental stimulation and bond with their owners. Training a cat requires understanding their motivations. Unlike dogs, cats are not as driven by praise but can be highly motivated by treats and play. Clicker training is an effective method, using a clicker to mark desired

behaviours followed by a reward. Start with simple tricks like ‘sit’ or ‘high five’, gradually moving to more complex tasks as your cat becomes more comfortable. Consistency and short, positive training sessions are key. Keep sessions brief to maintain your cat’s interest and always end on a positive note. Training not only teaches tricks but also helps build a stronger relationship between you and your feline friend, proving that cats are just as capable of learning as their canine counterparts.

I, like our HouseSitMatch pet-sitters, love animals

IT may surprise you to learn that even as the founder of the House SitMatch network I love animals and pet-sitting too. We travel so much for our work that keeping pets at home is not fair. So I, like our house-sitting animal lovers, get my fix by house and pet-sitting through our network.

By joining a house-sitting platform like HouseSitMatch we facilitate an old fashioned barter exchange where a pet owner provides the sitter with free accommodation and the sitter cares for the pets and property with due care and attention.

Plus HouseSitMatch saves money as the pet-sitting is free!

If you use you find free checked pet-sitters who pay their way to stay in your home caring for your pets in your absence. It’s an arrangement facilitated by a managed online system. Our house and pet-sitting works as an exchange of services - free accommodation for free pet care!

HouseSitMatch is safe - all members are checked


2. Choose a Premium account (£89 pa) to ensure you get help online.

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All pets benefit from staying at home, so their routines are undisturbed. Choose Housesitmatch. com for affordable travel, home and pet care and peace of mind. If you’re travelling in 2024 join now and get organised today: 1. Register as a homeowner

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My neighbours tell us Harry had plenty of walks…

Sherel and John looked after Harry early April. They sent photos and mails to inform us how he was getting on. My neighbours tell us Harry had plenty of walks. Sherel and John are very nice people, and we highly recommend them as excellent sitters. Tom C - Homeowner in Mojacar, Spain

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Lamia the founder loves animals too.



J & J PAINTERS. Insideoutside - clean - fast - low cost. Torrevieja - Orihuela Costa and surrounding areas. Tel: 650 363 159 (304595)


PRIVATE collector will buy your Gold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel - 678 716 693 (288662)

OVER 400 DVD’s for sale. As new. €300 ONO. 0044 7971 459588 (WhatsApp) (305596)


LOOKING for silent partner in private care home, near Alicante.50k buy in, 50 %. 20 k net per year return. Call 747 4382 25. (305759)


PRIVATE CARE HOME Full Board and Care. Also, Dementia care. British Owned near Alicante. Luxurious Villa. €1,200 per month. Call 747 438 225 (305685)




Drinking to excess not only affects your health it can spill over into every other aspect of your life - damaging

everything that is important to you. English-speaking AA meetings are held throughout the Costa Blanca from Valencia City to Murcia. Anyone wishing to attend a meeting or discuss a possible drinking problem contact Costa Blanca North: 648 169 045 or Costa Blanca South: 625 912 078 or Costa Calida 679 385 105 All calls are treated in the strictest confidence. AA in German: 645 456 075; Spanish: 679 212 535; Flemish: 635 047 053; and Scandinavian: 659 779 222. www. (93323)

CAMPELLO CONTRA CANCER in conjunction with AECC Association Español Contra Cancer. Please support your local Cancer charity and if you wish to obtain literature or simply talk to someone. Please contact Mina or Trisha. Tel 650 071 278 or 610 921 413 e-mail aecc_ (95475)

CANCER SUPPORT GROUP (MABS) MURCIA/MAR MENOR Help and support is just a phone call away, Avda Rio Nalón, Tel: 693 275 779 (95462)

CHURCH SERVICE IN ENGLISH Tel: 950 617 549 (10006)

FREEMASONRY Are you aware that Freemasonry is thriving on the Costa Blanca? There are various Lodges meeting up throughout the Valencia region. If you already are a Mason or simply wish to know more about Freemasonry in Spain please contact  sec@  Tel 600 841 064 (95477)

HELP VEGA BAJA. We are a non-profit making organisation that helps and supports anyone, without prejudice, in times of need or crisis within the Vega Baja area. Our offices are based in San Miguel at Calle Lope de Vega 46 (Tel 966 723 733), Torrevieja at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia 4 (Tel 965 704 282). We are online at www. and also on Facebook. You can email the San Miguel Centre at We also have a 24-hour Emergency helpline which is available to both members and non-members on 966 723 733 (95456)


Calle Beniajan 16, Torrevieja 03185, Alicante Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday morning Services at 11.00am. All nationalities welcome - Contact 966 752 543 / 966 799 273. For other church matters phone: 966 799 273 / /617 215 463 (95476)

LA SIESTA EVANGELICAL CHURCH on Urbanisation La Siesta, Torrevieja is a friendly, English-speaking church. For more information, including details of our services, see our website www.lasies (10005)

PHILIP SCOTT LODGE No 10671 of the RAOB. Please call the secretary, Colin Bird on 693 287 614 for further information. (95459)

PILAR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH. All welcome from any church background or none. For further information, www. Reg No: 2009-SG/A (95463)

ROYAL Air Force Association

Costa Blanca Registered Members Group:  The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the Royal Air Force Association and the RMG can be made via the RAFA website uk . Tel:0044 800 018 2361. (238593)


- Why not make this year the year you volunteer? See how you can help either as a caseworker (with full training) or as a Telephone Buddy. We also

visit beneficiaries who are housebound or in hospital. If you feel you could support us here in Spain, and you have a Spanish phone number then why not email us for more info tbuddyhhvisits@gmail. com. If you or your partner served or are serving, and you feel you need help or support then contact us using the details on the card, we are here for the small things as well as the big, sometimes talking to someone is the first step to feeling more in control. It can be a personal need or some help with your home or information on what or who to speak to on a medical issue, we help with signposting if we cannot help directly, just call and have a chat with Pam who will try to guide you to where you need to be. If you would like to go to a branch meeting then find your nearest one at, http:// uk/branches/orihuela-costa - covering from Punta Prima to San Javier. More info can be found on branch website (95457)

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Gran Alacant & La Marina Branch. For info, contact the branch Secretary at granalacant.

ROYAL MARINES ASSOCIATION (Costa Blanca) The aim of the Association is to bring together not just ex Royal Marines, but ex Service personnel with an affinity to the Royal Marines. For further details contact Hon Sec P S Wilkins Tel: 966 194 158 email: inkinspain@ (10004)

THE ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION TORREVIEJA Branch (RNATB) meets throughout the year on the 1st Wednesday of each and every month at 1700. Currently this is at the Lakeview Bar & Restaurant, Calle Toledo 16, Ciudad Quesada 03170, Alicante. Or contact: The Chairman, Tony Jenkins. Email ChairmanRNATB@  Mob: +34693866709 or +4470576117222 (What’s App). The Treasurer, Carl Louden. Email carllouden@msn. com  Mob +34678518202 (What’s App). The Secretary, Steve Hemigfield. Email SecretaryRNATB@ Mob +34 711011372 (What’s App) (95455)

STROKE ASSOCIATION Spain (formally known as Torrevieja stroke support) Our aim is

to help and support stroke survivors and their carers, with rehabilitation, speech therapy, OC therapy and a very active social group. For info please contact 653 588 475 English and 620 907 474 Spanish or email  stroke supportgroup@hotmail. com , website: We are always looking for volunteers who have the skills and knowledge to support. (95473)

THE ANGLICAN CHURCH, La Fustera. For more info: contact Frank Bentley on 966 495 188. (95461)

THE BAKER Foundation Spiritual Centre Playa Flamenca. Calle Luis Gordillo, 1 Playa Flamenca Alicante 03189. You can join us on Facebook, The Baker Foundation spiritual centre. Or contact Linda Schug Tel. 606 990 665 for more details (95458)

THE PATIENCE LODGE No 2177 of the R.A.O.B Please call Secretary Dave Tonge on 688 704 091 for further information. (253807)

THE SPIRITUALIST CENTRE, Benijofar meets at Hamilton’s Bake House, 62 Calle Vicente, Blasco Ibañez, Benijofar 03178.  We hold a Sunday Sevrice at 11.30am. For further information: www. spiritualistcen Telephone 711 060 171. Email martindroute66@ . Fiscal G54713789


We are a non-profit organisation that supports people and their families with neurological diseases such as; HUNTINGTON’S, ATAXIA, MOTOR NEURONE, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS and PARKINSON’S. Our MOVERS AND SHAKERS CLUB held every Friday @ 1pm – 3pm, is a chance for members to meet up socially, for a drink and a chat on a full range of topics and to exchange ideas and information. The club is held at O’Briens Bar in El Raso, Guardamar del Segura (except July and August). For more details, contact Marion Smith on 711 008 250, or email: marion.smith@amscb., or you can find us on Facebook : fb@movers and shakers es (295976)


MR FIXIT . For all your electrical, plumbing, general & appliance & boiler repairs.

No call out charge. 698 320 434 (294864) FOR SALE/WANTED

WANTED Gold, Silver, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel678 716 693 (288662)





BATHROOM & KITCHEN Conversions Costa Blanca, contact 698 320 434. (295479)



BENEFICIAL INSURANCE SERVICES. Car, Home, Business, Travel, Life, Funeral, all insurances available. Policies in English. BEST rates, covers & service. Immediate quotes. Tel 961 129 215 / 622 275 561, (WhatsApp) or visit www.beneficialinsur for online quote. (303245)

STAY SAFE! Abbeygate Insurance Call 971 277 455 For your security www.


FRENCH, ELÉGANTE , slim, Sophie, 3 languages spoken. Experienced in a large variety of full body massages. Villamartin apartment or can travel to all areas. 693 357 526 (303965)

EXPERIENCE the best with a 1hr unique massage with Veronica. Shaving or permanent hair removal available. For appointments call 679 292 678 (303934)

MAGIC TOUCH , French, speaks 3 languages, professional masseuse, tantric. Apartment in Villamartin and home visits. Tel 693 357 526 (303833)


LADY , Playa Flamenca area, private premises, all massage services from 50€. Ana 657 603 495 (305450)

SLIM appealing lady, 46, offering a pleasant massage. Mil Palmeras. OUTCALLS ONLY. Contact leilapuss@ (303976)


GOLD & SILVER Bought & Sold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel - 678 716 693 (288662)


WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our philosophy has always been to offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 952 147 834. (200726)


MOTORHOME / Campervan wanted. Left or right hand drive. Cash waiting for right van. Tlf 650 722 905

MUSIC FOR SALE 2 brand newGrundig Hi-Fi speakers

50watt, 26 x 18cm. €25. 699 321 591 (304542)


PIANO , Keyboard, Organ, Qualified Teacher. Please call 606 984 535 (303913)


KAMAGRA Gold 100mg, Kamagra Jellies, Super Viagra & Cialis (Weekender) available. Collection or delivery. Roy - 613 584 915 (295447) tp

EDS?  We have the solution,  Kamagra pills & jells, Cialis , Sidenafil, over 7 products for men & ladies, mixed trial packs.Available by mail-order. WhatsApp or call 603 117 394


DRIVING LICENCE Exchange + Vehicle Transfer Service. No trip to tráfico, registered DGT representative. Orihuela Costa and Surrounding Area 691 961 315 victoria. (300296)


TAILOR-MADE in durable canvas, made to measure pergola covers, cushions,

sails, umbrella, spa and CAR COVERS. Mazarron based, and reaching Almeria to Costa Blanca, plus mail order.  Google: WhatsApp: 667 879 399 krugercanopies@yahoo. (290152)


EASYHORSE CARE RESCUE CENTRE. We aim to rescue HORSES. If you would like to DONATE please call 965 967 033 or sales@easyhorsecare. net or call Sue 652 021 980 (95706)

GATAMI ORGANISATION, to help kittens and cats, looking for good homes, also spaying wild cats in the community. Kittens require adoption, fully vaccinated, de-wormed, de-flead. volunteers to Tel Anna: 966 806 976 / 654 729 977 (95709)


NEEDED. By fostering an abandoned dog or spending a few hours each week on our telephone helpline, you could help save the lives of many animals. Please call: 650 304 746. For more information browse our website: www. (95708)

SPAMA GANDIA SHELTER. Dog and cat rescue registered charity, La Safor

area. 500 animals awaiting rehoming. Phone Gail 962 896 118. Visit our website for directions. www.spama. org and view our new blog at



MR FIXIT. For all your electrical,plumbing, general & appliance & boiler repairs. No call out charge. 698 320 434 (294864)



Repairs, Spares and Leak Testing. Call 865 758 056 / 676 945 360 www. (294924)


PRIVATE Investigator, Debts

Collected, Bad Tenants, Solicitor Services. 747 438 225 (305759)



POOLS. New construction only. All sizes economy to luxurious. 10 year guarantee. Call Andy 747 438 225 (300298)


Protecting personal data

WHEN selling your old car, it’s important to consider the personal data stored in the vehicle’s infotainment system. Modern cars are equipped with advanced technology that can store a significant amount of personal information, which could be accessed by the next owner if not properly erased. Here are key steps to ensure your data is protected:

Infotainment systems and other car electronics can store a variety of personal details, including:

• Phone Contacts, Navigation History, Bluetooth Pairings, App Data, Text Messages and Call Logs, Garage Door Codes.

Steps to Protect Your Data

1. Unpair Devices: Ensure all Bluetooth-connected devices are

unpaired from the car’s system.

2. Delete Personal Data: Most infotainment systems have an option to clear all personal data. Navigate through the settings menu to find and execute this function.

3. Factory Reset: Perform a factory reset on the infotainment system. This will revert the system to its original settings, erasing all personal information.

4. Remove Navigation History: Clear saved locations and navigation history from the GPS system.

5. Cancel Subscriptions: Unlink or cancel any subscriptions tied to the car’s apps or services.

6. Check Owner’s Manual: Refer to the vehicle’s owner’s manual for specific instructions on data deletion.

Additional Precautions

• Update Account Passwords: Change passwords for accounts that were accessed through the car, such as music streaming services or navigation apps.

• Remove Physical Media: Take out any USB drives or SD cards that may contain personal files.

• Professional Help: If unsure, consult with the dealership or a professional to ensure all data is completely removed. Before selling your old car, taking the time to properly erase personal data from the infotainment system is crucial to protect your privacy. By following these steps, you can ensure that your personal information does not fall into the hands of the vehicle’s next owner, safeguarding your privacy and security.

Honda Civic e:HEV - styling substance


THERE are many cars that have been in the sales lists for years, even decades. Cars such as the Fiesta, Corsa and Golf. One car that is arguably overlooked though is the Honda Civic, which celebrated its 50th anniversary two years ago. When launched back in 1972 it majored on maximum economy and minimal emissions, especially with the introduction of the CVCC engine which at the time beat all comers as far as re ducing emissions.

In the intervening half century the latest Civic e:HEV is still following the same theme. On a journey to the north of England my test car returned an impressive 4.76l per 100km/59.4 mpg even though I wasn’t trying to be a thrifty hyper miler. Unsurprisingly the one thing that has changed is the amount of technology, comfort and equipment that comes in every Civic.

The range starts from €41,436/£35,005 with three trim levels - Elegance, Sport and Advance - and power

from a 2.0-litre, four-cylinder, petrol hybrid engine. Developing 143 PS with economy, dependent upon model, ranging from 5l per 100km/56.5mpg to 4.7l per 100km/60.1mpg and CO2 at 108g/km to 113g/km. It still fulfils that original Civic aim of frugality with fuel and emissions.

Mated to two electric motors and an eCVT transmission

the hybrid system shifts between pure EV, hybrid and engine without needing any input from the driver. It senses the optimum drive mode that offers zero emissions in urban environments, to performance on more open, faster roads.

On the road it’s a quiet and refined drive with nicely weighted steering and a ride that draws a near perfect line between firmness, for better body control, yet supple enough to soak up the worst of our potholed roads.

Standard fare is generous with leadin versions having heated front seats, keyless entry and start, adaptive cruise control, Android Auto and Car Play The mid-range Sport adds such items as wireless charging and the top line Advance heated steering wheel, digital driver display and panoramic glass roof.

As one would expect from Honda the build quality is pretty near faultless and there’s a general feeling of quality throughout. Nice design touches include the honeycomb air vent across the facia.

The Civic is a car that will provide you with comfortable, reliable and well-equipped transport. It also looks the part, although styling is always subjective, and has that little bit of substance lacking in some more stylistically uniform rivals.

Barcelona sign Ellie Roebuck Beyond the norm

Talyta Franca, Class 2026, Northwestern University in Qatar

BARCELONA has signed the Manchester City goalkeeper Ellie Roebuck on a free transfer, as announced by the club’s official website on Wednesday June 19.

The 24-year-old has joined the four-time Champion’s League winners on a two-year contract after the expiration of her contract with City, which will keep her in

Spain until 2026.

During her time with the English club, Roebuck won seven domestic trophies and was part of the squad that held all three domestic titles between 2016 and 2017.

The English player also received the 2019-2020 Golden Glove award, for her performance in Manchester City’s first league title win in 2016, in addition to winning the FA Cup and League Cup three times with

the club.

Roebuck expressed her enthusiasm for the move in an interview with Barcelona’s official website: “I am very excited. I’d been waiting for this chance for a long time. I’m very happy to be here. You could say that now everything fits and this was the perfect time to come.”

She said she

is grateful for this new opportunity and that there is “nowhere better” to live this new experience than in Barcelona.

“I like to play with the ball at my feet and this is the perfect team to do that with. I enjoy possession and playing out from the back, so I hope to contribute my style,” said Roebuck.

ARE you looking to shake things up in the world of sports? Welcome to the realm of eccentric activities.

Picture a sport that blends strategy with physical prowess, Chess Boxing fits the bill perfectly.

This thrilling contest, born in Berlin in 2003, sees competitors alternating between intense boxing and rapid-fire chess rounds over 11 rounds.

It’s a test of both mental sharpness and physical endurance, with victory achievable through knockout or checkmate.

For a quirky historical twist, consider Shin Kicking.

Originating in 17th-century England as a protest against Puritanism, this unconventional pastime has evolved into a fun-filled competition.

The goal? To topple your opponent by kicking their shins the most times.

Participants even stuff hay down their trousers to soften the blows, a clever solution to potential bruises.

But why settle for mundane chores when you can make them extreme? Enter Extreme Ironing, a sport that elevates the simple act of pressing clothes to new heights.

Conceived in Leicester in 1997, Extreme Ironing adds an adrenaline rush by ironing shirts in unexpected locations.

From the busy M1 motorway to the bottom of the world’s deepest pool, enthusiasts embrace the challenge of ironing in extraordinary places.

Ellie Roebuck signs with FC Barcelona.
Credit: FC Barcelona Women X

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